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Prepared for :

1. -- INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................

i. Capacity Management

ii.Airport Capacity Management

2. -- CASE STUDY DISCUSSION ................

i. Answer For Question (A)

ii. Answer For Question (B)

iii. Answer For Question (C)

iv. Answer For Question (D)

v. Answer For Question (E)

3. -- CONCLUSION ……………………………………........

4. -- OTHER EVALUATION CRITERIA ……………………………………....................

i. Content

ii. Flow

5. REFERENCES …………………………………………………………………………..

I. Capacity Management

Capacity management consists of the planning, IT monitoring, and administration

actions undertaken to ensure that information technology resources have the capacity to
handle data processing requirements across the entire service lifecycle. The goal of
capacity planning management is to ultimately balance costs incurred against resources
required, and balance supply against demand. The capacity management procedure
concerns performance, memory, and physical space, and should cover both the operational
and development environment, including hardware, human resources, networking
equipment, peripherals, and software.

II. Airport Capacity Management

The capacity of an ATS system depends on many factors, including route structure,
aircraft using the airspace, weather, available equipment and prevailing procedures. There
is a natural drive to extend capacity so that fewer restrictions are applied to aircraft.
However, an increase in capacity should not result in reduced safety levels - the number of
aircraft being provided with ATC service should not exceed that which can be safely
handled. The maximum number of flights which can be safely accommodated is assessed
using an appropriate method and then declared to the parties concerned. This is done for
control areas (as well as the sectors within) and for aerodromes.

I. Answer for Question (a)

Implementing Capacity Management in an airport offers several advantages,

contributing to the efficient and effective operation of the airport. One of the advantages is
optimized resource utilization. Airports can maximize the utilization of resources like
runways, gates, and terminals and guarantee optimum efficiency by managing capacity
well. The next advantage is Capacity management facilitates better passenger movements
and increases satisfaction during security checks, boarding procedures, and check-in by
reducing traffic and lengthy wait times. After that, enhanced safety by keeping the airport
operating within its safety parameters, proper capacity planning lowers the possibility of
mishaps or incidents involving crowded infrastructure and facilities. Next, efficient capacity
utilization allows airports to manage costs more effectively by eliminating excessive
infrastructure and resource investments. This can help with overall financial sustainability. In
addition to promoting improved cooperation with air traffic control, capacity planning may
also successfully manage air traffic, minimizing delays and optimizing the use of airspace,
all of which benefit airports and airlines in the end. By implementing this capacity
management advantage, airports can improve their operational efficiency, provide a positive
passenger experience and ensure the sustainable growth of their facilities.

II. Answer for Question (b)

Supply and demand balancing is a management task in Capacity Management.

Capacity management is all about ensuring your resources, whether physical, human, or
technological, can handle current and future workloads efficiently. Capacity Management
entails a variety of management duties aimed at ensuring resource efficiency and meeting
demand for airport services. Among the management tasks involved in Capacity
Management are demand forecasting. Forecasting future passenger counts and aviation
traffic to determine the estimated demand for airport facilities and services. The next
management task is create strategic planning wisely. Creating long-term plans for resource
allocation, infrastructure construction, and expansion based on projected growth and
demand fluctuations. Then, Infrastructure design is one of the management tasks involved
in Capacity Management. Infrastructure design is the process of planning and designing
airport buildings, terminals, runways, and other infrastructure components to meet capacity
needs both now and in the future. After that, this management task also creates scheduling
and slot management. Scheduling and assigning arrival and departure times to maximize
runway and airspace use and avoid traffic jams. As a conclusion, these tasks collectively
contribute to a comprehensive and proactive approach to Capacity Management, ensuring
that airports function efficiently, safely, and in accordance with industry standards and laws.

III. Answer for Question (c)

Costs that will be involved in order to implement capacity management is technology

and tools.Which is by, Purchasing systems, software, or tools intended for capacity
management and planning. On the other hand is infrastructure upgrades. In order to meet
growing capacity needs, infrastructure upgrades may involve replacing outdated servers,
hardware, networking devices, or cloud services. Training and education are also a must for
any company to develop. For example, employing specialists with experience in capacity
planning and management or offering staff training. Moreover, the company also can
improve its consulting service. They can call in outside specialists or consultants to evaluate
the needs of the company and assist in putting efficient capacity management plans into
action. The next cost that the company will be facing is monitoring and analysis. They need
expenses for services, utilities, or equipment used for continual capacity management and
analysis. The process integration also included capacity management cost. Including
capacity management techniques into current workflows, which may call for departmental
cooperation and procedure modifications. The last one is risk mitigation. The company
needs to prepare a budget for unforeseen events or possible threats that could interfere
with capacity planning.
IV. Answer for Question (d)

V. Answer for Question (e)

The consequences of not implementing capacity management in an airport can have a

number of detrimental effects on the overall passenger experience as well as the
operational effectiveness of the airport. Overcrowding and congestion can be considered as
the consequence of not implementing it. In addition, Airports may become congested and
crowded in the absence of effective capacity management, particularly during rush hours.
For instance, long lines at security checkpoints, packed airports, and delays when boarding
and disembarking can result from this issue. Next, as a result of insufficient capacity
planning for outgoing and arriving planes, the airport and its passengers may experience
numerous flight delays. This is due to the airplanes needing to wait longer than needed due
to congestion at gates, taxiways, and runways can reduce overall air traffic efficiency.
Furthermore, because of the longer turnaround times, higher fuel consumption during
delays, and possible penalties for schedule interruptions, this problem may result in higher
service costs. The profitability and ticket prices for airlines that operate out of and into the
airport may then be impacted by this. Besides that, it will erode public trust in an airport that
struggles to control its capacity. This discontent may result in bad evaluations, dwindling
patronage, and harm to the airport's standing. Finally, an emphasis on safety and security is
a component of airport capacity management. Prolonged lines at security checkpoints may
reduce the efficacy of security checks and increase the danger of security breaches.
Therefore, in order to manage airport capacity effectively, airport operators must make sure
that all airport operations adhere to the applicable safety and security standards and
regulations. To conclude, the implementation of efficient capacity management is imperative
in order to sustain the seamless functioning of an airport, guarantee a satisfactory
passenger experience, and bolster the general efficacy of aviation transportation. It is an
essential component of airport operations that needs to be carefully planned, watched over,
and worked on in tandem with stakeholders. Effective airport capacity management is
becoming more and more crucial as the demand for air travel increases globally in order to
prevent the above mentioned and discussed consequences.

I. Briefly recap the main findings related to airport capacity management.

Highlight the critical aspects that emerged during your internet research.

Capacity management is the best method companies can use to maximize their
production output. Moreover, when managing their capacity properly, businesses will have a
clearer picture of how much they can achieve, produce, or sell within a specific period.One
of the most crucial benefits of capacity management is that it ensures fewer problems and
incidents related to capacity and performance. Furthermore, this process is beneficial
because it makes sure that capacity and performance are profitable. Even though
companies may experience some challenges when managing capacity, there are great
ways to overcome these problems. In this article, we covered four vital capacity
management strategies, and explained each of them in more detail. So, if your business
has some issues related to capacity, we hope that you'll find some of these strategies

I. Content: Quality of the ideas and information you include in your paper. Do
you have enough information? Is it accurate? Is it relevant?

The quality of the concepts and information contained is assessed in this report. The
content's sufficiency, accuracy, and relevancy are the main points of evaluation. The
purpose of the analysis is to shed light on the information's overall strength and possible
influence on the report's efficacy and credibility. In addition, the report addresses all of the
important aspects of the topic and offers a thorough coverage of the subject. The goals and
assertions made in the report seem to be well supported by the information provided.
Besides that, the data in this article seems to be supported by reliable sources and factually
correct. Citations and references are used appropriately to support the statements, which
adds credibility to the report. Furthermore, by presenting data that is consistent with the
reports' main idea and aim, the content shows relevance to the report's goals, thus
guaranteeing the information's applicability to changing circumstances and advancements
in the sector, while the collected data was also routinely reevaluated.

II. Flow: where the good writing comes in: coherence, grammar, spelling,
punctuation, sentence structure, paragraphing, and so forth.

Airport Management. (2023, October 21). What are some strategies and tools for airport

capacity planning and demand management? Retrieved from



Gelhausen, M., Berster, P., & Wilken, D. (2013). Do airport capacity constraints have a

serious impact on the future development of air traffic? Journal of Air Transport

Management, 28, 3–13. Retrieved from

M.Durgut. (2023, December 22). Airport Capacity Management. Aviation Related Posts,

Aviation Pioneers and Aviation Accidents. Retrived from


Capacity Management :

Airport Capacity Management:

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