Practice Test Number 21

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PART I. LISTENING (4.0 points)

SECTION 1 Question 1 – 10
Question 1 – 5 Complete the form below.
Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/ OR A NUMBER for each answer.
First name: ….. Harry……….

Last name: (1) ………………………………..

Date of birth: Day: 11th; Month: December; Year: (2) ………………………..
Type of membership: (3) ……………………………………….
Activities: Badminton and (4) ……………………………………
Payment details: Total: £450
To be paid (5) ………………………………...
Questions 6 – 10 Answer the questions below.
Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.
Lifestyle questionnaire
What exercise do you do regularly? (6) …………………………………………………..
Do you have any injuries? a (7) …………………………………..
What is your goal or target? a better (8) …………………………..
What is your occupation? a (9) ……………………………
How did you hear about the club? on (10) ………………………………..

SECTION 2 Questions 11 – 20
Questions 11 – 14 Choose the correct letter A, B or C.
11. The next event at the hotel will be a ………………
A. trade fair B. wedding C. party
12. The number of guests will be …………….
A. less than 50 B. from 50 to 100 C. more than 100
13. Guests will start arriving at ………………….
A. 7.15 B. 7.30 C. 7.45
14. The entertainment will be a …………………
A. live band B. comedian C. magician
Questions 15 – 17
Who will be responsible for the following jobs as the guests arrive?
Choose THREE answers from the box and write the correct letter, A – E, next to questions 15 – 17.
A. Susan B. Ahmed C. Gary D.Olav E.Monica
15. offer drinks to guests ………………..
16. take guests’ coats and hats ……..………….
17. show guests where to go ..………………
Questions 18 – 20 Complete the sentences below.
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
General Instructions
In order to get the guests to move to the restaurant the hotel manager will (18) ….……………….
Seating plans will be placed on each table and also in the (19) …..………………………………..
There will be a total of three (20) …………………………………………………………………..


I. Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. (1.0 point)
1. In the last hundred years, traveling ................... much easier and more comfortable.
A. has become B. became C. becomes D. will become
2. The world's biodiversity is declining at an unprecedented rate, which makes wildlife...................
A. prosperous B. prefect C. vulnerable D. remained
3. They have just found the couple and their car ................... were swept away during the heavy storm last week.
A. that B. which C. who D. when
4. John rarely sees Paul ................... they live in the same town.
A. because B. so C. but D. although
5. Many nations have laws offering protection to endangered species, such as forbidding hunting, restricting land development or
A. agencies B. awareness C. challenges D. reserves
6. None of club members came to the meeting,..................?
A. did he B. didn’t they C. did they D. didn’t he
7. You will have to ................... your holiday if you are too ill to travel.
A. call off B. cut down C. back out D. put aside
8. John asked me ................... in English.
A. what does this word mean B. what that word means
C. what did this word mean D. what that word meant
9. Mary: “I can’t thank you enough for your help.” Peter: “...................”.
A. I’d rather not. B. My pleasure. C. I don’t mind. D. My goodness.
10. His father left New York. The doctor suggested he ...................there.
A. not stayed B. won’t stay C. not stay D. not go to stay
II. Give the correct form of the words in brackets to fit in each numbered space. (2.0 points)
To ski or snowboard in Colorado is to experience the pinnacle of winter sports. The state of Colorado is known for its
spectacularscenery and (1. BREATH) …………………………..views, which inspire today's travelers as much asthey spurred on
the (2. SETTLE) …………………………..who first arrived in this part of the US overa century ago. And whether you're seeking
the outdoor adventureof a (3. LIFE) ………………………….., exciting nightlife or a great family getaway, Colorado has
everything you need.
November through April, snow conditions are (4. CONSIST) …………………………..and reliable,featuring Colorado's (5.
LEGEND) ………………………“champagne powder” snow. Extensive snow making and grooming operations always keep
trails in top shape.
The mountain destinations in the Colorado Rockies can turn yourwildest ski dreams into thrilling (6. REAL)
…………………………...There, you'll find the bestskiing and snowboarding on (7. PICTURE) …………………………..slopes,
as well as the finest skischools in the US. Together, they present an (8. PARALLEL) ……………………..….. winter paradise.And
the best part is that you'll enjoy friendly, (9. CARE) ………………………..servicein resorts that are (10. COMMIT)
……………………… to delivering the highest quality amenities.
III. Read the text below. In the following passage, each line contains one mistake. Underline and correct them. Write your
answers in the numbered spaces on the right. (1.0 point) Example: 0- a
I think the computer is such an useful invention. Take e-mail, for example. 0- a
It’s so an easy and painless way to write letters. When I was younger, I rarely 1. ……………
ever put pen to paper, no even to say ‘thank you’ for presents send by 2………..……
thoughtful relatives. They must have thought I was so ungratefully. Now, 3……..………
though, you can’t keep me away from the keyboard. I can cheerfully spend 4……..………
hours type away on my computer, all types of messages to all types of 5……..………
people. One of the worst disadvantage for me of writing by hand was always 6. ……………
the embarrass of knowing that people would be able to see and criticize my 7..……………
untidily handwriting and careless spelling. Now, thanks to the spelling check, 8………...……
I can edit that I’ve written quickly and effortless before I send it off. I just 9……...………
can’t get over how wonderfully fast everything is. 10……………
IV. Fill in each space provided in each sentence below with the correct form of one phrasal verb given in the box. Each
phrasal verb can be used ONCE only. (2.0 points)
cope with find out give off go off keep up with
look on make out put off run out of wear out
1. Those workers are in difficulty because wage increases cannot ………………………..… inflation.
2. They argued with us about the problem last night, but we could not ………………….…..the solution.
3. I think we maybe …………………………..natural resources in the future.
4. Due to industrialization, we have to ……………………………the fact that many species are in danger of extinction.
5. Let's ………………………….that meeting to next Monday.
6. A nuclear station may take risk …………………………….due to unexpected incidents.
7. The small white flowers are my favorite. They ………………………a wonderful honey smell that scents the entire garden.
8. I couldn't ………………………what he had talked about because I was not used to his accent.
9. The firefighters fought the blaze while the crowd was …………………………….it.
10. It took us over twelve hours to hike over the mountain. By the time we got back to our campsite, I was completely
PART III - READING (5/20 points)
I. Read the text below then circle one answer (A, B, C, or D) that best fits each space. (2.0 points)
People’s personalities (1) ……….. considerably from one another (2) ……….. there are no two alike. Our ingrained
characters which determine the patterns of our behavior, our reactions and temperaments are unparalleled on account of the
diversified processes that (3) ……….. our personality in the earliest stages of human development.
Some traits of character may to some (4) ……….. be hereditary simulating the attributes that (5) …………………. our
parents. Others may stem from the conditions experienced during pregnancy and infancy in this way reflecting the parents’
approach towards (6) …….. their offspring. Consequently, the environmental factor (7) ……………… a crucial role in
strengthening or eliminating (8) ………….. behavioral systems making an individual more prone to comfort to the patterns that
deserve a prize.
Undoubtedly, human personality (9) ……….. the most profound and irreversible formation during the first period of its
development, yet some characteristics may still be subject (10) ………….. considerable changes conditioned by different
circumstances and situations.
1. A. distinguish B. alter C. vary D. differentiate
2. A. however B. as C. thus D. due to
3. A. mould B. design C. conceive D. produce
4. A. scope B. area C. extent D. length
5. A. realize B. recognize C. associate D. identify
6. A. breeding B. rearing C. growing D. yielding
7. A. makes B. does C. finds D. plays
8. A. plenty B. certain C. little D. lots
9. A. underacts B. undertakes C. undergoes D. underlies
10. A. on B. of C. for D. to
II.Fill in each numbered blank with ONE suitable word. Write the words in the spaces provided. (1.0 point).
Parents whose children show a special interest in a particular sport have a difficult decision to (1)
………………..…………...about their children’s career. Should they (2)……………………….their children to train to become
top sportsmen and women? For many children it (3)……………………starting very young and school work, going out with friends
and other (4)……………………..have to take second place. It’s very difficult to explain to a young child why he or she has to train
for five hours a day, even at the weekend, when (5)………………..……of his or her friends are playing.
Another problem is of course money. In many countries money for training is (6)………..……....……from the government
for the very best young sportsmen and women. If this help cannot be given it means that it is the parents
(7)……………………….have to find the time and the money to support their child’s development – and sports clothes, transport to
competitions, special equipment etc. can all be very expensive.
Many parents are understandably worried that it is dangerous to start serious (8) ……….………………………….. in a
sport at an early age. Some doctors agree that young (9)…………...…………….may be damaged by training before they are
properly developed.
Professional trainers, however, believe that it is only by starting young that you can reach the top as a successful sports person.
What is clear is that very (10)……………….…..people reach the top and both parents and children should be prepared for failure
even after many years of training.
III. Read the following passage and circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. (2.0
Even before the turn of the century, movies began to develop in two major directions: the realistic and formalistic. Realism and
formalism are merely general, rather than absolute, terms. When used to suggest a tendency toward either polarity, such labels can
be helpful, but in the end they are still just labels. Few films are exclusively formalistic in style, and fewer yet are completely
realistic. There is also an important difference between realism and reality, although this distinction is often forgotten. Realism is a
particular style, whereas physical reality is the source of all the raw materials of film, both realistic and formalistic. Virtually all
movie directors go to the photographable world for their subject matter, but what they do with this material – how they shape and
manipulate it – determines their stylistic emphasis.
Generally speaking, realistic films attempt to reproduce the surface of concrete reality with a minimum of distortion. In
photographing objects and events, the film maker tries to suggest the copiousness of life itself. Both realist and formalist film
directors must select (and hence emphasize) certain details from the chaotic sprawl of reality. But the element of selectivity in
realistic films is less obvious. Realists, in short, try to preserve the illusion that their film word is unmanipulated, an objective
mirror of the actual world. Formalists, on the other hand, make no such pretense. They deliberately stylize and distort their raw
materials so that only the very naïve would mistake a manipulated image of an object or event for the real thing.
We rarely notice the style in a realistic movie; the artist tends to be self-effacing. Some filmmakers are more concerned with what
is being shown than how it is manipulated. The camera is used conservatively. It is essentially a recording mechanism that
reproduces the surface of tangible objects with as little commentary as possible. A high premium is placed on simplicity,
spontaneity, and directness. This is not to suggest that these movies lack artistry, however, for at its best the realistic cinema
specializes in art that conceals art.
1. What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. Acting styles B. Film plots C. Style of film making D. Filmmaking 100 years ago
2. With which of the following statements would the author be most likely to agree?
A. Realism and formalism are outdated terms.
B. Most films are neither exclusively realistic nor formalistic.
C. Realistic films are more popular than formalistic ones.
D. Formalistic films are less artistic than realistic ones.
3. The phrase “this distinction” in line 5 refers to the difference between
A. formalists and realists B. realism and reality
C. general and absolute D. physical reality and raw materials
4. Whom does the author say is primarily responsible for the style of a film?
A. The director B. The author C. The producer D. The camera operator
5. The word “preserve” in line 13 is closest in meaning to
A. encourage B. maintain C. reflect D. attain
6. The word “They” in line 14 refers to
A. films B. realists C. formalists D. raw materials
7. How can one recognize the formalist style?
A. It uses familiar images. B. It is very impersonal.
C. It obviously manipulates images D. It mirrors the actual world.
8. The word “tangible” in line 19 is closest meaning to
A. concrete B. complex C. various D. comprehensible
9. Which of the following terms is NOT used to describe realism in filmmaking?
A. simple B. spontaneous C. self-effacing D. exaggerated
10. Which of the following films would most likely use a realist style?
A. A travel documentary B. A science fiction film
C. A musical drama D. An animated cartoon
PART IV. WRITING (5/20 points)
I/ Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it has the same meaning as the first sentence, using the cues as
the beginning of each sentence. (0) has been done as an example. (1.0 point)
0. Please don’t mention it again.
I’d rather you didn’t mention it again.
1. It is more than a year since I last saw Lucy. I..................................................
2. More people live in New York than in Washington.
Not so...............................................................................................................................................
3. The rain began to fall during my walk in the country.
4. I consider that to manage to know what other people are thinking is quite impossible.
I find it..............................................................................................................................................
5. People became aware of the damage to the ozone layer when an enormous hole was discovered over the South Pole.
It was the discovery..........................................................................................................................
II. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change
the word given. You must use between three and eight words, including the word given. (1.0 point)
1. I wouldn’t have thought there’s much chance of the package being here before Friday. (DOUBT)
I before Friday.
2. Could you possibly help me with the dishes? (HAND)
You ....................................................................................with the dishes, could you?
3. Assuming everything goes according to plan, we’ll be there by six o’clock. (WRONG)
Unless something ............................................................................ later than six o’clock.
4. I’d be grateful if you could forward any email to this address. (APPRECIATE)
I’d ............................................................................ enough to forward any email to this address.
5. The doctor really should operate on him immediately. (SURGERY)
It’s high time ................................................................................................on him.
III. Write the second sentence so that it has similar meaning to the first sentence, using the words given in the brackets. The
words must not be altered in any way. (0) has been as an example. (1.0 point)
(0). I never have enough money. (SHORT) I am always short of money.
1. Everyone but Jane failed to produce the correct answer. (SUCCEEDED)
2. It’s a waste of time for you to discuss the problem with Jane. (POINT)
3. Mary said to me: “You should reduce the amount of water your family uses.” (SUGGESTED)
4. I only recognized him when he came into light. (NOT UNTIL)
5. Something must be done quickly to solve the problem of pollution. (URGENT)
Much , I don't want to socialize with him.
038. She had only just entered the house when the telephone rang. (SOONER)

No the house than the telephone rang.

039. Martha persuaded John not to go out tonight. (TALKED)

Martha out tonight.

040. I didn't believe in the explanation he gave. (WAS)

The explanation he gave belief.

041. She had four daughters. The youngest of them was her favourite. (APPLE)

She had four daughters the youngest her eye.

042. It was raining heavily, so I didn't go to school at all. (FOR)

If it rain, I would have gone to school.

043. Everybody knows that the president died in a plane crash. (KNOWLEDGE)

It is the president died in a plane crash.

044. The first pilot refused to endanger the safety of the passengers of the plane. (PUT)

The first pilot refused to the safety of the passengers of the plane.
045. I wish I had studied more for the exam. (LIKED)

I more for the exam.

046. She informed the police because she assumed he was guilty of rape. (ASSUMPTION)

She informed the police he was guilty of rape.

047. Owing to bad weather conditions, she arrived late. (DUE)

Her late bad weather conditions.

048. I haven't had such a bad cough for many years. (HAD)

Not such a bad cough.

049. Thomas never pays much attention to what his mother says. (NOTICE)

Thomas doesn't ever what his mother says.

050. But for the sea temperatures being unusually high, they would never have survived. (WOULD)

If it hadn't been for the killed.

051. I'm afraid I believed his story completely! (TAKEN)

I regret to say that I his story.

052. It's very unlikely that we will promote Ruth this year. (CHANCE)

There is very little being promoted this year.

053. I offered him the job but he refused it. (TURNED) He it down.

He it down.
054. Giovanni's unwillingness to speak causes problems with English. (HAS)

Due to the fact that Giovanni is with his English.

055. I don't mind at all if Susan records my lecture. (OBJECTION)
I have my lecture.

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