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Jesus Christ 1AD to 33AD

The question people ask is

12 ●
A prophet

The greatest teacher

Son of a campenter
Column 1

A God
Column 2
Column 3 ●
A messiah or the

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He was able to save a woman from being
murdered when caught in adultery John 8:


He silenced his opposers the pharisees
and seducees through his communication
He taught and befriended people of all
walks of life.
He also demonstrated his power by
healing the sick, he resurrected the dead
and even turned water into wine, fed 5000
men on a five loaves of bread and three
fish. In this he was communicating his
identity and ability so that they could
believe who he was.
He was crucified and resurrected after
three days
His quotations

These things I command you that love one
another John 15:15

Give and it shall be given luke 6:38

Love your enemies and pray for those who
persecute you luke 6:27-28

Whoever wants to be great among you shall be a
servant mark 10:44

I am the way, the truth and the life. No one
comes to the father except through me. John 14:6
My Question still stands who is Jesus to

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