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A Perennial Fruit Tree to be planted is Banana while the Early Bearing Perennial is

Early Bearing


Perennial Fruit Tree 8 meters distance


Perennial by 25 Perennial Plants surrounding the 40000 m2 land.

(ACTUAL) 200 m = (PLAN) 500 mm
(ACTUAL) 100 m = (PLAN) 250 mm
(ACTUAL) 10 m = (PLAN) 25 mm
(ACTUAL) 1 m = (PLAN) 2.5 mm

Plant Distance: (ACTUAL) 8m x 8m = (PLAN) 20 mm x 20 mm


NP= 2 +[ −1] [ −1]
40000 m 200 200
NP= 2 +[ −1] [ −1]
64 m 8 8
NP=625+[24] [24]

625 number of Perennial Plants and 576 number of Fillers.

Perennial Crops: 625 x 0.05%= 0.3125= 625.3125 or 626 total number of Perennial
0.05% mortality rate allowance
Filler Crops :576 x 0.05%= 0.288 =576.288 or 577 total number of Filler Crops

0.05% mortality rate allowance

Perennial Crops: 626x Php 150.00 =Php 93,900 needed to buy 625.3125 seedlings
of Perennial Crops.

1. What are the distinct differences on cultural practices of perennial against
annual crops?
Perennials live on for three years or longer whereas annuals complete that cycle
in one growing season. Perennials generally have a shorter blooming period compared
to annuals. In Perennial crops, the cultivation of crop species that live for more than two
years without needing to be replanted each year and it requires less tilling and, in some
cases, less labor and fewer pesticides, which helps to maintain or even improve soil
health while for the annual crops is vice versa of the perennial crops.
2. What is more profitable, synthetically grown or naturally grown crops? Why?
Naturally grown crops is more profitable because organic farming is more
environmentally friendly, less toxic chemicals being applied to the crops which harms
consumers and more importantly it can be sell in high prices and the input you may cost
is low.
1. If you will be given the opportunity to raise crops, which crop would you like to
raise? Why?
Carrots are one of the most nutrient-dense root vegetables. In many parts of
Asia, it is considered a winter crop. It has numerous industrial applications and health
benefits including maintaining clear vision, preventing memory loss, and preventing
diabetes and many more. Carrots are also a high-value crop in the Philippines.
2. Make a simple market feasibility of the type of enterprise you want to venture in
the future. Be realistic in your assumptions. Indicate your ROI for the 1st 3
productive years of your project.
Cost of carrots per kg = 80 pesos
Harvest: every 30 days old
Capital 150,000

Estimated Total Expenses Per month: 60,000

Estimated Total Income Per month : 250,000

Estimated Total Expenses in 3 years: 2,160,000

Estimated Total Income in 3 years: 9,000,000

Net Financial Income= Total Expenses - Total Income

= 2,160,000 - 9,000,000
= 6,840,000
ROI= NFI/Investment x 100
= 6,840,000 x 100
= 126.66%

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