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Header dapat to about bashing the prof e, pero ‘wag na nga <3

Indigenous Science, defined Indigenous Science and Technology in

Gribbin, 2001; Mkapa, 2004; and Sibisi, 2004 - Pawilen, 2006 - Developed a framework for
It is part of indigenous knowledge system understanding indigenous science. Indigenous
practiced by different groups in early science is composed of traditional knowledge
civilizations. that uses science process skills and tools and
Pawilen, 2005 - It includes complex arrays of guide community values and culture.
knowledge, expertise, practices and
representations thatguide humanity in their
interactions with natural milieu.
- It developed diverse structures and contents
through interplay beween society and
Cajete, 2004 - It includes everything from 1. Indigenous science uses process skills such as
observing, comparing, classifying, measuring,
metaphysics to philosophy and various
problem-solving, inferring, communicating, and
technologies practiced by indigenous people in
present and past.
2. Pawilen, 2006 - indigenous science is guided
Sibisi, 2004 - It provides basic astronomy, by culture and values such as:
pharmacology, food tech, and metallurgy a. The land is a source of life and a
derived from traditional knowledge and precious gift from God.
practices b. All living and nonliving things are
Ogawa, 1995 - It is collectively live-in and interconnected and interdependent.
experienced by people of given culture. c. The earth is revered as the origin of
Iaccarino, 2003 - Elaborated the idea. Science is their identity as people.
part of culture and it depends on cultural d. Humans are stewards of the land and
practices of people. other natural resources.
e. Nature is a friend that needs respect
Johnston, 2000 - Indigenous beliefs also and proper care.
develop values that are relevant to scientific 3. Its practice in the Philippines includes
attitudes namely: knowledge practiced and valued by people and
- Motivating attitudes communities such as ethnobiology,
- Cooperating attitudes ethnomedicine, farming methods and
- Practical attitudes agriculture and folk astronomy.
- Reflective attitudes
UNESCO's Delcaration on Science and the Use
Kuhn, 1962 - developmental stages of sciences of Scientific Knowledge, 1999 - recognized
are "characterized by continual competition indigenous science's historical and valuable
between number of distinct views of nature, contributions to science and tech.
each partially derived from, and all roughly
compatible with the dictates of scientific
observation and method."
Nicomachean Ethics, Book VI (Aristotle) – Disutility – Schumacher refers to labor as a
discuss deliberation as about ends letting go of leisure and comfort.

Human Flourishing is a Greek and Western Techne – comes from an indo and european
concept that is often misrepresented by an stem that was approximately pronounce as
overdeveloped and highly technological society tekp, and refers to "Carpentry". It is also carried
on in “Architect”.
Human flourishing cannot be understood vis-à-
vis consumption. Techne – According to Aristotle, refers to that
knowledge and ability that is concerned with
In an essay entitled "Buddhist Economics." production and construction
Schumacher uses religious and moral principles
to the question of human flourishing. Tekton – in ancient greek refers to the "master
builder" and "carpenter"
Right Livelihood – is one of the requirements of
the Buddha’s Noble Eightfold Path. according to Aristotle "techne" refers to that
knowledge an ability that is concerned with
Human Labor – According to Schumacher, is the production and construction
source of wealth.
Techné – is a Greek term encompassing art,
Two Perspectives on Labor skill, craft, or technique. It involves the
application of knowledge and skill to achieve a
Perspective of the employer – Human Labor is specific end, often related to human creation or
understood as a cost in the process, which can manipulation of the natural world.
be removed by automationm
Techne – refers to the process by which things
Perspective of the Workforce – Human Labor is come to be. This involves the process of
a disutility. producing mutable realities.

In Buddhist view, Labor is - To give a man a Techne – turned humans into master of nature.
chance to utilize and develop his faculties, to
enable him to overcome his ego centeredness Tyche – Chance or Coincidence
by joining with other people in common task,
and to bring forth the goods and services Technikón – art of producing what is suited to
needed for a becoming existence the person’s art or skill

Automation/Mechanization Techniker – men of technique

- Enhances the skill and power of
humanity Technique – Latin; all the actions and
- Reduces human work to a mechanical procedures pertaining and relating to the skill
slave involved in the production of everything
Technica Ars – the art of skilled production considered the ultimate aim of human
Technik – German; involves everything that
constitutes the means and modes of production Good Life – Highest end of Eudaimonia
that necessitates mastery in the highest sense
in the practice of an art or skill. Phronesis – (Practical Wisdom): The ability to
deliberate effectively about what is good and
Physis – is the Greek term for nature, referring expedient for oneself, especially in terms of
to the inherent qualities and processes of the achieving the good life.
natural world.
Phronimos – The practically wise person who
Craftsmen – Those skilled in a particular craft or possesses phronesis, capable of deliberating
trade, regarded by some, like Socrates, as well about what leads to the good life in
exemplifying a specialized and reliable form of general.
Phronetic deliberation - focuses on "some good
Prometheus – In Greek mythology, a Titan who end," which implies a particular good end that is
stole fire from the gods to give to humanity, different than the particular good ends that are
symbolizing the advancement of civilization the object of techne.
through technological innovation.
Eudaimonia – Human flourishing or living well,
Deinótes – Greek term meaning "terribleness" often considered the ultimate goal of moral and
or "monstrosity," highlighting the potentially ethical philosophy.
destructive power wielded by techné in human
hands. Practical Wisdom - "recognizing particulars"

Episteme (Scientific Knowledge) – Knowledge Tele - virtuous actions, constituent-means to

concerned with what is necessary and eternal. the end of eudaimonia
It deals with principles that do not admit of
being otherwise and are therefore ingenerable Martin Heidegger – author of “Question
and indestructible. Episteme involves deductive Concerning Science and “The Thing, Enframing,
inference from universals and requires The Danger and The Turning”
demonstration from premises that cannot
themselves be demonstrated. Question Concerning Science – Heidegger
asserts that technology, despite its creative
Telos (End) – The ultimate goal or purpose, roots, is blurred and obscured by
often associated with Aristotle's concept of Mechanization and it has pushed us to
eudaimonia, which refers to flourishing or living understand nature as a standing reserve that is
well. hidden in the nature of things.

Good Life – The state of living in accordance The Thing, Enframing, The Danger, and The
with virtues and achieving eudaimonia, often Turning - Heidegger clarified the question, the
method or way, and the reasons behind the Instrumentum - Latin word used to describe
questioning of technology. Technology as "contrivance" as technology is
both means to an end and a human activity.
Technology – The application of knowledge and
techniques to create tools, systems, and Aristotelian Causes – Used by Heidegger to
methods to solve problems or achieve goals. better understand the two ways of defining and
understanding of technology. Can also be
Mechanization – The process of replacing interpreted as four dimensions of making
human labor with machines or automated something appear
processes. Material Cause – gives what a thing is
made of.
Standing Reserve (Bestand) – Heidegger's Formal Cause – it answers “how the
concept referring to nature as a resource or thing is made”.
reserve available for human use or exploitation. Final Cause – It gives the reason or
purpose why a thing is made.
Arts (Téchné) – The creative activities and skills Efficient Cause – It answers “who
involved in craftsmanship or artistic production, brought the change onto the thing”.
emphasizing a deeper understanding of
technology's roots. Techne – Foundation or root of technology

Enframing (Gestell) – Heidegger's term Techne - includes activities and skills of the
describing the way in which technology shapes craftsman and the arts of the mind and fine
our understanding of the world, often leading arts.
to a reductionist view of nature and human
existence. Bringing-Forth – Heidegger's concept
suggesting that technology involves a particular
Enframing (Gestell) – As understood by process of revealing, enabling the manifestation
Heidegger, is the essence of modern of entities or objects that were previously
technology. Enframing points to putting concealed.
together of the conditions that allows us to
understand the world as a standing-reserve. Aletheia – The Greek word for "unconcealing"
or "revealing," associated with téchne as a
Instrumental Understanding of Technology: mode of revealing in Heidegger's philosophy. It
Viewing technology merely as a means to an is also known to be the word used for “truth”.
end, often associated with efficiency and utility.
Poiésis – The act of creation or bringing into
Anthropological Understanding of Technology: being, an aspect of téchne that involves
Viewing technology as a human activity, revealing and constructing.
involving the production and use of tools and
machines that shape human existence. Poiésis – is an act of revealing, as it bring-forth
something to existence, revealing its existence
and truth.
process and analyze extensive collection of
Physis – The Greek term for "nature," which data.
modern technology challenges and exploits by
exposing and extracting its energy. Digital Age – Another term for the Information
Age, highlighting the role of digital technologies
Standing Reserve (Bestand) – Heidegger's in information dissemination.
concept describing nature as a resource or
reserve of energy available for human use, New Media Age – A term synonymous with the
manipulated by modern technology. Information Age, emphasizing the emergence of
new forms of media enabled by digital
Destining – Heidegger's term describing the technologies.
deterministic process by which modern
technology compels humans to reveal the world Information Anxiety – A term coined by
as a standing reserve, obscuring other Richard Wurman to describe the stress and
possibilities of revealing. overwhelm caused by the abundance of
information in the Information Age.
Freedom - related to the revealed in the sense
that freedom makes possible the revealing of Information Currency – The idea that
the revealed. information has become a valuable commodity,
often used as a medium of exchange in various
Danger - when the real is hidden and concealed aspects of society.
and may be misinterpreted.
Commodity – Something that is bought and
Information Age - believed to have started in sold, in this context referring to information as
the last quarter of 20th century. a product of value.

Information Age – The era characterized by Artificial Intelligence (AI) – The simulation of
rapid access and management of information human intelligence processes by machines,
through computers and digital networks. particularly computer systems, involving tasks
such as learning, reasoning, and problem-
Information Age - transformed workplace, solving.
affected scientific community.
Robotics – The interdisciplinary field involving
Kantardjieff K. and Ng Thow Hing M. – Some the design, construction, operation, and use of
experiments can now be performed digitally by robots to perform tasks traditionally done by
employing automated experimental techniques. human
Before, it is so painstaking to actually collect
and process date due to size and technical Cloud and Edge Computing – Computing
difficulty. Nowadays, because of bioinformatics, paradigms that involve the delivery of
scientists apply the principles of computer computing services over the internet (cloud)
science and statistical algorithms to store, and processing data closer to the source of data
generation (edge).
Automation – The use of technology to perform
tasks with minimal human intervention, often
aiming to improve efficiency and productivity.

Blockchain – A decentralized digital ledger

technology used to record transactions across
multiple computers in a secure and transparent

Outsourcing – The practice of contracting out

certain business functions or processes to third-
party service providers, often located in other

Bioinformatics – The interdisciplinary field that

applies principles of computer science and
statistical algorithms to store, process, and
analyze biological data, particularly genomic
data. Coined by Paulien Hogeweg and Ben
Hesper in 1978.

Cyberbullying – The use of electronic

communication platforms, such as social media,
to harass, intimidate, or harm individuals or

Fake News - continue to circulate throughout

various of media.

Fake News - becoming viral because there are

more people being involved in distributing

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