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-Immortals Handbook: AscensionUpdating Faerunian Deities in alphabetical order, demigod's to greater deities By Divinity Template and alphabetical, a consolidated

list of all divine-templated beings in AberToril Disciples (DR 1) (campaign specific) -------------------------Prophets (DR 2) (campaign specific) -------------------------Heroe Deities (DR 3) -------------------------Quasi Deities (DR 4) Bel, Lord of the First Belial, Lord of the Fourth Dispater, Lord of the Second Mammon, Lord of the Third -------------------------Demideities (DR 6) Baalzebul, Lord of the Seventh Dagon Deep Duerra Finder Wyvernspur Garagos Gargauth Gwaeron Windstrom Haela Brightaxe Hoar Jergal Kiaransalee Laogzed Levistus, Lord of the Fifth Lurue Nobanion Pazuzu Red Knight Savras Sebek Selvetarm Sharess Shevarash Shiallia Siamorphe The Hag Countess, Lord of the Sixth Ulutiu

Urogalan Uthgar Valkur Vaprak Velsharoon ------------------------Lesser Deities (DR 8) Anhur Asmodeus, Lord of the Ninth Auril Azuth Bahaumut Bahgtru Baphomet Baravar Cloakshadow Brandobaris Deneir Demogorgon Dugmaren Brightmantle Eldath Eilistraee Fenmarel Mestarine Gaerdal Ironhand Geb Ghaunadaur Gorm Gulthyn Graz'zt Hathor Hlal Iallanis Ilneval Jubilex Lliira Loviatar Luthic Malar Marthammor Duin Mask Mephistopheles, Lord of the Eighth Milil Orcus Pazrael Sekolah Shargaas Shaundakul Surtur Talona Thard Harr Thrym Tiamat Torm

Vhaeraun Waukeen Yeenoghu Yurtrus Zuggtmoy -----------------------Intermediate Deities (DR 12) Abbathor Aerdrie Faenya Arvoreen Baervan Wildwanderer Berronar Truesilver Beshaba Blibdoolpoolp Callarduran Smoothhands Clangeddin Silverbeard Cyrrollalee Deep Sashelas Diirinka Dumathoin Erevan Ilesere Flandal Steelskin Gond Grolantor Hanali Celanil Helm Hruggek Ilmater Isis Kurtulmak Labelas Enoreth Laduguer Lolth Memnor Mielikki Nepthys Osiris Rillifane Rallathil Segojan Earthcaller Sehanine Moonbow Selune Set Sharindlar Sheela Peryroyl Skoraeus Stonebones Solonor Thelandira Thoth Tymora Umberlee Urdlen Vergadain

-----------------------Greater Deities (DR 16) Akadi Angharradh Annam Bane Chauntea Corellon Larethian Cyric Garl Glittergold Great Mother Grumbar Gruumsh Hiatea Horus-Re Ilsensine Istishia Kelemvor Kossuth Lathander Maglubiyet Moradin Myrkul (deceased) Mystra Null Oghma Shar Silvanus Stronmaus Sune Talos Task Tempus Tyr Ubtao Yondalla -----------------------Elder Ones (DR 24) Tharizdun (Imprisoned in the Far Realm) -----------------------Old Ones (DR 32) The Immaterium (Avatar = Shar, Embodies the Shadow plane) The Materium (Avatar = Chauntea, Embodies the plane of ) The Thought (Avatar = Oghma, Embodies the plane of ) The Way (Avatar = Kelemvor, Embodies the Fugue plane) The Weave (Avatar = Mystra, Embodies Dweomerheart) The Will (Avatar = Lathander, Embodies -----------------------First Ones (DR 48) ------------------------

Demiurge (Stage I's) DR 64 Ao (fractured himself to create Aber-Toril and is currently slumbering) -----------------------Demiurge (Stage II's) none -----------------------Demiurge (Stage III's) none -----------------------Monad DR 200 Ao's divine status before creating Aber-Toril

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