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An adjective is a word that qualifies a noun and a pronoun by adding something to its meaning.
Adjectives can describe the noun in terms of qualities such as size, number and kind.

Eg.1. The lazy dog sat on the rug.

2. The elephant is a huge animal.
1) Adjectives of Quality
- used to describe the nature of a noun.
- characteristics of the noun
- what kind
Eg- honest, kind, large, bulky, beautiful, ugly etc.

a) He is a brave boy.
b) It was a sunny day.

2) Adjectives of Quatity
- to show the amount or the approximate amount of the noun or pronoun
- amount of noun in relative or whole terms.
Eg- all, half, many, no ,none, few, little, enough etc.
a) I have sufficient time.
b) He has enough food to eat.

3) Adjective of Number
- show the number of nouns and their place in an order
Eg- a) He has ten rupees with him.
b)The boy in the first row won the prize.

Cardinals- one, two, twenty etc.

Ordinals- first, second, seventh etc.

4) Distributive Adjectives
- Singular noun or pronoun at a time
Eg. Either,neither,every and each etc.
a) Every boy is playing.
b) Either dress will do.

5) Demonstrative Adjective
- Used to point at a noun or a pronoun in specific
Eg. This, those,these that etc.
a) This book is mine.
b) I want those sweets.
6) Interrogative Adjectives
-ask questions
Eg. What, which, whose etc.
a) What material is it made of?
b) Which city have you visited?
7) Possessive Adjectives
- Possession of a noun or pronoun
Eg. Your,my,her etc.
a) You care for your health.
b) My dress is new.
8) Compound Adjectives
-comprises more than one word

Eg.four-foot,six-page,part-time,all-too-common etc.
a) Please request for a four-foot table.
b) It is a 6 page document.

Practice Exercise

Q1.Read the given sentences below and circle the adjectives.

1. The homeless beggar hasn’t eaten in days.

2. The fox is a sly animal.
3. Mary had a little lamb.
4. The selfish giant didn’t allow the children to enter his garden.
5. The foolish dog barked at its reflection and lost its food.
Q2.Go through the following sentences and identify the type of adjective used in them.

1. Sharon will clean her messy room today.

2. My sister brought some French pastries.
3. The miser lost all his money.
4. There haven’t been sufficient crops to sell this year.
5. Collecting coins is an interesting hobby.

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