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yield for age was defined as %6 oocytes retrieved for women %35 years pected from a healthy female

ealthy female population. High BMI, Asian and/or black eth-

(n¼184) and %3 oocytes for women 36-39 years (n¼107). Patient demo- nicity are identified as risk factors for VD deficiency, with Asian women
graphics as well as IVF cycle outcomes, including clinical pregnancy rate, being at the highest risk. Lastly, VD levels did not appear to be associated
live birth rate, and miscarriage rate were compared within each age group. with baseline ovarian reserve.
Statistical analysis was performed with Student’s t-test and and Chi-squared SUPPORT: None.
RESULT(S): See Table 1 for results. Among women %35 years of age
with low age-adjusted oocyte yield, there was a statistically significant de- P-49
crease in clinical pregnancy and live birth rate and a trend towards higher
miscarriage rate which did not reach significance. Additional analyses with The Predictive Value of Antral Follicle Count (AFC) At Down Regulation
logistic regression including age and oocyte yield as continuous variables Prior to IVF Stimulation is Better Than A Diagnostic AFC. R.P. Gada,
will be presented. There was a statistically significant decrease in clinical P. Leonard, A. Grzenda, A. Asante, Z.M. Tabbaa, C.C. Coddington,
pregnancy and live birth rate in women 36-39 years with low oocyte yield, G.S. Daftary. Dept. of Ob/Gyn, Mayo Clinic. Rochester, MN.
but no difference in miscarriage within this older group.
CONCLUSION(S): Poor response to gonadotropins is associated with BACKGROUND: Antral follicles represent the cohort of oocytes sur-
a lower live birth rate in both young and older women. rounded by granulosa cells that may potentially develop into a lead follicle
SUPPORT: NICHD PO1 HD065647-01A1. during an ovulatory cycle. During an IVF cycle, this cohort of follicles is

TABLE 1. Patient Demographics and IVF Cycle Outcomes

Age%35 years Age 36-39 years

Oocyte Yield % 6 Oocyte Yield >6 Oocyte Yield %3 Oocyte Yield >3

Demographics/Cycle Outcomes (n¼184) (n¼921) P value (n¼107) (n¼931) P value

Mean Age 33.1 32.1 <0.001 37.7 37.6 0.14

Prior Live Birth 19.0% 15.6% 0.25 20.6% 25.6% 0.25
Prior ART cycles 8.2% 11.8% 0.15 12.2% 11.9% 0.91
Serum FSH>12 28.0% 4.5% <0.001 33.3% 10.8% <0.001
Mean Gonadotropin Dose (IU) 5204.3 3442.9 <0.001 5910.1 4740.3 <0.001
Mean Number of Oocytes Retrieved 4.2 15.1 <0.001 2.2 11.7 <0.001
Mean Number of Embryos Transferred 2.0 2.2 0.01 1.4 2.7 <0.001
Clinical Pregnancy Rate 25.0% 43.7% <0.001 15.0% 29.4% <0.001
Miscarriage Rate 23.9% 14.4% 0.09 31.0% 24.8% 0.56
Live Birth Rate 19.0% 36.7% <0.001 9.4% 21.8% 0.002

P-48 stimulated using gonadotropins. AFC is used as a clinical marker for ovarian
reserve and predictor of IVF cycle response.
Prevalence and Risk Factors of Vitamin D Deficiency in Women With OBJECTIVE(S): The present study aimed to determine if AFC at IVF down
Infertility. L. Li,a E. Schriock,a K. Dougall,a C. Givens.a a Pacific Fertility regulation is more predictive of stimulation outcomes than a diagnostic AFC.
Center, San Francisco, CA. MATERIALS AND METHOD(S): Eighty-three patients undergoing IVF
from 2010 to 2011 were prospectively studied. All had a diagnostic AFC,
BACKGROUND: Low vitamin D (VD) levels have been linked to preg- FSH and estradiol as part of their evaluation. The patients’ IVF protocol
nancy complications, congenital rickets and fractures in the newborn, as was selected from their diagnostic evaluation. At IVF, all patients underwent
well as poor outcomes in assisted reproduction. Traditionally, serum levels an ultrasound at down regulation and an AFC (pre-IVF AFC) was determined
<20 ng/ml have been considered deficient, though experts argue that even prior to stimulation. Analysis of correlation coefficients (R) was calculated
levels <32 ng/ml are inadequate. Insufficient VD levels are found in 40- using Spearman’s rho.
50% of healthy pregnant women, despite supplementation with prenatal vi- RESULT(S): Average patient-age was 33.2  5.2 years. Mean diagnostic
tamins. Identifiable risk factors are black race, diminished sun exposure, and AFC and pre-IVF AFC were 24.9  14 and 23.2  15 respectively. Mean fol-
residing in the northern United States. Currently, there is little data on the licles aspirated and oocytes retrieved were 25  15 and 16.4  9.6 respec-
prevalence of VD deficiency in women with infertility. tively. Pre-IVF AFC was more predictive that diagnostic IVF for both
OBJECTIVE(S): We aimed to evaluate the prevalence of VD deficiency in follicles aspirated (R¼0.74 vs 0.68, p< .05) and oocytes retrieved (R¼0.58
patients presenting for infertility treatment at a large private ART practice in vs 0.51, p<0.05). In cases where there was greater than 15% discordance be-
Northern California, and to identify risk factors that predispose low VD tween AFC values, pre-IVF AFC had a stronger correlation of stimulation
levels. We also aimed to assess if any associations existed between serum outcomes compared to diagnostic AFC (Table).
VD and ovarian reserve.
MATERIALS AND METHOD(S): We retrospectively reviewed the re-
sults of serum 25-hydroxy (25-OH) VD, a component of routine workup, Correlation Coefficient when Discordance >15%
for 1192 women presenting for fertility evaluation since January 1, 2009.
Baseline patient characteristics including age, ethnicity (self reported), and Diagnostic AFC Pre-IVF AFC
BMI were recorded. Initial ovarian reserve was assessed by cycle day 3
FSH for all patients and by AMH for a subset of patients (n¼303). Statistical Follicles Aspirated 0.561 0.621
analysis was performed using IBM SPSS Statistics 20.0.0. Oocytes Retrieved 0.341 0.481
RESULT(S): The median (interquartile range) VD levels for 1192 patients
were 27.00 (20.92 – 33.68) ng/ml with 68.6% (n¼818) being VD insufficient p<0.05, N¼45.
(<32 ng/ml) and 22.2% VD deficient (<20 ng/ml). BMI [22.46 (20.37 –
25.50) kg/m2] negatively correlated with VD (Spearman r ¼ –0.201,
p<0.001). Asian women were most likely to be VD deficient (131/306, CONCLUSION(S): Pre-IVF AFC is a better predictor of IVF stimulation,
42.8%) with a relative risk (RR) of 4.03 (95% CI 3.08 – 5.28) followed by than a routine diagnostic AFC. This is likely because the pre-IVF AFC rep-
black women (13/47, 27.7%) with a RR of 2.61 (1.55 – 4.38) compared to resents the follicles that will be stimulated during the index cycle. If a patient
Caucasians (62/584, 10.6%). VD levels did not correlate with D3 FSH or has discordant AFC values particular attention should be paid to the pre-IVF
AMH when adjusted for age. AFC, as this value will more likely to correlate with IVF outcomes and clin-
CONCLUSION(S): The majority of women presenting with infertility had ical decisions may need to be modified accordingly.
insufficient serum VD levels. The prevalence is higher than would be ex- SUPPORT: None.

S26 Abstracts Vol. 97, No. 3, Supplement, March 2012

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