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I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson the students can:
a. determine the product of the given examples by evaluating the
b. solve the value of f(x) given the value of x by substituting; and,
c. develops cooperation and build relationship in evaluating functions
through the given activity.
II. Learning Content
Topic: Evaluation of function
Reference: Orlando A. Oroce General Mathematics 8 by Don Bosco
2018-2019 pp. 125 -128
Materials: Cartolina, Chalk and Board
Values: Cooperation
Time allotment: 1 hour
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
A. Preparation
Checking of attendance

B. Motivation
Okay class, before we proceed to our
topic. We will be having an activity
kindly find your partner in doing this
activity. The name of this activity is
SOLVI-MATCHY, I will give you
different expressions correspond to a
word all you need to do is solve the given
in column A and match your answers to
column B then locate what word is
written on your activity then put the
given words on the space provided and
combine all your answers to see if you
can form a word.


Let n= 2
Let n= 2 1. n-5 = -3 EVA a. 10 TION
1. n-5 = a. 10 TION 2.n2=4 LUA b. 15 OF
2.n2= b. 15 OF 3. (n+10) -2 TION c. 4 LUA
3. (n+10) -2 c. 4 LUA =10
= 30 OF d. 0 TION
4. n =15
30 d. 0 TION
4. n = 5.2n-3n is = - FUNC e. -3 EVA
5.2n-3n is = e. -3 EVA 2
6. (4n+1) – f. -2 6. (4n+1) – TION f. -2
(2n+5) = FUNC (2n+5) = 0 FUNC

Ma’am, the word is EVALUATION OF

Class, what was the word formed?
Very Good!

C. Lesson proper
Class, our lesson for today is about
Evaluation of Function.

Evaluating Function- means replacing

the variables in the function of x with
the value from function’s domain and
computing for the result, to denote that
we are evaluating f at x, we write f(x).
In short, we substitute the given value
of x to evaluate the value of f(x) or y.
1.f(x)= 2x + 1 if x=1.5
For Example: f(1.5) = 2(1.5) + 1
Evaluate the function. f(1.5) = 3 +1
1.f(x)= 2x + 1 if x=1.5 f(1.5) =4
f(1.5) = 2(1.5) + 1
f(1.5) = 3 +1 2 x +1
2.y= x−1 if x=7
f(1.5) =4
2 x +1 2 ( 7 )+ 1
2.y= x−1 if x=7 y=
2 ( 7 )+ 1 15
y= y= 6
15 y= 2.5
y= 6
y= 2.5 3. f(x) = 2 x 2 – 3x + 1 if x = 3
f(x) = 2(3)2- 3(3) + 1
3. f(x) = 2 x 2 – 3x + 1 if x = 3 f(x) = 18-9 +1
f(x) = 2(3)2- 3(3) + 1 f(x) = 10
f(x) = 18-9 +1
f(x) = 10
4. f(x) = 3 x 2 – 4x + 10 if x = 6
f(x) = 3(6)2 – 4(6) + 10
4. f(x) = 3 x 2 – 4x + 10 if x = 6 f(x) = 3(36) – 24 +10
f(x) = 3(6)2 – 4(6) + 10 f(x) = 108 -24 + 10
f(x) = 3(36) – 24 +10 f(x) = 84 + 10
f(x) = 108 -24 + 10 f(x) = 94
f(x) = 84 + 10
f(x) = 94 5. f(x) = √ 110−x if x =10
f(x) = √ 110−10
5. f(x) = √ 110−x if x =10 f(x) = √ 100
f(x) = √ 110−10 f(x) = 10
f(x) = √ 100
f(x) = 10

D. Generalization Yes, Ma’am.

Class did you understand our topic for
today? Ma’am, by substituting. We
substitute the given to the variable to
Then, what did you do to come up with determine the product of the given.
your answers?
None, ma’am.
Do you have any question?

E. Evaluation
Direction: On 2 of pad paper answer the
following in 10 minutes. Evaluate the given functions.
Evaluate the given functions. 1. f(x) = √ 450−x if x = 55
1. f(x) = √ 450−x if x = 55 2. f(x) = 5 x 2 – 20x + 10 if x = 10
2. f(x) = 5 x 2 – 20x + 10 if x = 10 3. f(x) = 6 x 2 + ax – 7 if x = 2
3. f(x) = 6 x 2 + ax – 7 if x = 2 2 x +3 y
2 x +3 y 4. f(x) = z
if x= 4, y=8 and z= -2
4. f(x) = z
if x= 4, y=8 and z=-2
x−2 x−2
5. f(x) = 2 x−7 if x+ 7 5. f(x) = 2 x−7 if x+ 7

F. Assignment
On a 4 sheet of pad paper.
Evaluate each function at the specified
1. f(x) = 15 +x if x =7
2. f(x) = 2 x5 + 3 x 4 - 5 x 3 - 2 x 2 + x if x = 2
3. f(x) = x 3 + 5 x 2 -x find f (3)

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