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It is a distributed version control system(DVCS) designed to handle everything form
to small to very large projects with speed and efficiency.It allows multiple
developers to collaborate on project simultaneously.

It is a type of version control system where the complete datebase, including its
full version history, is mirrored on every developer’s computer who all are
participating in builiding that project.


• Repository(Repo) – a project that contains your project files along with the
modification history.

• Commit – snapshot of your repository at a specific point of time(represents

the set of changes made to a file in your project).

• Branch – It is a parallel version of repository,allows you to work on new

features or fixes issolated form the main codebase (It helps diverge from
main line of development and continue to work without effecting the
main line.

• Merge – it is a process of combining changes from one branch into

other(typically used to intigate the feature branch back into the main branch).

• Pull Request(PR) – it is a way to propose changes to a repository(allows

other developers to review and discuss the changes before they are merged
into the main codebase).


• The Three Tree Architecture -

There are three stages for git i.e. working, staging index, repository. When
we add a new file to the repository we first add it, after adding the
file is transfered to the staged index level. To send the file to the
repository, we need to commit it.

• Hash Value –
It is a chechsum value generated for each commit in order to help us idetify
each commit. This SHA1 value is unique for every commit, even if we do
commit on a file that exist in repository but has been edited and need to be commit

• Pointers -
There are two pointers i.e. master and HEAD. Master is the reference of the
end of the default branch created when we initialize a git repository
while HEAD refers to the the parent of next commit and points tothe new
commit as soon as the commit happens.

• Adding a file -
When we add a file the file goes to the staged level and not the repository
directly, so in order to send it to the repo, we need to commit it
• Editing a file -
When we edit a file ,that is already present in the repo, in the local
machine, we need to again add it and commit in order for the changes to be
stored in the repo

• Deleting files -
There are two ways of deleting a file,manually or by using commands.In the
manual method, we directly delete the file from the local machine. By
usinng commands, we first use rm to remove the file from the local machine
and then we need to commit in order for it to be removed from the
repository too.

• Moving and renaming files – can be done by two ways either manualy or by
using mv command. Here moving and renaming refer to same thing, if you want
to rename a file then write $git mv old_name new_name

• Multiline commit messages – refers to long or multiline messages written when

a commit is performed

• Atomic commits – make commits with similar topic /changes related to similar
topics so that it is easier to manage these changes later on

• .gitignore files – these are the files whose changes will not be tracked by
the system/git

• Track empty directories - as git does not track empty directories then in
order to track them we can make a blank file in it

• Merge conflicts – conflicts may arise while merging two different files,you
need to manuaaly correct them.

• Stashing – refers to a temporary storage to keep the staged changes without

commiting them and also clearing the staged area.

• Squashing commits – used to combine n number of commits into a kind of

package for cleaner code.

• Fork - A fork is a copy of a repository that allows you to make your own
changes without impacting the original project.Diff bw fork and clone: A
fork differs from a cloned copy in that it doesn't allow for direct
collaboration with the root using local commands like git push and git pull.


1. open the project directory and type - $git init (initiliazes repository)

2. Add files present in directory to the staged area

3. Commit the staged area files

4. Edit them as needed and repeate the process

INSTALLATION COMMAND - $sudo apt install git-all


• init – initializes a repository

syntax - $get init repo_name
example - $get init
op - Initialized empty Git repository in

• add – used to add changes to the repository

syntax - $git add file_name
example - $git add .
op – adds the changes to the repo

• commit – to commit the changes made to the repo

syntax - $git commit -m “Initial Commit”
op - [master (root-commit) b1c9aed] Initail Commit
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
create mode 100644 new 1.txt

options -
◦ -m – to add a message
◦ -a – commits all changes directly to repository without
firstly adding the files to staged area
◦ -all – same as -a

• log – used view all the commits made

syntax - $git commit -m “Initial Commit”
op - [master (root-commit) b1c9aed] Initail Commit
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
create mode 100644 new 1.txt

options -
◦ -n 5 – to limit the number of logs to be displayed
syntax - $git log -n 2
op - commit
8466f62a296712fcef4250d58f81267c4fa87c89 (HEAD -> main)
Author: aarzoo <>
Date: Tue Mar 5 11:56:09 2024 +0530

hello updated

commit 13bc9e53e524a9d3b86187554a077080560ffe1a
Author: aarzoo <>
Date: Tue Mar 5 11:20:21 2024 +0530

hello file added

◦ --since = “time” – displays the logs commited after that “time”

syntax - $git log --since 04-03-2024
op - commit
8466f62a296712fcef4250d58f81267c4fa87c89 (HEAD -> main)
Author: aarzoo <>
Date: Tue Mar 5 11:56:09 2024 +0530
hello updated

commit 13bc9e53e524a9d3b86187554a077080560ffe1a
Author: aarzoo <>
Date: Tue Mar 5 11:20:21 2024 +0530

hello file added

commit 6a197026f2e61621dc742dcb4f6d3e21c2b5d4d4
Author: aarzoo <>
Date: Tue Mar 5 11:15:39 2024 +0530

0809 added

commit 1019e6bbbe0697f7b88ed38829857c3e6ae5ef0b
(origin/main, origin/HEAD)
Author: aarzoo <>
Date: Tue Mar 5 10:50:55 2024 +0530

arora file added

◦ -p – displays the full diff of each commit

syntax - $git log -p
op - commit
8466f62a296712fcef4250d58f81267c4fa87c89 (HEAD -> main)
Author: aarzoo <>
Date: Tue Mar 5 11:56:09 2024 +0530

hello updated

diff --git a/hello b/hello

index e69de29..bc24472 100644
--- a/hello
+++ b/hello
@@ -0,0 +1 @@

commit 13bc9e53e524a9d3b86187554a077080560ffe1a
Author: aarzoo <>
Date: Tue Mar 5 11:20:21 2024 +0530

hello file added

diff --git a/hello b/hello

new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29

commit 6a197026f2e61621dc742dcb4f6d3e21c2b5d4d4
Author: aarzoo <>
Date: Tue Mar 5 11:15:39 2024 +0530

0809 added

diff --git a/0809 b/0809

new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8fd9b8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/0809
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@

◦ --until = “time” – displays until that time

syntax - $git log --until 05-03-2024
op - commit
8466f62a296712fcef4250d58f81267c4fa87c89 (HEAD -> main)
Author: aarzoo <>
Date: Tue Mar 5 11:56:09 2024 +0530

hello updated

commit 13bc9e53e524a9d3b86187554a077080560ffe1a
Author: aarzoo <>
Date: Tue Mar 5 11:20:21 2024 +0530

hello file added

commit 6a197026f2e61621dc742dcb4f6d3e21c2b5d4d4
Author: aarzoo <>
Date: Tue Mar 5 11:15:39 2024 +0530

0809 added

commit 1019e6bbbe0697f7b88ed38829857c3e6ae5ef0b
(origin/main, origin/HEAD)
Author: aarzoo <>
Date: Tue Mar 5 10:50:55 2024 +0530

arora file added

◦ --author – displays the commits commited by a particular

author(even a part of name will do)
syntax - $git log --author aarzoo
op - commit
8466f62a296712fcef4250d58f81267c4fa87c89 (HEAD -> main)
Author: aarzoo <>
Date: Tue Mar 5 11:56:09 2024 +0530

hello updated

commit 13bc9e53e524a9d3b86187554a077080560ffe1a
Author: aarzoo <>
Date: Tue Mar 5 11:20:21 2024 +0530

hello file added

commit 6a197026f2e61621dc742dcb4f6d3e21c2b5d4d4
Author: aarzoo <>
Date: Tue Mar 5 11:15:39 2024 +0530

0809 added
commit 1019e6bbbe0697f7b88ed38829857c3e6ae5ef0b
(origin/main, origin/HEAD)
Author: aarzoo <>
Date: Tue Mar 5 10:50:55 2024 +0530

arora file added

◦ --grep – searches for that string(write patter to be searched

in “”)
syntax - $git log --grep "hello"
op - commit
8466f62a296712fcef4250d58f81267c4fa87c89 (HEAD -> main)
Author: aarzoo <>
Date: Tue Mar 5 11:56:09 2024 +0530

hello updated

commit 13bc9e53e524a9d3b86187554a077080560ffe1a
Author: aarzoo <>
Date: Tue Mar 5 11:20:21 2024 +0530

hello file added

◦ --oneline – gives only the 1st line of each commit message

syntax - $git log --oneline
op - 8466f62 (HEAD -> main) hello
13bc9e5 (origin/hello) hello file added
6a19702 0809 added
1019e6b (origin/main, origin/HEAD) arora file
dc4e899 new file createdd
7967c6f new file uploaded
636ba05 Create 2.txt
630716a Create 1.txt
adf71ac Initial commit

◦ <since>..<until> - diplays the commits commited during specific

time period
syntax - $git log --since=04-03-2024 --
op - commit
8466f62a296712fcef4250d58f81267c4fa87c89 (HEAD -> main)
Author: aarzoo <>
Date: Tue Mar 5 11:56:09 2024 +0530

hello updated

commit 13bc9e53e524a9d3b86187554a077080560ffe1a
Author: aarzoo <>
Date: Tue Mar 5 11:20:21 2024 +0530

hello file added

commit 6a197026f2e61621dc742dcb4f6d3e21c2b5d4d4
Author: aarzoo <>
Date: Tue Mar 5 11:15:39 2024 +0530

0809 added

commit 1019e6bbbe0697f7b88ed38829857c3e6ae5ef0b
(origin/main, origin/HEAD)
Author: aarzoo <>
Date: Tue Mar 5 10:50:55 2024 +0530

arora file added

◦ --<file> - dissplays commit that contain particular file

syntax - $git log -- hello
op - commit
8466f62a296712fcef4250d58f81267c4fa87c89 (HEAD -> main)
Author: aarzoo <>
Date: Tue Mar 5 11:56:09 2024 +0530

hello updated

commit 13bc9e53e524a9d3b86187554a077080560ffe1a
Author: aarzoo <>
Date: Tue Mar 5 11:20:21 2024 +0530

hello file added

◦ --stat - used to show statistics about the changes in each

commit. It includes information such as the number of files changed,
the number of lines added or deleted, and a summary of the changes made in
each file.
syntax - $git log --stat
op - commit
8466f62a296712fcef4250d58f81267c4fa87c89 (HEAD -> main)
Author: aarzoo <>
Date: Tue Mar 5 11:56:09 2024 +0530

hello updated

hello | 1 +
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

commit 13bc9e53e524a9d3b86187554a077080560ffe1a
Author: aarzoo <>
Date: Tue Mar 5 11:20:21 2024 +0530

hello file added

hello | 0
1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0

commit 6a197026f2e61621dc742dcb4f6d3e21c2b5d4d4
Author: aarzoo <>
Date: Tue Mar 5 11:15:39 2024 +0530

0809 added
◦ --graph --decorate - --graph draws a text based graph of
commits on the left side of commit msgs. --decorate adds names of
branches to tags to commit shown
syntax - $git log --graph --decorate
op -* commit
7f4fe0d9a0ead06ecd64ac569b3d9e353988fd67 (HEAD)
| Author: aarzoo <>
| Date: Fri Mar 1 17:47:04 2024 +0530
| Revert "Revert "Initialize""
| This reverts commit
* commit 46892176100a1227525899ead7ba83293dac1149
| Author: aarzoo <>
| Date: Fri Mar 1 17:40:14 2024 +0530
| Revert "Initialize"
| This reverts commit
* commit aa8f989ec1cb1999bde58082a624d724f9ab172c
Author: aarzoo <>
Date: Fri Mar 1 12:36:37 2024 +0530

• rm – used delete the file

syntax - $git rm file.txt
op - removes the file from the local machine,need to use comit
command afterwords in order for the file to be deleted from repo

• status – used to display the status of the local machine files i.e.
staged,unstaged and untracked file
syntax - $git status
op - On branch main
Your branch is ahead of 'origin/main' by 3 commits.
(use "git push" to publish your local commits)

Changes to be committed:
(use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)

deleted: hello

• diff – used to show the difference between the file stored in the repo and
the same local file but with some editing present in it.
syntax - $git diff file.txt
op - diff --git a/new1.txt b/new1.txt
index efbc80b..b2f6d72 100644
--- a/new1.txt
+++ b/new1.txt
@@ -1 +1,3 @@
this is my first file
+i love working at beryl
◦ --staged – hows the difference berween the newly edited
file that has been edited to the staged index and the original version
of the same file present at the the repo
syntax - $git diff – staged file.txt
op - diff --git a/new 1.txt b/new 1.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index efbc80b..0000000
--- a/new 1.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-this is my first file
diff --git a/new1.txt b/new1.txt
index efbc80b..b2f6d72 100644
--- a/new1.txt
+++ b/new1.txt
@@ -1 +1,3 @@
this is my first file
+i love working at beryl
◦ --color-words – shows only the words that are different instead
of whole line
syntax - $git diff --color-words
op - shows rhe same output just with colors to indicate
changes in the code
◦ --cached – shows difference between staged and last commit
syntax - $git diff --cached
op - diff --git a/hello b/hello
deleted file mode 100644
index bc24472..0000000
--- a/hello
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@


• username – used to set the name of the default repository user

syntax - $git config --global <name>

• usermail – used to set default user’s mail

syntax - $ git config --global user.mail <mail>

• alias – used to add shortcuts for commands

syntax - $git config --global alais.<short_name> <command>
example - $git config --global commit
op – now instead of writing git commit again you can directly
write git co

• default editor – used to set default editor

syntax - $git config --global core.editor "LibreOffice Writter"
option –
◦ --global – set the default setting to be showed to
everyone/set up a piblic profile
◦ --edit – used to open the global configuration file in text
editor for manual editing
◦ color.ui – used to set the editor to show proper color for
syntax typed in editor
syntax - $git config --global color.ui true
• To check config set - $git config –list
op -
core.editor=LibreOffice Writter


• revert – creates a new commit that undoes all the changes made in the
<commit> and then apply it to the current branch
syntax - $git revert <commit>
example - $git revert 062ac
op - [detached HEAD d0b1086] Revert "4314 to 4315"
10 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

• commit --amend – replaces the last commit with the staged changes and the
last commit (when nothing in staged, used to edit the last commit’s msg)
syntax - $git commit --amend
op - [detached HEAD 0abd327] stash
Date: Mon Mar 4 14:42:29 2024 +0530
10 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

• reset – unstages the stages file without overwritng the changes in the
current directory.
syntax - $git reset <file>
op - Unstaged changes after reset:
M resources.html
options -
◦ --hard – to limit the number of logs to be displayed
syntax - $git reset --hard
op - HEAD is now at 8466f62 hello updated

◦ <commit> - move the current branch tip to <commit>,reset the

staging area to match, but leave the working directory alone
syntax - $git reset 8466
op - Unstaged changes after reset:
D hello

◦ --hard <commit> - resets both the staging area and the

working directory to match (deleted uncommitted changes and all commits
after <commit>
syntax - $git reset --hard 13bc9
op - HEAD is now at 13bc9e5 hello file added

• clean – used remove untracked files from the working directory

syntax - $git clean -f
op - Removing hi
options -
◦ -n/--dry-run – performs a dry run, which means it shows a
list of untracked files that would be removed by the command without
actually removing them.
syntax - $git clean -n
op -Would remove .gitignore
Would remove abc

◦ --force/-f – actually performs the cleanup by forcefully

removing the untracked files without asking for confirmation.
syntax - $git clean -f
op - Removing .gitignore
Removing abc

◦ -d – removes untracked directories as well as untracked files

syntax - $git clean -dn
op - Would remove .gitignore
Would remove abc
Would remove xyz/

◦ -x – removes untracked files,directories as well as files

present in .gitignore file
syntax - $git clean -xn
op - Would remove .gitignore
Would remove abc

◦ -e/--exclude = <pattern> - allows the pattern of files to be

excluded from cleaning up
syntax - $git clean -e=xyz -n
op - Would remove .gitignore
Would remove abc

• reflog – shows a log of changes to the local repository’s HEAD

syntax - $git reflog
op - 0abd327 (HEAD) HEAD@{0}: commit (amend): stash
94d7bf8 HEAD@{1}: commit: stash
d0b1086 HEAD@{2}: revert: Revert "4314 to 4315"
062ac15 HEAD@{3}: commit: 4314 to 4315
7f4fe0d HEAD@{4}: revert: Revert "Revert "Initialize""
4689217 HEAD@{5}: revert: Revert "Initialize"
aa8f989 HEAD@{6}: checkout: moving from master to
options -
◦ --all – shows all information
syntax - $git reflog --all
op - 13bc9e5 (HEAD -> main, origin/hello)
refs/heads/main@{0}: reset: moving to 13bc9
13bc9e5 (HEAD -> main, origin/hello) HEAD@{0}: reset:
moving to 13bc9
8466f62 HEAD@{1}: reset: moving to 8466
8466f62 HEAD@{2}: reset: moving to HEAD
8466f62 HEAD@{3}: reset: moving to HEAD
8466f62 HEAD@{4}: reset: moving to HEAD
8466f62 refs/heads/main@{1}: Branch: renamed
refs/heads/master to refs/heads/main
8466f62 HEAD@{5}: Branch: renamed refs/heads/master
to refs/heads/main
8466f62 refs/heads/main@{2}: merge hello: Fast-
8466f62 HEAD@{7}: merge hello: Fast-forward
1019e6b (origin/main, origin/HEAD) HEAD@{8}: reset:
moving to HEAD
1019e6b (origin/main, origin/HEAD)
refs/heads/main@{3}: Branch: renamed refs/heads/main to refs/heads/master
1019e6b (origin/main, origin/HEAD) HEAD@{9}: Branch:
renamed refs/heads/main to refs/heads/master
1019e6b (origin/main, origin/HEAD) HEAD@{11}:
checkout: moving from hello to main
8466f62 HEAD@{12}: checkout: moving from main to
1019e6b (origin/main, origin/HEAD) HEAD@{13}:
checkout: moving from hello to main
8466f62 HEAD@{14}: commit: hello updated
13bc9e5 (HEAD -> main, origin/hello) HEAD@{15}:
reset: moving to HEAD
13bc9e5 (HEAD -> main, origin/hello)
refs/remotes/origin/hello@{0}: update by push
13bc9e5 (HEAD -> main, origin/hello) HEAD@{16}:
commit: hello file added
6a19702 refs/remotes/origin/hello@{1}: update by push
6a19702 HEAD@{17}: commit: 0809 added
1019e6b (origin/main, origin/HEAD) HEAD@{18}:
checkout: moving from main to hello
1019e6b (origin/main, origin/HEAD)
refs/heads/main@{4}: Branch: renamed refs/heads/hello to refs/heads/main
1019e6b (origin/main, origin/HEAD) HEAD@{19}: Branch:
renamed refs/heads/hello to refs/heads/main
1019e6b (origin/main, origin/HEAD)
refs/heads/main@{5}: Branch: renamed refs/heads/main to refs/heads/hello
1019e6b (origin/main, origin/HEAD) HEAD@{21}: Branch:
renamed refs/heads/main to refs/heads/hello
1019e6b (origin/main, origin/HEAD) HEAD@{23}: reset:
moving to HEAD
1019e6b (origin/main, origin/HEAD) HEAD@{24}: reset:
moving to HEAD
1019e6b (origin/main, origin/HEAD)
refs/remotes/origin/main@{0}: update by push
8878be0 refs/remotes/origin/main@{1}: fetch origin
main: fast-forward
1019e6b (origin/main, origin/HEAD)
refs/remotes/origin/main@{2}: update by push
1019e6b (origin/main, origin/HEAD)
refs/heads/main@{6}: commit: arora file added
1019e6b (origin/main, origin/HEAD) HEAD@{25}: commit:
arora file added
dc4e899 refs/heads/main@{7}: pull --rebase origin:
dc4e899 refs/remotes/origin/main@{3}: pull --rebase
origin: fast-forward
dc4e899 HEAD@{26}: pull --rebase origin: Fast-forward
7967c6f refs/heads/main@{8}: pull origin main: Fast-
7967c6f refs/remotes/origin/main@{4}: pull origin
main: fast-forward
7967c6f HEAD@{27}: pull origin main: Fast-forward
636ba05 refs/heads/main@{9}: clone: from
636ba05 refs/remotes/origin/HEAD@{0}: clone: from
636ba05 HEAD@{28}: clone: from


• clone – used to clone the remote repository on the local machine

syntax - $git clone <remote_url>
op - in.git
Cloning into 'main'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 9, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (9/9), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (5/5), done.
remote: Total 9 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (9/9), done.
• remote add – creates a new connection to a remote repo(<name> can be used as
shortcut for repo at <url>) .when we clone a repo it already has
remote(origin) but when we create a project in our local machine and then we init
it we have to add a remote origin in order to push to github.
syntax - $git remote add <name> <url>
op - creates a connection with the remote repo
• fetch – used to fetch a specific branch <name> from the repo(<remote> helps
to set a nickname for the repo)(only copy changes)
syntax - $git fetch <remote> <branch>
op - remote: Enumerating objects: 5, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (5/5), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (2/2), done.
remote: Total 3 (delta 1), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (3/3), done.
* branch main -> FETCH_HEAD
1019e6b..8878be0 main -> origin/main
• pull – fetch the specific remote’s copy of the current branch and immediately
merge into the local copy
syntax - $git pull <branch>
op - remote: Enumerating objects: 4, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (4/4), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (3/3), done.
remote: Total 3 (delta 1), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (3/3), done.
* branch main -> FETCH_HEAD
636ba05..7967c6f main -> origin/main
Updating 636ba05..7967c6f
new1.txt | 13 +++++++++++++
1 file changed, 13 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 new1.txt
options -
◦ --rebase – fetch the remote’s copy of the current branch and
rebase it into the local copy(used in place of merge)
syntax - $git pull --rebase <remote>
example - $git pull --rebase origin
op - remote: Enumerating objects: 4, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (4/4), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (2/2), done.
remote: Total 3 (delta 1), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-
reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (3/3), done.
7967c6f..dc4e899 main -> origin/main
Updating 7967c6f..dc4e899
new2.txt | 1 +
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
create mode 100644 new2.txt
Current branch main is up to date.
• push – pushes the branch to <remote>,along with necessary commits and
objects.(creates the <name> branch in the remote repo if it doesn’t exists)
syntax - $git push <remote> <name>
example - $git push origin main
op - Username for '': Aarzoo-Beryl
Password for '':
Counting objects: 3, done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (2/2), done.
Writing objects: 100% (3/3), 265 bytes | 265.00 KiB/s, done.
Total 3 (delta 1), reused 0 (delta 0)
remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (1/1), completed with 1 local
dc4e899..1019e6b main -> main
options -
◦ --force – forces the push even if the result is a non-fast-
forward merge(careful)
syntax - $git push --force origin main
op - Counting objects: 18, done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (12/12), done.
Writing objects: 100% (18/18), 4.71 KiB | 1.18 MiB/s,
Total 18 (delta 3), reused 0 (delta 0)
remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (3/3), done.
+ ebf4ee2...1019e6b main -> main (forced update)
◦ --all – pushes all of your local branches to the specified
◦ --tags – sends all of your local tags to the remote repo
• stash – it acts as a temporary storage where we can store our uncommitted
changes for later use (can retrieve data by push /pop)
syntax - $git add .
$git stash(to add to stash)
op - Saved working directory and index state WIP on main: 1019e6b arora
file added
syntax - $git stash pop (to call back from stash)
op - On branch main
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'.
Changes to be committed:
(use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
new file: 123
Dropped refs/stash@{0} (d6f224445f8a984adbc6faab5628fb63704d1e5e)
syntax - $git stash clear (to clear the stash)
op - clears the stash
• cherry-pick – used to add a commit from another branch to our branch(used
when we want to commit some action again and again so rather than commiting it
again and again we can add it directly)
syntax - $git cherry-pick <hash>
example - git cherry-pick 2c15ae5
op - [main c012ca8] Removes 4,5 Quality in desc of branch1
Date: Wed Oct 25 17:38:04 2023 +0530
1 file changed, 2 deletions(-)


• branch – lists all the branches in your repository

syntax - $git branch
op - * hello
option -
◦ -M <newname> – to rename a branch
syntax - $git branch -M master
op - hello
* master
◦ -d <name> – to delete <name> branch(cant delete the branch
you are on)
syntax - $git branch -d master
op - Deleted branch hello (was 8466f62).
• checkout -b – creates and checkout a new branch “name” (-b used to checkout
an existing branch)
syntax - $git checkout -b <name>
example - $git checkout iphone
op - Switched to branch 'iphone'
Your branch is up to date with 'new/iphone'.
• merge – merges <name> into the current branch
syntax - $git merge <name>
example - $git merge hello
op - Updating 284611b..a21c578
abc | 1 +
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
create mode 100644 abc
• diff – shows the difference between the specified branch and the current
syntax - $git diff <name>
example - $git diff mouse..hello
op - diff --git a/new1.txt b/new1.txt
index de83a14..389cb13 100644
--- a/new1.txt
+++ b/new1.txt
@@ -10,4 +10,4 @@ i love working at beryl

diff --git a/xyz b/xyz
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..011c2e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xyz
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+hello im here again

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