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ID NO 0433/13


April, 2024








Bachelor of Art in Accounting and finance

ID No 0433/13


ID NO 0433/13



KALEAB GASHAW (ID NO 0433/13) I hereby declare that the report entitled A report
Amhara bank submitted to department of accounting and finance, Hawassa university in partial
fulfilment of the requirement for the subject of practical attachment (AcFn4113), is record of
original report work done by me and that it has not formed before the basis for the award of any
degree/diploma/associated ship/fellowship or any other similar titles.

Preface / executive summary

This practical work allows students to gain experience and knowledge about the workplace they
are employed in when they start working after graduating from higher institutions.In this report
we see that about Amhara bank background, history, mission, value, vision, growth
organizational structure, service and product of the bank and also try to see about financial
performance, program and project, department with functions of the organization. Amhara bank
was first established 14/10/2014. Amhara bank provide the service Multichannel banking :agent
banking, Special banking account :children saving, Saving deposit account, Demand /current
account, Fixed - time deposit account, Special saving account (SSA) negotiable order of
withdrawal(NOW) account provident fund account and Zero balance account. Additionally we
see detail in the next part.

First of all my deepest thanks goes to the Almighty God for his endless help and enables me to
complete my internship.

Secondly, I am heavily indebted to acknowledge the support that was given to me both material
and immaterial which has led to the success of this internship report.

Thirdly, I would like to express my sincerely thanks to Amhara Bank yirgalem Branch/division
manager Ato Adnew Ermiyas and customer service manager Ato Henok worku and all staffs
for their cooperation in permitting me to carry out my practical attachment in their office.

Finally, I owe much gratitude to Hawassa university Awada business and economics college
department of accounting and finance for facilitating and preparing this practical attachment
program for successive upgrading my theoretical knowledge to practical world.

This is to certify that Kaleab Gashaw has carried out his practical attachment work on the topic
entitled “ The partial fulfillment of the requirement for the subject practical attachment AcFn
4113 on Amhara Bank Yirgalem branch.” The study is an original work and is suitable for the
submission for the reward of Bachelor of Arts Degree in Accounting and finance.

Branch Manager: Melese Teyera (BA): _________________________________________2

Table of Contents
Preface / executive summary................................................................................................................................i

1. Introduction......................................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Historical Back Ground Of Amhara bank...................................................................................................1
1.2. Company vision, mission, objectives and core values...............................................................................1
1.2.1 Mission................................................................................................................................................2
1.2.2 Vision...................................................................................................................................................2
1.2.3 Objectives............................................................................................................................................2
1.2.4 Core values..........................................................................................................................................2
1.3 philosophy /corporate culture/ of Amhara bank..........................................................................................3
1.4 History and growth of an organization.......................................................................................................3
1.5 Organizational structure of Amhara bank..................................................................................................5
1.6 Products and Service/clients/ Amhara Bank...............................................................................................6
1.6.1 Products.............................................................................................................................................. 6
1.6.2 Service.................................................................................................................................................6
1.7 program and project of Amhara bank.........................................................................................................7
CHAPTER TWO......................................................................................................................................................7
2. MANAGEMENT AND TRAINING INFORMATION...............................................................................................7
2.1 The trainee’s orientation and time of first started........................................................................................7
2.2 The condition from first accepted to started formal training and receiving proper or timely information
and treatment....................................................................................................................................................8
2.3 Discuss the quality and quantity of training /practicum/that you receive while on this practice................8
2.4. Method of the trained and owners ship of the train...................................................................................8
Chapter three....................................................................................................................................................... 9
3. Job background and information......................................................................................................................9
3.1. The departments of an organization of the trainee.....................................................................................9
3.2. The role of each department......................................................................................................................9
3.2.1. CSO Position.....................................................................................................................................9
3.2.2 Direct sales representatives/DSR/.......................................................................................................9
3.2.3 Digital banking.....................................................................................................................................9
3.2.4 Casher..................................................................................................................................................9
3.2.5 Auditor.................................................................................................................................................9
3.2.6 Accountant........................................................................................................................................10
3.2.7 CSM/customer service manager/......................................................................................................10
3.2.8 Branch manger..................................................................................................................................10
3.3 Departments of the trainee that more experienced and detail activity or working....................................10

3.4 Description of including hours, numbers of employee and their specific position or area within those
3.5 The activities that the trainee did in those departments............................................................................10
3.6 Description of working hours...................................................................................................................11
3.7 Number (male, female) and education status of employee within organization.......................................11
3.8 The department supervisor in role of background and ability, the management philosophies and function.
3.9 The tasks the trainee had worked in the area...........................................................................................12
3.10 Manner of the department accept its employees/trains/..........................................................................12
3.11 Specification and requirements for the employee that were hired..........................................................13
3.12 Descriptions of detailed summary for performing each job....................................................................13
3.13 Daily activity, journal/ report/.................................................................................................................13
3.14 Responsibilities as well as activities what was exepected to perform from me as amember of the
Chapter Four.......................................................................................................................................................15
4. SWOT analysis of an organization...................................................................................................................15
4.1 Strength.....................................................................................................................................................15
4.2 Weakness..................................................................................................................................................16
4.3 Opportunity...............................................................................................................................................17
4.4 Threats......................................................................................................................................................18
Chapter Five........................................................................................................................................................18
5. Evaluation, conclusion and recommendation................................................................................................18
5.1 Difficult situations/problems/ that I encountered......................................................................................18
5.2 General evaluation of the total experience and training within the organization......................................19
5.3 Feeling about the value of training...........................................................................................................19
5.4 Conclusions..............................................................................................................................................20
5.5 Things that suggest or recommend for practical attachment program......................................................20
Appendix........................................................................................................................................................ 22

A practical attachment is a structured, credit bearing work experience in a professional work
setting during which student applies and acquires knowledge and skills. It was introduced to
inspire the students with practical, technical skills as partial fulfillment of their awards as an
introduction to their working lives. The practical attachment training is an essential component
of Hawassa University and no gradation without the course. It gives the practical skills and the
work environment philosophy to use their skills and principles learnt in the class to serve the
organization and society in general. Because of the above reasons, Hawassa University has
organized for 45 days in 2016 E.C.the training in any organization on a choice of student to
provide every student an opportunity to apply the skills and knowledge learnt in course work.

1.1 Historical Back Ground Of Amhara bank

Bank is a financial institution at which money is deposited .like ways Amhara bank has been
parlaying a great role in economic development of the country. Amhara bank is a share company
with more than 169,000 shareholders contributing birr 4.8 billion in paid-up capital and birr 6.5
billion in signed capital.

It was the official launching of Amhara bank S.C of which Henok Kebede and Melaku Fenta are
the founding president and board chairperson respectively.

With a motto that read ‘’beyond financing’’Amhara bank indicates its commitment to corporate
social responsibility and its goal of assisting Ethiopians in their daily lives.

It is the national bank of Ethiopia that issues licenses to private bank. Amhara bank has over 6.5
billion birr’s starting capital that is already signed and 4.8 billion birr’s that are paid.
As of June 30, 2022, the total asset reached Birr 7.1 billion. Now a day Amhara bank have more
than 288 branches and more than 5000 workers.

1.2. Company vision, mission, objectives and core values
1.2.1 Mission

To provide a wide ranging, accessible, reliable and innovative financial and non-financial
solutions through state of the art technology by competent and ethical professionals in socially
responsible manner with a client oriented culture.

1.2.2 Vision

To be a leading and game changing bank in Africa.

1.2.3 Objectives

To collect savings or idle money from the public at a lower rate of interest and lend these public
money at a higher rate of interest s. To create propensity of savings amongst the people .To
motivate people for investing money with a view to bringing solvency in them.

1.2.4 Core values

A-Innovative and inclusive

We differentiate ourselves from the rest with our creative products and quality service .we are
committed to offering smart products and service that will make our customers lives better .we
demonstrate a ‘can do’ attitude to provide banking services for untapped and excluded segments
of the societies or inclusion.

B-Responsible and respect

Amhara bank is devoted to discharge its roles and responsibilities and respect with best efforts
and capabilities through continually upgrading skills and knowledge maintaining an effective
system of communication and consultations with a system of rewards and recognition for
outstanding performance.

C-Accountability and Accessibility

We are committed to ensuring accountability and transparency in our activities through good
governance practices to meet the demands of stakeholders interests. The bank maintains integrity
in its actions and rational decision-making procedures and access to all stakeholders at the same
quality and time.

D- Efficiency and effectiveness

We commit to what we can deliver and we deliver on our commitments promptly. We find the
simplest and most cost effective way of performing tasks every time and start with quality in
mind to ensure superior execution .we strive to get it right time and every time.

1.3 philosophy /corporate culture/ of Amhara bank

Corporate culture of Amhara bank reflects the deeply pursued philosophy of operational
excellence, believes, ground of typical sparking culture of identity for reputation through which
the bank is well known by others. The bank is committed to the following values in conducting
its day to day business.

1.4 History and growth of an organization

Amhara bank is has opened its first branch in the arat kilo area of Addis Ababa, while its
promoters wait of an operational license from regulators at the central bank. Amhara bank is
Share Company with more than 169000 shareholders contributing birr 4.5 billion in paid up
capital and birr 6.5 billion in signed capital. The bank ability to work together to develop a
successful business venture and commercial bank service is reflected in its diversified
ownership. What is the bank: bank is an institution at which money is deposited (collected or
saved) Amhara bank has been playing a great role in economic development of the country for
two years now

This bank is established in 2014. Pioneer to introduce modern banking to the country. It has
more than 72 Braches stretched across the country. Plays a catalytic role in the economic
progress and development of the country. Amhara bank is the recent bank in Ethiopia to
introduce ATM service for local users.

The Amhara bank is services as reliable financial production for the various sector believed to
prior areas for the sustainable development of our nations.

Taking into consideration the importance of saving for national development. The Amhara bank
is existing maximum effort to bring the entire public to be part of the banking business sector.

1.5 Organizational structure of Amhara bank

1.6 Products and Service/clients/ Amhara Bank
1.6.1 Products
The main products of Amhara Bank are value added Deposit Accounts (current fixed Time
Deposit special saving) payroll Administration solution service. F solution Account service Door
step Banking cash cheque BC pickup and cash Delivery.

Product Number (which are more commonly referred to as item number) are unique identifying
numbers that are used to keep track of each click Bank product on the platform and within your
sale account.

1.6.2 Service
Retail bank provide service such as checking and saving account loan and mortgage service
financing for automobiles and short term loans such as overdraft protection. Many large retail
banks may also offer their customers credit card and foreign currency exchange service

The Major Products & Services Deposit products

 Saving Accounts

 Current Accounts

 Fixed term Accounts

 Special saving Account Special Deposit Accounts

 Smart Children Account

 Student Solution Account

 Investment Solution Account

 Check Payment Solution Scheme

 Salary Solution Account

 Provident Fund Solution Account Digital Channels

 Mobile Banking

 Agency Banking

 Debit Card Services

 Internet banking

1.7 program and project of Amhara bank

The program and project of Amhara banks are:

 Business banking
 Personal checking
 Personal saving
 Personal loans
 Business loans
 Business checking
 Personal mortgages
 Credit/loans services
 Saving account
 Conventional banking
 Current account
 Fixed account
 Diaspora account


2.1 The trainee’s orientation and time of first started

There was a trainee orientation in the Bank on different titles. The trainee orientation was given
especially for those who come for apparent ship.

I have been started the trainee during my first entrance November 15/ 2016 E.C. training about
the bank products and services and also about discipline, role and regulation of bank and policy.

2.2 The condition from first accepted to started formal training and receiving
proper or timely information and treatment.
From the time I arrived, I have received proper and timely information and treatment. I have
been attending different training and practices for different positions. For instance, customer
service officer, direct sales representative and Digital channel officer.

But more I have been working and having training for the position of customer service officer.

2.3 Discuss the quality and quantity of training /practicum/that you receive
while on this practice
I have been attending different training for different bank products and services

Just like bank products

 Lucy
 Elders
 Conventional
 Student solution
 Muday
 Smart children and etc.
 With perfect trainer and good quality

2.4. Method of the trained and owners ship of the train
I have been getting training from

 The bank manger

 The supervisor
 All staff member

3.1. The departments of an organization of the trainee
The Department of an organization that the trainees participate was listed below.

-CSO Position
-Direct sales representatives/DSR/
-Digital Banking

3.2. The role of each department

Each department has different role and responsibility.
Types and role of department are described in the following form.

3.2.1. CSO Position

-Attracting potential customer and new customer
-Serving customer with proper treatment
-Accepting deposit/collecting/cash
-Pay cash for the customer.

3.2.2 Direct sales representatives/DSR/

-Selling bank products
-Having new and potential customer

3.2.3 Digital banking

-Making the bank more competent in the digital banking industry

3.2.4 Casher
-Collecting cash from cso and giving back cash for CSO
-Following the cash with out and cash in the bank

3.2.5 Auditor
-Monitoring the ticket for cso
-Controlling and monitoring over all activity in the branch

3.2.6 Accountant.
-Monitoring over all bank expenses and other

3.2.7 CSM/customer service manager/

-Monitoring over all branch activity

3.2.8 Branch manger

-Controlling and monitoring over all activity in the branch and providing appertain

3.3 Departments of the trainee that more experienced and detail activity or
I have been working in the department of cso position Attracting potential customer and new
customer and Serving customer with proper treatment, Accepting deposit/collecting/cash, Pay
cash for the customer. Direct sales representatives/DSR/: Selling bank products, having new and
potential customer

3.4 Description of including hours, numbers of employee and their specific

position or area within those departments.

There is 8hr of working hours in day for all staff.

So in the branch there are 16 employee for different position

There are ten/10/ department.

-cso position
-Direct sales representatives/DSR/

-Digital Chanel /DC/
-CSM/customer service manager/
-Branch manger

3.5 The activities that the trainee did in those departments.

-cso position; serving the customer and attracting potential customers
-Casher: Collecting cash from cso and giving back cash for CSO and Following the cash
with out and cash in the bank
-Direct sales representatives/DSR/; selling bank products Having new and potential
-Digital Chanel/DC/: Making the bank more competent in the digital banking industry
-Auditor: Controlling and monitoring over all activity in the branch and Controlling and
monitoring over all activity in the branch
-Accountant; Monitoring over all bank expenses and other
CSM/customer service manager/; Monitoring over all branch activity
-Branch manager; Controlling and monitoring over all activity in the branch and
providing appertain punishment/if/

3.6 Description of working hours

-There is 8hr of working hours in each day so all employee works 8hr per day in the bank

-Industry in a day the bank can't bee closed so every employee works by shifting each other.

-If anybody who come in the morning 2:00 he/she/will live out on 6:00 and come back on 7:00

-Working hour will end at 11:00

-If anybody who comes in the morning 3:00 get to work he/she/will live out on 7:00 and come
back on 8:00 working hour will end at 12:00

3.7 Number (male, female) and education status of employee within
-There are 16 employees in the branch and from those 3 of them are female and the others are

-Employee status of education is starts from level, BSC UP TO MSC.

3.8 The department supervisor in role of background and ability, the

management philosophies and function.
Nowadays, financial markets meet the criteria for perfectly competitive markets, which result in
profits that are influenced by competition not only from existent organizations in the market but
also from possible-to-enter ones. In this environment, banks are realizing more than ever that
they must achieve service excellence in order to retain their existence, and that their
understanding of customer needs and behavior translates into success. In doing so, they have to
incorporate a comprehensive perspective of customer-driven cultures, with front-office and back-
office integration, which can be captured by focusing on a theoretical model such as the service-
profit chain.

This element in conjunction with leadership management and culture modulates the philosophy
of each bank and sets their profitability as a function of employees ’ loyalty and customers ’ long-
term commitment, to be more precise, leadership concept has to do with understanding the
service-profit chain and developing and maintaining a corporate culture that is focused on
service to customers and fellow employees. Link the value of leadership with the vision of
tomorrow for employees, establishing its proactive role.

3.9 The tasks the trainee had worked in the area

From the time I arrive there I have been attending different training and practices for different
positions like;

- Customer service officer

-Direct sales representatives

-Digital channel officer

-But more I have been working and having training for the position of customer service officer

-I have been working with the staff cso, have been serving the bank customers.

-I have been working depositing on customer account and withdrawing from customer account
by the ticket the customer given to me

3.10 Manner of the department accept its employees/trains/

Amhara bank yirgalem branch is very excellent in giving training for the employee and apparent
student’s and like I have got proper training

I have been working and having training for the position of customer service officer and other
and I accessed every detailed works and tasks.

They have committed staff for their job and I have got lot of good working culture.

3.11 Specification and requirements for the employee that were hired.
To have training of the bank somebody should have to be an employee of the bank or from
somebody have apparent ship on the branch.

In common each department and ne employee and somebody need to have training should have
to shares same role and regulation

Just like


3.12 Descriptions of detailed summary for performing each job.

1) Cso position Attracting potential customer and new customer

-Serving customer with proper treatment

-Accepting deposit/collecting/cash
-Pay cash for the customer.
2) Direct sales representatives/DSR/;

-Selling bank products having new and potential customer

3.13 Daily activity, journal/ report/.

Every I arrive the bank at 7:45 or 1:45 morning and contact the supervisor and I ask what I have
to do in that day and I receive my working procedure and how u I have to word and I start my

According to my job description I complete my tasks and if I have got any problem I will as for
help the staff member or the supervisor.

At 6:00 I will leave for lunch and come back from my lunch and start I have started in the
morning. Finally I will leave at 11:30.

3.14 Responsibilities as well as activities what was expected to perform from

me as a member of the department

- Opening new accounts in the system by using the customer ID created in the branch.

- Involved in digital banking service and opened Mobile banking for customers.

- Learn and gain experience in cash withdrawal and deposits.

- Registering customers for ATM card.

- Calling customers to receive an ATM

- Helping customers having limitation with understanding formats and writing on the
application forms.

- Dealing with customer complaints

- Giving awareness to customers about digital banking services.

- Scan the customers signature and relevant information and link with customer

- Gather and analyze financial and related data from the customer.

- Assisting an illiterate customer in all aspects of regard to the service.

- To be punctual and honesty to the department resources and security.

- Connecting disconnected computer with the network.

- Registering all incoming telegraph received from another.

- Accomplish the given work timely and properly

- Updating contact lists on the branch database.

The branch manager gives the following responsibility

-I am assign at business area scanning

-Deposit mobilization

-To help customers how to fill application forms like opening form, Atm form, mobile
banking form, withdrawal and deposit forms

-To help the branch cash supervisor(casher) by sorting cash for ATM and to identify
forged birr notes

-By using detected machine check foreign currency if it is genuine or not

4.1 Strength
-Amhara bank uses modern technology. Like computers, faxes, photocopies, dial up internet;
telegraph and so on to facilitate the service given to its customers.

-The bank ability to work together to develop a successful business venture and commercial bank
service is reflected in its diversified ownership. The Bank follow “know your customer ” (KYC)
approach in its day to Day business transactions.

- The Bank create and maintain a single customer ID for a single Customer.

- The Bank render efficient, courteous, and speedy service in a

Professional manner.

- The Bank not discriminate customers on the basis of religion,

Background, sex, race and disability.

- Identify and manage financing risks in all products and services; while Practicing
prudent financing sanctioning standards.

-Ensure adequate and up-to-date management information that supports the

financing management of individual account relationships and the overall financing

- Interest free banking resource allocation and financing management operations are
inherently exposed to different risks and the Amhara bank should be able to proactively
manage the financing risks and ensure timely resolution for residual financing risks.

- Large market share

- Expanded digital channel

- Large customer b

4.2 Weakness

-Relatively high percentage of inactive accounts.

-The bank does not give training opportunity to its employees.

-The cash holding limit (local & foreign) of each branch shall be set by the management based
on the cash transaction volume in the area & revised when need arises.

-The Bank shall buy insurance policy for local and foreign currency on aggregate basis. The
total foreign currency cash notes to be held by the bank shall not exceed 5 percent of the paid up
capital of the Bank and if it exceeds this limit at the end of a given month, it shall be surrendered
to NBE for credit to the Bank’s correspondent Bank within 4 working days from month end by
paying 0.15% service charge or sold to other Banks.

- The Bank shall transact and hold currencies in in Ethiopian Birr, United States Dollar, Euro and
Great British Pound. However Chinese Yuan, United Arab Emirates Durham, Japanese Yen and
others shall be used per CEO decisions when deemed necessary.

- Underutilization of the E-payment channels/ ATM, POS, Mobile banking, Internet banking/

- Weak relationship with partners and other formal and informal financial institutions.

- Account based identification rather than customer ID

4.3 Opportunity

-Amhara bank aims to use the enabling conditions to provide an excellent service that appeals to
the ever-diversifying and growing needs of customers that are demanding more from banks in
the form of personalized and competitive banking services .

-The bank intends to provide a secure, responsive, dynamic, and conductive banking atmosphere
to customers with a commitment to values and unshaken confidence, deploying the best
technology, standards, processes, and procedures where customer convenience is our significant
importance to increase the stakeholder’s value.

-Amhara bank have so many opportunities including that ; personalized service , access to all-
in- one financial solutions, attractive interest rates ,reduced fees ,and exclusive benefits.

- Strong public trust

- Sustainable and high overall economic growth

- High public expenditure

- Expansion of telecom infrastructure

- Increasing public and private investment

- Increase number of telecom subscribers and usage of digital channels

4.4 Threats

Amhara bank face different threats externally; among that

- Current economic situations

- Other commercial banks

- National bank policies

- Current political situations

- Liquidity

- Instability in some parts of the country

- Slow structural economic transformation

5. Evaluation, conclusion and recommendation
5.1 Difficult situations/problems/ that I encountered.

For the first a few days it is difficult to perform any activities because I was new for the entire
job in the bank.

It is not easy to communicate with my advisor because of his background, life style, age and
behavior is different from me. Lack of clear information about that organization.

5.2 General evaluation of the total experience and training within the
Increasing productivity of Banking Operations has become a major issue in Bank management.
Teller line services have been identified as the major area for productivity improvement. This
fact has highlighted the need for establishing optimal staffing levels based on standards of
customer service. Customers demand higher standards of service and now have numerous
choices from where to get served.

In the highly competitive banking business, Customers demand high levels of service. Now
numerous options from the over 20 commercial banks available in Ethiopia, In spite of the
availability of automated teller service, many customers still prefer to use human teller services,
but long waits for service are perceived as a major source of customer dissatisfaction. Teller
personnel have many tasks to accomplish during the business day besides direct contact with the
banking customer. Management’s task is to have enough teller stations open to provide quick
service while ensuring productive work time is not wasted by having idle tellers. The banks have
conventionally been associated with queues, that anytime one has to visit the Banking Hall, the
thought of long wait in the queue deter them away.

5.3 Feeling about the value of training

- I have Develop good customer relationship culture

- I have developed High service levels communication.

- I have developed Team-based culture

- I have developed Effective sales and service culture.

5.4 Conclusions

On the whole, during my stay at Amhara bank yirgalem branch I have learned a lot of things
about professional field like the culture of the organization and the behavior of employee like
how to deal with customer to become a loyal customer of the organization. Employees have very
good relationship among themselves and also with their customers.

Employees treated me very well during my attachment duration and helped me to improve my
confidence level and I learned the way to deal the organization level colleagues. It also increases
my interaction with different people from different background and helped me to learn and
understand their values and how to deal them in effective manner.

Generally the attachment period exposed me to various working relationship with my seniors my
peer workers and in the process, I get to learn about the type of work that I will involve in and I
have attempted to enrich my knowledge as much as possible that would be beneficial to develop
my carrier positively.

5.5 Things that suggest or recommend for practical attachment program

The follow are the possible recommendation for the advancement of the bank

-Best management for effective and efficient resource utilization

-Selection strategic work place
-Sustainable online connection for money mobilization
-Good initiation and capacity building for employees
-Work with good team spirit
Recommend for the university in general and the department in particular as to practical
attachment course implementation can be improved

-The university should give orientation/induction about practical attachment to their
student. It enables students to become pre-oriented about practical work environment.
-The university should increase duration time of the practical attachment
-The university should provide adequate budget for practical attachment
-The university should strength linkages with organization where the attachment
Recommendations for the company in general and the section in particular as to how to solve its
problems that I observe during the attachment period.

Service excellence is useful for Amhara bank to compete with other bank. The bank
should expand modern banking service specially E-banking service to its customer, Like
other bank Amhara bank should pay better salary to its employee due to employee
satisfaction is one among the value of the bank, in addition to that better salary may
reduce skilled and experienced employee flow to bank.
The organization needs to change this situation by looking for bank expert which play a
great role in order to promote banking system.
Finally, I would like to suggest to Amhara Bank yirgalem branch have to work properly
to achieve their goals and also to address other problems by working in cooperation with
other, organization especially non-governmental organization.


The annual report of the Amhara Bank Yirgalem branch.(2022)

The website of the organization ;(2022)

The interview; Information from the employers of the organization (2022).

The daily activities.(2022)

From customer of the bank (2022)

Organization profile of branch




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