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Since the rise of AI-generated images, I have kept myself updated and learned the

point of view of people who both support and don't support AI art. From what I gathered,
the people who oppose AI art mainly oppose it due to AI art generator programs being
trained from stolen art and people claiming AI-generated art as theirs. The opposition
primarily falls to the ethical use and creation of such tools.

In line with the graphic Taylor Swift AI fakes, I am disgusted by the people who
both created the art with AI and the people who shared it through X (Twitter). Other than
being disgusted, I'm also reminded of an old scandal that involved the non-consensual
posting of celebrities' private and graphic images. Last August 2014, Redditors began
posting stolen naked pictures of celebrities from their Apple iCloud accounts. Due to this,
the subreddit and the photos were all taken down, and Apple updated and strengthened
their security. The AI fakes are the more recent version of the August 2014 Reddit scandal.
Both started on 4chan with a small group of people and later on were shared on a more
public site.

The Taylor Swift AI fakes violate the celebrity's personality rights, privacy, and
consent. Even though posting and creating art of celebrities is widely done and widely
accepted, creating art that involves celebrities doing something unpleasant is a line that
should never be crossed. Celebrities are also people who have privacy, rights, and
consent. Being a public icon does not excuse the overuse of their images or the tampering
and creation of images that depict them doing anything unpleasant. The issue is not just
about the creation of the photos; it's about the complete disregard for Taylor Swift's rights
and privacy; celebrities are still people with private lives, and us wanting a peak of this
does not mean we will create our vision of it.

With this issue, X (Twitter) and AI Art Generation tools will take down all the images
and strengthen their policies regarding AI-generated art. Hopefully, people with authority
will create policies regarding AI art and always voice their opinions and points of view
about AI art. AI art, just like most inventions, is not inherently wrong; the use of such tools
is what causes problems and ethical violations. As time passes, I hope AI generation tools
will be regulated to prevent the unethical use of such programs.

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In line with AI-generated art, a new technology, AI-generated video, has been
introduced to people. The tool is called Sora, and it was created by OpenAI, the company
that created ChatGPT and DALL-E. Based on the article, Sora has yet to be released to
the public and is currently being tested by different groups chosen by OpenAI. This is both
a revolutionary invention and a dangerous exploration since the world is divided between
being supported by AI art and not.

Personally, I don't have any desire to stop the release of Sora because I view it as
a tool that can help artists and content creators. The main part I don't like about this is the
possible abuse of Sora and the number of people who can lose their jobs. Media and art-
related jobs are severely undervalued, and with the release of such programs, they can
be undervalued further. We know how media corporations think; they will cut as much
cost as possible. With Sora, they could replace people's jobs and have a product just as
good or even better with a smaller team of artists.

But despite my reservations, I applaud OpenAI's steps to ensure that the problems
raised by AI-generated art are being addressed before the release of Sora. It was stated
that they used publicly available and licensed videos to train Sora; this addressed t he
initial ethical problems of AI art programs using stolen art to train them and recreate the
artists' personal styles. I also applaud them for including watermarks to identify the art as
AI-generated, which prevents people from falsely claiming AI art was theirs. I also like
that they only released Sora, a small group of academics and researchers, to understand
the possible effects of Sora on the public and the possible dangers of having a program
like Sora.

OpenAI should properly study the effects of Sora before releasing it to the public.
Technological advancement is normal in our current world, but managing it determines
whether it is advantageous and ethical. To prevent the loss of jobs with the proliferation
of AI-generated art and videos, lawmakers could set up policies that limit the use of such
programs and have the companies who created them add a watermark to identify AI-
generated videos from human-created videos. Technological advancements can't be
stopped but can be regulated to prevent or lessen the unethical use and abuse of such

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