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DEFINITION - it is an electronic place/system where data is stored in a way that it

can easily be accessed,managed and updated

DBMS - Database Management system

it is a collection of interrelated data and a set of programs to access
those data.Its primary goal is to provide a way to store and retrieve database
information that is both efficient and convinient.
it is used to perform CRUD operations on the database

C- create
R- read
U- update
D- delete

ARCHITECTURE - follows a three schema architecture in order for multiple users to

access the same data at same time and to provide the user with abstract view of the
data(system hides certain detail of how the datat is stored or maintained)

Physical/internal level - describes how data is stored

Logical/cenceptual level - describes what data is stored and what
relationship exists among them
View/external lvel - describes the databse part that aparticular user
has asked for or is intrested in

DDL - used to define the schema of the database
DML - used to manipulate data(insert,delete,update,etc)

DATABASE ADMINISTRATION - person who controls both data and the programs that
access those data

DATA MODELS - provides a way to describe the design of the database at the logical
level.It is a collection of cenceptual tools for describing data, data
reltionships,data semantics and constraints
Eg - er model, relational model,object-oriented model, object
relational dete model,etc.

ER MODEL - it is a high level data model based on real world perception that
consists of real object called entities and relationships among them
grapghical representation - ER DIAGRAM which acts as blueprint of the

ENTITY - object that has physical existance in the real world and such that
each of them can be identified uniquely
Strong Entity - can be uniquely identified
Weak Entity - can't be uniquekt identified , depends on someother
strong entity for its existance
ENTITY SET - set of entities that contain similar or common Attributes
ATTRIBUTES - an entity is represented in the form of Attributes
can be simple(can't be decomposed further), composite(made up of
several other attributes),single-valued(can have only one value),mlti-valued(has
more than one value for single entity),derived(can be obtained from other
attributes) and null(when an entity doesn't have value for one entity)
RELATIONSHIPS - refers to association between two or more entities
can be strong(between two independent entities) and weak(between
weak entity and its owner/strong entity)
can be unary(where only one entity participates),binary(where two
identited take part) and nary(where n no of entites take part)
cardinality ratio/mapping cardinality - number of entities to which
another entity can be associated via a relationship(can be one to one, many to one,
one to many and many to many)
participation constrains - how well entities of different set are
involved into the relationship (can be total or partial)

SPECIALIZATION - it refers to the spliting up of the entity set into
further sub entity sets on the bases of their functionaltiy,specialities andd
It is a top down approach. the superclass and sub class
have a "is-a" relationship depicted by inverted triangle.
It is used to show the distinctive features of the sub
entities and help to refine the blue print of the database.
GENERALIZATION - it is reverse of specialization and is used to group the
common features into a super class.
It contains "is-a" relationship between sub class and
superclass and is depicted by triangle.
It is a bottom-up approach and is used to make databse
simpler and helps in grouping common attributes so that they are not repated.
ATTRIBUTE INHERITANCE - both generalization and specialization has
attribute inheritance, in this the attributes of higher level entity sets are
inherited by lower level entity sets
PARTICIPATION INHERITANCE - if a parent entity set paricipates in a
relationship then its child entity sets will also participate in that relationship
AGGREGATION - it helps us understand how different pieces fit together to
make something bigger.
Aggregation is shown by connecting the main thing (like a
cake or a car) with the smaller things (like ingredients or parts) using a diamond-
shaped symbol.
This connection tells us that the smaller things belong to
or are part of the main thing.


- identify entity sets
- identify attributes and their types
- identify relationship and constraints (mapping and participation)

Ref: posts.user_id > // many-to-one

Ref: < follows.following_user_id

Ref: < follows.followed_user_id

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