PLAN - Quizlet Answer Key

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1. Daniel Burnham Urban Planner and Designer famous for his "Make no
little plans, they have no magic to stir men's blood"

2. Damascus Acknowledged as the oldest continually inhabited city

in the world

3. Central Park, New The first planned park in the United States

4. Anyang The largest city of the Yellow River Valley of China

5. James Oglethorpe Designer of the European Planned City of Savannah

in Georgia, USA

6. Constantinople The first city that signified the rise of the Church, with
the Church being an integral part of its urban design

7. Presidio The military towns of Spanish settlements

8. Pueblo Civic towns of Spanish settlements

9. Missions Religious towns of Spanish settlements

10. Hippodamus The first noted urban planner because of his design
of the city Miletus and designer of Miletus and Priene

11. Philadelphia by The best representation of the "speculators town" of

William Penn the settlements in early America

12. Robert Owens Leader of the Reform Movements during the Industri-
al Revolution and built New Lanark Mills, Manchester

13. Ebenezer Howard Author of "Tomorrow: a Peaceful Path to Social Re-

form" and main proponent of the Garden Cities

14. Letchworth The first garden city designed by Raymund Unwin

and Barry Parker

15. Louis de Soisson Designed the Garden City of Welwyn

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16. Clarence Perry Proponent of the neighborhood unit with Clarence

17. Columbian Exposi- World fair in Chicago in 1891, setting off the City
tion Beautiful Era

18. Baron Hausman Designed the reconstruction of Paris using the princi-
ples of the city beautiful movement

19. John Nash Designed London's parks

20. Daniel Burnham Designed Chicago, Cleveland, Manila and Baguio

21. Lucio Costa Designed Brasilia, the new capital of Brazil during the
City Beautiful era

22. Albert Meyer Designed Chandigarh

23. Edward Lutyens Designed New Delhi

24. Walter Griffin Designed Canberra

25. Broadacres Frank Lloyd Wright's project proposal that would allot
one acre land to each American family

26. Soria Y Mata Proposed the Linear City that would serve as satellite
to the city of Madrid

27. Paolo Soleri Proposed Arcology Alternative or 3D City

28. Kiyonori Kikutake Proposed the first "Floating City" as an alternative to

land reclamation

29. Clarence Perry and Believed that planning should first start at the micro
Clarence Stein level and thus designed the "neighborhood unit"

30. Rectilinear The shape of urban cities formed by two corridors of

intense development crossing the center

31. Philam-life Homes Acknowledged as the icon of middle class suburban-

ization during the 1950s
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32. Quezon City Largest in land area among Metro Manila's 12 cities
with 166.20 sq m

33. City of Manila 38.30 sq m

34. Edges Among Lynch's elements of the city these are defined
as lateral references that are not coordinate axes

35. Nodes Among Lynch's elements of the city, these are defined
as intensive foci from which the observer is traveling

36. Legibility The third level of Ian Bentley's responsive environ-

ments; important in terms of physical form and activity

37. visual appropriate- According to Ian Bentley, responsive environments

ness that focus on details, with a wide vocabulary of visual
cues possess:

38. Andres Duany and Designed Seaside, which signified the state of the
Elizabeth Plater-Zy- New Urbanism movement:

39. Gesellschaft According to Tonnies, what type of community life is

one in which impersonal, superficial & business like
relationships prevail?

40. Invasion Type of urban ecological process in land use planning

patterning in cities or communities defined as the
entrance of a new population and/or facilities into
occupied area

41. Gesselschaft Com- Transitory sort of secondary group contacts prevail


42. Housing shortage or Difference between no. of acceptable housing and

backlog number of families

43. Net Migration

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In the increase of urban population, which of the
following factors indicates excess of in-migration over

44. Incentive Zoning Urban design control that allows builders and devel-
opers more space if they provide desirable features
such as plazas, arcades and other open spaces.

45. Channelization Intersections that separate lanes of traffic by use of


46. Victor Gruen Pioneer of city center pedestrian shopping areas in


47. Urban growth What major problem brought about the discipline of
city planning

48. Grid iron Basic subdivision design

49. Local collector street Pick up traffic from local residential streets in one

50. 1916 Zoning law of US

51. Gemeinschaft Com- Intimate neighborly relationships prevail


52. Families per square Residential density


53. Land use survey and What part of basic data and planning studies in com-
inventory prehensive development plan describes the physical
setting of the community or region

54. Homer Hoyt Economist who developed the sector model of urban
growth and development

55. E.W Burgess Developed concentric zone

56. Chauncey Harris Developed multiple nuclei

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57. James Vance Developed urban realms

58. Urban realms model The urban model of growth and development that
presents the emerge of self sufficient sectors

59. Floor area ratio Density control method that regulates the proportions
between the built area of the building and the lot area

60. Urban renewal A general term to describe the idea of consciously

renewing the outworn areas of towns and cities

61. Transit oriented de- A mixed use community with an average 670 meter
velopment distance of a transit stop and commercial core area

62. The Congress for A group of architects, planners, and urban designers
New Urbanism formed to educate citizens worldwide of the benefits
of New Urbanism

63. 600 to 700 meters According to the theory of New Urbanism, neighbor-
hoods must a discernible center within a five minute
walk of all dwellings and equivalent to

64. 3.00 meters Minimum width of sidewalks, according to New Ur-

banism principles

65. E.I.S Required study before developers are issued Envi-

ronment Compliance Certificates

66. Jackson-Taylor Run dun industrial area in San Jose, California rede-
veloped by Peter Calthorpe

67. Edmund Bacon Architect and Urban designer who worked on the
design of Shanghai; author of "Designing Cities"

68. Igneous rocks Rocks produced by crystallization from a liquid

69. Sedimentary rocks Igneous rocks reduced to particles

70. Metamorphosed Sedimentary rocks pushed to deeper levels of the

rocks earth
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71. Contours Imaginary lines that join points of equal elevation on

the surface of the land above or below a reference
surface such as the mean sea level

72. Geomorphology The study of the classification of types and uses of

soil for site analyses

73. Geology Natural science that studies the earth; it's composi-
tion, processes that shaped its surface and its history

74. Physiography Study of topography including geomorphology

75. Hydrology Study of surface and ground water

76. 200,000 The allowable bearing capacity, measured in psf, of

massive crystalline bedrock, e.g. granite and gneiss

77. 8,000 The allowable bearing capacity measured in psf, of

stiff dry clay

78. 1.00 mm The appropriate size of one sand particle

79. Infiltration The rate of which water penetrates the soil surface
(usually measured in cm or inches per hour)

80. Percolation The rate at which water in soil pit or pipe is taken up by
the soil (used mainly in wastewater absorption tests
and measured in inches per hour)

81. Permeability The rate at which water within the soil moves through
a given volume of material (also measured in cm or
inches per hour)

82. Angle of repose Angle of which soil can be safely inclined and beyond
which it will fail

83. 10 to 15% Angle of slopes considered as gentle to mild slopes

and moderately difficult

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84. History The following are natural factors taken into account
for site analysis, except for

85. 5 to 15% Angle of slopes considered gently rolling and moder-

ately buildable

86. Low income In the sector model, housing closest to Central Busi-
ness District


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