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2nd ESO 3RD EVAL TEST Alex & Nicola 2022-2023 33 / 92

May 19, 2023, 10:18 AM

Carmen Antoranz Pellico


1. 1st Evaluation (25 MARKS) 4 /5✘

A. GERUNDS and INFINITIVES. Complete the sentences using the gerund or infinitive. Use the verbs given in
brackets. (5 marks)

1. I don’t mind doing ✓ (DO) the washing up.

2. They suggested traveling ✘ (travelling) (TRAVEL) by plane.

3. Laura pretended to be ✓ (BE) asleep.

4. Peter stopped to say ✓ (SAY) hello to his friends.

5. We apologized for not arriving ✓ (NOT/ARRIVE) on time.

2. B. PREFER, WOULD RATHER, HAD BETTER. Choose the correct option (A, B or C) to complete the 1 /1✓
sentences. (5 marks)

6. I’d rather you _________________ me while I’m studying. It’s really annoying!

● A) didn't phone ✓
○ B) don't phone
○ C) not phone

3. 7. You’d better _________________ in front of the children. It’s not healthy for them. 1 /1✓

○ A) smoke
○ B) don’t smoke
● C) not smoke ✓

4. 8. My cousin prefers __________________ (watch) romantic films to adventure films. 1 /1✓

○ A) to watch
● B) watching ✓
○ C) watches

5. 9. Martin would rather _________________ the money on a holiday. She bought an expensive ring instead. 0 /1✘

A) have

● B) spent ✘
○ C) had spent
6. 10. I would prefer _____________ visiting. France rather than Italy. 0 /1✘

● A) visiting ✘
○ B) to visit
○ C visit

7. C. REPORTED SPEECH. Rewrite each sentence as reported speech. (5 marks) 1 /5✘

11. “I can’t live on my salary”

She said she coudn't live on her salary ✘ (that she couldn’t live on her salary)

12. “Do you want to go to the cinema?”

Her boyfriend asked if she wanted to go to the cinema ✘ (her if she wanted to go to the cinema)

13. “What are you doing tonight?”

My mum asked me what I was doing tonight ✘ (what I was doing that night)

14. “No, I’m sorry. I won’t go to the party!”

Christina refused going to the party ✘ (to go the party)

15. “That’s a lie. I didn’t steal the bike!”

Rebecca denied stealing the bike ✓

8. D. HOBBIES AND LEISURE 1. Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) to complete the sentences. (5 marks) 0 /1✘

16. Parkour is really starting to ______________ because of all the viral videos on YouTube.

● A) catch up ✘
○ B) take on
○ C) take up
○ D) catch on

9. 17. Could I _______________ to your place and discuss the homework assignment with you? 0 /1✘

○ A) come across
○ B) come round
● C) come up ✘
○ D) come away

10. 18. My brother decided to take ________ skateboarding and he broke his leg the very first day. 0 /1✘

○ A) on
○ B) up
● C) in ✘
○ D) down
11. 19. I finally succeeded ________ getting a couple of tickets for the concert. 0 /1✘

○ A) in
● B) on ✘
○ C) off
○ D) away

12. 20. In the airport, I decided ________ to kill some time before the flight. 1 /1✓

○ A) flicking through
○ B) flicking on
C) to flick

through ✓
○ D) to flick on

13. E. HOBBIES AND LEISURE 2. Write the best answer in each gap to complete the sentences. It must be 2 /5✘
ONE word. (5 marks)

The other day, our class went to see a play in a local theatre. We were fortunate enough to go backstage afterwards
and meet the (21) cast ✓ They were super friendly, and it was surprising to hear that they had been acting for only a
few years. For some of us in the (22) group ✘ (audience), it was the first time we had ever seen a play. It made many
of us seriously consider (23)choose ✘ (taking) up acting as a profession. I like the escapism of being an actor and
how your role allows you to get (24) away ✓ from your normal world and pretend to see the world through a new lens.
Many of us signed up to audition for the school play. We’ve been rehearsing for several weeks now and I must
confess, I have really (25) take in ✘ (taken) to it, although I fully recognize I still have much to learn.

14. 2nd Evaluation (25 MARKS) 0 /5✘

F. RELATIVE CLAUSES. Join the sentences using a relative pronoun to make one single sentence.

1. That's the dog. He constantly barks at me.

That's the dog who constantly barks ✘ (THAT CONSTANTLY BARKS) at me.

2. I really like Martin. His sister is staying with us.

I really like Martin , also his sister is staying ✘ (WHOSE SISTER IS STAYING) with us.

3. You lent me a book. It was very entertaining.

The book you lent me was ✘ (THAT YOU LENT ME WAS) very entertaining.

4. The Queen's Hotel is very modern. It was built five years ago.

The Queen's Hotel , the one it was built five years ago ✘ (WHICH WAS BUILT FIVE YEARS AGO) is very modern.

5. This is the person. I sold my car to him.

This is the person I sold my car to ✘ (THE PERSON TO WHOM I SOLD MY CAR TO).
15. G. INVERSIONS. Rephrase the following sentences beginning with the words given. (5 marks) 0 /5✘

6. I have seldom heard such a talented singer.

Seldom song is what I heard such a talented singer. ✘ (HAVE I HEARD SUCH A TALENTED SINGER)

7. The artist rarely paid attention to his agent's advice.

Rarely the artist was paying attention to his agent's advice. ✘ (DID THE ARTIST PAY ATTENTION TO HIS AGENT’S

8. The couple had no sooner arrived than the priest started the ceremony.

No sooner the couple arrived than the priest started the ceremony. ✘ (HAD THE COUPLE ARRIVED THAN THE

9. The flight has been cancelled. We can't get a refund.

Not only the flight was cancelled he also can't get a refund. ✘ (HAS THE FLIGHT BEEN CANCELLED, BUT ALSO

10. You shouldn't eat so fast.

Under no circumstances you shouldn't eat so fast. ✘ (SHOULD YOU EAT SO FAST)

16. H. CONDITIONALS. Complete the sentences below with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use 4 / 10 ✘
THIRD and MIXED conditionals. Both halves of each sentence must be correct. (5 marks)

11. Laura woke up late and was 20 minutes late for school.

If she wake'd up ✘ (HAD WOKEN UP ) (WAKE UP) early, she wouldn't be ✘ (WOULDN’T HAVE BEEN) (NOT/BE)
late for school.

12. If you were ✓ (BE) a better cook, I would invite ✘ (WOULD HAVE INVITED) (INVITED) them to dinner yesterday.

13. Kim was at the event, but I don't think she saw me. If she saw ✘ (HAD SEEN) (SEE) me, she would have
talked ✓ (TALK) to me.

14. If I went ✘ (HAD GONE) (GO) to university, I would be ✓ (BE) a doctor now.

15. I would have threw ✘ (WOULD HAVE THROWN) (THROW) a birthday party last weekend if I had ✓(HAVE) more

17. INNOVATION, TECHNOLOGY and MACHINES. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the 0 /1✘
sentences. (5 marks)

16. I think I smell smoke, but the alarm hasn't gone ______

● A) on ✘
○ B) off
○ C) up

○ D) down

18. 17. It's hard to believe this huge car runs only _________ electricity 1 /1✓

○ A) away
○ B) out
● C) on ✓
○ D) in
19. 18. Sorry, I’m going to be late. My car has ___________. 1 /1✓

● A) broken down ✓
○ B) broken up
○ C) broken in
○ D) broken out

20. MAKING CHOICES. Complete the sentences with ONE word that best fits the gap. (5 marks) 1 /5✘

The other day, I was really grappling (21) with ✓ a problem. What was I going to do for my summer holidays? I was
(22) sure ✘ (TOYING) with the idea of going to Mexico, but what if I had a problem with Covid-19 and couldn’t return
to Spain? So, I began to have (23) deep ✘ (SECOND) thoughts and decided it would be better if I stayed closer to
home. I started to (24) pick ✘ (RACK) my brains, thinking of options. Then I hit (25) with ✘ (UPON) the idea of Ibiza.
Music, sun and beach. What better way to spend my much-needed summer vacation?

21. 3rd Evaluation (50 MARKS) 2 /6✘

that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, USING THE WORD GIVEN. You must use between TWO and
FIVE words, including the given word. (12 marks – 2 m. each)

1. The child’s parents have to sign the form. (MUST)

The form must be signed by ✓ the child’s parents.

2. People estimate that the statue is over one thousand years old. (ESTIMATED)

The statue was estimated to have more ✘ (IS ESTIMATED TO BE MORE) than one thousand years old.

3. People believe that Aliens landed in Roswell. (HAVE)

Aliens were believed of landing ✘ (ARE BELIEVED TO HAVE LANDED) in Roswell.

4. They still haven’t even finished building the swimming pool. (BUILT)

The swimming pool haven't been built ✘ (HASN’T BEEN BUILT) yet.

5. Harry’s car was repaired by the village mechanic. (GOT)

Harry got his car fixed ✘ (GOT HIS CAR REPAIRED) by the village mechanic.

6. Some people are coming to cut our tree down this afternoon. (HAVING)

We are having our tree cut ✓ down this afternoon.

22. L. PAST MODALS. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, 0 /5✘
USING THE WORD GIVEN. You must use between TWO and FIVE words, including the given word. (10 marks
– 2 m. each)

7. It wasn’t necessary for you to bring me any flowers. (BROUGHT)

You didn't have to bring ✘ (NEED NOT HAVE BROUGHT) me any flowers.

8. It was a mistake for Sarah to leave her friend alone. (LEFT)

Sarah made a mistake leaving her ✘ (SHOULD NOT HAVE LEFT HER) friend alone.

9. I really don’t think Tim stole the phone. (HAVE)

Tim ✘ (CAN’T HAVE STOLEN) the phone.

10. I feel sure the dog was very hungry. (BEEN)

The dog for sure has been very ✘ (MUST HAVE BEEN VERY) hungry.

11. Perhaps they were trying to scare you. (BEEN)

They probably been trying to ✘ (MIGHT/MAY/COULD HAVE BEEN TRYING) scare you.

23. M. FUTURE IN THE PAST. Fill the gaps using the verb in brackets. (6 marks) 2 /6✘

12. He was going to come ✓ (COME) yesterday. That was his plan, but something came up and he couldn’t.

13. We decided to go to bed early, because we were flying out ✓ (FLY OUT) early the next day.

14. They were opening ✘ (TO HAVE OPENED) (OPEN) their new shop last week, but there was a hitch and now it's
going to be next week at the earliest.

15. I knew Claudia was coming ✘ (WOULD COME) (COME) back. She always does after one of her expeditions.

16. She was becoming ✘ (TO BECOME) (BECOME) even more famous as a director than she had been as an

17. Our neighbours had decided they are having ✘ (WERE GOING TO HAVE) (HAVE) a party that weekend.

24. N. MEDIA and PRESS. Choose the best option A, B, C or D to complete the sentences. (6 marks) 1 /1✓

18. A new designer has _____ headlines in fashion pages around the world.

○ A) done

made ✓
○ C) broken
○ D) run

25. 19. I missed the last _____ of news because I fell asleep. 0 /1✘

○ A) point
● B) part ✘
○ C) item
26. 20. 24-hour news ____ you informed of world events as soon as they happen. 1 /1✓

● A) keeps ✓
○ B) gets
○ C) hears
○ D) knows

27. 21. The story about missing tiger is __A___ in the paper. 1 /1✓

● A) front-page news ✓
○ B) a turn of events
○ C) a newsflash
○ D) holding a press conference

28. 22. Is it OK if I turn on the news? I want to see if there are any ____ on the effects of the floods. 1 /1✓

○ A) newsflashes
● B) updates ✓
○ C) headlines
D) breaking


29. 23. No one would have expected this ___ after the team looked set to lose the match 1 /1✓

○ A) update
○ B) news item
● C) turn of events ✓
○ D) front-page news

30. O. HISTORY – WORD FORMATION 1. Complete the sentences with the CORRECT FORM of the words in 4 /8✘
capital letters below¡. There is ONE word you DO NOT need to use. (7 marks)





24. In a number of undeveloped ✘ (DEVELOPING) countries, war has been an additional impediment to progress.

25. The rebelion ✘ (REBELLIONS) we saw in Madrid against curfews were puny and pathetic.

26. William the Conqueror invated ✘ (INVADED) Britain in 1066.

27. Summer holidays means liberation ✓ for school children but not for their parents.

28. Her job as a politician ✓ is to represent the views of the people who voted for her.

29. The library of the school has an important collection of historical ✓ documents.

30. Columbus has long been called the discoverer ✓ of the New World, although Vikings had visited North America
five centuries earlier.

31. He is very inventative ✘ (INVENTIVE), always dreaming up new gadgets for the home.
31. P. HISTORY – WORD FORMATION 2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in 2 /8✘
brackets. (8 marks)

32. What was the income ✘ (OUTCOME) (COME) of your discussions about this project?

33. The parade was a(n) washout ✓ (WASH) because it rained all afternoon.

34. There was a good inturn ✘ (TURNOUT) (TURN) for the lecture about the royal family.

35. We had to write an essay about the fall ✘ (DOWNFALL)(FALL) of a famous king or president.

36. There was a(n) outroar ✘ (UPROAR) (ROAR) when the minister suggested reducing the number of history
lessons at school.

37. I won’t be in the history class this afternoon, so could you collect any handout ✘ (HANDOUTS) (HAND) the
teacher gives?

38. My grandfather often talks about his upbringing ✓ (BRING) in the poor area of London.

39. After the election, there was a peaceful handin ✘ (HANDOVER) (HAND) of power to the new government.

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