I Hope You Enjoy This Free Resource!: Zootopia

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Growth Mindset in Zootopia Font Info + Images

The header font above is called bromello. You can find
The phrase “growth mindset” is thrown around a it on dafont.com if you’re using the editable file and it’s
lot in education. You’ve probably downloaded not displaying correctly, or you can choose the script
a resource or two that helps kids consider their font of your choice.
own growth mindset, make some goals, reflect
on their progress, etc., and these resources are All other fonts are Century Gothic, which should be
AWESOME. I know because I use them too! defaulted on your computer. If the document is looking
One piece that was missing though, was wonky, make sure you have Century Gothic font.
recognizing it in the “wild” (please excuse the
double meaning there). When students train All images are from the creative commons and should
themselves to look for growth mindset, they be fine to reprint. If you notice any copy right errors,
tend to see it way more often and as a result, please let me know so I can correct it for future
appreciate it more and recognize when it pays downloads!
off. This leads to their own growth mindset
growth! Thank You
To teach seeking growth mindset, I show
Zootopia in class. And yes, I teach high school.
Thank you for downloading! Please help me out by
The kids love it! Use this resource purposefully if
reaching out if you have questions or need help. You
you have time for an entire Growth Mindset unit,
can email me at mackennahandeland@gmail.com
or squeeze it in during those random weird
and find me on Instagram at @hey.kenna.resources .
weeks around state testing, Thanksgiving Break,
or back to school.
I am new to the TPT world and will continue updating
I hope you enjoy this! Please let me know if
and revising work as I receive feedback.
there are any other movies you know that
encourage Growth Mindset that could also
Leaving reviews really helps! If you leave a review and
work here!
reach out to me on Instagram, I will send you a free
copy of any of my other resources, up to a $10 value.
Just pick the one you’re interested in and message me
with a screen shot of your review with your requested
file and I will email it to you!
Name: Period:

Examples of Growth Mindset in Zootopia

It’s film study time! Just a reminder, a film study looks a little different than watching a movie. At home you might
lay down, check your phone, chat with friends, cook food, or fold laundry while watching a movie, and that’s
great! However, when we are doing a film study, we show our critical thinking by sitting up, putting our phones
away, leaning in, taking notes, and watching the screen. Please help us keep film studies academic so we can do
them often J
As we watch, take notes in the columns below, citing specific examples from the film rather than generalizations.

Name of Lt. Judy Hops Nick Wilde Your Choice (circle)

Gideon Gray
Character Mayor Lionheart
Stu & Bonnie Hops
Chief Bogo

When we first meet

the character, do
they demonstrate a
growth or a fixed
mindset? How you

As the movie
progresses, how is
this mindset

Examples of Growth Mindset in Zootopia
Your Choice
Name of Lt. Judy Hops Nick Wilde
Same as other page,

Character list here:

At the end of the

movie, what kind of
mindset does this
demonstrate? How
can we tell?

How have they

changed from the
beginning of the film
to the end?

Zootopia After Viewing
In your own words, explain what Zootopia can teach us about mindset. Use
examples from the film to support your claim.

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