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Your carbon

Take the train

Use your legs Avoid short-haul flights. A flight
Cars are responsible for a lot of from London to Paris releases
our greenhouse gas emissions, so

244 kg (538 lb) of CO2 per
try to use them less – especially passenger, but a high-speed
for short journeys, which use far train releases 22 kg (48 lb) per
more fuel per kilometre than long passenger. For long-haul flights,
ones. Use public transport if you we can check “carbon offsetting”
can or, if the roads are safe, walk schemes, which balance the
or cycle – it will also get you fit. plane’s emissions by cutting
You can help halt climate change by reducing your If the car is the only option, share greenhouse gases elsewhere.
the ride or get a lift with friends.
carbon footprint – the amount of greenhouse gases
including carbon dioxide (C02), released as a result Buy local
Shop locally, on foot or by bus
of the things you do. Every one of us can make more rather than in the car. Try to
climate-friendly lifestyle choices, such as thinking avoid buying foods from halfway
around the globe. Check the
about what we eat, buying less and reusing and “country of origin” labels, cut
recycling more, and using low-emission transport. back to just the occasional
exotic treat, and look for other
options from local sources. And
try not to buy things that come
Eat less meat with a lot of packaging.
Raising animals - in particular
cattle - adds methane to the
atmosphere. Rainforests are Switch it off
also cleared to provide Huge amounts of greenhouse
grazing for beef cattle. gas are created by leaving
Importing meat from electronic equipment switched
abroad uses fossil fuels on for no reason. Even the
and increases emissions. “standby” mode still uses power,
Every mouthful of beef as do chargers if left plugged in.
we eat may involve the emission If you can switch off unused
of up to 6,800 times its own equipment at the wall without
weight in greenhouse gases. affecting the data stored in
its memory, then do it.
EYEWITNESS Turn it down
Reforestation in Ethiopia A thermostat switches it off when
In 2019, Ethiopians planted four billion the room warms up. Setting it just
seedlings as part of its five-year “Green 1°C (1.8°F) lower saves 235 kg bins take
Legacy” plan to tackle deforestation. This (518 lb) of CO2 emissions per year. all kinds
national campaign aims to plant 20 billion Aim for 16–18°C (61–64°F); if you of waste
trees by 2024, to combat desertification are a bit cold, wear more clothes.
and absorb CO2.

Reuse and recycle

Throwing things away contributes to climate change by adding to
methane-generating landfill, and encourages us to buy new things
whose manufacture emits greenhouse gases. Use things for as long
as possible. If they cannot be repaired, try to get them recycled.

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