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YOug and old will enjoy this ollection of
alcohol free cocktails. Perfect for aa hot
Summer's day Cor the designated drivers
a m o n g s t y u ) , t h e s e tasty drinks a
brimming with health-giving ingrec nts.
non-alcoholic cocktails

lced tea is always refreshing and, eve
if Vou are not a keen t e a drinker
version is especially fresh and
if you
Keep Some in the refrigerator
don't use it all up.

Seres : 2
300mi/10 fl oz freshly brewed tea, cooled
100ml/3% fl oz orange juice
4tbsp lime juice
1-2tbsp brown sugar
wedges of lime
granulated sugar
8 ice cubes
slices of fresh orange, lemon or lime

1 When the tea has chilled, add the orange juice,

lime juice and sugar to taste.
2 Take two glasses and rub the rims with a wedge of
lime, then dip them in granulated sugar to trost.
3 Fill the glasses with ice cubes and pour on the ted
Dress with slices of fresh orange, lemon or Ime.
154 non-elcoholle cocktails

A child's delignt both in taste and ite
incredibly strarnge colour! It cOuld be
made with other drinks too.

Serves : 1
2 scoops vanilla ice cream
1measure lime juice cordial

1 Blend the ice cream and lime cordial together for

5-10seconds with a little cola.
2 Pour into a tall glass filled with ice andtop up with
3 Drink through straws.
non-alcoholic cocktails

This Combination is delicious with
or frozen raSpberries SO yOu Can
make this cocktail all year round, Cut
down on the mneringue if you find it a
little t o o S w e e t .

Serves : 1
50g/2oz raspberries
4 measures cranberry and raspberry juice
crushed ice
1 small meringue, crumbled
blackberry-flavoured sparkling water
1 Set aside acouple of attractive
ablender, whizz the rest
berries for decoration.
of the fruit with the juice
and crushed ice.
3 Put half the meringue in
the base of achilled tall
glass, pour on the fruit slush and
water. top up with the
Dress with
crumbled meringue. and the
non-alcoholic c o c k t a i l s

CoMbination for a
This is a popular
smothie - one smooth sNeet fruit
and textured fruit. You
one tangy variation.
yOur OWn
might like to try

Serves : 2

125mi/4fl oz pineapple juice

juice of 1lemon
100ml/3% fl oz water
3tbsp brown sugar
175ml/6 fl oz natural yoghurt
1peach, cut into chunks and
100g/4oz frozen pineapple chunks
wedges of fresh pineapple

1 Blend all the ingredients, except the pineapple

wedges, in afood processor until smooth.
2 Pour into glasses and dress the rims with wedges ot
fresh pineapple.
160 non-alcoholic cocktaile

Velvety-smOoth, elicately scente
drink withnout alcohol. This can be
served at any time of day - and it's
delicious for breakfast.

Serves : 4
2 large ripe mangoes
1tbsp icing sugar
600mi/1 pint coconut milk
5 ice cubes
flaked toasted coconut

1 Peel the mangoes, coarsely chop the flesh and

discard the stones.
2 Place the flesh in a blender with the sugar and
blend until completely smooth.
3 Add the cOconut milk and ice to the blender and
process until frothy.
4 Pour into 4 tall glasses and sprinkle with flaked
toasted coconut to serve.

Banana blendS Well even when part
create a
frozen and it tends to
luxurioUsly thick finished

Serves : 2
300ml/10 fl oz milk
% tsp mixed spice
150g/5oz banana ice cream
2 bananas, sliced and frozen

1 Blend the milk in a food processor with the mixed

spice, the banana ice cream and half the frozen
2 Add the remaining bananagradually and process
until well blended.
3 Pour into tall iced glasses and drink with straws.
Carrots have a really sWeet
especially very young rew carrots. The
juice makes a great combination with
the peppery watercress.
Serves : 2
500ml/17 fl oz carrot juice
30g/1oz watercress
1tbsp lemon juice
sprigs of fresh watercress

Pour the carrot juice into a blender.

Add the watercress and lemon juice and process untl
3Transfer to a jug, cover with film and chill in the
refrigerator for at least an hour,
4 When thoroughly chilled, pour into glasses and dress
with sprigs of fresh watercress. Serve at once.
166 non-elcoholic cocktails

A refreshing
and almOst Dalorie-fre
COCktail, perfect for ieting or simpv
for one of those
non-alCohol occasione
Serves : 2
8ice cubes, crushed
2 tbsp cherry syrup
500ml/17 fl oz sparkling ater
2-3 splashes fresh limne juice
maraschino cherries on cocktail sticks
1 Divide the crushed ice between two glasses and
pour the syrup over.
Add the lime juice and top up with sparkling water.
3 Decorate with the maraschino cherries on cocktail
sticks and serve.
non-alcoholic cocktails

vitamin C and many othen
Packed vith
vitamins, this will really wake y U
leave you bursting with energy.

Serves : 2

300ml/10 fl oz cranberry juice

100ml/3V2 fl oz orange juice
150g/5oz fresh raspberries

1tbsp lemon juice

lemon or orange and twists of peel
slices of

the cranberry juice and orange juice into a food

1 Pour
processor and process gently until
and process
2 Add the raspberries and lemon juice
until smooth.
decorate with siices
3 Pour the mixture into glasses and
orange. Serve immediately.
or twists of fresh lemon or
170 non-alcohlic cocktaila

non-alcoholic Version of th
COCktail, this drink is jL
Colourful and tasty. French
fruit syrups are often
the b
and hae the most
Serves :
1 measure
chilled raspberry syrup
chilled white grape jice
Pour the raspoberry syrup into achille
2 Top up with the
grape juice.
Stir well to mix.
non-alcoholic cocktails

Hedgerow picers will have many happy
memories of freshly crushed
drinkS. This version
or elderberry
hedge, just a few
needs no t r i p to the
from the shops and Some fresh
healtthy and refreshing.
citrJS. Very

Serves :
a few blackberries or
1tbsp caster sugar or to
juice ½lemon
juice ½ lime
crushed ice
lemonade or fruit sparkling water
Reserve afew berries for garnish. Place the
fruit in achilled tumbler with sugar and crush or stir
until well mashed.
2 Add crushed ice and the fruit juice and top up witn
lemonade to taste.
3 Top with the reserved whole berries.
non-elooholic c o k t a i l s

This is jUSt as delicioUs nnade wit
raspberries and framboise ligueur.

Serves : 1
1measure lemon juice
1measure orange juice
2-3 strawberries, mashed
1 measure fraise
½ egg yolk
dash grenadine
slice of strawberry

1 Shake all the ingredients really wel together.

Pour into a cocktail glass and finish with a slice
of strawberry.

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