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Lesson B.

Responsible Procreation Sex Education

- Teaches young people how their
The Responsible Parenthood and reproductive systems function and
Reproductive Health Act of 2012. how to use contraceptives, and the
truth about pregnancy and birth
Declaration of Policy. control.
The state recognizes and guarantees the
- In this instruction, natural family
human rights of all persons including their
planning techniques are also taught to
rights to equality and nondiscrimination of
women so that sexual partners can
these rights, the right to sustainable human
know how to chart fertility cycles.
development,the right to health which
The couple can abstain from having
includes reproductive health, the right to
sex or use barrier protection methods
education and information, and the right to
during fertile times to prevent
choose and make decisions for themselves in
accordance with their religious
convictions,ethics,cultural beliefs, and
Definition of Contraception:
demands of responsible parenthood.
[-] Biological Sense
- A way to avoid pregnancy using either
Family planning
artificial or natural methods
● Use of contraceptives
● Sexuality education [-] Moral Sense
● Natural Family planning - Any direct, positive frustration of any
phase in the process of contraception
Contraceptives before, during, or after sex..
[-] Barrier methods
- Diaphragm A contraceptive is a device designed to
- Condoms prevent sperm from fertilizing the egg.
- Hormonal birth controls
[-] Surgery Contraception as a Direct Frustration:
- Hysterectomy (women) - An intentional or planned act of
- Vasectomy (men) blocking the meeting of the egg and
[-] Intrauterine devices sperm.
- Worn inside the vagina during sexual
Frustration at any stage: Eugenic Reasons:
[-] Before: - Suspected genetic deficiency
- Any willful action before the act of
- To avoid having “defective” children
sex that could prevent the possibility
of fertilization or pregnancy. - Create “better human race”

[-] During:
Psychological Reasons:
- Any action done during the act of sex
- Fear of having Children
for the purpose of preventing the
meeting of the egg and the sperm or - Fear of the possible dangers of
to prevent the implantation of the pregnancy and childbirth. (edward
fertilized egg. hayes, moral principle of nursing)

[-] After:
Socio-Economic Reasons;
- Any action done any time after the
[-] Poverty:
sexual intercourse with the purpose
- Fear about the inability to support
of preventing conception or to
other children. The use of
prevent the implantation of the
contraceptives allows women to plan
fertilized egg.
their pregnancies so that they can
make sure the baby is getting the
Medical Reasons:
best care before and after birth.
- Physical conditions: pregnancy
allegedly endangers the life or health [-] Government:

of the women or the fetus - Controlling the growth of population

to mitigate its perceived adverse
- To prevent pregnancies that are too
impact on the economy and the
close together or poorly timed which
contributes to high infant mortality
● The couple’s reciprocal offering to
- For the sake of infant health: each other reaches its full sense
Obstetrical: toxemia, eclampsia, through parenthood, when husband
hyperemesis, and pelvic disproportion. and wife become father and mother,
- Heart disease, hypertension, renal
disease diabetes, hypertension, and ● From parenthood flows the whole
HIV infection meaning of family where parents are
expected to cooperate with the
creator and the savior's love in the - The first duty of parenthood is to
creation of new life. respect the dignity of human life
from the moment of conception. A
● Parents then should regard it as their
child is always a gift to be received
proper mission to transmit human life
and welcomed, not a burden to be
and educate those to whom it has
been transmitted.

Pope Paul Vl explained the deeper

Parents should realize that they are
significance of responsible parenthood by
co-operators with the love of god and are, so
linking it closely with the responsibility for
to speak, interpreters of that love.
conjugal love.

They are also called to fulfill their tasks - Responsible parenthood flows
with human and christian responsibility, from the principle of conjugal
whose actions must always be governed with love and an integral vision of
conscience dutifully conformed to what is the human person, which
morally right and the divine law itself. becomes fully valued precisely
in love and through love. If love
1, Principles of responsible parenthood: characterizes this mutual
- In the context of the christian faith, responsibility between husband
the regulation of births and the and wife, responsible
planning of family is called responsible parenthood is endangered.
From this right conscience, parents are
- In contrast to the secular
expected to thoughtfully consider both
understanding of family planning, it
their own welfare and that of their children,
does not involve methods of artificial
those already born and those which may be

- Primarily, it upholds the responsible - For example, guided by the prudent

exercise of conjugal act, which avoids consideration and generosity they can
any deliberate act of preventing the decide in favor of a big family despite
transmission of the associated with all physical, economic, psychological and
forms of artificial contraception. social obstacles.
- If not however, couples are exists between spouses and the
encouraged to practice NFP. supreme creator in physical action.
Therefore, pope JOHN PAul ll calls - In a context, where the use of
for redevelopment of centers for the contraceptives has become a common
promotion of natural family planning practice even among Catholics,
and its related services. education and formation on
responsible parenthood is essential
2, Education and Formation Towards both for the preparation of couples
Responsible Parenthood. who are about to get married and
- Essential in this promotion is the especially for those who subscribe to
education of couples particularly the practice of artificial birth
about the value of responsible control.
procreation. - Education on this matter, however,
cannot be reduced simply in teaching
- Couples are called to be obedient to
about the biological aspect of
the lord’s call and to act as faithful
parenthood and natural regulation of
interpreters of his plan, even if for
birth, but it must also comprise
serious reasons and in respect for the
understanding responsible parenthood
moral law they choose to avoid a new
as shaping one’s marriage towards
birth for the time being or
becoming a family.

Formation on this matter can include the

The moral obliges them in every case to
control the impulse of instinct and passion
(1), An education on what conjugal love is:
and to respect the biological laws inscribed
- Humanae Vitae clearly defines what
in their person.
marital love is. It was fully human, not
- It is precisely the respect which
simply an expression of instinct and
makes legitimate at the service of
sentiments, but an act of free will
responsible procreation the use of the
intended to mutually enrich both
natural method of regulating fertility.
husbands and wives so that they could
- What is so profound about the work attain holiness.
related to natural procreative
education is its ability to reach to the (2), it requires understanding the integral
very foundation of the origins of purpose of marriage which is that creating a
human life and the cooperation which family:
- The love of husband and wife and its [-] what is profound about NFP education is
physical expression must always be that it is rooted in the origins of human life
open to the possibility of becoming a and the cooperation which exists between
father and a mother. spouses and God in the conjugal act.

(3), Married couples should be educated on What is Natural Family Planning?

the virtue of chastity: [-] Natural family planning methods observe
- To preserve conjugal fidelity and and follow the natural cycles of fertility and
regulate the conjugal act within the infertility of the woman’s body. Couples
limits of what is established by God make decisions whether or not to achieve
and psychologically good for both pregnancy on that basis.
Benefits of Natural Family Planning;
(4), The adverse effects of contraceptives [-] Promotes a stronger marriage
and abortifacients should also be noted. - NFP improves communication in a very
Medically, it is dangerous to ingest pills that important part of a couple’s
may lead to harmful side-effects. Morally, it relationship.
is wrong because it separates the unitive and [-] 100% organic
procreative purposes of marriage. Thus, - NFP works with a woman's body to
Married couples ought to consider the NFP determine when she is or is not
to regulate birth within the family. fertile. No chemicals or toxins
[-] Saves money
(5), The issues of the population program - Artificial methods of birth control
that aims to control the increase of the cost up to $1,800 for five years.
nation’s population by promoting Infertility treatments can cost
reproductive rights can be explained well to thousands of dollars. NFP can be used
families, especially those against the dignity for life without ongoing costs for
of human life and the dignity of sex and medication, procedures, etc.
marriage. [-] allows you and your spouse to plan when
and how many children to have
3. Natural Family Planning Method [-] Take control of your Fertility
[-] Pope John Paul ll calls for the - NFP is also effective when used to
development of the centers for the achieve pregnancy.
promotion of natural family planning and its [-] Artificial methods of birth control can
related services. have many side effects
Catechism of the Catholic Church,2370 Basic Difference
● Every action which, whether in
anticipation of the conjugal act, or in Contraception NFP
its accomplishment, or in the Suppresses fertility Accepts fertility
development of its natural
consequences, proposes, whether as Puts barriers to Always open to the
deliberately prevent possibility of life
an end or a means, to render
the transmission of
procreation impossible is intrinsically
● The innate language that expresses Sex is for mere Sex is total
personal pleasure self-giving
the total reciprocal self-giving of
husband and wife is overlaid, through Pregnancy occurs Pregnancy occurs
contraception, by an objectively despite the couple’s because of the
contradictory language, namely, that actions couple’s actions
of not giving oneself totally to the
● This leads not only to a positive
refusal to be open to life but also to
falsification of the inner truth of
conjugal love, which is called upon to
give itself in personal totality.
● The difference, both anthropological
and moral, between contraception and
recourse to the rhythm of the cycle…
involves in the final analysis two
irreconcilable concepts of the human
person and of human sexuality.

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