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 Purpose – “noun”
 Purposive – “adjective” (something that described)
- the “dual” or “two-way” process of transmitting messages from one person to another.
- is the mutual give and take of information or ideas through the medium of communication.
“Communicare” – latin word, origin of Communication, it means to convey.
 Information, issue, trends
 Ideas, news, point
 Concept, knowledge, facts, opinions
3 kinds of Communication
 Monolog/ Monologue
 Dialog/ Dialogue
 Group
3 kinds of language
o International – Foreign, 2nd language
o National- Filipino or tagalog (native)
o Dialect – Mother Tongue
o Idiolect – adopting another language in the place which does not speak your own
2 types of languages
 Verbal or Oral (spoken) use of words
 Non- Verbal (sign) not use words
3 Elemets of Non- Verbal
 Non- Linguistic – without entirely relying on speech, no speech, no language use
 Paralinguistic – “voice” accompanying the words we say
 Metalinguistic- “awareness” and “control” of linguistic components of language, control
of the voice, “high and low voice”
Categoriesn of Non- Verbal
1. Kinesics – body
2. Proxemics – space
3. Chronemics – time
4. Haptics – touch
5. Olfactics – smell
6. Artefactual – objects
7. Physical Appearance
1. Voice – sound
2. Pitch – highness/lowness
3. Tempo – rate of speed (fast/low)
4. Volume – space
5. Juncture – manner of moving between two successive syllables
Ex. Ice cream - I scream

Speaker Message Channel Receiver


5 Basic skills of Communication

1. Listening
2. Speaking
3. Reading
4. Writing
5. Vieweing

Land of Bondages, Land of the free

by Raul Manglapus

Give me land
Land to own
Land unbeholden to any tyrant
Land that will be free.
Give me land that my children may not die.

Sell it to me, sell it to me at a fair price, as one freeman sells it to a slave

But If you will not grant me this last request,
This ultimate demand,
Then build a wall around your home … build it high! … build it strong!

Place a sentry on every parapet! …

For I who have been silent these three hundred years
Will come in the night when you are feasting,
With my cry and my bolo at your door.
And may God have mercy on your soul!
Elements Communication
1) Sender (speaker) - the communication who has his
own purpose,knowledge, interest, attitude, credibility
2.) Messages - idea being transmitted by the vender to the listener.
3) Channel-medium or vehicle through which the message is seat.
4.) Receiver – the target of the communication.
5) Feedback - reaction given by the listener to the sender the message. It completes the

Alexander Abraham Bell -father of modern Communication

 Purposive
• Form of communication
• used to write, speat and prevent to difficult audiences for various purposes
• how communication can be effective and a efficient
effective – is doing the right thing
efficient - doing things right
 Purposive communication - First the process or sending a clear and concise message
with specific goal and outcome in mind.

Why do we need to study Purposive Communication?

1. To apply the good value, of the purposive communication
2. To help improve the knowledge and learning in life that can be use in everyday lives.
3. To help one succeed in career.
4. To make more be a competitive job candidate.

Barriers of Communication
1. Listening ability (forgetfulness)
2. Speaking ability is poor
3. Distance
4. Mispronunciation
5. Poor signal
6. Noisy environment
7. Ear defect
8. High sounding words
9. Mannerism
10. Cultural differences
The Gettysburg Address
By Abraham Lincoln

Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation,
conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived
and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come
to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that
that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.

But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate -- we can not consecrate -- we can not hallow -- this
ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our
poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but
it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the
unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us
to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us -- that from these honored dead we
take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that
we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God,
shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the
people, shall not perish from the earth.
Varieties of English Language

The variety of English with the largest number of speakers in American English with 225 million

Varieties of Enflish
1. American English
2. British English
3. Australian English
4. Indian English
5. New Zealand English
6. South African English

Received Pronunciation (RP) -It is a form of pronunciation used in British English. RP there is
simply a particular accent of English.

English Language has many varieties:

They differ in…..
1. Accent – stress
2. Vocabulary – stock of words
3. Grammar – words with inflection (interchange of ideas)
4. Discourse – verbal interchange of ideas
5. Sociolinguistics – social aspect of the language

Two Major Varieties of the English Language

1. American English
2. British English

American and British

- English both use the alphabet (26) but vary in:
 Pronunciation
 Spelling
 Grammar
 Vocabulary

American tend to pronounce words with more emphasis on the vowels, while the British accent
is characterized by the way they emphasize consonants.
British English American English

Tyre Tire
Grey Gray
Analyse Analyze
Theatre Theater
Centre Center
Colour Color
Programme Program
Aeroplane Airplane
Cheque Check
Cosy Cozy
Metre Meter
Honour Honor
License License
Defence Defense
Favourite Favorite
Dialogue Dialog

Letter R
 In the British English dropped
 In the American is not dropped

British Pronunciation
Centre senteh
Better beteh
There dehh
Here hehh
Can’t kant
Water wotah
Liar layah
What woat
Tuesday chusdei
Clocl klok
Route rowt
Car kar
Park pak
fork fok
American pronunciation

Hair - heri
Near- nir
Grass- gras
Fear- fir
Hot- hat

Significant Differences Between British and American English

British - American

 Pronunciation
Watuh – water
Caahd- card
Vugh – vase
Eye thuh – either
Dreamt - dreamed
Learnt- learned
Burnt- burned

 Spelling

Whilst – white
Plough – plow
Metre - meter
Maustache – mustache
Pragramme – program
Instalment- installment
Skilful – skillful
Fulfil – fulfill
Enrolment- enrollment
Offence – offense
Defence- defense
Anaemia- anemia
British vs. American English

Biscuit- cookies
Takeaway- takeout
Jam – jelly
Chips – fries
Chemist – drugstore
Sweets – candy
Football – soccer
Flat – apartment
Dustbin- garbage can
Dummy- pacifier
Grill – broiler
Holiday – vacation
Lift elevator
Jumper- sweater
Postbox- mailbox
State school- public school
Shop- store
Ground floor- first floor
Fortnight- two weeks
Mobile phone- cellphone
Lamy- truck
Torch – flashlight
Tap – faucet
Nappy- diaper

Time and Its Equivalent

5 AM – dawn
8 AM – morning
12 PM – noon
2 PM – afternoon
6 PM – dusk
8 PM evening
10 PM – night
12 PM – midnight

Different Names of Money (awarded)

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