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Oe ofchemical kinetics, €4 Solubility ofionis Important applications of a i Bee he solids, Electrochemistry and workings STIONS ON ATOMIC STRUCTURES, ATOMIC MOLECUL! AND ELECTRONIC CONFIGURATION. Which of the following series of spectra line is in the UV region? (a)Balmer —(b) Paschen (c) Lyman (d) Pfund Use the Notation ;‘X to answer question 2 - 4 2 Aand Z respectively are (a) Atomic number and Mass number (b) Proton number and Mass number (c) Mass number and Atomic number (d) Mass number and Neutron number The difference between A and Z (A- Z) will give (a) Number of proton (b) Number of Neutron (c) Number of electron (d) Mass of the Nucleus Ais made up of (a) Proton and Neutron (b) Proton ad Electron (c) Nucleus and Electron (@)Neutron and Eleetron The Region outside the nucleus, where there is highest probability of i rons is known as 4 (ore igh (b) Ware length (c) Orbits (@) Orbitals ‘The electronics configuration of Ca’ and CL. are 7$'2P'38'3p'4S' and 1s'28 2988 a ; 256°2P'3S'4S" 3p" and 1S'2S? 2p’ 3p ef eta 3p" and IS'2S? 3S" 2P 3p" {(@)1S2S2P 38" 3p and 1S'2S" 2F° 3833p The degeneracy Bad - orbital is r ‘OA aaa level of 3 will have the following quantum 4303" xara OMMSTIOOR NASIR AS COAG ENN PTA) a on fe ; of I are: ‘n= 4, the possible values 0} , 4. ()2.3,4,5 (0123 43,21 (b) Ctatera Il with (b)-1,0,1 (c) : 23 of spin quantum no is (AN (1 0. @2 How many orbitals are found in a d subshell? (A)3 (b) 4 © 5. .@6 Which of the following is a possible set of quantum 2pelectron? (A) 1,0,0-1/2 (b) 2,0,0,+1/2 (©) 2,0,1,-1/2 (4) 2,1,0,-1/2 Which of the following gives a 3-dimensional model of the atomie ‘structure? > (A)Bohr _(b) Rutherford _(c) Schrodinger (d) Mendeleev. ‘What is the maximum number of electron in the orbital that has th follow quantum numbers n= 2, 1= 0, m= 0? (A)6 (b)2 (©) 10 @14 For the shell n=3, the possible values for L. are (A) 12,3 (b) 2,1,1, (c).0,1,2 (@)3,2,1 Which of the following is a possible set of quantum numbers fora 3p electron? (A)3,0.0-% — (b)3.1.1, 4172 (©)3,0,1,1/2 (4).2,1,0,-% Which of the following is an allowed conbinatin crane», and Babin pict ties i pee combination of the n, | and (A)2,-1,41 ()20,1° (0)2 5 0,0 d) 21,1 o BG @2-1, Patera spaambsion secant drop from higher ene (A) Lyman series (b) Balmer Seri ‘ Which of the hydrogen atom ene coe he” Series (@) Pfund h ission spectrum ultraviolet region of the cmr? numbers for tate 5 yy (A) The atom of an element all has the same mass number (B) The atoms of an clement are identical, but different from atoms of other elements * (©) Mass number = atomic no + number of neutrons (D) 1 ammu = one twelve of the mass of one atom of ",C. ~The electronic configuration of CL and CLarespectively are (a) IS'2S'P'38’3p*and IS'2S? p'3S°3p" (b) IS'2S'P'38'3p* and 1S'28' p'38°3p* (C) IS°2S'P'3S'3p" and 15'2S' p'3S°3p" (d) IS'2S'P'3S'3p' and IS°2"p'3p" ‘Two Isotopes of silver has ‘atomic weight of 106,91 and 108.909. If the relative atomic mass of silver is 107 the % abundance of the isotopes respectively are (A) 6.45 and 993.55 (C) 6.45 and 93.55 = ee The probability of finding the electron at a point or in a region of (B) 4.45 and 95.55 (D) 95.55 and 4.45 space is : (A) Unknown (b) Orbit (c) Quantum No (d) Orbital Light scattering experiments was performed by (A) Schrodinger (b) Louis de-Broglie (c) Geiger Muller (d) Emest Rutherford. One mole of a chemical substance contains (A) Faraday numbers of particles (B) Quantum number of particles (C) Atomic number ct a y's num! ol Se Dalia atomic theory include the following except (A) Atom of each element are identical - (B) Atom of different element are similar Option B A Mumper,Z~ Atomic / Proton number ly charged proton and neu ‘Atomic mass is made up of both positivel neutron in the nucleus of an atom. A=Z+NorA=P'+0. Option D The orbital is the region around the nucleus of an atom where there highest probability of locating an electron, the ware function which solution of ware equation are commonly called orbitals Option C Ca = 1S-28°2P'3S° 3p" l= 1S 28° 38° 2P'3p" 7. Option C ~The degeneracy of d orbital is $ which are d,,, d,., d., Proof: Since s= 0, p= 1, d= 2, f 3 imu ppeat sires nop , = 3 where 0, 1, 2, 3 are the AaiD E21 Where L = M,=2()+1=5 nea Since the quan i Si tum numbers are n, L= 0 to L=n - 1, ml=-Lt0 particles is a helium nuck Rieccsesn leus with Mass of 4amu and a +2 change. It is Option C Azimuthal quantum number L is the number of subshell isin a shell and (it determines the shape of orbital. (Itis Integral values are L=otol=n-1 L=0101=4-1=3:.0,1,2,3. Option B The possible value of magnetic quantum number in fora subshell with L =1 are -1,0, 1 IfL=1,M,=-Lto+L=1,0.+1 Option A ; The spin quantum number is +1/2 and it describes the spin property of the clectron either clockwise or anti-clockwise. Option C ; 4 ‘The number of orbitals ina subshell is determined by the Magnetic quantum no, MSince ; Value for d subshell is 2 + 1=2(2)+1=5 ion D 2P - represent the subshell L = 1» > Represent the principal Quantum number= 2-2 d 2. ni lies in the UV region and originates when electrons moves ‘any outer orbit to the ground state (n = 0) or first orbit re of electron gives rise to the concept of orbital, The on is ae in terms of probability of finding it in@ Option D. 1 mote ofa substance contains 6 023 x 10° numbers of parties. number is referred to as Avogadro's number. Option B Questions on Periodic Table The following are the trends observed in the periodic table ofelements except “a F (A) Atomic radii increase down the group. (B) Atom size decreases across the period (C) Ionization energies increases across the period (D) Atomic size increase across the period. Why does sodium not form the Na” ion in its compounds? (A) Because of low Ist ionization energy (B) Because of high electropositivity. (C) Because of high 2nd Ionization energy (D) All of the above. Answer on Periodic Table 7 Option D “Atomic size increase across the period of incorrect because ato Aeereases across the period progressively with increaSing. atomic isis en moving across apperiod, an electron added to atoms. Thus there isa greateratiractive force theelectrons eduSinga decrease in atomic size, B (a) 160g eed? . (a) 70.2 (2102 ing 10.5g of impure hydrochloric acid solution in against 25cm of .1M sodium trioxocarbonate (iv) solution =the concentration of the pure acid inmole/dm3. 3M (b)0.3923M (c)0.1528M (<)0.1813M (e)0.1923M “s converted to carbon dioxide and water when burned in a ful supply of oxygen (complete combustion). 20; .(g) +20) ‘CO. were obtained when 16gof CH, were burned in a limited supply of gas, what would be the percentage yield of carbondioxide? (A) 23% (b) 2.39% (c) 11.5% (d) 62.5% ine reacts with heated copper (II) oxide to form zinc oxide and copper metal, IF 3.0g of zinc are reacted with 3.02 copper (II) oxide, which is the ~ excess reagent? What is the mass of copper metal formed? (Cu=63.5,Zn=65.5) (A)Zn,0.045¢ (b)Cu0,2.91g (¢)CuO,24g_ (d)Zn,2.4g ‘A standard solution was prepared by dissolving 2.6061g of Anhydrous ‘Sodium Carbonate in deionized water and the solution diluted to 250cm'. A 25cm3 portion ofthis solution was titrated against hydrochloric acid, uSing ‘a suitable indicator. The end point was reached after 18.7cm’ of acid had beenadded, Calculate the cone ofthe acid (Na=23, CL 35.5,C=12) ~(A)0.098m —(6)9.263m_—(c)0.131m_——_(d)0.98m. Howmany moles of Mg.N. will be produced by Reaction of 1.50mol of Mg with excess N.? (Mg =24,N=14) (A)0.100mol (6)0.260mol_—(c)0.400mol_—_(d)0.500mol. ‘What mass of LijN will be produced by the reaction of 2.75g of Lithium 9) (c)45.9g (d) 54.95 ron (I) Sulfate is oxidized by’ potassium permanganate in acid solution _ Theoverallionicequationis + MnO; (ag) + 81 (aq) —-> ) +4H.0 () + 5Fe" (ag) of 0.010mol dm” tron II sulphate. will be. oxidized by 020moldm’ permanganatesolution? =. -(B)250cm’—_(c)2.5em’ (4)2500cm’ ‘of sulphuric acid (The chemical produced) inthe largest | produced by the reaction of S metric tons (5.00 x 10g) ‘Sequence ofreactions, Ni 3 (aq)+HSO,(a)—->NaSoap "000 (A) 0.14mol/dm’ (6) 0 wy : 0.20mole/dm’ . © 0.24molidm’ —@)—0A9moVdm 20.50cm’ of 0.1M HNO, was titrated against 25cm of 11.14g of X,CO, 10H.) per dm’ solution, Calculate the molar Mass ofthe baseX.CO, 10H.) (A)386gmol' —(b) 1.86gmol' —(¢)286gmol' —_(d) 486gmol" Calculate the Mass of the solute present in the following. solution: trioxocarbonate (iv) in 2dm’ of 2M solution (A)352g, (b) 552g, ()452g, (a424g 14. Thenumber of mole of sodium carbonate in 8.5gofthe salts (A)0.28 (6)0.08 ©2 @i8 15, Thepercentage composition ofsulphur(s) In FeSO,. 10H,)is (A)6.9% (0) 5.6% (©)9.6% (58% 16, Calculate the number of ions present in 2moles of potassium on (A)6.02x 10" ion (b) 12.0410" ion (©)6.02x 10'ion (4) 12.04x10"ion. ‘Answer to stoichiometry 1 Option B SEMn0,+ SFe+ 24HCL——> SFeCL,+3MnCL;+ 3KCL+ 121.0 3 Mole of KMnO, reacts with Smoles of Fe 1.5 (66g) of Fe reacts with 3 (158g) ofKMnO, :-156gof Fereacts with (156% xa) = 264g of KMn0, Option D 3/Moles KMnO, produces 3 Moles MaCL; inCL 3((158g)KMnO. propduces 3 (1268) MnCl: 47g KMnO, produces. 378gMnCLs 264g KMn0, produces 204 = 210.534 4)70.2k .10.5g of impure hydrochlo id solution in ‘0.1M sodium trioxocarbonate (iV) solution, nofthe pure acid inmole / +4H.0 () + 5Fe’ (aq) volume of 0.010mol dm” Iron 11 sulphate will be. oxidized by joldm permanganate soltition? « pibesocm! (c)2.5em' ()2500cm’ ‘of sulphuric acid (The chemical produced) in the larg: d produced by the reaction of $ metric tons (5.00 x 10'e) ingsequence of reactions, om Mg EGAN HTH) 0.24mol/dm’ — (4) 0.19mi’ 20.50em’ of 0.IM HNO, was trated against 25cm’ of 11.14g of X.CO, 10H) perdm’ solution. Calculate the molar Mass ofthebaseX,CO,, 10H.) pe ne i) Senet” C6 206ea (€)486emo!" ‘aleulate ass of the solute present in the following solution: trioxocarbonate (iv) in 2dm’ of 2M. role no (A)3528, (b) 552g, (©) 452g, (424g ‘The number of mole of sodium carbonate in 8.5g ofthe saltis (A) 0.28 (b) 0. ©2 @18 “The percentage composition of sulphur(s) In FeSO, 10H) is (A)6.9% (b) 5.6% (©)9.6% @5.8% Calculate the number of ions present in2moles of potassium on (A)6.02x 10" ion (b) 12.04x10"ion (€)6.02x 10'ion (@) 12.04x10"ion. ‘Answer to stoichiometry Option B 3KMn0,+ SFe+ 24HCL——> SFeCL,+3MnCL,+ 3KCL+12H,Q 3.Mole of KMnO, reacts with Smoles of Fe 15 (56g) of Fe reacts with 3 (158g) of ‘KMn0, +. 156g of Fe reacts with Ussx420 = 264g of KMn0. Riots KM. produces 3 Moles MnCL. 3 (158g) KMnO.propduces 3 (1268) MnCl. 47gKMn0, produces3785MnCL- 264g KMnO, produces| (26d x3TBMnCl: = 210.53 “ImoleZn*+ mole CuO——> I moleZn0+1 moleCu 0.0458mole —0.03774mole 0.03774 0.03774 rasan 0.03774mole 0.03774 0.03774 10. 3mole 0.3986mole —_0.066mole =0.133molx 34.7gmole pa 4.598 Option B ConaX Vora = one Cac, Dane 0.020x25 = 1 O.010XVe 5 Vus=250em' of FeSO, Option A S(s) + 0,(g) > SOA) 32g of Sulphur produce 64z0fS0, '500 x 106g of Sulphur produce (5 x 106x 64) SO. 32 =1.0x 1072S 80,+120.-----? SO, {64g of SO, produce 80g of SO, 1.0 x 10'g of SO,produce (1.x 10’ x 80).8 of SO, 64 1,25 x 10,280, produces (1.25.x 10's 98) gH.SO, 80 = 1,53.x 1gHSO, c fanaa th lh KINETICTHEORY OF MATTER : following is not true of kinetic theory of gases?) of a gas are in constant motion moving in straight line collide with the walls ofthe container or with another molecule. “molecules collide with the walls of the container, they exert a nthe container if the volume of the container is decreased, the molecules collide “mere frequently withthe container and pressure increases the case is reserve ‘asthe volume of the container is increased D) None of the above i ; Determine the volume of ozone formed on containing 9.0m’ of oxygen ‘containing 0.3mol oxygen at latm and 25° C to ozone at the same ‘temperature and pressure. A) 6.0m’ B) 9.0m’ ©) 2.7m’ D) 25.0m’ Calculate the molar mass of a gas with a density of 2.5g/dm’ at 298k and ‘MOkN/m*(R=8.314 J1kmo!) A)563¢/mol —B) 10lgimol_C)5.6g/mol__-D) 20.5g/mol Caleulate the mean square velocity of a 50g molecule at a pressure of 1OSN/M’ given that the volume of gas and number of molecules are 50m’ and 15m’ respectively A)5.6m/s B) 4.2m/s C)5.Smis D) 0.5m/s aleulate the total pressure ofa gas mixture that contain 2.5g of 2, 4.58 a and 5.0g of He in a 2SL gas cylinder at 25'C ; .00atm = B) 4.00atm C)4.448am =D) 3.4 On decomposing a 25.0m’ NH, as according tothe co ea der with put on Itwas found that the volume of PURAtSON/M'. Whatis the work done by the B)-3057N/M —C)-37500N/M "Dy 3057 N/M to answer the next two jMestic esrerib 0 questions by cad HN, and HCL called Agna e , - in i this reaction (Au=197) U3 SIME COMUCH NGC oa OS, C en 21 003M ——iDYO re ene re SSA Oat ORS se ) The volume occupied by:them are negligible _B) They move about in straight lines C) The distance between them ate negligible For how long must a current of 0.2A need to pass through solution. AgH, to deposit 0.5mole of silver (Ag=108, 1F=96,500c) : A) 38,600s B) 9650s ©) 96,5008.) 2412505. ‘Aggas occupies 172cm’ at 30'c. At what temperature would the volume of the gas be halved? A) 0.88k B) 0.087k ©) 15k_D) 152k E)1SC What are the relative rates of diffusion of hydrogen to nitrogen gases? A) 1:4 B)4:1 C)8:1 D)l4:t B) 114 ‘What volume would a gas at stp ifat 430C and 720mmHg? Itoccupies 21.4em’ A) 528cm’ B) 378cm" C)412cm’ D) 252cm’ E) None ‘A polar substance dissolves in____solvent and a, non-polar substance dissolvesin____solvent ‘A) Like poles, unlike poles B) Non polar, polar C) Polar, non-polar D) Unlike pole, like pole (Gas nweere:combination of. jut. alton andunasla ‘A) Boy's, Avogadro, partial, gay B) Boyle's, Charles, Avogadro and Dalton’, ©) Boy's, Gay-Lussac’s, Charles, Dalton D) Boyle's, Charles, partial, Dalton For an ideal gas equation T=? B) PV/nR. C) VuPR D) PVn/R. A) Pa/VR ; iste ‘the number of molecules in 0.5 ofthe gas at a pressure of 2.0x10°kpa 3 sure exactly 300K 3 “aa aI " B) Sox" c)24x10° DY 4.8x10% > @ a inding to KMT of matter, two forces are in operation, ‘They are ‘A) Centripetal and cohesive 3) Disruptive and centigal C) Centripetal and centrifugal D) Cohesive and Disruptive Ina solid matter, which of the forces predominate? i shat? ft B) Disruptive C) Cohesive : ‘na liquid matter? a cso Fae sate of kinetic molecular thee sstofatons resin continous rapidand random motion ercosisf atoms oom ofthe atoms or molecules i indirectly : temperature of the system ee He ie eensferred from one particle to another by collisions, but jons ae elastic with no net loss of energy. Answer to kinetic theory of matter D EB ey of gas states that ‘molecules of gas within a container are in state of constant rapid ~~ motion in all possible direction i.e. they move in a straight line colliding with themselves and the walls of the container. TI. Every gas consists of very large number of tiny particle called molecules. “IIL, The pressure exerted by gas molecule is as a result of continuous ‘bombardment on the surface of the container by the gas molecule IV. Theabsolute temp of gas molecule isa measure of kinetic energy in gas. Check our website for solution ‘Option C Option B QUESTIONS ON THERMOCHEMISTRY ¥ If the specific heat capacity of Benzene is 2.4 Jig c. Calculate the temperature change when 1625) is removed from 75g of benzene initially at 25° A) 25° B) 50° ©) 9c 1D) 298" If the heat absorbed by 50g of NH, gas from the surrounding at 0’c was 50 at constant pressure, Determine the enthalpy change of the chemical system A) 75005 B) 503 ) 10005 ) 703 Determine the heat absorbed by 250g of water-heated for 2omins and had a temperature increase of 45'¢ (specific heat capacity of water = 4.184j/2"¢ A) 47,070} B) 25500} C) 30,500} 1D) 101151) Determine the change in internal energy (AN) of a chemical system undergoing an exothermic process with a heat flow. 1f 10.5) and the work done by the system is 200} a A) ee B) +189.5) ©)-21 D)-189.5] Calculate the work done associated with expansion of ‘ammonia gas cylinder from ‘zoom’ to 50m’ at constantextemnal pressure 20N/M™ ‘A)-600Nm 8) 600Nm It was found that the increased to 100m’ at > ) ; gf ‘None of the above yydrous NH,CL was peers determine the stan / nate 15%, S.H.C of H,0 = 4200kik ik" neglect S.H.C; €) 0.284kj/mol E) None , asolid? 14.2kj/mol e if _ Which of the following is false on melting 2 = A) Solids wil only melt when the frees of vibration overcomes the nding fe A . P B) The presence of impurity in solids will raise the melting point of such of O) The presence of impurity may cause a solid to have a melting point DDyThe presence of impurity insolids wll ower the melting point on such solids calculate the lattice energy of MgCL(s). _Mg(s) +1/2CL(g)"MgCL(s) AH'F = -128kj/mol ‘AH’atom [Mg(s)] = +150kj/mol ‘AH’atom [1/2CL2(g)] = +121kj/mol __ AH‘IE [Mg(g)] = +736kj/mol AH EA[CL(g)] = -364 Ki/mol A)-771 B) -862 © B01. ') 647 D) 537 liradefonpoe the strong forces of attraction holding them eee Raton and translational motion i Teal C) Vibrational and translational i hes Rotational _E) Vibrational only ©) 1 ae function because eo ‘thas ttzies ofall the atoms, molecules or icons ‘eg es the specific conditions of state s* uP of coulomb energy between the electrons and the Nuclei lex ity ‘AHS 1-Okj-Calculate AH forthereaction C#D—A*B 0K) ) 20K} C) 503Kj 7 9} ub ps is the relation between ‘AH and AE for reactions which do not involve A) AH=AE B) AV=0. ©) AH = AEH D) AV is constant E) AVis fs al oe What is An gs forthe combination of one mole of tungsten carbide WC, when both reactants and product are at 298K? WC(s) + 5/20, (g) > WO,fs)+CO(g) A)1 B)% ©)-32 D)-2_-E)-32 21. _Inwhich of the following reactions would AH be most nearly equal to AE? A) 2H,(g) + O.(g)*2H,0(8) B) H,(g) +CL.(g)*2HCL(g) C)N,(g) + 3H,(g)>2NH,(g) D) CH,COOH(L) + 20,(g)>2CO,(g) + 2H.0(L) E) CL(g)>2CL(e) 22, The enthalpy change (AH) for the reaction 92.38K/J at 298K. What is AE at 298K? (R-8.31KJ"), A)-2.0KJ B) 4.95KJ ©) -87.43K) D)8314KJ —_—E)-168KI ANSWER TO ‘THERMOCHEMISTRY 1, Option € Q=-1625j, m+ 75g, Q=mcAO A0=O/me n B : ‘At constant pressure, AH =Qp i.ethe change in the heat given tothe system AH = AE+APV aa AE + PAV + VAP enthalpy ofa system is equal to TeaH= a+ aPV @ SSinrediobis wort oirrrraeer Ky 33a BEG ign. eee V,= 50m’, P=20N/m* -V, =(50-20) = 30m* pressure, workdone by Gas done by the system is negative sm’, V=100m’, P=SON/M* Hess law of total heat summation DAH (produc)-P5 AH, (reactant + 120;>5B,0,+91,0 B Boos on AHF'(H.O)] ~ [2x AH'F(B.H,) + 124HF(0)] oreo aah NOS. nang esse of Impurity in solids will pass the melting point o Using Born - Haber cycle Option E ‘Option A Option A AHF(N,) =0 Option B Ifthe heat of product is greater than the heat of reactant, the reaction is said to be endothermic Hp>Hr (Endothermic) Hr—_D) 11288Nm* During the reaction H.(g) + Iy(g)*°2HI(g) 0.Smole each of the H. and: ‘were placed in the 4L vessel at 425°c until the equilibrium was attained, The vessel was found to contain 0.44mole of HI and 0.059mole each of Hand [, the value of Ke is A) B) 72.0 © 10 D) 87.2 ‘What isthe kp for the reaction CaCO (ag)—-Ca0(s) + COQ) is [A] Kp=[Ca0][CO.}/[CaCO,] [B] Kp = PCO, {C) Kp =[CaCo,}[Ca0][CO.} — [D] kp = [CO,} ‘The value of Kp at 500°C for the reaction 3H, (g)+N.(g) ~-2NH,(Q) is 1,50x10the value of ke is 7 - B)4.8x10" ©) 8.01x10" D)2.1x10" FeO(s) + COlg)~Fe(s) + CO/g) i, ern? the effect of increase in pressure on the position of Question not complete Option D. A system is said to be at equilibrium when the rate of forward reaction is equal to the rate of reverse reaction Option D ~The relationship between Kp and Ke is given by Kp=Ke(RT)"" OR Ke = Kp/(RT)"™ Option D Check on website for complete solution Option D Hig) + L(g) ~2NH, 1 a b ° c x x +x E ex bx x At equilibrium [HIJ= n/v = 0.44mol/IL = 0.44mL 1] = n/v = 0.059/1L = 0.059m “os and c)3and2- wir nod end 3 Byoand2_0)6 reaction has an initial volume of 1. fter 9 ne 4.49ml. Calculate the rate constant if the infinity read ml yar el 2.54x10°min! ‘) in’ B) 2.41x1 ¢)3.41x10°min" D): m econ 40% complete at the end of SOmins. What isthe ‘of the rate contact in sec of aa A) 1.82x10°sec" B) 1.90x10'sec’ C) 1.70x10°sec D) 1.63x10°sec “What is the general form of a rate law? - _ [AJRate=K [A]'TB] [B] Rate =KA'B” [C] Rate = (K/a] [KB] [D] Rate = R [A,B] A A yhat is the relationship between the specific rate constant and half-life? (Alt, [ce]. Use the information to answer the next two questions sition of acetaldehyde and acetine dicarboxylic acid yielded results splot is log T against 1/T gave straight lines with slopes ‘A)-9920 and! B) -5070 respectively Calculate the activation energy at first 7 . A) 54,294kcalmol' B) 45,394kcalmol" ©) 54,382kealmo! D) 63,200kealmol" What isthe activation energy of the second? cr A) 15,000Calmo!' B) 17,000Calmol" F E ate D) 23,200Calmol' * ‘of a chemical reaction was found to be R=K(A)™"/B] _ What is the overall order of equation if x=] amr B)2 C)2x-L+x D)3x-1 E)3 TORN AY SURE PLEASE COMTACT AG (705284137) 2M AES) de) radioactive i take fora sample of A to d A) 2638years D) 1638years—_E) S000years or ‘The rate law of a chemical reaction was found to be R=K(A)"B° ‘What is the overall order ofthis reaction? A)32 B)2 C72 D7 BI Ina zero order of reaction A) The rate reaction is independent of the concentration ofall the reactant B) the rate of reaction is dependent ofthe concentration ofall the reactants C) The rate of reaction is doubled ‘D) None of the above E) All of the above A first order of reaction 25% complete in 30s. Calculate the rate constant k A) 9.956x10"s' B) 72.25" ©) 1444s" D) 20s" E) 22s" Given the molecularity of the elementary reaction below 2NO + 0,-* 2N0, A) Unimolecular B) Bimolecular ©) Termolecular D) Second Order E) First Order ‘The ideal of surface area becomes insignificant in ‘A)An homogenous system B) Heterogeneous system C) Particles with small size D) Particle with large size E) All of the above : How can the rate of reaction be reactant as well as each product of this reaction? 2N,0,--4NO, + 0; [A] R=-HdIN.0,Vat=!4d NO, Jae~dlO.Vat DdIN.O,V/dt~4d[NO.Jde=d[O,Jidt 2d [N.O,}/dt=d[NO.)/dtdfO, at [D] R--%d| ea 1 (O,}/at ve ne, oi rion is 24~product, what isthe rate equation? A)RK(AY —B)R°KCA) CVREK.CAA) D)R-K{A,) _E) None of the above C)4638yers r 1/32 E)2 x DS 125 Die of reaction ashe reaction progres ‘reaction also increases Streaton s quenched centration increases rate of reaction decreases All of the above dni ‘slowest step in an elementary reaction is ‘A) Molecularity of a reaction Order of a reaction D) Elementary step ee ~ Which one of the following statement is a complete false description of the rate determining step of a reaction? A) It governs the rate of the overall reaction B) Itusually corresponds to the height activation peak in the reaction profile Olt correspond to the slowest stage of the reaction ‘D)itnecessarily involves the breaking of bonds in the reactant molecules __ The rate constant of azoisopropane is 2.06x10’sec" at 27°C "Calculate the time required for the reaction to go t095% completion A) 1454.50secs B) 1680.S0secs C) 1983.50secs D) 1382.S0sees ‘S ANSWER TO CHEMICAL KINETICS Since 1 year is 31,536,000 secs then 1590 #22x10"secs ‘Ais the rate constant aa ; er ; the Parameters in the above equation A= 1.70x10"%ec” — 4 E at eager rate low is given by rate ~ K(A)'(B)" where n and m~ orinc i reaction and can only be determined experimentally The relationship betw: i 2 Pie eatinshp between at contig Hite, Tis given by Option B Since’Arthenius equation is given by aS In K=-Ea/RT + In A...equ 1 fs Logk=-Ea/Rt+ Log A....equ2 2 with the equation ofa straight line Eal2.303R, x=1/T, e= log A Méslope-Ea/R ’ -Ba=9920x2.303 x 1.987Cal e ~Fa=45.394Keal/mol a Option D == Ea/2.303R @ * Ea=23200cul/mo! a ee “Option B aay ‘Overall Order=Sum of order of reaction ReK(Ay "BY Overall order=2x-1+x If x=1, overall order ~ ae RT. | 303Rt+LogA..equ 3 d 4 Combining equation/3 with equation ofa straight line y=mxte Y=Logkim=-Eal2.303R,x=1/Te-log Slope m=-Ea/2.303R K= —mol/dm3/s + (Molidm3}2 =Mollins/ Option C T/5=0.693/1997 (0,000347 x In[A]o/0.2[A]o T=463 4075 Option C OptionA —* Option A Using k=2.303/t Logfa/a-» Kenongsyq! Ea! Option c, oa 1 er ae A AR determining or limiting sep isthe slowest tp in - Question on Electrochemistry Use the question below in ansyer 4 The next two question. a Find the Masses of product formed when a dilute Sulphuric acid solution is electrolyzed with a current of 0.64 for 90 min(H=1.0, O=16, =32) 1 Cathode (A) 0.02262 (B)0.0336g (C)0.0146g (D)0.0446g (F) 0.01168 2 At the Anode (A) 0.2686g — (B) 0.16863 a Find the Masses of products forme electrolyzed with a current of 0.6 for 90 minutes 4A) Mass of H: formed is 0.03362, (B) Mass of Cu formed is 0.03363 (©) Mass of S formed is 0.03333368 (D) Mass of Fe formed is 0.03368 (E) Mass of Zn formed is 0.03368. ‘Using Question three above 6a (A) Mass of Au formed is 0.26868 (B) Mass of H.O formed. is 6.26863 i y © Massof O; formed is 0.26862 (D) Mass of Cl. formed is 0.26868 (E) Mass of Br, formed is 0.2686g. , 5. ‘What is the Mass of Copper formed at the cathode when sg is passed through @ Copper(ii) Sulphate solution for 1 hour (posbie ©) 1598 (EV0STHB w ‘ (€) 0.3686g (D)0.4686g —(E) 0.06868 .d when a dilute Sulphuric acid solution is y —> 2H,0+0,+4e tes 32g of 0. 00) ¢ berates (0.6x 90+ 60 796500 0.26868. ch our website for solutions 3 Se liberates 63. 5g Cu liberates (0.25x3600 ; Question on Intermolecular Forces as Intermolecular forces called ; (A) KCI Vander waal (B)Co, Vander waal (C)0/ electrostatic forces (D) Cl, cohensive (E) None Answer to intermolecular forces * 1, OPTIONA 4 F KCI has Intermolecular forces called Vander Waal forces ; QUESTION ON (CHEMICAL BONDING : 1 “The type of Inter molecular Interaction including KCL is: (A). Dipole Dipole (B)- Hydrogen bonding a (©), Inter atomic forces (D)Ion- dipole 9, Which o the following does not obey ott re? aCH (b) Nh (©) $05 (BF, 4, The following arse asa result of permanent dipole in a molecule except | (B) Dipole Dipole Interactions ‘A) Inter atomic force €) Ion dipole Interact 4) Inwhich of the following repulsion is greatest 'A) Lone pair, bond pair ®) Lone pair, Lone pair C) Bond pair, Bond palr D) None. @ 5. Which of the following, ‘contains coordinate covalent bond? (Anny BNA CLO CH, @)HCL (E)allofthe above and__areexamples ofionic crystals and layer rystal G@ Diamond and graphite (by HCL and damon pcan ssc SESS .on (D) Hydrogen bonding ~ (B) No bond (D) Double bond (£) All of the above cule NH, can from NH” because 1s vacant p ~ orbitals to accept elections ogen can donate electrons to nitrogen e nitrogen a to m has/a lone pair of election of the above liquid at room temperature while H.S temperature; the difference isa result of __ __ (A) Weaker hydrogen band in H.0 then H.S. ~ B) Stronger hydrogen band in H.0 then H.S. © Difference In atomic mass (D) Difference In size forms Oand 5, | An element Y, has 5 valence electrons and forms a molecule Y,the what as the band owner of the Y,molecule al ®3 ©2 Ma Inwhich ofthe following compounds is hydrogen bonding most likely to be least? (A)HF (B)H,0 (ONN, () PH, "All chemical bands Indeed - A) Cenirifueal fore (B) Electrostatic attraction {©)Centipetal force (D) Gravitational force __ Metallic bond is an attractive force between (A) Cation andanion —_(B) Metal ions and delocalized election cloud (D) Electropositive and electronegative elements at exists in HGP molecule is known as ~~ @) Permanent ©) Temporary is type of electrons a gas at the same ~ ds - (@)3 lone pairs alone af®und the central atom _-gefin-elemént x has 5 valence elections and forms a homo nuclear diatomic macular x, t Ol @5 « - Which of the following molecular violate octet fle? (@) HF (b) HO. (NH, () BR, 21° The type of bonding fond in NHyis known as, (a) Covalent (b) ionic (c) metallic (d) denture ©. 2. The following are that affect the Strength of metallic bond ‘ (@) Size of metal atoms (b) No of valence electrons metals atom —(c) aandb (d) none — 23. In which of the following is hydrogen bond is most likely to be strongest (@) NH, (b) HO () HF (@) HEL 24. Molecules with permanent dipole are said to be (a) non polar (b) bipolar (©) polar (@ aprotic Answer to chemical bonding. 1, Option D 2 Option D F BE, violates Octet rule because ithas fewer number of bond pair of electrons * || Option a r Option B i“ Lone_LongLone~ Bond Bond_Bond Pair Pair’ Pair Pair Pair Pair 2 in Repulsion sve high meting and being point. 7 sare Good conductors of electricity fe soluble in water.

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