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equired to resist the centrifugal force? water filtration system using sand for potable b.

108 km/h
c. 143 km/h
water treatment system using ultraviolet disinfection and

a. 3.1 s
biochar-based water filtration system with feedback system
a. 3.25 rad/s (counterclockwise)
water filtration system with ultraviolet disinfectionbiochar-based
AND water filtration system with ultraviolet b. 5.50 rad/s (clockwise)
feedback system for potable use a. 1.30 m/s
disinfection and particulates
b. 1.73 m/s
a roller coaster car is 0.5 m above thefiltration system using pebble for potable DOCUMENTS CONSIDERED TO BE RELEVANT c. 5.20 m/s
part. What is the maximum speed that the 1. An automobile travels on a
unbanked curve of a radius 15water
m filtration system using gravel for potable Citation of Documents perfectly horizontal, unbanked
losing contact with the top of the rail? [US5233523, System for Mailing and Collecting Items] circular track of radius r. The
water filtration system using biochar for potable Note: Explain why the cited patent is an “X” document. coefficient of friction between the
tires and the track is 0.3. if the
water filtration system using sand for potable water filtration system with ultraviolet disinfection AND
velocity of the car is 10 m/s, what
feedback system for potable use is the smallest radius it may travel
water treatment system using ultraviolet disinfection and without skidding?
water filtration system using pebble for potable
a. 10 m
b. 34 m
24.2 m/s biochar-based water filtration system with feedback filtration system using gravel for potable
system c. 50 m
d. 68 m
water filtration system using biochar for potable
biochar-based water filtration system with ultraviolet 2. If the car described in the
a 300 kg trailer. The coefficientdisinfection
of and particulates previous problem moves along a
and the road is 0.80. How fast can the water filtration system using sand for potable
track that is banked 5°, what is
und an unbanked curve of a radius of 200
water treatment system using ultraviolet disinfection and the smallest radius it can travel
railer skidding?
without skidding?
Citation of Documents
[US5233523, System for Mailing and Collecting Items]
a. 6m
Note: Explain why the cited patent is an “X” document.
biochar-based water filtration system with feedback system b. 18 m
c. 26 m
water filtration system with ultraviolet disinfectionbiochar-based
AND water filtration system with ultraviolet d. 47 m
feedback system for potable use disinfection and particulates Traffic travels at 100 km/h around a banked
water filtration system using pebble for potable highway curve with a radius of 1000 m. What
banking angle is necessary such that friction will
water filtration system using gravel for potable Citation of Documents not be required to
[US5233523, System for Mailing and Collecting Items]
b. 3.1 s
equired to resist the centrifugalwater
force?filtration system using biochar for potable
Note: Explain why the cited patent is an “X” document.
c. 3.25 rad/s (counterclockwise)
a. 75.2 km/h d. 5.50 rad/s (clockwise)
d. 1.30 m/s without the inner wheel losing track that is banked 5°, what is 12. Traffic travels at 100 km/h around
e. 1.73 m/s contact with the top of the rail? the smallest radius it can travel a banked highway curve with a
f. 5.20 m/s a. 8.58 m/s without skidding? radius of 1000 m. What banking
3. An automobile travels on a b. 12.1 m/s i. 6m angle is necessary such that
perfectly horizontal, unbanked c. 17.2 m/s j. 18 m friction will not be required to
circular track of radius r. The d. 24.2 m/s k. 26 m resist the centrifugal force?
coefficient of friction between the 7. A 1530 kg car is towing a 300 kg l. 47 m e. 1.4°
tires and the track is 0.3. if the trailer. The coefficient of friction f. 2.8°
velocity of the car is 10 m/s, what between all tires and the road is Traffic travels at 100 km/h around a banked g. 4.5°
is the smallest radius it may travel 0.80. How fast can the car and highway curve with a radius of 1000 m. What h. 4.6°
without skidding? trailer travel around an unbanked banking angle is necessary such that friction will 13. The center of gravity of a roller
e. 10 m curve of a radius of 200 m not be required to coaster car is 0.5 m above the
f. 34 m without either car or trailer rails. The rails are 1 m apart.
d. 3.1 s
g. 50 m skidding? What is the maximum speed that
g. 3.25 rad/s (counterclockwise)
h. 68 m d. 40 km/h the car can travel around the
h. 5.50 rad/s (clockwise)
4. If the car described in the e. 75.2 km/h unbanked curve of a radius 15 m
j. 1.30 m/s
previous problem moves along a f. 108 km/h without the inner wheel losing
k. 1.73 m/s
track that is banked 5°, what is g. 143 km/h contact with the top of the rail?
l. 5.20 m/s
the smallest radius it can travel e. 8.58 m/s
10. An automobile travels on a
without skidding? f. 12.1 m/s
perfectly horizontal, unbanked
e. 6m g. 17.2 m/s
c. 3.1 s circular track of radius r. The
f. 18 m h. 24.2 m/s
e. 3.25 rad/s (counterclockwise) coefficient of friction between the
g. 26 m 14. A 1530 kg car is towing a 300 kg
f. 5.50 rad/s (clockwise) tires and the track is 0.3. if the
h. 47 m trailer. The coefficient of friction
g. 1.30 m/s velocity of the car is 10 m/s, what
5. Traffic travels at 100 km/h around between all tires and the road is
h. 1.73 m/s is the smallest radius it may travel
a banked highway curve with a 0.80. How fast can the car and
i. 5.20 m/s without skidding?
radius of 1000 m. What banking trailer travel around an unbanked
8. An automobile travels on a m. 10 m
angle is necessary such that curve of a radius of 200 m
perfectly horizontal, unbanked n. 34 m
friction will not be required to without either car or trailer
circular track of radius r. The o. 50 m
resist the centrifugal force? skidding?
coefficient of friction between the p. 68 m
a. 1.4° h. 40 km/h
tires and the track is 0.3. if the 11. If the car described in the
b. 2.8° i. 75.2 km/h
velocity of the car is 10 m/s, what previous problem moves along a
c. 4.5° j. 108 km/h
is the smallest radius it may travel track that is banked 5°, what is
d. 4.6° k. 143 km/h
without skidding? the smallest radius it can travel
6. The center of gravity of a roller
i. 10 m without skidding?
coaster car is 0.5 m above the
j. 34 m m. 6m
rails. The rails are 1 m apart.
k. 50 m n. 18 m e. 3.1 s
What is the maximum speed that
l. 68 m o. 26 m i. 3.25 rad/s (counterclockwise)
the car can travel around the
9. If the car described in the p. 47 m j. 5.50 rad/s (clockwise)
unbanked curve of a radius 15 m
previous problem moves along a m. 1.30 m/s
n. 1.73 m/s is the smallest radius it may travel 0.80. How fast can the car and of 1000 m. What banking angle is
o. 5.20 m/s without skidding? trailer travel around an unbanked necessary such that friction will not
15. An automobile travels on a u. 10 m curve of a radius of 200 m be required to 3.1 s
perfectly horizontal, unbanked v. 34 m without either car or trailer car is 10 m/s, what is the smallest
circular track of radius r. The w. 50 m skidding? radius it may travel without
coefficient of friction between the x. 68 m l. 40 km/h skidding?
tires and the track is 0.3. if the 18. If the car described in the m. 75.2 km/h 24. moves along a track that is
velocity of the car is 10 m/s, what previous problem moves along a n. 108 km/h banked 5°, what is the smallest
is the smallest radius it may travel track that is banked 5°, what is o. 143 km/h radius it can travel without
without skidding? the smallest radius it can travel skidding?
q. 10 m without skidding? cc. 6 m
r. 34 m u. 6m dd. 18 m
g. 3.1 s
s. 50 m v. 18 m ee. 26 m
m. 3.25 rad/s (counterclockwise)
t. 68 m w. 26 m ff. 47 m
n. 5.50 rad/s (clockwise)
16. If the car described in the x. 47 m 25. Traffic travels at 100 km/h around
s. 1.30 m/s
previous problem moves along a 19. Traffic travels at 100 km/h around a banked highway curve with a
t. 1.73 m/s
track that is banked 5°, what is a banked highway curve with a radius of 1000 m. What banking
u. 5.20 m/s
the smallest radius it can travel radius of 1000 m. What banking angle is necessary such that
22. An automobile travels on a
without skidding? angle is necessary such that friction will not be required to
perfectly horizontal, unbanked
q. 6m friction will not be required to resist the centrifugal force?
circular track of radius r. The
r. 18 m resist the centrifugal force? m. 1.4°
coefficient of friction between the
s. 26 m i. 1.4° n. 2.8°
tires and the track is 0.3. if the
t. 47 m j. 2.8° o. 4.5°
velocity of the car is 10 m/s, what
k. 4.5° p. 4.6°
Traffic travels at 100 km/h around a banked is the smallest radius it may travel
l. 4.6° 26. The center of gravity of a roller
highway curve with a radius of 1000 m. What without skidding?
20. The center of gravity of a roller coaster car is 0.5 m above the
banking angle is necessary such that friction will y. 10 m
coaster car is 0.5 m above the rails. The rails are 1 m apart.
not be required to z. 34 m
rails. The rails are 1 m apart. What is the maximum speed that
aa. 50 m
What is the maximum speed that the car can travel around the
f. 3.1 s bb. 68 m
the car can travel around the unbanked curve of a radius 15 m
k. 3.25 rad/s (counterclockwise) 23. If the car described in the
unbanked curve of a radius 15 m without the inner wheel losing
l. 5.50 rad/s (clockwise) previous problem moves along a
without the inner wheel losing contact with the top of the rail?
p. 1.30 m/s track that is banked 5°, what is
contact with the top of the rail? m. 8.58 m/s
q. 1.73 m/s the smallest radius it can travel
i. 8.58 m/s n. 12.1 m/s
r. 5.20 m/s without skidding?
j. 12.1 m/s o. 17.2 m/s
17. An automobile travels on a y. 6 m
k. 17.2 m/s p. 24.2 m/s
perfectly horizontal, unbanked z. 18 m
l. 24.2 m/s 27. A 1530 kg car is towing a 300 kg
circular track of radius r. The aa. 26 m
21. A 1530 kg car is towing a 300 kg trailer. The coefficient of friction
coefficient of friction between the bb. 47 m
trailer. The coefficient of friction between all tires and the road is
tires and the track is 0.3. if the h. Traffic travels at 100 km/h around a
between all tires and the road is 0.80. How fast can the car and
velocity of the car is 10 m/s, what banked highway curve with a radius
trailer travel around an unbanked angle is necessary such that 33. An automobile travels on a v. 12.1 m/s
curve of a radius of 200 m friction will not be required to perfectly horizontal, unbanked w. 17.2 m/s
without either car or trailer resist the centrifugal force? circular track of radius r. The x. 24.2 m/s
skidding? q. 1.4° coefficient of friction between the 37. A 1530 kg car is towing a 300 kg
p. 40 km/h r. 2.8° tires and the track is 0.3. if the trailer. The coefficient of friction
q. 75.2 km/h s. 4.5° velocity of the car is 10 m/s, what between all tires and the road is
r. 108 km/h t. 4.6° is the smallest radius it may travel 0.80. How fast can the car and
s. 143 km/h 31. The center of gravity of a roller without skidding? trailer travel around an unbanked
coaster car is 0.5 m above the gg. 10 m curve of a radius of 200 m
rails. The rails are 1 m apart. hh. 34 m without either car or trailer
What is the maximum speed that ii. 50 m skidding?
i. 3.1 s
the car can travel around the jj. 68 m x. 40 km/h
o. 3.25 rad/s (counterclockwise)
unbanked curve of a radius 15 m 34. If the car described in the y. 75.2 km/h
p. 5.50 rad/s (clockwise)
without the inner wheel losing previous problem moves along a z. 108 km/h
v. 1.30 m/s
contact with the top of the rail? track that is banked 5°, what is aa. 143 km/h
w. 1.73 m/s
q. 8.58 m/s the smallest radius it can travel
x. 5.20 m/s
r. 12.1 m/s without skidding?
28. An automobile travels on a
s. 17.2 m/s kk. 6 m
perfectly horizontal, unbanked
t. 24.2 m/s ll. 18 m
circular track of radius r. The
32. A 1530 kg car is towing a 300 kg mm. 26 m
coefficient of friction between the
trailer. The coefficient of friction nn. 47 m
tires and the track is 0.3. if the
between all tires and the road is 35. Traffic travels at 100 km/h around
velocity of the car is 10 m/s, what
0.80. How fast can the car and a banked highway curve with a
is the smallest radius it may travel
trailer travel around an unbanked radius of 1000 m. What banking
without skidding?
curve of a radius of 200 m angle is necessary such that
cc. 10 m
without either car or trailer friction will not be required to
dd. 34 m
skidding? resist the centrifugal force?
ee. 50 m
t. 40 km/h u. 1.4°
ff. 68 m
u. 75.2 km/h v. 2.8°
29. If the car described in the
v. 108 km/h w. 4.5°
previous problem moves along a
w. 143 km/h x. 4.6°
track that is banked 5°, what is
36. The center of gravity of a roller
the smallest radius it can travel
coaster car is 0.5 m above the
without skidding?
rails. The rails are 1 m apart.
gg. 6 m j. 3.1 s
What is the maximum speed that
hh. 18 m q. 3.25 rad/s (counterclockwise)
the car can travel around the
ii. 26 m r. 5.50 rad/s (clockwise)
unbanked curve of a radius 15 m
jj. 47 m y. 1.30 m/s
without the inner wheel losing
30. Traffic travels at 100 km/h around z. 1.73 m/s
contact with the top of the rail?
a banked highway curve with a aa. 5.20 m/s
u. 8.58 m/s
radius of 1000 m. What banking

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