Gate Imp Topics Never To Be Skipped

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Gate imp topics never to be skipped

(to get 100rank below)

1.Thermodynamics(highest weightage)-
-Entrtopy, 1st and 2nd Law probs, availability and
irreversibility, entropy.
2.Refrigeratiom and AC-
-Vapour and gas refrigeration, heat pump cycles, moist
air properties, psychometric processes.
3.IC engines-
-Air-std Otto, diesel and dual cycles
4.Power plant-
-Air and gas compressors, vapour and gas power cycles
-Boundary layer, flow thro. Pipes, manometers,
bernouliz eq., forces on submerged bodies, impulse
and reaction principles
6.Heat Transfer-
-Critical thickness, shape factor in radiation, probs in
heat exchangers like NTU and LMTD, lumped
parameter system.
7.Engg. Mechanics-
-trusses and frames, kinematics and dynamics of
particles and of rigid bodies in plane motion.
8.Theory of machines (8-10marks)-
-vibrations, gears and gear trains, mechanisms and
9.Strength of materials-
-stress and strain, mohrz circle for plane stress, shear
force and bending moment diagrams, bending and
shear stresses, torsion of circular shafts.
10.Machine design-
-SN diagram, failure theories, principles of design of
machine elements such as bolted, riveted and welded
joints, shafts and keys.
11.Manufacturing engg.(highest weightage)-
-basic machine tools, tool geometry, tool life, principles
of non traditional machining process, principles of
powder metullergy, welding and casting, metrology
and inspection.
12.Industrial engg.(repeated qstions every year)-
-Forcasting models, inventory, PERT and CPM, Queing
methods, linear programming
13.Material Scince-
-phase diagram, heat treatments, stress-strain curves
for diff. materials.
-every topic is imp and scoring
-every topic is imp and scoring

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