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Heart Disease Prediction

Submitted By
Khadija Hashmi
Zainab Shahzad
Project Supervisor:
Miss Fatima Yousaf



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Heart Disease Prediction

Khadija Hashmi
Zainab Shahzad
A thesis

Presented to institute of southern Punjab, Multan

In partial fulfillment for the degree requirement of
Information Technology
Multan, Southern Punjab, Multan

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All thanks are to almighty ALLAH the most beneficial, merciful and gracious who gave
me the courage to complete the task assigned to me. Thanks ALLAH; I couldn’t have this
achievement if His kindness didn’t support me. Many people whom I want to pay my thanks
at the event, all my honorable teachers, my parents and all the friends. I say my special
thanks to my respected Rector Mr. Saqib Nazeer and my respected H.O.D Mr. Malik
Mubashir and my respected supervisor Miss Fatima Yousaf my respected teachers who
support me in this project. Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to my loving family,
especially to my parents for providing me full support during the project and for all sort of
moral and social support in life. Their prayers have enabled me to reach at this stage.

Student Name
Khadija Hashmi &
Zainab Shahzad

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All thanks are to almighty ALLAH the most beneficial, merciful and gracious who gave me
the courage to complete the task assigned to me.
Thanks ALLAH; I couldn’t have this achievement if His kindness didn’t support me. Many
people whom I want to pay my thanks at the event, all my honorable teachers, my parents and
all the friends. I say my special thanks to my respected Rector Mr. Saqib Nazeer and my
respected H.O.D Mr. Malik Mubashir and my respected supervisor Miss Fatima Yousaf.
Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to my loving family, especially to my parents for
providing me full support during the project and for all sort of moral and social support in life.
Their prayers have enabled me to reach at this stage.

Khadija Hashmi



Zainab Shahzad


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This Project (Heart Disease Prediction) I’m dedicating to My Loving Parents, Friends
and Respected Teachers, who prayed for my success and all my supporting ones whom
I love and respect from the core of my heart.

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(Institute of Southern Punjab)

It is declared that I have developed a software consisting of modules in which I manage the
all problems come in the previous Images based security system for ISP written this report
under the guidance of my project supervisor on the basis of my personal effort. The report
and the system that we submitted for the completion of Final Year Project are investigation
and effort of my own. I understand that, the deceiving and plagiarism occur a serious
contravention of the university governance, which will not only give us a failing grade for
our Final Year Project but also vulnerable to our farther disciplinary actions.

Signature of Student

Name: Khadija Hashmi

Signature of Student

Name: Zainab Shahzad

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Chapter 1. Introduction ........................................................................................................... 9

1. Literature and the current system ................................................................................ 10

1.1.1. Information Engineering........................................................................................ 13

1.1.2 Information Gathering ........................................................................................... 14

1.2. Use case ..................................................................................................................... 14

1.3. Problem within the Current System .......................................................................... 15

1.4. Comparison Table...................................................................................................... 16

Comparison of Previous and Current Heart Disease Prediction ModelsError! Bookmark

not defined.

1.5. Project proposal (including methodology) ................................................................ 17

CHAPTER 2. Overall Description ...................................................................................... 19

2.1 Proposed System environment ....................................................................................... 20

2.2. Scope ............................................................................................................................. 22

2.3. Functional Requirements .............................................................................................. 22

2.4. Use cases ....................................................................................................................... 23

2.5 Activity Diagram ............................................................................................................ 23

2.6. Sequence Diagram ........................................................................................................ 23

2.7 Model Flow .................................................................................................................... 23

2.8 Dataset Requirements .................................................................................................... 23

2.9. Requirements of Neural Network/Technique used ....... Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.10. Non-Functional Requirements .................................................................................... 24

2.11. Overall Constraints...................................................................................................... 25

CHAPTER 3. System Features and Requirements ............................................................. 26

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Figure 1 Use case (Current system) ....................................................................................... 15

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Chapter 1. Introduction

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1. Literature and the current system

Heart is one of the most extensive and vital organs of human body so the care of heart is
essential. Most of diseases are related to heart so the prediction about heart diseases is necessary
and for this purpose comparative study needed in this field, today most of patient are died
because their diseases are recognized at last stage due to lack of accuracy of instrument so there
is need to know about the more efficient algorithms for diseases prediction. According to the
World Health Organization, Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the number 1 cause of death
globally: more people die annually from CVDs than from any other cause. An estimated 17.9
million people died from CVDs in 2016, representing 31% of all global deaths. Of these deaths,
85% are due to heart attack and stroke. The high mortality rate and expensive surgery cost
already make heart disease become a serious threat for many families in many parts of the
world, especially those poor-stricken countries.

Impact of Heart Disease

Heart disease, also known as coronary artery disease (CAD), is characterized by the
accumulation of plaque in artery walls, leading to gradual narrowing and impeding blood flow.
According to the American Heart Association (AHA), CAD significantly increases the risk of
heart attack and stroke. Symptoms such as chest pain and fatigue may manifest in some cases,
but in many instances, individuals remain asymptomatic until a heart attack occurs. it is crucial.
for people to analyze the relationship between various kinds of attributes in human and the
possibility of suffering from heart disease. A robust model is helpful and meaningful in
predicting which type of people is more likely to have a heart disease thus we can prepare or
prevent in advance. The past century has witnessed remarkable progress in our understanding
of human anatomy and physiology, accompanied by significant advancements in medical Many
different tests are used to diagnose heart disease. Besides blood tests and a chest X-ray, tests to
diagnose heart disease can include an ECG is a quick and painless test that records the electrical
signals in the heart. It can tell if the heart is beating too fast or too slowly. A Holter monitor is
a portable ECG device that's worn for a day or more to record the heart's activity during daily
activities. This test can detect irregular heartbeats that aren't found during a regular ECG exam.

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The non-invasive exam uses sound waves to create detailed images of the heart in motion. It
shows how blood moves through the heart and heart valves.

An echocardiogram can help determine if a valve is narrowed or leaking. Exercise tests or

stress tests is the tests often involve walking on a treadmill or riding a stationary bike while the
heart is monitored. Exercise tests help reveal how the heart responds to physical activity and
whether heart disease symptoms occur during exercise. If you can't exercise, you might be
given medications. Cardiac catheterization is test can show blockages in the heart arteries.
Along, thin flexible tube (catheter) is inserted in a blood vessel, usually in the groin or wrist,
and guided to the heart. Dye flows through the catheter to arteries in the heart. The dye helps
the arteries show up more clearly on X-ray images taken during the test. Heart (cardiac) CT
scan is the cardiac CT scan, you lie on a table inside a doughnut-shaped machine. An X-ray
tube inside the machine rotates around your body and collects images of your heart and chest.
Heart (cardiac) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan is a cardiac MRI uses a magnetic field
and computer-generated radio waves to create detailed images of the heart. Medical testing is
a time-consuming process that can delay diagnosis and treatment, potentially leading to adverse
patient outcomes.

Heart Disease Prediction

The traditional approach of relying on manual laboratory tests, imaging studies, and clinical
evaluations can take days, weeks, or even months to complete, resulting in prolonged patient
suffering and increased healthcare costs. Daily, physicians are expected to interpret data, solve
problems, and make clinical decisions. This has led to the concept of decision fatigue or the
deteriorating quality of decisions made by an individual after a long session of decision-
making. Several different symptoms are associated with heart disease, which makes it difficult
to diagnose it quicker and better with medical diagnosis. However, it is a major concern that
this long process allows disease progression, requires more extensive and costly treatment, and
reduces survival rates.

Nowadays heart disease is very common among people and sometimes it is also known as
cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a class of diseases that involve the
heart or blood vessels. Several factors cause cardiovascular disease including smoke,
cholesterol, diabetes, etc. The early prognosis of cardiovascular disease can aid in making

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decisions on lifestyle changes. This change of lifestyle can save a person from high risk in the
future. In this project, I develop a heart disease prediction system that can assist medical
professionals in predicting heart disease status based on the clinical data of patients

Role of Artificial Intelligence in Disease Prognosis

Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly pivotal in healthcare, playing a vital role in

diagnosing diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and cancer due to its efficacy. Utilizing
analytical algorithms that continuously learn from data, AI enables computers to unveil
concealed insights without explicit programming. Techniques such as machine learning,
cognitive learning, deep learning, and reinforcement learning excel at processing intricate
biological and medical data, outperforming conventional statistical methods. AI not only
enhances human performance but also emerges as a disruptive force in healthcare innovation.
Despite its transformative potential, ongoing discussions among researchers and educators
scrutinize its ethical implications and usage. AI's profound impact is evident in various medical
fields, as documented in numerous journals, where it enhances predictive modelling by
discerning complex patterns unattainable through traditional biostatistics. In specialties like
radiology, pathology, and dermatology, AI's diagnostic prowess surpasses human experts in
speed and rivals their accuracy, revolutionizing medical diagnostics.

Deep Learning Involvement

In the dynamic landscape of artificial intelligence, deep learning, particularly through

convolutional neural networks (CNNs), has emerged as a transformative force, revolutionizing
tasks like image recognition and classification. Despite decades of research and advancements,
achieving truly accurate and reliable systems remains a challenge. The onset of the COVID-19
pandemic has highlighted a critical gap in existing AI models, which were not trained to detect
abnormalities indicative of heart diseases, thus leading to widespread struggles and deviations
in performance. Industry experts have voiced concerns about the destabilizing effects of the
pandemic on AI models, prompting a need for innovative solutions to bridge the gap between
existing AI capabilities and evolving healthcare demands. In response, our initiative focuses on
developing AI models from scratch, leveraging CNNs to predict heart disease—an endeavor
aimed at enhancing medical diagnostics and addressing the challenges posed by unforeseen

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health crises, ultimately contributing to the advancement of AI innovation in service of

1.1.1. Information Engineering

Question 1 Given the high mortality rate of heart disease and the limitations of
current diagnostic tools, how can machine learning algorithms be more
effectively utilized for earlier and more accurate prediction of heart

Machine learning algorithms can be more helpful for earlier heart disease
prediction by analysing vast amounts of patient data for improved risk

Question 2 Why did we choose this particular dataset for our heart disease
prediction project?

We chose this dataset for our heart disease prediction project because of its
relevance, size, diversity, quality, availability, and adherence to ethical
Question 3 What are the limitations of the current AI systems in detecting heart

Heart disease encompasses a range of symptoms and characteristics,

including chest pain, shortness of breath, fatigue, irregular heartbeat, and
swelling in the ankles, legs, or abdomen. Diagnosing heart disease is
challenging due to the variability and subtlety of symptoms, as well as the
potential for individuals to remain asymptomatic until advanced stages of
the disease. Moreover, the reliance on traditional diagnostic methods, such
as manual laboratory tests and imaging studies, can lead to delayed
diagnosis and treatment, further complicating the identification of heart

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Question 4 What are the symptoms and characteristics of heart disease, and why is
it challenging to diagnose?

Heart disease symptoms vary widely and may not always be immediately
recognized, while diagnosis is complicated by atypical presentations,
symptom overlap with other conditions, and the need for specialized
diagnostic tests.
Question 5 What is the role of different medical tests, such as ECG, Holter monitor,
echocardiogram, and cardiac catheterization, in diagnosing heart

An electrocardiogram (ECG) detects heart rhythm abnormalities, a Holter

monitor records heart activity over time, an echocardiogram creates images
of the heart's structure and function, and cardiac catheterization visualizes
blockages in heart arteries, aiding in the diagnosis of heart disease.

1.1.2 Information Gathering

In the world of predicting heart disease, researchers have been using computer methods like
decision trees and support vector machines, but these struggle with tricky patterns and need a
lot of human work. Now, there's a new kid on the block called deep learning, especially a type
called Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). These are awesome at looking at medical
pictures and finding out complicated stuff all on their own. They're even better than the old
methods at figuring out who might get heart problems. But there's still a problem: we don't
always understand how these smart networks make their decisions, and it's hard to find enough
good medical pictures to teach them properly. So, we're suggesting a new CNN model just for
finding heart problems. To teach and check it, we're using a big bunch of medical images called
the Medical Segmentation Decathlon. It's like a big library of pictures that show different
heart diseases. We hope this will help make better predictions about heart health in the future.

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1.2 (Current System) Use case

Figure 1 Use case (Current system)

1.3 Problem within the Current System

The current system faces several notable challenges in efficiently predicting heart disease.
Primarily, its reliance on manual input and storage of user data introduces the potential for
human error and data inconsistency. Moreover, the process of extracting and matching data for
disease prediction lacks automation, leading to delays and inefficiencies in diagnosis.
Additionally, the system's dependency on traditional methods limits its ability to accurately
analyze complex patterns indicative of heart pathology, potentially resulting in misdiagnosis
or delayed treatment. Furthermore, the lack of scalability and adaptability in the current system
impedes its ability to keep pace with evolving medical knowledge and technological
advancements, hindering its effectiveness in delivering timely and accurate healthcare
outcomes. Physicians face the challenge of efficiently diagnosing heart pathology, including
heart disease and various cardiovascular conditions. With the high volume of patients, they

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encounter daily, there's a pressing need for tools that can aid in diagnostic evaluations or
provide risk assessments for potential heart ailments. Utilizing Convolutional Neural Networks
(CNNs) to analyze CT images and perform segmentation on regions of interest (ROIs) can
significantly enhance the diagnostic process. By developing models capable of accurately
predicting heart diseases and other cardiac pathologies, we aim to reduce the time taken from
symptom presentation to diagnosis and treatment initiation, thereby improving patient
outcomes and satisfaction. Overall, these limitations underscore the urgent need for a more
advanced and automated approach, such as our proposed CNN-based method, to overcome the
shortcomings of the current system and improve heart disease prediction.

Comparison with the Current Heart Disease Prediction Model

The contrast between the current system and our proposed Convolutional Neural Network
(CNN)-based approach underscores a significant leap forward in heart disease prediction.
While the existing system relies on manual input of user data, followed by database storage
and subsequent retrieval for disease prediction and report generation, our CNN-based method
revolutionizes the process. By automating the analysis of CT images, our model streamlines
the identification of heart pathology, eliminating the need for manual interpretation and
reducing the risk of human error. Leveraging the intricate pattern recognition capabilities of
CNNs, our approach enhances efficiency and accuracy, providing physicians with more
reliable diagnostic tools for timely intervention. Moreover, the scalability and adaptability of
our deep learning model ensure continuous refinement and improvement in predictive accuracy
over time, offering superior healthcare outcomes for individuals with heart ailments. Thus, our
system not only simplifies the prediction process but also significantly enhances its
effectiveness, marking a substantial advancement in cardiac care.

1.4 Comparison Table

The current model addresses the previous model's shortcomings by achieving higher accuracy,
utilizing a wider range of features, and adapting better to diverse situations. This is achieved
through advanced deep learning techniques.

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Table 1 Comparison of Previous and Current Heart Disease Prediction Models

Feature Current System Proposed System

Data Input Manual Automated CT scan image
Data Storage and Database Not applicable (analysis
Retrieval directly on images)
Risk Assessment Traditional methods Deep learning
(Convolutional Neural
Networks - CNNs)
Accuracy Limited by Traditional High accuracy due to
methods complex pattern
Scalability and Low High (continuous
Adaptability improvement through
model training)
Diagnosis Speed Slow due to manual data Faster due to automated
processing image analysis
Human Error Prone to errors in data input Reduced risk of error
and interpretation through automation
Overall Efficiency Low High

1.5 Project proposal (including methodology)

This project aims to develop a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)-based system for
automated heart disease prediction using CT images. By leveraging deep learning techniques,
we will train the model to accurately segment and classify regions indicative of heart pathology,
ultimately providing physicians with a reliable tool for early detection and intervention.
Through comprehensive data acquisition, model development, and rigorous validation, we seek
to revolutionize the diagnostic process, leading to improved patient outcomes and healthcare

Methodology of this Project

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1. Combined Dataset Integration:

The dataset merges two critical sources: medical images, likely comprising CT scans of hearts,
and corresponding ground truths providing correct labels, essential for training the model to
recognize patterns indicative of heart disease or specific cardiac conditions.

2. Preprocessing:

Initially, the images undergo padding, which involves adding pixels around their edges to
ensure uniformity in size, facilitating consistent processing by the model. Following padding,
image normalization is applied to scale pixel intensity values to a standardized range typically
between 0 and 1, enhancing the model's training efficiency and performance.

3. Model Training:

The pre-processed images are fed into the CNN model for training, initiating an iterative
process where the model adjusts its internal weights and biases to improve its ability to
accurately classify images. The dataset is split into distinct subsets: the training set, utilized to
train the model by exposing it to labelled data, and the test set, reserved for assessing the
model's performance on unseen data, ensuring its generalization capability.

4. Evaluation:

Evaluation of the trained model encompasses both quantitative and qualitative assessments.
Quantitative evaluation entails measuring performance metrics such as accuracy, precision, and
recall on the test set, providing objective insights into the model's predictive capabilities.
Qualitative assessment involves visually inspecting a subset of the test data to verify the
model's predictions, ensuring its ability to correctly classify images beyond statistical

5. Model Testing:

Once deemed satisfactory through evaluation, the trained model undergoes testing to validate
its performance in real-world scenarios. Deployment of the model involves applying it to new,
unseen data, such as CT scans from patients, to predict the presence or absence of heart disease,
thereby assessing its practical utility and effectiveness in clinical settings.

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CHAPTER 2. Overall Description

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2.1 Proposed System Environment

The proposed system environment for the heart disease prediction project will include the
following components and setups:

Software Requirements:

1. Development Tools and Libraries:

• Deep Learning Framework: TensorFlow, PyTorch, Keras (one of these frameworks

to build and train the CNN model)
• Programming Language: Python (commonly used for deep learning projects)
• Numerical Computing Libraries: NumPy, SciPy (for data manipulation and
mathematical operations)
• Image Processing Libraries: OpenCV (for image processing tasks like padding and

Hardware Requirements:

• High-performance servers or cloud-based infrastructure for efficient data processing

and model training.
• Adequate storage capacity to store patient data, datasets, and trained models securely.
• Workstations or devices for healthcare professionals to access the system and input
patient data conveniently.

2. System Dependencies:

• Operating System: Windows, macOS, Linux (with compatible libraries and

frameworks installed)
• Hardware:
o GPU (highly recommended for efficient CNN training)
o Sufficient RAM (to handle large medical image datasets)
o High-performance storage (for storing and processing medical images)
• Data Storage: Database or cloud storage solution (for managing medical image
datasets and ground truth labels)
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Networking Requirements:

• Development Phase: During the development and training of the CNN model, the
network requirements will be focused on providing the computational resources needed
for processing the medical image data.
• Deployment Phase: Once the model is trained and validated, the network requirements
will shift towards supporting real-time predictions or data transfer for analysis.

Security Measures:

• Data Encryption: Scramble data to protect patient privacy during storage and transfer.
• Access Control: Grant data access only to authorized users based on their roles.
• Secure Development: Employ secure coding practices and regular testing to identify
and fix vulnerabilities.
• Network Security: Implement firewalls and intrusion detection to guard against
• Regular Updates: Patch software with the latest security fixes to stay protected.
• User Training: Educate users on data security best practices to avoid human error.

Scalability and Flexibility:

• Scales Up & Down: Run on various hardware, adding resources as needed. Cloud
deployment offers elastic scaling.
• Adapts to New Data: Continuously improve the model with new data for better
accuracy over time.
• Expandable Functionality: Integrate additional disease diagnoses or functionalities in
the future.

Additional Considerations:

• Version Control System: Git (for code version control and collaboration)
• Jupyter Notebook or similar environment: (for interactive development and model

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• Machine Learning Experiment Tracking Tools: (optional, for tracking and
comparing model training runs)

2.2. Scope

Our project is about making it easier and more accurate to predict heart disease. We're creating
a model that looks at CT scans automatically, using a Deep-Learning technique called
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). This helps avoid mistakes that can happen when
people do it manually. By using this system, we can find signs of heart disease more precisely
and quickly. This means doctors can diagnose and treat patients faster, leading to better
outcomes. Furthermore, our system can keep getting better over time as we gather more data,
making it even more helpful in the future.

2.3. Functional Requirements

1. Data Input:
o The model needs to accept input data containing important patient CT scans
2. Data Preprocessing:
o It should be able to handle missing values, and encode categorical variables,
and features to make sure the data is consistent and reliable.
3. Model Training:
o The model should learn from the pre-processed patient data to understand
patterns related to heart disease.
4. Model Evaluation:
o It needs to be evaluated using accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score metrics
to see how well it predicts heart disease.
5. Prediction Generation:
o The model should generate predictions for new patient data, indicating the
likelihood of heart disease based on what it's learned.
6. Explanation of Predictions:

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o It should explain why it made each prediction to help healthcare providers
understand and interpret the results.
7. Data Visualization:
o Tools should be available to show data patterns, model performance, and
prediction outcomes in an easy-to-understand way.
8. Model Management:
o The ability to update the model with new data or improvements in performance
over time.
9. Data Privacy and Security:
o Implementation of measures to keep patient data confidential and follow
regulations regarding privacy and security.

2.4. Use cases

2.5 Activity Diagram

2.6. Sequence Diagram

2.7 Model Flow

2.8 Dataset Requirements

We collected information for our project from a dataset. It includes 30 MRI scans of just the
heart, taken during one heartbeat while the person was breathing normally. We made sure to
time the scans with both the person's breathing and heart rhythm using a method called
respiratory and electrocardiogram (ECG) gating. We focused on a specific part of the heart
called the left atrium. We chose this dataset because it's small but covers a wide range of heart
shapes and sizes, which is important for training our model effectively. This data was part of a
challenge called the 2013 Left Atrial Segmentation Challenge (LASC).

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2.10. Non-Functional Requirements

Non-functional requirements for the heart disease prediction project include:

1. Performance: The system should respond quickly to user queries and process data
efficiently, especially during prediction generation and analysis of patient data.
2. Usability: The system interface should be intuitive and easy to navigate for healthcare
practitioners, allowing for seamless input of patient data and interpretation of model
3. Reliability: The system should be dependable and stable, ensuring accurate predictions
and minimal downtime to avoid disruptions in patient care.
4. Security: Measures should be in place to protect patient data confidentiality and
prevent unauthorized access to sensitive information, complying with healthcare
privacy regulations like HIPAA.
5. Scalability: The system should be able to handle increasing volumes of patient data
and accommodate growth in users or data size without compromising performance.
6. Maintainability: The system should be easy to maintain and update over time,
allowing for timely enhancements and improvements to model accuracy and
7. Compatibility: The system should be compatible with various computer systems and
devices commonly used in healthcare settings, ensuring seamless integration and
8. Accuracy: The model's predictions should be highly accurate, with low rates of false
positives and false negatives, to assist healthcare professionals in making informed
decisions about patient care.
9. Interpretability: The model should provide explanations or insights into the basis of
each prediction, helping healthcare practitioners understand the rationale behind the
model's decisions and trust its recommendations.
10. Regulatory Compliance: The system should comply with relevant regulatory
requirements and industry standards governing the use and deployment of medical
diagnostic tools, ensuring ethical and legal use of patient data and model predictions.

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2.11. Overall Constraints

1 Data Availability: Obtaining high-quality, labelled data for training the predictive model
can be challenging, potentially limiting the development and effectiveness of the project.
2 Resource Constraints: Limitations in computing resources and time may impact the
scale and efficiency of data processing and model training, posing challenges to project
3 Expertise Constraints: The project's effectiveness may be affected by limitations in
expertise, particularly in machine learning techniques and healthcare domain knowledge,
necessitating collaboration and skill acquisition.
4 Ethical Considerations: Ethical concerns regarding bias, fairness, and transparency in
data collection, model development, and deployment need to be addressed, potentially
affecting project scope and approach.
5 Clinical Validation: The need for clinical validation before deployment introduces
constraints on the project timeline and requirements for evidence-based evaluation of
model performance and efficacy, emphasizing the importance of rigorous testing and
validation procedures.

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CHAPTER 3. System Features and

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3.1 Hardware requirements

To effectively experiment and train the CNN model for our heart disease prediction system, a
robust computational system is necessary. This system should be equipped with an Intel Core
i5 processor (or equivalent) for a strong foundation. The star of the show, however, is the
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti graphics card, or a similar high-performance GPU. This is
crucial for handling the complex calculations involved in CNNs. Additionally, 11 GB of RAM
or more is recommended for smooth operation during data manipulation and model training.
Finally, a spacious 1 TB solid-state drive (SSD) ensures fast data access and storage, which is
vital for medical image datasets. The entire system runs on Windows 10 Pro, a stable operating
system popular for scientific computing tasks. While these specifications provide a solid base,
consider even more powerful GPUs or multi-GPU configurations for exceptionally large
datasets or complex models. Consulting a hardware specialist can help tailor the setup to your
specific project needs and budget.

3.2 Software requirements

we'll leverage the power of Python for development, utilizing a user-friendly IDE like PyCharm
Community Edition 2020. To build and train the CNN model, a deep learning framework like
TensorFlow or PyTorch will be chosen during development. Additional libraries like NumPy,
SciPy, and OpenCV will provide functionalities for data manipulation and image processing

3.3 System requirements

The computational system used for this experiment leverages a powerful setup to ensure the
efficient processing of complex medical images. At its core lies an Intel Core i5 processor,
providing a solid foundation for demanding tasks. The system boasts a powerful NVIDIA
GeForce RTX 2080 Ti graphics card, specifically designed for handling the heavy
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computational requirements of deep learning models like CNNs. Ample memory is provided
by 11 GB of RAM, ensuring smooth operation during data manipulation and model training.
For fast data access and storage, a spacious 1 TB solid-state drive (SSD) is utilized. The
development environment runs on Windows 10 Pro, a stable operating system commonly used
for scientific computing tasks. PyCharm Community Edition 2020 serves as the primary
development tool, offering a user-friendly interface and functionalities specifically geared
towards Python programming, the chosen language for this project. This comprehensive system
configuration lays the groundwork for successful experimentation and development of the
proposed CNN-based heart disease prediction system.

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