LP Format 1

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/Members Cruz, Jerald S. Durban, Francyz

Names Ogana, Jelly Ann A. Abigail

Sison, Curlcy S.
Year and
Date May 30, 2024 June 3, 2024

I. Objectives
At the end of the discussion, students will be able to:
a. Know what Virality means.
b. Understand how certain video become viral, how it affects the life of an individual.
c. Distinguish if the viral video is a positive or negative.
II. Topics
The Concept of Virality within the Parameters of the Philippine Popular Culture
III. Instructional Materials
IV. Lesson Development
A. Opening Activity Topic: The Concept Of Virality within the Parameters of the Philippine Popular Culture

a. To know what Vitality means.
b. To understand how certain video become viral, and how it affects the life of an individual.
c. To distinguish if the viral video is a positive or negative.

Review Questions
1. As a student, Do you think making meme about different issues here in the Philippines awaken the
consciousness of Filipino People?
2. As a Future Educator, Do you think including at least one meme in your lessons helps the student to
understand more the topic? What is the benefit of including memes in your discussion?
3. As a Filipino Student, Give a negative and positive impact of memes.

Identifying what year the viral video that they watch became viral.

B. Developmental Activity Lesson Proper/Discussion/Giving Examples/Art of Questioning/Classroom Management and Behavior

First day (Thursday)

Must discuss the Definition of Virality.- Cruz

Must discuss the Importance of Virality- Cruz
Must discuss the Brief hHstory of Virality- Cruz

Must Discuss the 7 Common Elements of of Viral Videos: Explanation and Examples- Ogana and Durban
1. Visual Spectacle- Ogana
2. Universality (or Relevance)- Ogana
3. Reality- Ogana
4. Controversy- Ogana
5. Humor- Durban
6. Emotion- Durban
7. Bandwagon - Durban

Must discuss What makes Video goes Viral? What does it mean a Video goes Viral?- Sison
Must find at least two viral videos in the Philippines and abroad (at least 2 viral videos each)
and explain how to became viral- Sison
A. Closing Activity Summary

1. What is the viral in the 20th century?
2. When is the Golden age of YouTube?
3. “WoM” stands for?
4-5. Give two positive impacts of viral videos.
6-7. Give two negative impacts of viral videos.
8-10. Give At least 3 elements of a viral videos.
V. Assignment
Share your insight about the viral promotional ads/video of the Department of Tourism “Love the Philippines”
You can access the video by clicking this link: https://youtu.be/y5vX8ZqkHaY?si=r2ooeXf8sjEaQqjb

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