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College of Veterinary Medicine


Magalang, Pampanga


Physical Activities for Pond Preparation

Before starting another culture cycle the pond should be properly prepared to
maintain optimum farm productivity. Some physical activities are required in order to
properly condition the pond for another culture cycle. Sediment comprises inorganic and
organic matter that was previously suspended and has settled and accumulated in the pond
bottom after long periods of culture. This sediment becomes part of the pond bottom soil
which may produce negative effects in the water quality and production if not properly
managed. The physical activities done to prepare an earthen pond are drying, tilling,
sediment removal, and bottom raking, etc.

1. Understand the importance of preparing a pond prior to fish culture and its effect on
the fish productivity.

1. Describe different physical pond preparation activities and discuss its importance.
Activities Description Importance
Drying  Decrease moisture content to The easiest, least expensive, and
let in air. most successful way to get rid of
 It will take two to three weeks unwanted species from a pond
for inorganic chemicals to before the culture phase is to dry
oxidize and labile organic out the bottom of the pond.
matter in the bottom soil to Drying promotes the
break down. mineralization of organic matter
 lessens the bottom's need for and oxidizes dangerous chemicals,
oxygen. particularly sulfides.
 The amount of time needed to
dry bottom soil varies
depending on several factors,
including soil texture, air
temperature, wind speed,
rainfall, and water seeping in
from nearby ponds or shallow
water tables.
Tilling  increases aeration, speeds up By exposing subsurface dirt to the
the breakdown of organic atmosphere and hastening the
materials, and promotes the oxidation process and the release
oxidation of reduced of nutrients that have been locked
compounds by improving in the soil, tilling or plowing
drying. bottom soil improves the quality
 Tilling the soil can incorporate of the soil.
burnt lime, often known as
agricultural limestone.
 When pond bottoms are very
damp, they shouldn't be tilled.
Tillage should normally be done
between 5 and 10 cm deep.
Sediment  Periodically remove the item. Sediment removal is an important
removal  excavated using a range of aspect of aquaculture pond
tools, from bulldozers to management, particularly in
shovels. earthen ponds where sediment
 There is no need to dispose of it buildup can affect water quality,
outside of ponds if it does not habitat suitability, and overall
contain big organic debris. productivity.
 Reapply able to the regions
where it deteriorated
Bottom  The most typical issue with To preserve the oxidized layer and
raking bottom soil is oxidized layer enhance interaction with
loss. oxygenated water, stir the
 should be carried out every one sediment.
to two days to be efficient.

Answer the following:

1. Explain the possible negative effects on the water quality and fish productivity if
these physical activities are not performed.

Lacking of performance of pond production-related physical tasks, like sediment

removal, can result in low-quality water with characteristics like turbidity, reduced dissolved
oxygen, and decreased clarity. This can disturb the nutrient balance, encourage algal
blooms, and deteriorate habitat quality, which can ultimately lead to lower growth rates,
increased susceptibility to disease, and financial losses for aquaculture operations.

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