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0830 – 1130/ 2024

(1) “My Lord, if a person like me embraced another religion he would be highly received.
But I am surprised since you advised me to act after reconsidering my decision. “The
person who expressed these words to the Buddha is,
1. Price Abhayaraja 2. Householder Upali
3. Brahmin Canki 4. Brahmin Kasi Bharadvaja

(2) Even the contemporary Brahmin priest praised the endless virtues of the BuddhaThus, the
Brahmin Sonadanda praised the virtues of the Buddha. The fact which is not included
among his praising words is,
1. The Buddha became a recluse abandoning all His retinue
2. The Buddha belonged to the pure Brahmin caste up to seven generations
3. Even the Gods and Brahmas took refuge of the Buddha
4. The Buddha is a great Teacher

(3) “There is no other religious teaching which surpasses fruitful teachings included in the
Four Noble Truths and Noble Eight-fold paths as explained by Buddha” This is expressed
1. Rhys Davids 2. H.G.Wells
3. Sarvapali Radha Krishnan 4. Edwin Arnold

(4) At first the Ascetic Siddhartha Gautama went in search of truth towards,
1. Brahmin Pandit Sarvamitta, Ascetics Alara Kalama and Uddaka Ramaputta
2. Ascetics Asita, Alara Kalama, Uddaka Ramaputta
3. Ascetics Bhaggava, Alara Kalama, Uddaka Ramaputta
4. Ascetics Uddaka Ramaputta, Alara Kalama

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(5) The seat on which the Ascetics Siddhartha Gautama sat in meditation under the sacred
Bodhi tree for the realization of the Four Noble Truth is,
1. Vajrasana 2. Yogāsana
3. Virasana 4. Padmāsana

(6) “Dependent on past conditioning activities arises rebirth-consciousness.” This has been
explained in the doctrine cause and effect as,
1. Avijjā paccayā samkhārā
2. Samkhāra paccayā vinnānam
3. vinnāna paccayā nāmā rūpam
4. Upādanā paccayā vinnānam

(7) “My aim is not for the kingship, but for the long lasting of Buddhism.” The king who
ruled the country while forwarding the above statement is,
1. King Kavantissa 2. King Dutugemunu
3. King Parakramabahu 4. King Valagamba

(8) Meditation based on the suppression of defilements which pollute the minds of persons
and obstruct the path to nibbana is known as,
1. Samatha Bhāvanā 2. Vipassanā Bhāvanā
3. Ānapānasathi Bhāvanā 4. Mettā Bhāvanā

(9) The meditation based on Sabbe snkhara anicca all conditioned things are impermanent
etc. is known as,
1. Samatha Bhāvanā 2. Vipassanā Bhāvanā
3. Kamatahan Bhāvanā 4. Mettā Bhāvanā

(10) Abstaining from sin and unwholesome acts and dying and taking birth is known as,
1. Samādāna 2. Karaniya
3. Viramana 4. Cāritta Vāritta

(11) The wisdom that identifies the beings who are dying and taking birth is known as,
1. Pubbe niva sanussatina na 2. Cutupapa ta na na
3. A savakkhaya na na 4. Dibbacakku na na

(12) “The accumulation of wholesome and unwholesome acts or ‘sanskara’ is due to the
ignorance of ‘Four Noble Truths’ or “Avijja.’ This is stated as,
1. Avijja paccaya samkha ra
2. Samkha ra paccaya vinna nam
3. Vinna na paccaya na ma rupanm
4. Upa da na paccaya bhavo

(13) “Atta Cariya ” among the four-fold Sangraha Vastu indicates,

1. Development in two worlds 2. Economic development
3. Engaging in self-development 4. Helping others.

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(14) The virtue, of Sangha namely the worthiness of offering four requisites by inviting and
accompanying them is,
1. A njalikaraniya 2. Pa huneyya
3. A huneyya 4. Dakkineyya

(15) This is an example for a Jataka story to show that our Bodhisatva fulfilled the virya
1. Vannupatha Jatakaya 2. Makkhadeva Jatakaya
3. Silavimansa Jatakaya 4. Khantivadi Jatakaya

(16) For whom had it been prohibited to put urine, rubbish and state food on bluish grass?
1. Laymen 2. Students
3. Ordained Bikkhu 4. Samanera Bikkhu

(17) Those identified by the Buddha as trades not to be dealt with are
1. Selling weapons
2. Selling books
3. Selling toxicants
4. Selling living beings

(18) The Noble Path that is developed when living according to good laws by retaining from
killing other living beings, stealing and (sexually) misbehaving is
1. Samma Ditti 2. Samma Sankappa
3. Samma Samadhi 4. Samma Kammanta

(19) Who offered the Devramvehera to the Buddha?

1. King Bimbisara
2. Goshita the nobleman
3. Princess Kosala Mallika
4. Anepidu the nobleman

(20) The great King Suddhodana worshipped to his own son prince Siddhartha for the first
1. On the day the Kaladevala Sage arrived
2. On the day of the great ploughing ceremony
3. On the day he attained Enlightenment
4. On his birthday

(21) Those falls into the “Ashtarya pudgala Maha Sangha Ratthna are
1. Those Reverence who understood the Satara Maga
2. Those Reverence who understood the Satara Phala
3. Those Reverence who understood the Satara Maga and Staa Phala
4. Those Reverence who developed the Satara Brahma Viharana

(22) Eye, ear, nose, tongue and body are

1. Panchaskanda 2. Panch Indriya
3. Pancha Nyama 4. Puncha Nivarana

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(23) The cetana that lead an action to be a wholesome kamma are,
1. Antya, Dukkha, Anatama 2. Lobha, Dosa, Moha
3. Nitya, Sukha, Atma 4. Alobha, Adosa, Amoha

(24) The number of fruitful results gained by developing the Maitri, which is given as
avyapada in the ten wholesome actions is,
1. Seven 2. Nine
3. Eleven 4. Thirteen

(25) The weather situations like getting rains in due times, floods, tsunami, occurs due to
1. Bija Niyama 2. Utu Niyama
3. Kamma Niyama 4. Citta Niyama

(26) By how many interconnected factors does the paticca samuppada explain the arising of
suffering in the beings.
1. Twelve 2. Fifteen
3. Sixteen 4. Eighteen

(27) The great Bodisatva utterd the great saying “Ayamanthima Jati natthidani Punabbhavo”
on the day
1. He attained Enlightenment 2. He passed away
3. He preached the first dhamma sermon 4. Of his birthday

(28) When any kammas are done if they produce their effects in the 2 nd birth, these kammas
are called.
1. Dittadhammavedaniya Kamma
2. Upapajja Vedaniya Kamma
3. Aprapariya Vedaniya Kamma
4. Ahosi Kamma

(29) The instruction given to the first sixty Arahants by the Lord Buddha, was
1. “Mano Pubbangama Dhamma…”
2. “ Najacca vasalo hoti…”
3. “Caratha bikkhave carika…”
4. “Cetananham bikkhave…”

(30) “I eat the begged food not for the fun. Not for the development of the strength. It’s solely
to sustain the body only. Only as for a support for maintaining sasana brahma cariya.
“This is done when consuming sivpassaya and is called as,
1. Pratyavekshanaya
2. Pratya Sannishshrita Sila
3. Hetu Pratya Combination
4.Pratya Lobhaya

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(31) “Sinhala Buddhist children do determine not to tell a lie or false world even if you have to
pay from your life.” This was uttered by
1. Sir Valisinghe Harishchandrea
2. Sir Anagarika Dharmapala
3. Sir Javharalal Nerhu
4. Bhanduka Upasaka

(32) The pancanivarana those make the mind dirty, cover the path to Nirvana, could be
suppressed by
1. Thrikkhana meditation 2. Panna meditation
3. Samatha meditation 4. Vipassana meditation

(33) Maha Sangha Ratna is worthy of offering of alms for the aspiration of obtaining com for
table lives hereafter and therefore they are called.
1. Supatipanna 2. Dakkhineyya
3. Ahuneyya 4. Pahuneyya

(34) The Lord Buddha’s lust free, passionless living in the world of attachment and frictions,
is called.
1. Pararthakami life 2. Adarshavat life
3. Pudumarkara life 4. Padmakara life

(35) What the stupa that is got a very high historical value in which the Lord Buddha’s Right
Jaw Rclics are enshrined?
1. Ruwanweli Maha Seya 2. Jethavanarama Seya
3. Abhayagiri Seya 4. Thuparama Cettya

(36) This my effort is not for the royal happiness, it is for the long existence of the Buddha
sasana….” The king who started this great saying is,
1. King Dharmashoka 2. King Maha Parakramabahu
3. King Dutugamunu 4. King Bimbisara

(37) “Poojavaliay” the Dhamma text that’s written describing the “Arahan” quality of the Lord
Buddha, was written in the
1. Kurungegala era 2. Dembadeni era
3. Kandy era 4. Polonnaru era

(38) Which of the teravadian Buddhist councils that made the recording at Aluvihara Matale?
1. First council 2. Second council
3. Third council 4. Forth council

(39) Among the happinesses that a layman can experience, the happiness of not being a debtor
1. Atthi sukha 2. Bhoga sukha
3. Anana sukkah 4. Anavajja sukha

(40) Among the various mudhras that could be seen on the Buddha image, the mudhra that
symbolized the prower of first Dhamma deliverance is,
1. Dharma cakra mudhra 2. Vitarka mudhra
3. Dumi sprasha mudhra 4. Abhaya mudhra

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0830 – 1130/ 2024

01. i.Name the two mudras in order those symbolize the deliverance of dhamma and being on
ii. “Pusthakaeruda Sangithi” What is it?, Write two features.
iii. Define,

a) Supatipanna c) Sandittiko
b) Arahan d) Ehipassiko
iv. Mention four types of Sukha.
v. Mention any three (Paramitha) perfections with respective Jathaka story.
vi. Write the Author.
a) Dharmapradeepikawa
b) Buthsarana
c) Poojawaliya
vii. “Hagimm da ma Menen – Guna himiya kiyannata
Pohonem Neluba Sinawuna – Paladuth hoth thusara hara’’
Paladuth hoth Thusara hara” Mention the book and Author.
viii. “Imasmin Sathi Idan Hothi” What is the doctrine that mention the above stanza.
ix. “Chethanaham Bhikkave Kamman Vadami” Write the meaning.
x. Write the sutta those influenced the five bhikkhus to attend Arahathship.

01) I) Mention the two extremes that should be avoid by a Buddhis monk.
II) What is Padmakara Life?
III) How do you solve the problems in society with the guidance of four
noble truths?

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Yorkshire International
02) I) What are the two types of meditation.
II) Mention the five hindrance (Pancha neevarana) and explain.
III) Being Virtual and gain the benefit of sila. Explain.

03) I) What are the directions mentioned in Singalovada sutta?

II) “Anusothagami ” and “Patisothagami” Discuss.
III) Lord Buddha always appreciated the environment. Describe.

04) I) What is “Dhammapada” ?

II) “Atthanava Kathan Papan” Complete.
III) “Thancha kamman Kathan sadhu” Write the meaning and describe the
importance of dhammapadha in ones life.

05) I) Mention Sathara Sathipattana.

II) What are the benefits of having good eating habits?
III) Lord Buddha has well preached the way to rule a country righteously. Discuss.

06) I) What are the benefits of the 1st Buddhist council.

II) Write details about 4th Buddhist council.
III) What are the things that mention in Parabhava sutta.

07) Write short notes on any two of following topics.

A) King Dutugamunu
B) Sathara Sangraha Wasthu and Sathara Agathi
C) Stupa
D) Moonstone
E) Hethupalavadaya

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