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Name : Reza Yudi Candra

NIM : 2022D1C043
Class : PWK-B



A Here's your bill.

B Thank you. Is service included?
A No, it isn't. I hope you enjoyed your meal.
B It was lovely, thank you.
A Can you put in your PIN number, and then press ENTER? And here's your card and your
B Thanks. That's for you.
A That's very kind of you. I hope to see you again soon.
B Bye!


A How much is a standard room?

B £55 per night.
A Does that include everything?
B That includes the room for two people, but it doesn't include breakfast.
A That's extra, is it?
B Yes, I'm afraid it is. But the £55 does include VAT.


A I'll pay for the tickets with my MasterCard.

B Can you give me your number?
A 5484 6922 3171 2435.
B What's the expiry date?
A 09 12.
B And the start date?
A 10 07.
B And the three digit security number on the back?
A 721


A Could you give me the balance on my account?

B Sure. Tell me your account number.
A 4033 2614 7900.
B Bear with me one moment. The current cleared balance on that account is £542.53 in credit.

A Can I have a gin and tonic and two glasses of white wine, please?
B Sure... That's £14.50.
A Thank you.
B And here's your change. 50p.
A Thanks. Er... How much did I give you? I think you've made a mistake!
B Sorry?
A I think you must have made a mistake. I gave you £20, but you've given me change for 15.
B No, I don't think so.
A Well, I'm pretty sure I gave you a twenty- pound note.
B Oh, did you? Er... sorry about that. Here you are.
A Thanks.


Change the sentence into Present perfect tense or Present perfect passive!

Present perfect tense Present perfect passive

(1) I have eaten an apple. An apple has been eaten by me.

(2) CR 7 has signed the contract. The contract has been signed by CR 7.

(3) My friend has done my homework. My homework has been done by my friend.

(4) My motorbike has broken my leg. My leg has been broken by my motorbike.

(5) JK Rowling has written the Harry Potter The Harry Potter books have been written by
books JK Rowling

(6) I have written the story of Mandalika princes. The story of Mandalika princes has been
written by me

(7) They have cleaned the classroom The classroom has been cleaned by them.

(8) My dear has broken my heart. My heart has been broken by my dear.
(9) Calvin Klein has designed famous fashion in Famous fashion in the world has been designed
the world. by Calvin Klein.

(10) My mom has fried a chicken for eating A chicken has been fried by my mom for
sahur. eating sahur

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