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Subject: ENGLISH Total Marks: 30

Grade: 6 Time Duration: 60 min


General instructions:

1. First 05 min is meant for reading the question paper.

2. Time allotted for writing is 45 min.
3. Please do neat and systematic work.
4. Solve the questions in sequence and number the questions correctly. Do
not copy questions unless asked in the questions.
5. Please write your name and grade on the answer sheet.
6. Number all your pages on the answer sheet.
7. Please click pictures and upload the answer sheet as
PDF in the assignment section of the school app.
8. Submission of answer sheet after 30 min of writing time will not
be allowed.

I. Answer the following Questions: (Any 5) (5X2=10M)

a. How did Dhani and Gokul make the arrangement to stay for a long time?

b. Why did Gandhiji accumulate people for the Dandi March? What was the reason
behind it?

c. With what things did the poet remember his mother in the poem “I Cannot
Remember My Mother?

d. Name some animals that the author used to see and hear regularly.

e. How did the poet feel his mother when he was sad?

f. What reason does the author provide for the presence of a leopard so close to

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Subject: ENGLISH
Grade: 6

II. Grammar: (10X1=10M)

Answer all the Questions:

1. Neha ____________ to Delhi. (Fill in the blanks with Simple Present Tense)

2. Ayushi _______ very well. (sing / sings)

3. The boys______________ on the ground. (play – Use the correct of the form of
the verb play to show Subject verb agreement)

4. The lions _______________ in the jungle. (roar- – Use the verb in Present
Continuous Tense)

5. I __________ sandwich for breakfast. (Fill in the blank with Present Perfect

6. They _____________ towards the home. (Fill in the blanks with Simple Past

7. They _____________________ in the park. (Fill in the blanks with Past

Continuous Tense)

8. I ____________________ an apple. (Fill in the blanks with the verb eat in simple
present tense)

9. She ___________________ with her friends in the park. (Fill in the blanks with
the verb play in past perfect tense)

10. Neena _______________ all the oranges. (Fill in the blanks with the verb eat in
present perfect tense)

III. Write a paragraph on any one of the following topics: (10X1=10M)

a. A ride on a boat


b. My most favourite cartoon.

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