Lovely Professional University: Consumer Perception and Preference Towards Internet Service Providers in Punjab

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Lovely University


Topic:- Consumer perception and preference towards Internet

Service providers in Punjab.

M.B.A -III TERM PAPER 2010-2011 MGT-531

Submitted by
Chandan Kumar singh Section-T-1902 Roll number A-27 Regi no- 10903162

Guided by
Mr. Amit Dutt

I hereby state that, this project report submitted by me in partial fulfillment of requirements of the MBA is an original research work carried out by me under the guidance and supervision of my faculty guide and this work or any part of it has not been previously submitted for a degree of MBA. Bhupendra Singh Bhati MBA 4th Sem.

The project of such magnitude cannot be accomplished without the assistance and cooperation of several people. Exchange of ideas generate a new object to work in a better way. So, whenever a person is helped by others, his heart is bound to pay gratitude and it is not merely formality but an expression of deep sense of gratitude and cumulative appreciation. I wish to express my deep sense of gratitude to my teacher and guide Ms. Dimple Arya , of GD MEMORIAL COLLEGE , Jodhpur, whose support and guidance along with timely advice has helped me to complete this project report. [Name]

Bhupendra Singh Bhati MBA 4TH SEM


Declaration.02 Acknowledgement..02 Introduction of the Industry04 Introduction of the study..04 Objective of the Study...07 Review of Literature..07 Need of the Study..10 Hypothesis Formulation..10 Research Methodology10 Data interpretation tools.11 Data Analysis12 Findings of the study...22 Conclusion & Suggestions.23 Bibliography & Reference..24 Questionnaire25

Introduction of the Industry.

INFORMATION technology has significant roles to play not only in businesses but also in daily activities of individuals. User-friendly technology, for example the Internet has changed the way people communicate, work and perform commercial activities. The emergence of Internet technology, particularly the World Wide Web, as an electronic medium of commerce offers new opportunities to industries to adopt the Internet as their alternative marketing tools (or as the only marketing channel). Internet based services continue to grow in importance in business-to-consumer and business-to-business environments. For firms the increased importance of Internet channels can be seen in its contribution to disseminating information, enhancing consumer value, improving consumer satisfaction, loyalty and retention as well as consumer perception which in turn leads to better profitability and expanded market share. From the consumers perspective, Internet-based services can significantly reduce the costs for searching, widen the selection of vendors, deliver lower priced products/services, and increase convenience, allowing greater control over products/service offered. This reduction in cost has encouraged companies to expand electronic information services and new competitors to enter existing market. It is vital for companies to understand consumer adoption behavior, as their investment decisions in technology infrastructure should be driven by consumer acceptance (adoption) and long-term profitability.

Introduction to the Study

This study is based on the Topic Consumer perception and preference towards Internet Service providers in Rajasthan. Consumer attitude measurements are taken on either potential buries or existing clients buries in order to identify their characteristics. Why should the competent marketer conduct consumer research? Consumers surveys can provide the researcher with a wealth of information, valuable of the marketing function.

Detailed information regarding the customer in a market will provide the basic platform for all marketing decisions. Marketing decision maker needs descriptive information about the total potential unit and dollar sales in each segment. Perhaps the most important one is that a seller needs to be aware of the relevant objective and need of consumer and how their objectives might best be served by the products. CONSUMER A consumer is an individual who purchase or has the capacity to purchase goods and services offered for sale by marketing institutions in order to satisfy personal or household needs, wants or desires. According to a statement made by Mahatma Gandhi, consumer refers to the following, A consumer is the most important visitor on our premises. He is not dependent on us. We are dependent on him. He is not an outsider to our business. He is part of it. We are not doing him a favour by serving him. He is doing us a favour by giving us an opportunity to do so. So consumer is like the blood of our business and also a satisfied customer is a word of mouth advertisement of a product / services. CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR

Consumer behaviour is the study of when, why, how, and where people do or do not buy product. It blends elements form psychology, sociology, social anthropology and economics. It attempts to understand the buyer decision making process, both individually and in groups. It studies characteristics of individual consumers such as demographics and behavioural variables in an attempt to understand people's wants. It also tries to assess influences on the consumer from groups such as family, friends, reference groups, and society in general. CONSUMER PREFERENCE All marketing starts with the consumer. So consumer is a very important person to a marketer. Consumer decides what to purchase, for whom to purchase, why to purchase, from where to purchase, and how much to purchase. In order to become a successful marketer, he must know the liking or disliking of the customers. He must also know the time and the quantity of goods and services, a consumer may purchase, so that he may store the goods or provide the services according to the likings of the consumers. Now the whole concept of consumers sovereignty

prevails. The manufacturers produce and the sellers sell whatever the consumer likes. In this sense, consumer is the supreme in the market. As consumers, we play a very vital role in the health of the economy local, national or international. The decision we make concerning our consumption behavior affect the demand for the basic raw materials, for the transportation, for the banking, for the production; they affect the employment of workers and deployment of resources and success of some industries and failures of others. Thus marketer must understand this. Preference (or "taste") is a concept, used in the social sciences, particularly economics. It assumes a real or imagined "choice" between alternatives and the possibility of rank ordering of these alternatives, based on happiness, satisfaction, gratification, enjoyment, utility they provide. More generally, it can be seen as a source of motivation. In cognitive sciences, individual preferences enable choice of objectives/goals. The study of the consumer preference not only focuses on how and why consumers make buying decision, but also focuses on how and why consumers make choice of the goods they buy and their evaluation of these goods after use. So for success of any company or product promotion it is very necessary to depart its concentration towards consumer preference.

CONSUMER PERCEPTION The process by which an individual selects, organizes, and interprets stimuli into a meaningful and coherent picture of the world. Perception is our sensory experience of the world around us and involves both the recognition of environmental stimuli and actions in response to these stimuli. Through the perceptual process, we gain information about properties and elements of the environment that are critical to our survival. Perception not only creates our experience of the world around us, it allows us to act within our environment.


To know the consumer perception towards various Internet Service Providers. To know the consumer Preference while selecting the Internet Service.

Review of Literature
Selwyn Neil, (2004) This paper aims to empirically explore the extent to which actual use intensity of mobile internet (MI) access is influenced by factual use conditions and evaluative perceptions of MI adopters. Furthermore, it analyzes relationships between this usage behavior and mobile voice call as well as SMS activity quantities at the individual customer level. Factual MI use conditions (MI tariff type and appliance class, fixed broadband internet home access) were significant predictors of MI use intensity, whereas MIrelated evaluative perceptions (e.g. MI value assessment) were not. Distributions of MI, voice telephony, and SMS use intensities were highly skewed. A small group of users disproportionately contributed to the total MI traffic generated by the sample. Most customers use MI only to a limited extent after the initial adoption. MI use intensity was not significantly correlated with mobile voice communication or SMS activity levels. Kasper Hans ,(2010) The purpose of this paper is to provide insight into how consumers cope with confusion caused by overload in information and/or choice. The paper investigates whether consumers who face different degrees of confusion use different coping strategies depending upon their decision-making styles. The paper finds that consumers of mobile phones can be characterized by combinations of decision-making styles and find three clusters based on decision-making styles: price conscious and cautious consumers, brand-loyal and quality-driven consumers, and functionalist consumers. Results show significant main effects of the degree of confusion and the decisionmaking styles on the use of coping strategies as well as a significant interaction

effect of these two. Higher levels of consumer confusion lead to an increased use of seven coping strategies: downsizing the consideration set; keeping status quo; reduced information search; search deferral; buying what others have bought; disengagement from decision; and decision delegation. Price conscious and cautious consumers engage less in downsizing the consideration set than the two other clusters, and are less inclined to keep the status quo as compared to functionalist consumers. Petruzzellis Luca , (2010) The main research question of the paper is to determine whether technology nowadays is overcome by customer preferences and needs. In particular, the role of the brand is to be analysed with respect to its influence in shifting customer preferences from the technical performances (tangible elements) to the emotional/symbolic ones (intangible elements). The findings show various dimensions that are relevant in consumer minds when considering decisions regarding technological products. Brand attitudes do relate positively to consumer intention to use (purchase) specific mobile phones over others. Vlachos Pavlos A. ,(2008) The purpose of this paper is to investigate the theoretical and empirical meaningfulness of a composite model of behavioral intentions in a pure mobile internet services context. The study finds that content quality, contextual quality, device quality, connection quality and privacy concerns have a strong positive influence on service quality perceptions. Overall, service quality, value and satisfaction have a simultaneous direct effect on behavioral intentions. Hand Chris ,(2009) This paper seeks to understand the triggers which influence the adoption (and the discontinuation) of online grocery shopping. Specifically, the research aims to establish the role of situational factors in the process of adoption. Both qualitative and quantitative results establish the importance of situational factors, such as having a baby or developing health problems, as triggers for starting to buy groceries online. Many shoppers are found to discontinue online grocery shopping once the initial trigger has disappeared or they have experienced a problem with the service. Mattila Anna S,(2004) , This paper seeks to Despite its managerial importance, channel choice has received scant attention in scholarly research. To close that gap, this paper incorporated channel choice into Day and Landon's taxonomy of consumer responses to dissatisfaction. A study using a 4 (channel choice: two interactive channels of faceto-face and phone, and two remote channels of letter and e-mail) 2 (motivation to complain: redress seeking and venting) experimental design was conducted. Shame proneness was examined using a quasi-experimental design. Our findings suggest that consumers with a redress seeking goal opt for interactive rather than remote channels. Consumers looking for tangible compensation might perceive face-toface or phone channels to be more effective due to the real-time interaction with the service provider. Conversely, when customers wanted to vent their frustration, they leaned more towards remote channels such as a written letters or e-mail. The

impact of shame proneness was particularly salient in a venting context. Gerpott Torsten J.,(2010), This paper aims to empirically explore the extent to which actual use intensity of mobile internet (MI) access is influenced by factual use conditions and evaluative perceptions of MI adopters. Furthermore, it analyzes relationships between this usage behavior and mobile voice call as well as SMS activity quantities at the individual customer level. Factual MI use conditions (MI tariff type and appliance class, fixed broadband internet home access) were significant predictors of MI use intensity, whereas MI-related evaluative perceptions (e.g. MI value assessment) were not. Distributions of MI, voice telephony, and SMS use intensities were highly skewed. A small group of users disproportionately contributed to the total MI traffic generated by the sample. Most customers use MI only to a limited extent after the initial adoption. MI use intensity was not significantly correlated with mobile voice communication or SMS activity levels. Hsu Huei-Chen, (2007) The major objective of this study is to explore factors effect in purchasing preferences for foreign brands versus private label brands (PLB) in urban China on the internet. Using the data collected in GuangZhou, Shenzhen, Wuhan, Shanghai and Nanjing cities, it is found that both their direct and indirect effects. Interesting to find, that Chinese consumers' exposure to online products is relatively new, it appears that searching and experience online in reducing their perceived risk of quality concern, and it affects their choice of PLB. Price consciousness is very important to choose domestic PLB across all purchase situations, whereas the other types of factors have differential impact. It seems that Chinese respondents get used to surf on the internet, that is, their perceived risk is not low, which is different from other literatures studied. Vlachos Pavlos A.,(2008) The purpose of this paper is to investigate the theoretical and empirical meaningfulness of a composite model of behavioral intentions in a pure mobile internet services context. The study finds that content quality, contextual quality, device quality, connection quality and privacy concerns have a strong positive influence on service quality perceptions. Overall, service quality, value and satisfaction have a simultaneous direct effect on behavioral intentions. Choudary Yanamandala Lokeswara , (2006) The study entitled A Study on the consumer preference on various mobile connections and buyer behavior was conducted in Chennai with special reference to RELIANCE INFOCOMM. The study was undertaken to know the preference level of consumers towards various mobile connections. The study covers various brands like Airtel, Aircel, BSNL, Tata Indicom, and RIM in relation to various aspects. The survey was conducted by collection from various consumers (Mobile Users). The main objective of the study were to analyse the position of Reliance India Mobile and other competitor brands ( Airtel , Aircel , Hutch , BSNL ) in the consumers mind, to know the reason for preferring the particular brand over the other brands and finally to receive the


suggestions for the further improvement. The type of research undertaken for the study was Descriptive Research and the sampling design was judgmental sampling. Both primary and secondary data was collected by interview method and referring the company manual and website of the company. The statistical tool used in the study was percentage analysis, weighted average Method, chi square test, one sample run test. The limitation of the study was that the data provided by the respondents may be false at times and it is confined to 200 consumers only and conducted in Chennai only. Dirk C. Moosmayer,(2010) By replicating two seminal studies on cause-related marketing (CRM) campaigns, this paper aims to investigate the influence of gender and of donation size on consumer perception of firm behavior, consumer attitude to product, consumer goodwill toward the CRM campaign, consumer perception of the benefit to the NPO, and consumer attitude toward CRM. Consumer perception of firm behavior, consumer goodwill toward the CRM campaign, and consumer attitude to product vary significantly by gender. Donation size has a significant influence on consumer goodwill toward the CRM campaign and on consumer perception of the benefit to the NPO. The impact of donation size is rooted in external perceptions, and partly moderated by gender.


To determine the customer perception towards Internet service provider. To determine the customer preference towards Internet service provider. To determine the effectiveness of the service provided by the various company.

It is basically a presumption which Researcher uses when they do research.

Null: - There is a significant effect on the difference between the perception

and preference of different service provider.

Alternative:- There is no significant effect on the difference between the

perception and preference of different service provider.



Before examining types of research designs it is important to be clear about the role and purpose of research design. We need to understand what research design is and what it is not. We need to know where design into the whole research process from framing a question to finally analyzing and reporting data.

Research design
The purpose of the study to know The Consumer perception and preference towards Internet Service providers in Rajasthan. Hence descriptive research design used for this study. A survey was conducted through which an analysis was drowned.

Sample size
A sample of 50 sample was taken for the purpose of study and analysis.

Sampling unit:
Sampling unit consisted of all users of internet services.

Sample element:
Every user are the sample element.

Sampling technique
Convenience sampling technique (non probability sampling) was used for the survey. Quesnaire filled by the selected users.

Data collection: data was collected through primary and secondary



Primary data: primary data was collected with the help of structured

questionnaire and personal interview with dealers.



Secondary data: Source of secondary data were collected with

help of published reports, magazines, newspapers and the websites.


The most often tools used to Examine are Mean. Standard Deviation. Coefficient of Co-Relation. Regression. Chi square test Factor analysis

Data Analysis. Sex of the Respondent.

ANALYSIS: The most of the respondent are male. 90% of male and only
10% are female.

Age of the Respondent


ANALYSIS: When we study the consumer preference and perception

towards the internet service provider. The most of the respondent are belong to the age group 20 to 25. Because most of the respondent are student. Occupation of the Respondent.

ANALYSIS: 58% respondents are the student and around 20% of

respondent are business man and the Professional. Educational Qualification of the Respondents.


ANALYSIS: when we talk about the educatuon qualification of the

respondent. Most of the respondent are professional and rest atleast passed Up to Hs.

Income of the Respondents.

ANALYSIS: 45% people income is between 5000 to 10000. 28% people

income is above 15000.


ANALYSIS: The above data show the type of connection which is used by
the customer. We see that out of 50, 35 costomer prefer unlimited service it show the unlimited plan is more prefabrabel then limited plans.

ANALYSIS: The above figure show the persentage of the customer of

every service. The higest percentage of customer is Airtel 36%, and BSNL 22%, after these Reliance is with 14%.


ANALYSIS: This question show the percentage of customer. 52% people

using the Broad Band and 28% are using the Wireless, only 20% people using the both services. As per the data, it can be analyzed that in spite of tough competitions between these three Broad Band is more preferable than others two technology.

ANALYSIS: The above question is about the period of the time using the
connection. The 36 % people is using the service is more then 6 to 12 month. 48% people are using the service is more then 2 years . it is show that the


customer is satisfied with the service. So we say that the customer is satisfied with the service provider.

ANALYSIS: This question is show the cost of the customer which is

incured in a month. We saw that 60% people spend only 500 per month. It is happen because my target population is internet users. Only 24% people spend the more then 500 but below in 1000. So we say that money is more impact on customer satisfaction. If the company provide the chief cost service then the people using more service.

ANALYSIS: This question is the most important because the customer tell
about who influenced while selcection of a service provider. When we analysis the data we found that 42% people said that Friends influnce more


than others. 24% people said that advertisement influenced. And 20% people said that Dealer influenced which selection a particular services.

ANALYSIS: It is only to know the customer prefrence towards the service

provider. We know that customer only prefer something when they required such type of services and it is very important for the customer satisfaction. Many of the respondents are student so they only prefer internet service for study. Professionals prefer for entertenment.

Factor analysis

Total Variance Explained

Compon Initial Eigenvalues ent 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Total 1.649 1.432 1.305 1.104 .882 .741 .517 .370 % of Variance 20.613 17.896 16.313 13.800 11.026 9.264 6.458 4.630 Cumulative % 20.613 38.509 54.821 68.621 79.647 88.912 95.370 100.000 Rotation Sums of Squared Loadings Total 1.538 1.398 1.318 1.237 % of Variance 19.224 17.471 16.470 15.456 Cumulative % 19.224 36.695 53.165 68.621


Total Variance Explained

Compon Initial Eigenvalues ent 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Total 1.649 1.432 1.305 1.104 .882 .741 .517 % of Variance 20.613 17.896 16.313 13.800 11.026 9.264 6.458 Cumulative % 20.613 38.509 54.821 68.621 79.647 88.912 95.370 Rotation Sums of Squared Loadings Total 1.538 1.398 1.318 1.237 % of Variance 19.224 17.471 16.470 15.456 Cumulative % 19.224 36.695 53.165 68.621

Rotated Component Matrixa

Component 1 Good Service Speed Price Schemes Availaiblity Downloding charges Service charges Customer Care -.042 .007 .015 -.139 .789 .749 .542 -.197 2 -.014 -.816 .841 -.045 -.096 .070 .084 -.003 3 .851 -.251 -.252 .290 -.122 .063 .543 .263 4 -.066 .016 .065 -.694 -.160 .056 .362 .766


ANALYSIS: When we calculate the factor analysis we reduce the data and
search the best factor which is effect the consumer. In the above data we see that there are ten factors. And the consumer judged which is better for the customer. In the above we see that the consumer chose the main three factors which is Speed, Price, and Availability which is good for the customer and the customer wants to these services. When we analysis the component matrix in first rescaled components we took the Good service, and Schemes is most important factors for the customer and we say that better service if most important for the customer we say that reliability. In the second component we say that Price, Downloading Charge and Customer Care are also important for the customer. In the third availability and service charge is also important for the customer. The output of the factor analysis is obtained by requesting principal component analysis and specifying the rotation. There are three stage of factor analysis. Stage one being the factor extraction process, other is these factor extraction process in shown in screed plot, wherein the objective is to identify how many factors are to be extracted from the data. The most popular computation of an Eigen value, to how many factors to extract. The higher the Eigen value of the factor, the higher is the amount of variance explained by the factor.


Factor analysis Total Variance Explained

Compon Initial Eigenvalues ent 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Total 1.734 1.352 1.239 1.051 .826 .768 .625 .406 % of Variance 21.671 16.904 15.489 13.133 10.319 9.596 7.815 5.072 Cumulative % 21.671 38.575 54.064 67.197 77.517 87.113 94.928 100.000 Rotation Sums of Squared Loadings Total 1.522 1.303 1.292 1.259 % of Variance 19.021 16.288 16.148 15.740 Cumulative % 19.021 35.309 51.457 67.197

Rotated Component Matrixa

Component 1 Provide Good Service They have more plans Affordable rental charge Good Network Coverage Better Billing System Credit Facility for Connection Easy to Asses Service Less Complaint .740 -.136 .156 .873 .114 -.057 .336 -.202 2 -.183 .753 .151 .128 .807 -.086 .068 -.019 3 .246 -.002 .700 -.102 .062 .842 .122 .054 4 -.105 .091 .073 .132 -.058 .079 .742 .811


ANALYSIS: The first step in interpreting the output is to look at the factor
extracted The last column of table of total variance shows that the four factor extracted together account for 68% of total variance this is good deal because with only four factor we have lost only about32% of the information content while 80.75% is retain by the two factors extracted out of the ten original variable our null hypothesis is rejected because all factor have different importance on the consumer preference and perception towards internet service provider. Every consumer want to the better service so here the most four factors which is influence the consumer is follows: Good Network Coverage Better Billing System Credit Facility Less Complaint


Most of the Consumer use service is more than the 1 or 2 years. It show that the consumers are satisfied with the services. And the service provide the good services.

Findings of the study

When we study the consumer preference and perception toward the various internet service provider in Punjab. we know that it is very important for the industry to know the consumer preference and perception. Because if the industry not know the preference than they not provide the better services. In this study I find the various things which are important for the consumer in related to internet service. Findings of the study is follow. The most of the respondent are male. The most of the respondent are belong to the age group 20 to 25. 58% respondents are the student. Most of the respondent are professional. 45% people income is between 5000 to 10000. Most of the consumer prefer the unlimited plans. The higest percentage of customer is Airtel 36%. 52% people using the Broad Band. So Broad Band is more preferable than others. The 36 % people is using the service is more then 6 to 12 month. It show that the consumer are satisfied with the services. When we analysis the data we found that 42% people said that Friends influnce more than others. 24% people said that advertisement influenced. In the above we see that the consumer chose the mainly three factors which are Speed, Price, and Availability which are the main factors of consumer preference while selecting internet services.


Every consumer want to the better service so here the most four factors which is influence the consumer is follows: Good Network Coverage Better Billing System Credit Facility Less Complaint

Conclusion & Suggestions.

Recommendations:As mentioned in the future of Indian Internet and on the basis of the primary research and secondary research, the following recommendations can be concluded: Lowering the tariff plans of service providers will increase more competition. In order to allow technological upgradation, segment policies should be technology-neutral, and not specifically prescriptive. Bringing more upgradation for the betterment of the users. Improvement of network infrastructure in both the urban and the rural Areas.

Conclusion:When we will discuss the Consumer preference and perception towards the internet service provider in Rajasthan. We found that the customer is satisfied with his service. We know that the switching cost is very low in this sector. So every provider wants to attract the most of the existing and new customer. India has one of the big opportunities for the Information Technology Sectors.


In just few years, the number of internet subscribers has gone up from just about one million to 12 million, a subscriber base that only four other countries China, the US, Japan and Russia can boast of. None can doubt the correlation between this explosive growth in numbers and the steep decline in the cost of the internet service and of its usage. Effective plans have reach of people even below the middle-class. The Indian governments also focus on the IT services. Today IT is the most Fast Growing Sector in India. Every person wants to learn about the internet service. So it the big opportunity for internet service provider to capture the whole market. So if the company focused in the right manner than it is helpful for the company. The number portability issues will solve many problems and will help the end users, which will change the whole scenario of competition and will make the game tougher for the service providers.

Bibliography & Reference.

Chris Hand,et al, (2009) "Online grocery shopping: the influence of situational factors",

European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 43 Iss: 9/10, pp.1205 1219 Pavlos A. Vlachos,et al, (2008) "Determinants of behavioral intentions in the mobile internet services market", Journal of Services Marketing, Vol. 22 Iss: 4, pp.280 291 Luca Petruzzellis, (2010) "Mobile phone choice: technology versus marketing. The brand effect in the Italian market", European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 44 Iss: 5, pp.610 634 Hans Kasper,et al, (2010) "Coping with confusion: The case of the Dutch mobile phone market", Managing Service Quality, Vol. 20 Iss: 2, pp.140 160 Anna S. Mattila, et al, (2004) "Consumer complaining to firms: the determinants of channel choice", Journal of Services Marketing, Vol. 18 Iss: 2, pp.147 155 Neil Selwyn, (2004) "Exploring the role of children in adults' adoption and use of computers", Information Technology & People, Vol. 17 Iss: 1, pp.53 70 Torsten J. Gerpott, (2010) "Communication behaviors and perceptions of mobile internet adopters, Journal of Marketing", info, Vol. 12 Iss: 4, pp.54 73

26 Hsu Huei-Chen, (2007) "A study of factors affecting the success of private label brands

in Chinese e-market", Journal of Technology Management in China, Vol. 2 Iss: 1, pp.38 53 Pavlos A. Vlachos,et al, (2008) "Determinants of behavioral intentions in the mobile internet services market", Journal of Services Marketing, Vol. 22 Iss: 4, pp.280 291 Yanamandala Lokeswara Choudary , (2006) " Consumer Preference on Mobile Connections and Buyer Behaviour Towards Relience Mobile in Chennai City", Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol. 23 Iss: 6, pp.314 326 Dirk C. Moosmayer, (2010) "Consumer perceptions of cause related marketing campaigns", Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol. 27 Iss: 6, pp.543 549

Questionnaire for Customer

I am the student of L.P.U is conducting a study on the Consumer perception and preference towards Internet Service providers in Rajasthan. Please fill in the following questionnaire to help us in our Survey. Objective of the Study:
To know the consumer Perception towards various Internet Service Providers.

To know the consumer Preference while selecting the Internet Service. Name: - Sex:- Age:- Occupation (a) Business (d) Student Educational Qualification (a)Up to Hs (c) Professional Income (P/m) (a) Less than Rs.5, 000/(b) Rs. 5,000/- to 10,000/ (b) Home maker (d) Employee (c) Professional (e) Others

(b) Graduation (d) Others.


(c) Rs. 10,000/- to 15,000/ (d) Above Rs. 15, 000/ Q1 Which type of connection do you prefer? (a) Limited Q2 Which service are you using now? (a) BSNL (e) Connect (b) Reliance (f) Tata (c) Airtel (d) Idea (g) Others. (b) Unlimited

Q3 Which technology do you Prefer? (a)Wireless (b) USB Device (c) Broad Band

Q4 How long have you been using this connection of your service provider? (a)Less than 6 Month (c) 1-2 Years (b) 6-12 Month (d)More than 2 years

Q5 How much do you spend per month on you Internet Connection? (a)Up to 500 (c)1001-1500 (b)501-1000 (d)More then 2000

(6) Who influenced you to buy the particular Internet service provider? (a) Family Member (b) Neighbours (c) Dealers (d) Friends (e) Advertisement (f) Others (7)Why do you prefer internet service? (a) For Study (d) Downloading (b) For Business (e) Games (c) For Entertainment (f) Others

(8) Following factors influenced while selecting Internet connection? Rank the following factors according to your preference. (Strong Agree-1, Agree-2, Somewhat Agree-3, and Disagree-4) S No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Factors Good Service Speed Price Schemes Availability Downloading charges Service Charge Customer Care Strongly Agree Agree Somewhat Agree Disagree


Q 9 Rank the following factors according to your satisfaction for the services provided by your internet service provider. (1 Being lowest and 5 Being highest) S No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Factors Provide Good Service They have more plans Affordable rental charge Good Network Coverage Better Billing System Credit Facility for Connection Easy to Asses Service Less Complaint 1 2 3 4 5

(10)What is your valuable suggestion / opinion about your Internet service provider?........................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................

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