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Instructional Planning

Name of Teacher SASAN, ALLEN REY A. Grade/Year Level BSED SCIENCE 3A

Quarter: 3rd to 4th
Competencies ● Ability to define the 5 main types of vesicles
● Recognize how transport vesicles function in cell membrane
TRANSPORT VESICLES Duration (minutes/hours) 60 MINS

Key Develop a comprehensive understanding of the nature and composition of the cytoskeleton,
Understandings including its key components and functions within the cytoplasm in eukaryotic cell.
to be developed
Learning Knowledge Able to recall and explain the key components of the transport vesicles and their
Objectives functions within the ER in cell membrane.
Skills Able to use certain material to observe and identify vesicles structures in cell.
Resources Bond paper, pent`elpen, cardboard, glue, ruler or tape measure for measurement, coloring material
Needed or arts material and access to internet for more information that is found in the reliable sources

Elements of the Plan Methodology

Preparations Motivation/Introductory The lesson start when the teacher enters the classroom
- Before we start Activity Teacher: Greetings, class. Could you please pick up the trash
our lesson, let's Opening Prayers under your chair before you sit down?
have some -Checking of Attendance
(The teacher will lead the prayer)
exercise to be led
by one of the Teacher: Please check today's attendance, MS secretary, and
students so they let me know who is missing from class.
can't feel tired Student: Okay sir.
and sleepy in the Teacher: “So how was your day today class? Is it good? Have
class. you slept well?”
Students: “yes sir”
Teacher: “That's good to know students, so now we should
now jump into a new topic which is the Transport vesicles.
Teacher: So in today’s discussion we will tackle all of its
function and its main types.
Presentation Activity Teacher: “since you are already in your respective group, I will
- Present the lesson by give you a blank diagram of cytoplasm and you will identify
- The teacher will
engaging them in where the microtubule, microfilament, and intermediate
distribute a blank chart or
group activity to filament can be found in cytoplasm, in addition, you add the
diagram of vesicles, and
activate their critical size, the diameter, its composition and its position in the
students should identify
thinking skills, and cytoplasm
where the microtubules,
also the student can You can use your books, or even you have a permission to
microfilaments is, and
have a preview of access to the internet. Are we clear class?”
intermediate filaments
what topic to be
position in the cytoplasm. “students:” “yes sir”
discussed for that
day. - The student teacher: “you may now start, you have 30 mins to finish and
should also write the another 15 mins for sharing your work”
sizes, diameter, its Teacher: “use long bondpaper, with half an inch margin”
composition and its (the teacher will pick a volunteer to ask certain question
position regarding the 3 main type of filaments)
The students should come
up with this following
answers because they
smart enough.
• Microfilaments,
thin in size, 7 nanometer
in diameter, actin protein
is the composition of this
filaments and can be
found in near the cell
• Intermediate
filaments, intermediate in
size, as what the name of
this filaments, with 12
nanometer in diameter, its
composition is varied
according to its presence
in nail or hair and this
filament can extend from
nucleus to cell membrane.
• Microtubules,
thick in size, with 23-27
nanometer in diameter, its
composition is it has a
tubulin protein, the alpha
and the beta tubulin, and
its position is near in the
Analysis Teacher: “since every group shared their idea in front of the
The teacher will ask the class, and as I expected, everyone got the correct answers and
student some question: explanation, so very good everyone. So how would you
What are the Function of describe or how will we know how the three main filaments of
the 5 main types of cytoskeleton function?”
vesicles? (2 or 3 students will give their answer)
If the proteins would not If this functions don’t function, what would happen to the
transport what would cytoplasm? What would happen to our body?
happen to the cell?
(2 or 3 students will state why the body wont function if the 3
main filaments don’t function)
Abstraction Teacher: Since we are done doing our activity, let's proceed to
The teacher will discuss the lesson proper. Let me ask you, can you give me an idea of
the lesson about the what transport vesicles are?
function of transport (students should give their answer)
vesicles. teacher: “(thank you)/ we should also say that Transport
vesicles help move materials, such as proteins and other
molecules, from one part of a cell to another.
Students: “Okay sir”
teacher: “Now let’s discuss what those five types of vesicles
are first. Transport vesicles help move materials, such as
proteins and other molecules, from one part of a cell to
another. Second is Lysosomes are vesicles that contain
digestive enzymes. They are only present in animal cells. They
function as part of the cell’s recycling system and can also help
initiate cell death. Are you still with me in class?”
Students: “yes sir”
teacher: “ ok good, carry on”
teacher: Third is Secretory vesicles play an important role in
moving molecules outside of the cell, through a process called
exocytosis. The fourth isPeroxisomes also use an enzyme to
break hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen, which are
both harmful and useful to the cell’s function. And the last is
Extracellular vesicles can float outside of cells.
Application Teacher: Since we are done with the lesson, get 1 whole sheet
5 identification types and of pad paper. We will be having our quiz, which consists of
5 true or false. identification and true or false. I will distribute the test
questionnaire that compose of the quiz, get one and pass”
Students: “ok teacher”
I. identification
1. What is the primary function of transport vesicles
within a cell?
2. Name one coat protein associated with
clathrin-coated vesicles and describe its role in cellular
3. In the process of exocytosis, which type of vesicles are
responsible for releasing cellular products to the
external environment?
4. What is the main function of secretory vesicles, and
provide an example of a substance that is commonly
transported by them.
5. What is the role of COPI-coated vesicles in intracellular
transport, and which cellular organelle do they
primarily transport materials to?

II. True or False

1. Transport vesicles are involved in the movement of
molecules within a cell. True or False?
2. COPII-coated vesicles are responsible for transporting
materials from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to the
Golgi apparatus. True or False?
3. Exocytosis is a process by which cells release
substances to the external environment using
transport vesicles. True or False?
4. Transport vesicles are membrane-bound sacs that can
fuse with other cellular compartments to deliver their
contents. True or False?
5. Clathrin is a protein that plays a role in coating vesicles
during endocytosis, facilitating the uptake of materials
into a cell. True or False?

Assessment Assessment Matrix

Levels of Assessment What will I assess? How will I assess? How will I score?
Knowledge Assess the Asses the Give a score to the
(refers to the substantive content students’ students on the group that has an
of the curriculum, facts and knowledge on accuracy of how accurate explanation of
information that the student identifying the they explain each the given topic.
acquires) main vesicles that main vesicle.
What do we want students to how they function.
(relevance and adequacy)
How do we want students to
express or provide evidence of
what they know
Process or Skills Assess the student Assess based on Give a score to the
(refers to skills or cognitive if they can explain how accurately group who explain their
operations that the student the functions. they give activity properly and
performs on facts and information explanation and put more information
for the purpose of constructing information of to their activity.
meanings or understandings.) each main type of
Skills as evidenced by student’s vesicles.
ability to process and make sense
of information, and may be
assessed in the following criteria:
understanding of content and
critical thinking
Understanding(s) Transport vesicles are membrane-bound sacs within cells that play
a crucial role in the intracellular transport of various substances.
These vesicles facilitate the movement of molecules, such as
proteins and lipids, between different compartments of the cell,
ensuring the proper functioning of cellular processes.
Understanding transport vesicles is crucial for grasping the
intricacies of cellular function and the regulation of protein
trafficking within cells. The specificity and efficiency of vesicular
transport contribute to the overall organization and homeostasis of
cellular processes.
Products/performances Transport vesicles help move materials, such as proteins and other
(Transfer of Understanding) molecules, from one part of a cell to another. When a cell makes
proteins, transporter vesicles help move these proteins to the
Golgi apparatus for further sorting and refining.
Assignment Reinforcing the day’s lesson In your own words, how proteins work in vesicles, write in a 1 Half
Enriching the day’s lesson Search for more information about the types of vesicles.
Enhancing the day’s lesson
Preparing for the new lesson Search and advance reading about Functions and Activities of ER to
Golgi apparatus

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