The Messenger 192

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ESO’s Extremely Large Telescope Progress Update

Paranal Instrumentation Plan Lessons Learned 2023

Mapping Galaxy Transformation with the MAGPI Survey
The Messenger
No. 192 | 2024
ESO, the European Southern Observatory, Contents
is the foremost intergovernmental astron-
omy organisation in Europe. It is sup- ELT progress
ported by 16 Member States: Austria, Cirasuolo, M. et al. – The Rise of the Giant: ESO’s Extremely Large Telescope 3
­Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Martinez, P. and the ELT Team – ESO’s Extremely Large Telescope Dome
France, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Italy, and Main Structure Update 4
the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Vernet, E. et al. – ESO’s Extremely Large Telescope Optics Update 6
Sweden, Switzerland and the United
Kingdom, along with the host and partner Astronomical Science
country of Chile and with Australia as a Mendel, J. T. et al. – Mapping Galaxy Transformation with the MAGPI Survey 11
Strategic Partner. ESO’s programme is Vink, J. S. et al. – X-Shooting ULLYSES: Massive Stars at Low Metallicity 16
focused on the design, construction and
operation of powerful ground-based Telescopes and Instrumentation
observing f­acilities. ESO operates three Colless, M. et al. – Paranal Instrumentation Plan Lessons Learned 2023 23
observatories in Chile: at La Silla, at Abad, J. A. et al. – Infrastructure Upgrade of UT1, UT2 and UT3 for the
­Paranal, site of the Very Large Telescope, Implementation of Laser Guide Stars for the GRAVITY+ Project 31
and at Llano de Chajnantor. ESO is the Pompei, E. et al. – Goodbye SOFI and Thanks for 25 Years of Data! 36
European ­partner in the Atacama Large Lo Curto, G. et al. – HARPS at 20: Evolving Through Continuous Improvements 38
Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA). Cur-
rently ESO is engaged in the construction Astronomical News
of the Extremely Large ­Telescope. Jerabkova, T. et al. – Report on the ESO workshop “Peer Review Under Review” 43
Zwaan, M., Bonaldi, A., – Report on the ESO workshop “Coordinated Surveys
The Messenger is published in electronic of the Southern Sky” 48
form twice per year. ESO produces and Diaz Trigo, M. et al. – Report on the EAS Special Session “The Millimeter
distributes a wide variety of media con- Transient Sky: Present Opportunities and Perspectives” 51
nected to its activities. For further infor- Wisnioski, E., Mendel, T. – Report on the Australia–ESO conference “Galaxy
mation, contact the ESO Department of Transformation Across Space and Time — the Third Australia–ESO meeting” 54
Communication at: Kamann, S., Bodensteiner, J. – Report on the ESO workshop
“Two in a Million — The Interplay Between Binaries and Star Clusters” 57
ESO Headquarters Klencki, J., Nielsen, L. D. – Fellows at ESO 59
Karl-Schwarzschild-Straße 2
85748 Garching bei München, Germany
Phone +498932006-0

The Messenger
Editor: Mariya Lyubenova
Editorial assistant: Isolde Kreutle
Copy-editing and proofreading:
Peter Grimley
Graphics, Layout, Typesetting:
Lorenzo Benassi
Online Publishing: Mafalda Martins
Design: Jutta Boxheimer

Unless otherwise indicated, all images in

The Messenger are courtesy of ESO,
except authored contributions which are
courtesy of the respective authors.

© ESO 2024
Front Cover: A full Moon rises up from behind Cerro
ISSN 0722-6691 Armazones in the Chilean Atacama Desert, where
construction of ESO’s Extremely Large Telescope is
The Messenger and all articles are pub- underway. In this image we see the steel skeleton of
lished open access under a Creative Com- the telescope dome eerily illuminated in the moon-
light. It now stands at a towering 80 metres high;
mons Attribution 4.0 International License. when completed, the whole structure will rotate 360
degrees to observe the night sky, all while weighing
6100 tonnes. Credit: J. Beltrán/ESO

2 The Messenger 192 | 2024

ELT progress DOI: 10.18727/0722-6691/5346

The Rise of the Giant: ESO’s Extremely Large Telescope

Michele Cirasuolo 1 by Earned Value Analysis, i.e. comparing operation. In parallel to all this progress,
Roberto Tamai 1 the progress achieved and actual delivera- the organisation has also set up an On-­
Bertrand Koehler 1 bles to the overall baseline plan1. Site Engineering Department to provide,
Fabio Biancat-Marchet 1 within the best matrix approach, the
Juan-Carlos Gonzáles Herrera 1 As described in detail by Pascal Martinez required resources for the final Assembly
and the ELT Team in this issue of The Messenger (p. 4), the Integration and Verification phase.
assembly of the dome structure, with its
familiar round shape, is almost completed As regards the instrumentation that will
ESO and is now clearly visible on top of Cerro allow scientists to analyse the light col-
Armazones in the Chilean Andes; inside lected by the telescope coming from dis-
it, the telescope structure is taking shape. tant planets, stars and galaxies, all four
The European Southern Observatory’s What has been for many years the instruments — the Multi-AO Imaging
Extremely Large Telescope (ESO’s ELT) domain of ‘artist’s impressions’ is now a Camera for Deep Observations (MICADO),
stands as the cornerstone of ESO’s reality and progress can be followed via the High Angular Resolution Monolithic
ambitious vision to build a new facility dedicated webcams on the ELT website2. Optical and Near-infrared Integral field
capable of providing a paradigm shift in spectrograph (HARMONI), the Mid-infrared
our understanding of the cosmos. ESO’s The other area where huge progress has ELT Imager and Spectrograph (METIS) and
ELT is swiftly advancing towards com- been made is the production of the optics, the Multiconjugate adaptive Optics Relay
pletion, having surpassed, in June 2023, as described by Elise Vernet et al., also in For ELT Observations (MORFEO) — are
the 50% completion milestone. Possess- this issue of The Messenger (p. 6). The now in their final design phases, and manu-
ing unparalleled sensitivity and angular manufacturing in Europe of the various facturing of some key components has
resolution thanks to its 39-metre main optics subsystems is advancing at a stag- already started. At the same time, the
mirror, ESO’s ELT holds the potential to gering pace. More than 90% of the blanks future instruments the ArmazoNes high
revolutionise our perspective on the and the related supports needed to Dispersion Echelle Spectrograph (ANDES)
Universe, from the exploration of assemble the 798 hexagonal segments and the multi-object spectrograph MOSAIC
exoplanets to the detailed study of stel- that form the giant primary mirror (M1) have started their preliminary design.
lar populations, and from unravelling the have now been manufactured. The first
mysteries of galaxy evolution to probing 100 fully assembled and polished seg-
fundamental physics and cosmology. ments have been completed, reaching Completion and first light
a surface quality better than specification
at a few tens of nanometers (almost While the journey to reach this halfway
Brief overview 5000 times smaller than a human hair), point has been marked by meticulous
and the first 18 segments have already design finalisation, prototyping, and exten-
ESO’s Extremely Large Telescope (or the reached Chile3. Both the secondary (M2) sive testing campaigns, and also hindered
ELT) will be housed in a giant 92-metre­- and tertiary (M3) mirrors, each with a by the challenges posed by the COVID-19
diameter dome, which will provide pro- diameter of ~ 4 metres, have already been pandemic when the site and many pro-
tection from the environment of Chile’s cast, M2 having almost completed the duction lines closed for several months,
Atacama Desert. The main structure of polishing process, and the mechanical the timescale to complete the remaining
the telescope will hold its five mirrors and cells that will hold the mirrors in place are 50% of the project is estimated to be
optics, including the enormous 39-metre in their final stages of production. The M4 shorter. Indeed, all production processes
primary mirror made of 798 individual and M5 mirrors that are at the core of the are now fully operational and running at
segments. The ELT will be also equipped telescope’s adaptive optics, capable of full speed, while the planning for the final
with cutting-edge instruments, designed moving and adjusting their shape a thou- integration of all the subsystems to assem-
to cover a wide range of scientific possi- sand times a second to correct for distor- ble and commission the telescope is in
bilities, analysing light by means of imag- tions caused by air turbulence, are also in place. In just a few years, in 2028, ESO’s
ing and spectroscopy. Both telescope full production. And all six laser sources, ELT is expected to start scientific observa-
and instruments will employ sophisticated another key component of the ELT’s adap- tions, and with its ‘biggest eye on the sky’
adaptive optics technologies to compen- tive optics system, have been produced it is poised to unravel profound mysteries
sate for the turbulence of Earth’s atmos- and delivered to ESO for testing. of the Universe and our place within it.
phere and to ensure the sharpest images,
some six times sharper than the James The development and production of other
Webb Space Telescope can produce. crucial operational systems, such as the Links
control system, the pre-focal stations and 1
ESO press release “ESO’s Extremely Large
the assembly equipment for the ELT, are Telescope is now half completed”: https://www.
Progress also progressing well, while the support
infrastructure at Cerro Armazones and 2
ELT webcams:
The construction of this technically complex Paranal, including the technical building ESO press release “First segments of the world’s
largest telescope mirror shipped to Chile”: https://
project has reached a key milestone, now for mirror storage and coating and the
surpassing the halfway mark as estimated photovoltaic plant, are already in full

The Messenger 192 | 2024 3

ELT progress DOI: 10.18727/0722-6691/5347

ESO’s Extremely Large Telescope Dome and

Main Structure Update

Pascal Martinez 1

ESO DMS team

and the ELT Team


In the ongoing saga of constructing an

80-metre-high dome and an expansive
telescope structure for ESO’s Extremely
Large Telescope (ELT), the narrative
unfolds as a testament to human resil-
ience and determination. Originating
from a contract signed in 2016, the
Dome and Main Structure (DMS) project
has survived financial restructuring,
partner bankruptcy and global upheaval
caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and
market fluctuations that resulted in a
complex contractual and commercial
situation. The DMS project includes the in the telescope has required many hours Figure 1. Dome and Main Structure construction
construction of both the internal tele- of design and analysis that have resulted status (January 2024).
scope structure that supports the tele- in 36 driving trolleys, each the size of a
scope mirrors and the instruments, as small 27-tonne truck. The high level of pro-
well as the external dome that provides tection of the telescope is ensured by the Manufacturing and shipping thousands
protection against the harsh conditions complex cladding structure representing of tons of precision material against a
of the Atacama Desert. Following the 30 000 m2 of material that shields the pre- ticking clock
design phase, the project started with the cious mirrors and instruments from light,
construction of the foundations and of the dust, water and lightning. The design has Putting together a large and complex
gigantic dome. In September 2023 a new required complex tests to validate the dome and the most technically challeng-
chapter began, marked by the start of the non-propagation of dust and resistance to ing telescope on the planet on top of a
construction of the telescope structure, lightning, and even required dropping big mountain in an unforgiving environment
a phase demanding an unprecedented lumps of ice on the structure to demon- requires more than just steel, it requires a
level of precision and constant supervi- strate its resistance to falling icicles. degree of preparation and logistics that is
sion by the ESO team on site. The design, very uncommon in this kind of industrial
born from a collaboration of many disci- The telescope structure is an engineering project. The level of quality implemented
plines, is now consolidated and frozen, marvel that required no fewer than four by the contractor and by ESO in terms of
setting the stage for a race against time complex design reviews, generating inspection and tests is unprecedented; for
to achieve the highest possible level of thousands of questions and actions to be hundreds of hours experts are present at
quality demanded by the ‘biggest eye analysed before the construction draw- the contractors’ premises to inspect every
on the sky’. ings could finally go to production. Point- weld and painted surface, and to test
ing the telescope towards the celestial every mechanism before it is packed and
heavens demands an unparalleled level of shipped. At the time of writing, the com-
Dimensional marvels and technical precision. The azimuth and altitude plete dome structure has been manufac-
precision tracks, machined and aligned with micro- tured and shipped to Chile and only eight
metric accuracy, are now part of a race beams out of 16 000 required some local
The monumental dome stands 80 metres against time. The three azimuth tracks welding, a testament to the high quality
high, with a commanding 92-metre diam- (the largest one having a diameter of achieved during manufacturing. About
eter. It requires nearly 80 000 pieces of 54 metres) that allow the telescope to 70% of the dome mechanisms (motors for
steel to come together with no fewer than rotate on its base are now fully installed. the windscreen, lifts, cranes etc.) — largely
500 000 bolts. It sits on a concrete foun- And the 27-metre-diameter curved alti- off-the-shelf components — have been
dation of 21 000 tonnes, fully isolated tude tracks that allow the telescope to procured and are currently being shipped.
from seismic accelerations. move in the vertical direction require More than 90% of the structure dome has
machining accuracies that have never now been completed (see Figure 1).
The 6200 tonnes of the dome rotating been achieved before — and are still not
mass will protect the 4600-tonne tele- fully demonstrated — to maintain a con- The telescope structure, manufacturing
scope structure with all its mirrors and stant film of oil a few tens of microns thick of which started in summer 2022, has
instruments. Rotating such a complex that will allow the structure to point to the now reached ~ 40% and is being shipped
structure without inducing any vibrations stars in a precise and smooth fashion. to the site for assembly in a just-in-time

4 The Messenger 192 | 2024

mode. Pre-assembly in Europe is done in (ABC) – had to be built at the bottom of the the dome structure, between the 14-metre
a systematic manner to ensure that no mountain to accommodate all the workers and 66-metre levels, erected in only
corrective actions will be required on site. with all the logistics and also the very four months. With the Main Structure
The size of the elements is such that entire important storage and pre-assembly areas erection started in December 2023 and
vessels have been used to transport the that cover a total area of 65 000 m2. The the Azimuth Floor now fully installed,
DMS components across the ocean, and 70-tonne modules are brought from the we are all looking forward to the end of
unloading those vessels and bringing the ABC to the ATP, some 7.4 kilometres away, 2024 when the dome will be fully closed
material to the site on Armazones has using Self Propelled Modular Transport and sealed, the Main Structure erected,
sometimes required up to two months of systems, taking approximately two hours and the gigantic air conditioning system
trucking with police escorts. for each trip. Up to seven cranes, the big- (heating, ventilation and air conditioning)
gest one with a capacity of 600 tonnes and under commissioning.
with a boom reaching 120 metres in height
A giant growing towards the sky that allows lifts of 90 metres, are being reg- Looking ahead another year, 2025 will
ularly used at the ATP and another three at see the installation of mechanisms and
Having been closed for a year during the the ABC. Having such a permanent ballet systems commissioning. In early 2026
COVID-19 pandemic, the site reopened in of cranes combined with working at height the acceptance activities will start, last-
June 2021 and construction restarted. requires uninterrupted vigilance. With safety ing until July 2026, the date set for the
For some reason, the clock is always tick- on top, quality, quality, and quality are the Provisional Acceptance when the DMS
ing faster on a construction site. On aver- goals that drive all 16 ESO staff on site, will finally be fully handed over to the
age no fewer than 200 people are needed along with the other 20 ESO DMS experts ELT programme by the contractor,
to assemble this giant on top of the in Europe, who continuously follow the ready to begin the assembly of the mir-
Armazones mountain. The top platform work of the contractors. rors that will transform this monumental
itself, the Armazones Top Platform (ATP), structure into a functioning telescope,
where the ELT sits, is too small to host all; This massive industrial setup in the middle the biggest eye on the sky that humanity
a basecamp – the Armazones Basecamp of the desert saw the first 2000 tonnes of has ever built.

ESO’s Extremely Large Telescope (ELT) is quickly com- of the dome will be encased in thermally insulated alu-
ing together before our eyes. In this webcam image minium cladding to protect the delicate mirrors from
over Cerro Armazones in Chile from 16 February 2024, the harsh desert environment, enabling the world’s
the setting Sun illuminates the first pieces of cladding biggest eye on the sky to capture the cosmos in never-­
installed on the ELT dome. The hemispheric structure before-seen detail for a long time to come.

The Messenger 192 | 2024 5

ELT progress DOI: 10.18727/0722-6691/5348

ESO’s Extremely Large Telescope Optics Update

Elise Vernet 1 images 15 times sharper than the Hubble 798 Segment Assemblies, each one
Marc Cayrel 1 Space Telescope, and six times sharper made up of a polished mirror Segment,
Michele Cirasuolo 1 than the James Webb Space Telescope. integrated to a mechanical Segment
Roberto Tamai 1 Support, and equipped with twelve Edge
Andreas Forster 1 Translated into astrophysical terms this Sensors. Each Segment Assembly is
Christoph Haupt 1 means opening up new discovery spaces installed on a subcell, made of a Fixed
Michael Mueller 1 — from exoplanets close to their stars, to Frame Assembly and three position actu-
Lorenzo Pettazzi 1 black holes, to the building blocks of gal- ators (PACTS). In operation, Segment
Jean-François Pirard 1 axies — both in the local Universe and Assemblies need to be exchanged daily
Omar Sqalli 1 billions of light-years away. Specific for maintenance and re-coating. For that
Mauro Tuti 1 examples include the ability to detect and purpose, an additional set of Segment
and the ELT team characterise extra-solar planets in the Assemblies have been ordered (the sev-
habitable zone around our closest star enth sector), so in all 931 optics are pro-
Proxima Centauri, or to resolve giant cured. In total, more than 10 000 compo-
ESO molecular clouds (the building blocks of nents have been ordered to build M1.
star formation) down to ~ 50 pc in distant
galaxies at redshift z ~ 2, and even Schott (Germany) was contracted
The Extremely Large Telescope is at smaller structures for sources that are to manufacture the Zerodur © blanks by
the core of ESO’s vision to deliver the gravitationally lensed by foreground clus- the end of 2017 (the ‘glass’). The first
largest optical and infrared telescope in ters, all with unprecedented sensitivity. 18 blanks were delivered to Safran Reosc
the world. We present an updated sta- (France) in May 2019. Production by
tus report on the five mirrors of the tele- Schott has been steady since then. By
scope, focusing on the challenges and The 39-metre primary mirror the end of 2023 more than 800 blanks
the progress made in the last few years. had been finished and accepted. This
The production of the full M1 mirror was represents more than 85% of the full pro-
approved by ESO’s Council in 2017 duction. Schott will complete the manu-
Background: how the ELT works (Cirasuolo et al., 2018). M1 is made of facturing of the blanks by June 2024.

The optical design of ESO’s Extremely

Large Telescope (ELT) is based on a novel

Safran Reosc
five-mirror scheme capable of collecting
and focusing the light from astronomical
sources and feeding state-of-the-art
instruments to carry out imaging and
spectroscopy. The light is collected by the
giant primary mirror (M1, 39.3 metres in
diameter), relayed via the secondary and
tertiary mirrors, M2 and M3 (each of
which has an approximately 4-metre
diameter), to M4 and M5 (the core of the
telescope adaptive optics). The light then
reaches the instruments on one of the
two Nasmyth platforms. Figure 1. M1 segment polishing at Safran. Right: Segment support control after its integration
Left: the segments are waiting for final inspection. with the mirror.

This design provides an unvignetted field

Safran Reosc

of view (FoV) with a diameter of 10 arc-

minutes on the sky, or an area of about
80 square arcminutes (i.e., about one
ninth of the area of the full Moon). Thanks
to the combined action of M4 and M5,
the ELT will have the capability to correct
for atmospheric turbulence as well as the
vibration of the telescope structure
induced by its movement and the wind.
This is crucial to allow the telescope to
reach its diffraction limit, which is about
8 milliarcseconds (mas) in the J band
(at λ ~ 1.2 μm) and about 14 mas in the Figure 2. The M2 mirror after its last polishing run:
left, on the polishing stand and right, during inter-
K band (at λ ~ 2.2 μm), thereby providing
ferometric measurement.

6 The Messenger 192 | 2024

The contract to produce the Segment tion Segment Assemblies were produced, finished and packed, waiting for accept-
Supports and Fixed Frame Assemblies allowing manufacturing ramp-up. ance and shipment (Figure 1). The first
was signed in April 2018 with VDL (the 45 segments were accepted in Decem-
Netherlands). Production started with The first Segment Assembly was finished ber 2023 and the 18 validation segments
18 validation models to qualify the pro- in May 2022 and by the end of 2023 were delivered to Paranal on 12 January
duction and verification means, to fine- more than 180 segments had entered 2024. Safran Reosc is continuing to ramp
tune the manufacturing procedures, and production and more than 110 have been up production and has achieved a
to make the integration at Safran Reosc
straightforward and reliable. Production
was then ramped up, and the first deliver-

Sener Aerospacial
ies to Safran Reosc took place in Sep-
tember 2019. Today 85% of the produc-
tion is finished and accepted. VDL expect
to complete the production by mid-2024.

The Segment Blanks and Segment

Supports are being delivered to Safran
Reosc to produce the 931 Segment
Assemblies. The main production steps
are as follows:
– First, the segment mounting interface
pads are bonded to the circular
Zerodur © blank.
– The blank is then fine-ground aspherical
and polished to sub-micron accuracy.
– Thereafter the segment is cut to a
near-hexagonal contour and Edge Sen-
sor pockets are machined.
– The Edge Sensor interface pads are
bonded in their pockets, and the seg-
ment is integrated onto its Segment
– The Segment Assembly is then finish-­
figured to final tolerances by ion beam

Optical testing is performed with the opti-

cal surface horizontal and looking
upwards, by short cavity Fizeau interfer-
ometry against a reference test plate
combined with computer generated holo-
graphic correctors (CGH). The optical
quality requirements apply to the fully Figure 3. The M2 Cell in final testing.
integrated Segment Assembly, over the
whole Segment surface (there is no seg-
Safran Reosc

ment clear aperture).

The Segment Assembly production con-

tract with Safran Reosc was kicked off in
September 2017. Safran has set up for
the purpose an existing 4000-square-­
metre building at their facilities in Poitiers
(France). In parallel they designed, pro-
cured, and installed the production and
test means. These are highly automated
to maximise the production rate. All pro-
cesses went through extensive testing Figure 4. The M3 mirror
and fine-tuning until the whole production during the second grind-
line was qualified, and the first 18 valida- ing run.

The Messenger 192 | 2024 7

ELT progress Vernet, E. et al., ESO’s Extremely Large Telescope Optics Update

Figure 5. The M3 Cell in integration.

Sener Aerospacial

In parallel Sener Aerospacial (Spain)

passed the final design review of the M2
and M3 Cells — that will hold the mirrors
in place — by the end of 2019, and the
manufacturing readiness review in March
2020. They started the integration of the
M2 Cell in early 2022. Today the M2 Cell
is in final acceptance testing and it is
expected to be delivered by summer
2024 (Figure 3). Sener Aerospacial is veri-
fying the compliance of the cells using
aluminium dummy mirrors. The M2 Cell
will then be shipped to Safran Reosc, the
M2 mirror will be integrated on the cell
and the full assembly will be optically
tested. This final verification, called sys-
tem test, will take place between the end
of 2024 and early 2025.

The M3 mirror is at a less advanced

throughput of about four Segment The secondary and tertiary mirrors stage as priority is being given to the M2
Assemblies a week, the objective being mirror and both mirrors share a common
to reach five a week in the first quarter of The secondary and tertiary mirrors are production method. M3 has already been
2024. At this rate the production of the two four-metre-class mirrors. The sec- through two grinding runs (Figure 4), and
931 Segment Assemblies should be ondary is highly convex and aspheric it is now waiting for the acceptance of the
completed by mid-2027. while the tertiary mirror is concave and M2 mirror to get back in production. The
slightly aspheric (Cayrel et al., 2019). M3 Cell is more advanced than its mirror.
The Fames consortium, composed of It is currently in final integration (Figure 5)
Fogale (France) and Micro-Epsilon Safran Reosc started to grind the M2 and it is expected to be finished by the
(Germany), started production of the Blank in March 2019. The blank went end of 2024.
Edge Sensors three years after the signa- through several grinding runs followed by
ture of the contract and the first set of four polishing runs (Figure 2). At the time
Edge Sensors was delivered in January of writing the mirror surface quality is The quaternary mirror
2021. Production has been continuing about 60 nm RMS, almost within specifi-
steadily and so far more than 2900 Edge cation as regards the low-order frequen- The M4 mirror provides the main adaptive
Sensors, equivalent to 65% of the total, cies. Safran Reosc has started the final optics of the telescope. M4 will use more
have been delivered to Chile. Production figuring steps, including correction and than 5000 actuators that can change the
will be finished before summer 2024. smoothing the high-frequency residuals. shape of the mirror up to 1000 times per
It is expected that polishing of the M2 second. In combination with M5, M4 is
The contract for the procurement of Mirror will be finished by autumn 2024. therefore the core of the adaptive optics
2500 PACTs was signed in June 2017
with Physik Instrumente GmbH & Co.
KG (Germany). The final design was com-

pleted by mid-2021 and the first units

were ready for verification a few months
later. Following intensive testing and
some final adjustments, Physik Instru-
mente were able to start mass produc-
tion. The pre-series PACTs were
accepted in the first quarter of 2023, and
by the end of 2023 nearly 1000 PACTs
had been accepted, about 40% of the
total required. Production continues at full
speed and its completion is foreseen
before summer 2024. Figure 6. The M4 reference structure during integra- the borosilicate tiles (right picture) on the M4 refer-
tion of the mounting interfaces (left picture) and of ence structure.

8 The Messenger 192 | 2024

Safran Reosc

Sener Aerospacial
The fifth mirror

M5 is a flat elliptical mirror of diameter

2.2 metres on the minor axis and
2.7 metres on the major axis (Vernet et
al., 2021). M5 is the field stabilisation
­mirror of the telescope; it will tip-tilt to
correct for vibrations of the telescope
structure induced by its motion and by
the wind. This is achieved by three actua-
tors which move the M5 mirror two to
three times a second.

The M5 Cell is being designed and man-

Figure 7. Shell inspection before final cutting. Figure 8. The M5 Cell with the dummy mirror. ufactured by Sener Aerospacial. The Final
Design Review was passed in February
2022. All the procurements and the M5
Mersen Boostec

Cell integration were completed during

the last months of 2022. The M5 alumin-
ium dummy mirror was mounted on the
M5 Cell in February 2023, allowing Sener
Aerospacial to fine-tune the system and
reach the required performance. Today
the cell is in final testing (Figure 8).
Acceptance of the cell is foreseen
in March 2024.

The M5 Blank is being made by Mersen

Boostec as a subcontractor of Safran
Reosc. It is quite challenging and is a
world first, consisting of making six light-
weight SiC petals, coating them with a
thick CVD SiC layer, and brazing them
together with a very high accuracy. The
Figure 9. The M5 Blank under inspection after grind- blank manufacturing started in 2021 and
ing of the front face by Mersen Boostec.
the six petals were brazed together in
March 2023. After extensive verification
of the brazed blank, the front surface has
of the ELT and, with a diameter of 2.4 (Figure 6). This task is very delicate, been ground, in two steps between July
metres, it will be the largest adaptive mir- requiring tight positioning accuracy, and it and November 2023 (Figure 9). Mersen
ror ever built. It was one of the first con- will take quite a long time given that sev- Boostec is currently grinding the support
tracts started under the ELT project. The eral thousand tiles have to be bonded. interfaces, the last step before accept-
Final Design Review was passed in 2018 Adoptica is planning to complete it in ance of the blank and transfer to Safran
and the Adoptica consortium (Microgate spring 2024. In parallel, Safran Reosc Reosc. This is planned in March 2024.
and ADS International, Italy) began pro- completed the production of the twelve Once at Safran Reosc, the blank will be
curing the various components. In 2019 M4 thin shells (two sets of six shells). The equipped with its axial and lateral support
the M4 SiC reference structure was last ones were delivered in July 2023 before the polishing and final figuring pro-
brazed at Mersen Boostec (France) and (Figure 7). cess are started. The mirror assembly is
Adoptica began procuring all the other expected to be delivered to Chile the first
parts of the unit (Vernet et al., 2019). The All the other sub-systems are ready to be quarter of 2028.
reference structure front surface was assembled with the reference structure.
lapped by AMOS (Belgium) and delivered The unit integration activities will be fin-
to Adoptica by the end of June 2022. ished before summer 2024 and Adoptica References
Adoptica completed the bonding of the will then start the calibration phase of the Cirasuolo, M. et al. 2018, The Messenger, 171, 20
mounting interfaces and is bonding boro- full system followed by the performance Cayrel, M. et al. 2019, The Messenger, 176, 13
silicate tiles onto the reference structure, verification. Technical acceptance in Vernet, E. et al. 2019, The Messenger, 178, 3
which will form capacitive cavities with Europe is foreseen in early 2026 and Vernet, E. et al. 2021, The Messenger, 185, 3
the M4 thin shells for position feedback acceptance in Chile one year later.

The Messenger 192 | 2024 9

Astronomical Science

ESO/VPHAS+ team. Acknowledgement: CASU

Astronomers are well-known for naming objects

with odd conventions, and the cometary globule
GN seen in this image is no exception.
Cometary globules have nothing to do with comets
aside from appearance: they are named for their
dusty head and elongated, dark tail, as seen in this
image taken with the VLT Survey Telescope (VST)
hosted at ESO’s Paranal Observatory in Chile.

10 The Messenger 192 | 2024

Astronomical Science DOI: 10.18727/0722-6691/5349

Mapping Galaxy Transformation with the MAGPI Survey

J. Trevor Mendel 1,2 2018). This quenching process, which populations in nearby galaxies — espe-
Katherine Harborne 3,2 marks the transition to the second phase cially radial profiles of age, metallicity, and
Claudia Lagos 3,2 of galaxy formation, leads to the build-up alpha-element abundance — further sup-
Emily Wisnioski 1,2 of a massive, passive galaxy population port a picture in which the accretion of
and the MAGPI team whose evolution is then dominated by the low-mass, gas-poor satellites is the pri-
assembly of stellar mass formed ex-situ mary driver of massive galaxy evolution
through mergers. during this assembly epoch.
Research School of Astronomy
& Astrophysics, Australian National Spatially and spectrally resolved observa- While the outcomes of the assembly
University, Canberra, Australia tions over the past several decades have process are made manifest in the diver-
Australian Research Council Centre sharpened our view of the early formation sity of galaxies we observe in the nearby
of Excellence for All Sky Astrophysics phase. Among other things, deep obser- Universe, understanding when and how
in 3 Dimensions vations with the Very Large Telescope’s this diversity developed is challenging.
International Centre for Radio (VLT) Spectrograph for INtegral Field Observations of nearby galaxies using
Astronomy Research, The University Observations in the Near Infrared integral field spectrographs (IFS) leverage
of Western Australia, Perth, Australia (SINFONI), the K-band Multi Object a combination of resolved kinematics and
Spectrograph (KMOS), and the Atacama stellar populations to untangle this story
Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array using archaeological methods. Kinematic
The Middle Ages Galaxy Properties with (ALMA) during the epoch of peak star for- features and metallicity gradients of stars
IFS (MAGPI) survey is an ongoing ESO mation at z = 2–3 have highlighted that and gas can reveal hints of the evolution-
Large Programme combining medium-­ most stars appear to form in turbulent, ary path for an individual galaxy (Taylor &
deep Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer gas rich, marginally stable discs (Förster Kobayashi, 2017; Tissera et al., 2018;
(MUSE) observations and an extensive Schreiber et al., 2009; Wisnioski et al., Martig et al., 2021), the details of which
library of simulated data to understand 2015; Stott et al., 2016; Liu et al., 2019). are further expected to depend on the
galaxy assembly over the past four bil- These kinematic results are supported by properties of its host environment (Foster
lion years of cosmic time. Thanks to the JWST imaging in the rest-frame near-in- et al., 2021). It is therefore crucial to study
combination of MUSE and the GALACSI frared that highlights an abundance of massive galaxies in a resolved manner at
adaptive optics system, MAGPI is deliv- disc galaxies in the early Universe different cosmic times and across a
ering spatially resolved kinematic, star (Ferreira et al., 2022, 2023; Kartaltepe range of different environments.
formation, and stellar population maps et al., 2023; Nelson et al., 2023). Taken
for hundreds of galaxies at intermediate together, these observational results are It is with this context in mind that we have
redshift. By targeting galaxies across a consistent with the early stages of mas- undertaken the Middle Ages Galaxy
range of environments, MAGPI will pro- sive galaxy formation described previ- Properties with IFS (MAGPI) survey,
vide a unique perspective on the physi- ously, i.e., in which growth is dominated which represents one of the first system-
cal mechanisms responsible for trans- by in-situ star formation. atic studies of resolved stellar and gas
forming galaxy morphologies and properties at intermediate lookback
kinematics at late cosmic times. At late times, as the cosmological accre- times. Unlike previous surveys, MAGPI
tion rate falls, the dominant pathway for utilises the unique capabilities of the Multi
galaxy growth is expected to transition Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE) and
Galaxy transformation during the from in-situ star formation to the assem- the Adaptive Optics Facility (AOF) of the
assembly epoch bly of stars formed ex-situ. As well as VLT to obtain data with a physical resolu-
providing a pathway for continued growth tion comparable to that of local IFS sur-
Current models for the formation of mas- in the absence of ongoing star formation, veys such as Mapping Nearby Galaxies
sive galaxies (> 1011 solar masses) sug- galaxy-galaxy interactions are expected at APO (MaNGA; Bundy et al., 2015) and
gest two distinct evolutionary phases. At to transform early disc-dominated sys- the Sydney-AAO Multi-object Integral field
early times their growth is expected to be tems into the diverse range of morpholo- spectrograph (SAMI) survey (Bryant et al.,
driven by rapid in-situ star formation fed gies mapped by the Hubble sequence in 2015). These data therefore enable a
by the accretion of gas from the cosmic the nearby Universe. Simulations predict unique comparison of resolved galaxy
web. The relative balance of accretion, that repeated minor-merging in particular properties across a range of environ-
star formation, and feedback during this can account for the lack of massive, ments and lookback times.
first ‘formation’ phase leads to a tight lin- compact, and rotationally supported gal-
ear relation between stellar mass and star axies seen locally. These predictions are
formation rate for normal star-forming borne out by observations that suggest Data
galaxies. Galaxies appear to maintain a massive galaxies today are a factor of
relatively high star formation duty cycle 3–5 larger and have substantially lower The MAGPI survey comprises two parts.
(30–70%) until their star formation is angular momentum than their expected The first is a set of medium-deep IFS
quenched, either through the removal of progenitors at z > 1 (for example, Belli, observations using MUSE and the
a suitable gas reservoir or suppression of Newman & Ellis, 2014; Bezanson et al., GALACSI adaptive optics system to
gas cooling (for example, Man & Belli, 2018). Detailed investigations of the stellar probe massive galaxies and their

The Messenger 192 | 2024 11

Astronomical Science Mendel, J. T. et al., Mapping Galaxy Transformation with the MAGPI Survey

The median i-band image quality is external processes driving galaxy trans-
0.55 arcseconds, assessed either using formation at late times would be chal-
point sources available in a subset of the lenging given observational data alone.
fields or via reconstruction of the adaptive For this reason, a key deliverable of
optics point spread function using MUSE- MAGPI is the associated theory survey,
PSFR (Fusco et al., 2020). An example of in which mock MUSE observations have
the reduced data for one field, MAGPI been constructed for a growing number
1501, is shown in Figure 1. of large, cosmological hydrodynamical
simulations. Currently this includes
Given the physical extent of the MUSE Evolution and Assembly of GaLaxies and
field of view projected at z ~ 0.3 their Environments (EAGLE; Schaye et al.,
(~ 270 kpc), each MAGPI field includes 2015; Crain et al., 2015), IllustrisTNG
not only the galaxy of interest, but a host (Pillepich et al., 2018; Nelson et al., 2019),
of satellite and background galaxies that Magneticum (Teklu et al., 2015; Dolag,
facilitate a range of additional science. Komatsu & Sunyaev, 2016), and
Sources in each field are identified and HorizonAGN (Dubois et al., 2016).
Figure 1. Mock Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) catalogued using ProFound (Robotham
gri-band image computed using MUSE data for
the MAGPI 1501 field.
et al., 2018) based on a series of white- Current cosmological models are
light and narrow-band images, and extremely complex, with a variety of reci-
­subsequently have redshifts manually pes to account for effects below the
assigned using the redshifting software resolvable scales in the model. An exam-
environments at z ~ 0.3. The second is a package MARZ (Hinton et al., 2016). ple of this complexity for the suite of sim-
suite of mock IFS data tailored to match Across the current survey this process ulations currently included in the MAGPI
these observations and facilitate a has identified ~ 400 low-mass satellite theory survey is demonstrated in Fig-
detailed comparison with state-of-the-art galaxies in our redshift range of interest ure 2. While all simulations include the
cosmological simulations. (0.25 < z < 0.35) and another > 1200 key ingredients necessary for galaxy for-
objects at z > 0.4, all with secure redshifts. mation and evolution — gravity, gas cool-
ing, star formation, stellar and black hole
The MAGPI MUSE survey feedback etc. — the specific recipe for
The MAGPI theory survey each ingredient used can vary substan-
The observational component of MAGPI tially. All of these elements are important
leverages the wide field of view and From the outset it was clear that for reproducing ensemble properties of
excellent image quality delivered by disentangling the various internal and the galaxy population (for example, stellar
GALACSI+MUSE to survey 56 independ-
ent fields. Each field is centred on a mas-
sive (M★ > 7 × 1010 solar masses) ‘pri- Met
al C
mary’ galaxy at 0.25 < z < 0.35 and its oo
surrounding environment. All observa- g
tions are carried out using MUSE in the ti on & Dalla
et al.
a Vecchia
et al.
WFM-AO mode. Potential targets were

(2008) (2009)

first identified within the Galaxy And Mass Springel


& Hernquist

Assembly (GAMA) survey (Driver et al., (2003)

& Dopita
2011) G12, G15 and G23 fields to span a (1993)

range of environments and galaxy col- EAGLE

Figure 2. Demonstrating
ours, with the final selection driven by the Kennicutt
AG N F e e d b a c k

AGN the basic ingredients for
availability of suitably bright tip-tilt stars Magneticum Mode
a cosmological model of
from Gaia DR2. As of December 2023, galaxy formation and
observations have been completed for Radio evolution. The models
Probabilistic HorizonAGN & Quasar explored by the MAGPI
49 of the 56 target fields. Energy AGN Theory Stream are
Injection Modes
shown in the centre.
The average exposure time for any given Each model has links to
section of the ~ 1-arcmin2 MUSE field is Kinetic
the specific recipe used
S te

Energy for each necessary

four hours, and data reduction for the Injection Fields
ingredient. This makes

survey is carried out using the ESO MUSE


Decouple Adaptive clear the complexity of


data reduction pipeline (Weilbacher et al., from hydro Mesh Refinement comparing different

dynamics Smoothed (AMR)

2020). The final reduced and calibrated k models and justifies the

Particle Hydro
ds necessity of comparable
data cubes are photometrically complete (SPH) t
Me data products. Figure
down to iAB ~ 26 mag (3σ), and spectro- al
eric adapted from Harborne
scopically complete down to iAB ~ 22 mag. Num et al. (in preparation).

12 The Messenger 192 | 2024

MAGPI log10(µ) MAGPI velocity (km s –1) EAGLE log10(µ) EAGLE velocity (km s –1) Figure 3. Two-dimen-
sional surface brightness
0 120 0 46 (first and third columns)
MAGPI ID 1206196198 EAGLE ID 21573589
and velocity (second
and fourth columns)
maps for one MAGPI
galaxy (on the left) and

one EAGLE galaxy (on

the right). The top rows
show data obtained from
MUSE and analogous
–1 –120 0 –46 data from the EAGLE
simulation produced
0 120 0 46 using SimSpin. The bot-
tom row shows the
reconstruction of these
data using DYNAMITE.
Figure adapted from

Derkenne et al. (in prepa-

ration) and Santucci et
al. (in preparation).

–1 –120 0 –46

mass, size etc.), but disentangling the and a full outline of the science goals for MAGPI we are using DYnamics, Age, and
effects of these sub-grid recipes and their the survey can be found in Foster et al. Metallicity Indicators Tracing Evolution
relation to our observations requires a (2021). Here we highlight recent progress (DYNAMITE; Jethwa et al., 2020) to
like-for-like comparison. in several areas which seek to connect reconstruct data from the MAGPI MUSE
these data to observations at both low and theory surveys. DYNAMITE is a
and high redshift. next-generation implementation of the
In order to build a comparable theory Schwarzschild orbit superposition
sample we have been using the open- method, which uses a weighted library of
source package SimSpin (Harborne, Stellar dynamics numerically integrated stellar orbits to
Power & Robotham, 2020; Harborne et reproduce observables such as surface
al., 2023) to generate mock MUSE obser- Stellar kinematics are powerful tracers of brightness and kinematic moments (for
vations of simulated galaxies. This code galaxy formation and evolution, as they example, v, σ, h3, h4).
is designed to be agnostic to the type of encode the full history of processes
simulation input, including support for impacting galaxy growth over cosmic Figure 3 shows an example of DYNAMITE
many flavours of different hydrodynamical time. Early results combining MAGPI with applied to both MAGPI and EAGLE gal-
models and various numerical methods; it SAMI at z = 0 and the Large Early Galaxy axy data, illustrating its ability to repro-
is also easily configured to mimic a range Astrophysics Census (LEGA-C; van der duce details of MUSE observations (in
of different instruments including MUSE, Wel et al., 2016) at z ~ 0.8 have already this case surface brightness and velocity)
SAMI, and the MaNGA instrument. Out- demonstrated significant evolution of even at z = 0.3. The value of this analysis
put mock observations can be produced high-order stellar kinematic parameters is twofold: first, it facilitates an assess-
in the format of spectral data cubes, such (in particular h4), confirming the impor- ment of the orbit reconstruction, and
that reduction pipelines and kinematic tance of galaxy mergers to the evolution especially its dependence on spatial and
line-fitting software can be optimised and of massive galaxies (D’Eugenio et al., spectral resolution, through comparison
tested. SimSpin can also produce kine- 2023a,b). The broad range of environ- with the simulated particle data; and sec-
matic maps comparable to those output ments probed by MAGPI have also been ond, it allows a direct comparison with
by our data analysis pipeline, but without used to show that environment plays a observations, such that the orbital distri-
the fitting procedure. This enables fast secondary but significant role moderating bution in simulations can be used to
iteration across a range of projection the internal mass distribution of galaxies study the origin of different kinematic
angles and seeing conditions, for investi- at intermediate cosmic times (Derkenne components in the data.
gation into specific features and their et al., 2023).
evolution throughout cosmic time.
Going beyond single parameter indicators Stellar populations
of stellar kinematics can help to further
Key science isolate the relative importance of internal Where kinematics help us to understand
and external processes, where in-situ details of the assembly process, stellar
MAGPI data allow us to map kinematics star formation and mergers/accretion are populations provide a view of when and
and stellar populations across a range of expected to influence the balance of hot where stars form. MAGPI spectra are suf-
galaxy spatial scales and environments, and cold orbits in different ways. Within ficiently deep that they facilitate mapping

The Messenger 192 | 2024 13

Astronomical Science Mendel, J. T. et al., Mapping Galaxy Transformation with the MAGPI Survey

Figure 4. Example stellar population measurements

10kpc derived for the primary galaxy in MAGPI 1501 (i.e.,
Figure 1). Left to right, the panels show the mock
gri-band image, light-weighted stellar age, and light-
weighted stellar metallicity in annular and azimuthal
bins as indicated. Dotted lines mark 1, 2 and 3 half-
light radii (Re) as indicated. Figure adapted from
Mendel et al. (in preparation).

1R e

2R e
3R e

9.8 9.9 10.0 10.1 – 0.5 – 0.3 – 0.1 0.1

log10 (Age [years]) Metallicity [Z/H]

key stellar population parameters such as activity. Figure 6 shows the distribution of function and can be used to study radial
mean metallicity and mean stellar age out MAGPI galaxies in terms of star formation profiles of star formation, in many cases
as far as two to three half-light radii when rate (SFR) and stellar mass, where the out to two or three effective radii. A
binned. An example for one of the MAGPI sample has been limited to only those detailed comparison of these data with
central galaxies is shown in Figure 4, objects in the range of 0.25 < z < 0.42 SFR profiles from MaNGA will be presented
where the stellar age and metallicity, [Z/H], with robust SFR estimates. This Figure in Mun et al. (submitted to MNRAS).
are traced out to about two half-light radii emphasises the power of MAGPI data for
with individual bins reaching a signal-to- studying a broad range of galaxies,
noise in the continuum of more than 20. where in this case we trace the global The distant Universe
SFR–mass relation over about five orders
The value of these measurements is more of magnitude in stellar mass. In addition to our primary targets, MAGPI
clearly illustrated in Figure 5, where we data reveal many background sources
compare MAGPI data against stellar pop- In addition to these integrated measure- which are identified using strong emission
ulation profiles derived for MaNGA galax- ments, many star-forming galaxies are and absorption features from the far-UV,
ies by Lu et al. (2023). We find that the resolved by the MAGPI point spread for example Lyα to [OII]. The combination
metallicity gradients derived for MAGPI
are entirely consistent with MaNGA gal-
axies of a similar mass; however the 0.2
derived age gradients are substantially
flatter, particularly in the outskirts. The 0.0
interpretation of falling age gradients by
Lu et al. (2023) is that of an increased
Metallicity [Z/H]

contribution from a young stellar disc out- – 0.2

side the central bulge region, suggesting

that MAGPI galaxies may lack a compa- – 0.4
rable disc-like component.
– 0.6

Star formation
– 0.8

Despite the majority of MAGPI primary 10.0

galaxies being relatively gas poor, a num-
ber of galaxies across the survey host 9.5
substantial, extended gas discs whose
log10 (Age [years])

properties can be used to understand

recent gas accretion and the role of envi- 9.0
ronment in modulating star formation
8.5 MAGPI primaries
log10(M/Mც) > 11.5 (Lu et al., 2023)
Figure 5. Comparison of metallicity (top) and age 10.5 < log10(M/Mც) < 11.5 (Lu et al., 2023)
(bottom) profiles between MAGPI primary galaxies
and comparable galaxies in MaNGA as derived by log10(M/Mც) < 10.5 (Lu et al., 2023)
Lu et al. (2023), demonstrating the large spatial cov- 7.5
erage of MAGPI. Figure adapted from Mendel et al. 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
(in preparation). Radius (Re)

14 The Messenger 192 | 2024

2 Figure 6. Star Formation Rate (SFR) as a function of
stellar mass for current MAGPI fields. The blue line
SFMS (best fit for z ~ 0.35)
shows a best fit for the star formation main
Hα sequence (SFMS) derived from Hα data. This figure
1 is adapted from Mun et al. (submitted to MNRAS).

0 baryon cycle in galaxies at these interme-

diate redshifts. Such observations are
already within reach of ALMA and the
log10 (SFR [Mც yr –1)

–1 Northern Extended Millimeter Array

(NOEMA), and will be a priority for the
Square Kilometre Array (SKA) and SKA
pathfinder surveys.

We would like to thank the ESO staff on Paranal for
their substantial and ongoing support throughout the
MAGPI observing programme.

6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Ao, Y. et al. 2020, Nat. Astron., 4, 670
Stellar mass log10(Mღ [Mც])
Belli, S., Newman, A. B. & Ellis, R. S. 2014, ApJ,
783, 117
Bezanson, R. et al. 2018, ApJ, 858, 60
of wide area (56 arcmin2) and intermedi- phologies. Recent cosmological zoom-in Blaizot, J. et al. 2023, MNRAS, 523, 3749
ate exposure time (4 hours) mean MAGPI simulations (Blaizot et al., 2023) predict Bryant, J. J. et al. 2015, MNRAS, 447, 2857
is ideally suited to the discovery of rare, < 20% of double-peaked Lyα emitters Bundy, K. et al. 2015, ApJ, 798, 7
Crain, R. A. et al. 2015, MNRAS, 450, 1937
bright targets compared to other MUSE should have a dominant blue peak, which Derkenne, C. et al. 2023, MNRAS, 522, 3602
surveys (for example MUSE deep and is consistent with the numbers presented D’Eugenio, F. et al. 2023a, MNRAS, 525, 2765
MUSE-Wide), with a reduction in cosmic by Mukherjee et al. (2024). These three D’Eugenio, F. et al. 2023b, MNRAS, 525, 2789
variance due to the spatially disjoint systems are a part of a larger campaign Dolag, K., Komatsu, E. & Sunyaev, R. 2016, MNRAS,
463, 1797
nature of the survey footprint. This has to catalogue Lyα emitters and absorbers Driver, S. P. et al. 2011, MNRAS, 413, 971
already been realised with the discovery with MAGPI fields — currently 360 new Dubois, Y. et al. 2016, MNRAS, 463, 3948
of three rare double-peaked Lyα emitters sources across 35 MAGPI fields. Ferreira, L. et al. 2022, ApJL, 983, L2
at 2.9 < z < 4.8 exhibiting strong blue- Ferreira, L. et al. 2023, ApJ, 955, 94
Förster Schreiber, N. M. et al. 2009, ApJ, 706, 1364
peak emission (Mukherjee et al., 2024). Foster, C. et al. 2021, PASA, 38, 31
Two of these three are extended sources Outlook Fusco, T. et al. 2020, A&A, 635, A208
covering areas of 25 × 26 kpc (z = 2.9) Hinton, S. R. et al. 2016, A&C, 15, 61
and 19 × 28 kpc (z = 3.6), with the MAGPI is a first step towards building Harborne, K. E., Power, C. & Robotham, A. S. G.
2020, PASA, 37, 16
strongest contribution to the blue emis- large, spatially and spectrally resolved Harborne, K. E. et al. 2023, PASA, 40, 48
sion from bright cores associated with samples of stellar kinematics outside the Jethwa, P. et al. 2020, ASCL, 2011.007
the sources. In contrast, the third blue- nearby Universe. Future ESO facilities like Kartaltepe, J. S. et al. 2023, ApJL, 946, L15
peak Lyα emitter, at z ~ 4.8, is a compact the MCAO Assisted Visible Imager and Liu, D. et al. 2019, ApJ, 887, 235
Lu, S. et al. 2023, MNRAS, 526, 1022
system and stands as the highest-red- Spectrograph (MAVIS) on the VLT and the Man, A. & Belli, S. 2018, Nat. Astron., 2, 695
shift strong blue-peak emitter ever High Angular Resolution Monolithic Martig, M. et al. 2021, MNRAS, 508, 2458
detected. Optical and Near-infrared Integral field Mukherjee, T. et al. 2024, A&A Lett., in press,
spectrograph (HARMONI) on ESO’s arXiv:2311.07019
Nelson, D. et al. 2019, ComAC, 6, 2
Galaxies with strong blue-peak emission Extremely Large Telescope will enable us Nelson, E. J. et al. 2023, ApJL, 948, L18
are unique systems providing insight into to push such resolved lookback studies Pillepich, A. et al. 2018, MNRAS, 473, 4077
the scattering of Lyα photons by neutral even farther, dramatically improving our Robotham, A. S. G. et al. 2018, MNRAS, 476, 3137
hydrogen. Lyα lines with a stronger blue ability to confront complex cosmological Schaye, J. et al. 2015, MNRAS, 446, 521
Stott, J. P. et al. 2016, MNRAS, 457, 1888
peak than the red peak usually imply simulations with equally detailed observa- Taylor, P. & Kobayashi, C. 2017, MNRAS, 471, 3856
inflows of circumgalactic medium gas tional constraints. Teklu, A. F. et al. 2015, ApJ, 812, 29
along the line of sight during the accre- Tissera, P. B. et al. 2018, MNRAS, 473, 1656
tion phase (for example, Ao et al., 2020; Combining these resolved stellar and van der Wel, A. et al. 2016, ApJS, 223, 29
Wisnioski, E. et al. 2015, ApJ, 799, 209
Blaizot et al., 2023). In this context, the (ionised) gas data with atomic and molec- Weilbacher, P. M. et al. 2020, A&A, 641, A28
galaxies discovered in MAGPI suggest ular gas measurements is an obvious
inflowing gas systems or edge-on mor- next step towards understanding the full

The Messenger 192 | 2024 15

Astronomical Science DOI: 10.18727/0722-6691/5350

X-Shooting ULLYSES: Massive Stars at Low Metallicity

Jorick S. Vink 1 17
Department of Astrophysical Sciences, lic line opacity. Since the beginning of the
Paul Crowther 2 Princeton University, USA Universe, metallicity has been on the rise.
Alex Fullerton 3 18
The Observatories of the Carnegie This increase is due to the chemical
Miriam Garcia 4 Institution for Science, Pasadena, USA enrichment caused by stellar winds and
Fabrice Martins 5 19
School of Mathematics, Statistics and supernova (SN) explosions. Ultimately, this
Nidia Morrell 6 Physics, Newcastle University, UK has led to the metal-rich environment we
Lida Oskinova 7 20
Physics and Astronomy, find in our Milky Way galaxy today,
Nicole St Louis 8 East Tennessee State University, USA approximately corresponding to the metal-
Asif ud-Doula 9 21
Gemini Observatory/NSF’s NOIRLab, licity of our Sun.
Andreas Sander 10 La Serena, Chile
Hugues Sana 11 But here’s the exciting part: it is not just
Jean-Claude Bouret 12 redshift and cosmic time that determine a
Brankica Kubatova 13 The Hubble Space Telescope has galaxy’s metal content. Another key fac-
Pablo Marchant 11 devoted 500 orbits to observing 250 tor is a galaxy’s mass. This means we
Lucimara P. Martins 14 massive stars with low metallicity in the have a unique opportunity to explore the
Aida Wofford 15 ultraviolet (UV) range within the frame- more pristine conditions similar to the
Jacco van Loon 16 work of the ULLYSES program. The early Universe by studying low-metallicity
O. Grace Telford 17,18 X-Shooting ULLYSES (XShootU) project dwarf galaxies right in our cosmic back-
Ylva Götberg 18 enhances the legacy value of this UV yard. In particular, the Small and Large
Dominic Bowman 11,19 dataset by providing high-quality opti- Magellanic Clouds (SMC and LMC),
Christi Erba 20 cal and near-infrared spectra, which are which contain just about 20% and 50%
Venu Kalari 21 acquired using the wide-wavelength- of the heavy elements found in our Sun
and The XShootU Collaboration coverage X-shooter spectrograph at are ideal laboratories. Exploring these
ESO’s Very Large Telescope. XShootU ‘metal-poor’ galaxies offers us a glimpse
emphasises the importance of combin- of what the Universe was like in its infancy.
Armagh Observatory and Planetarium, ing UV with optical spectra for the con- It is like looking at a cosmic time capsule,
UK sistent determination of key stellar telling us the story of the evolving Universe
Department of Physics & Astronomy, parameters such as effective tempera- through the lens of stellar metallicity.
University of Sheffield, UK ture, surface gravity, luminosity, abun-
Space Telescope Science Institute, dances, and wind characteristics
Baltimore, USA including mass-loss rates as a function The metallicity-dependent fate of
Centre for Astrobiology (CSIC-INTA), of metallicity. Since uncertainties in massive stars
Torrejón de Ardoz, Madrid, Spain these parameters have implications
Montpellier Universe and Particles across various branches of astrophys- The Universe still holds many secrets.
Laboratory, Montpellier University, ics, the data and modelling generated Of particular relevance to our objectives
France by the XShootU project are poised to are the processes governing the forma-
Las Campanas Observatory, Carnegie significantly advance our understanding tion of black holes (BHs) over time and as
Observatories, Chile of massive stars at low metallicity. This a function of metallicity, as well as the
Institute for Physics and Astronomy, is particularly crucial for confidently physics underlying the occurrence of
University of Potsdam, Germany interpreting James Webb Space Tele- superluminous supernovae (SLSNe) in
Department of Physics, University of scope (JWST) data of the earliest stellar low-metallicity environments. Among
Montreal, Canada generations, making XShootU a unique these mysterious explosions is a subset
Penn State Scranton, Dunmore, PA, resource for comprehending individual that might involve an extremely disruptive
USA spectra of low-­metallicity stars. phenomenon known as a pair-instability
Astronomy Centre, Heidelberg SN, where the entire star is obliterated,
University, Germany and which was initially theorised back in
Institute of Astronomy, KU Leuven, The role of metallicity the 1960s (Fowler & Hoyle, 1964). How-
Belgium ever, concrete observations of such
Aix Marseille University, CNRS, CNES, Over the past few decades, it has become events in the real world have so far
LAM, Marseille, France clear that metallicity — the relative amount remained elusive.
Astronomical Institute of the Czech of heavy elements like iron (Fe) — signifi-
Academy of Sciences, Ondřejov, cantly influences the fundamental proper- Understanding the boundary between
Czech Republic ties and behaviour of stars. This chemical BH and pair-instability SNe is paramount
NAT – São Paulo City University, Brazil make-up affects crucial stellar characteris- for our understanding of gravitational
Institute of Astronomy, National tics such as how hot they are and how wave (GW) events. While GW events rep-
Autonomous University of Mexico, they pulsate, while in the case of massive resent just a small fraction of the possible
Ensenada, Mexico stars it also sets the rate of mass loss from outcomes of stellar evolution, the broader
Lennard-Jones Laboratories, Keele their powerful stellar winds, as hot stars question of whether a massive star ulti-
University, UK are driven by radiation pressure on metal- mately becomes a neutron star, a BH, or

16 The Messenger 192 | 2024

experiences a pair-instability SN is of pro- Howarth, 1990; Hawcroft et al., 2023, ject comprises two distinct parts: a 500-
found significance in our understanding XShootU III). However, on its own the UV orbit programme focused on young
of how the Universe becomes enriched part of the spectrum presents certain T Tauri stars, and a comparable alloca-
with elements. A single pair-instability challenges, stemming from uncertainties tion of HST orbits for the massive star
SN explosion resulting from a 300-solar- in the ionisation state which limit the abil- component. The latter aspect of the DDT
mass progenitor star could contribute ity to quantify the mass-loss rate in mas- project received substantial support from
more heavy elements than the entire sive stars (Lamers & Leitherer, 1993). The the massive star community, including
range of stars from a fully sampled initial optical range emerges as a critical com- backing from entities like the IAU Com-
mass function below it (Langer, 2009). plement to UV spectra in order to acquire mission G2 on Massive Stars. The project
accurate stellar and wind parameters (as encompasses the entire range of spectral
The ubiquitous property of the most mas- depicted in Figure 1; Fullerton et al., types and luminosity classes among
sive stars involves their metallicity-de- 2006; Oskinova, Hamann & Feldmeier, OB-type stars within the LMC and SMC
pendent mass loss, which is the key 2007; Puls, Vink & Najarro, 2008). regions. This unprecedented coverage
physical process that sets the boundary includes representatives of all stars with
between BH formation and pair instability It is not just the wide wavelength range — masses exceeding 10 M☉, as indicated in
(for example, Yusof et al., 2013; Köhler et from the UV to the optical — that is cru- the Hertzsprung–Russell diagrams of the
al., 2015). For this and many other rea- cial for building an appropriate framework LMC and SMC presented in Figure 2.
sons we need to test our theoretical pre- of metallicity-dependent stellar winds, but XShootU also includes a small number of
dictions of metallicity-dependent winds also the size of the sample. Historically, stars in even lower-redshift galaxies.
against large sets of reliable empirical most investigations into the winds of
data (Vink et al., 2023, XShootU I). massive stars featured limited sample The dataset generated by this project will
sizes (typically around 10), along with var- leave a lasting legacy, not only enhancing
ying coverage across different instruments, our understanding of stellar winds but
The powerful combination of ultraviolet wavelength ranges, and analysis tools. also serving as a crucial spectral library
and optical spectroscopy from which to construct accurate popula-
tion synthesis models. Recognising the
The ultraviolet (UV) region of the spec- The HST ULLYSES opportunity pivotal role played by the optical wave-
trum provides access to a unique suite of length range in determining both stellar
stellar wind diagnostics, in particular the Developments in sample size are cur- and wind parameters, the community
P Cygni lines associated with abundant rently undergoing a revolution, thanks to strongly advocated that this exceptional
chemical species like C IV (Figure 1). The the HST ULLYSES project. This initiative, opportunity presented by a substantial
blue boundary of the P Cygni profile a Director’s Discretionary Time (DDT) UV legacy dataset should be comple-
offers a reliable means to gauge the ter- endeavour of 1000 orbits, was conceived mented by an equally substantial and
minal wind velocity (Prinja, Barlow & by a dedicated working group. The pro- high-quality dataset in the optical. Hence

2.0 Si lV C IV Fe lV
vinf Ṁ, vinf
Arbitrary flux units



0.0 Sk191

1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700

Wavelength (Å)
1.4 HI HI He l Mg II Ṁ
1.2 Teff Teff
Arbitrary flux units

1.0 Figure 1. UV (ULLYSES)

and optical (XshootU)
spectroscopy of the
early B supergiant Sk 191
in the SMC, highlighting
0.6 Sk 191 Sk 191 key photospheric (red
and green) and wind
4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 6500 6560 (blue, orange) diagnos-
Wavelength (Å) tics.

The Messenger 192 | 2024 17

Astronomical Science Vink, J. S. et al., X-Shooting ULLYSES: Massive Stars at Low Metallicity

6.6 6.6
6.4 150 M ც 2 Myr LMC 6.4 SMC
6.2 6.2
100 M ც 2 Myr
6.0 6.0
Stellar luminosity log10(L/Lც)

Stellar luminosity log10(L/Lც)

5.8 4 Myr 5.8 4 Myr
60 M ც
60 M ც
5.6 5.6
5.4 40 M ც 5.4
40 M ც
5.2 5.2
8 Myr 8 Myr
5.0 5.0
4.8 25 M ც 4.8 25 M ც

4.6 4.6
16 Myr 16 Myr
4.4 WR 4.4 WR
15 M ც 15 M ც 10 M ც
4.2 OB 10 M ც 4.2 OB
Brott+2011; Kohler+2015 ZAMS ZAMS Brott+2011
4.0 4.0
5.2 5.0 4.8 4.6 4.4 4.2 4.0 5.2 5.0 4.8 4.6 4.4 4.2 4.0
Effective temperature log10(Teff [K]) Effective temperature log10(Teff [K])

the inception of the XShooting ULLYSES lines. Additionally, the spectra from differ- Figure 2. Hertzsprung–Russell diagrams highlighting
the location of ULLYSES/XshootU targets (OB: red
(XShootU) project1. ent epochs were corrected for barycen-
circles, WR: blue triangles) in the LMC (left) and SMC
tric motion and combined to create a sin- (right), compared to evolutionary models from Brott
As a bonus, the X-shooter spectrograph gle, flux-calibrated spectrum covering the et al. (2011) and Köhler et al. (2015).
offers the additional prospect of establish- entire optical range with the highest pos-
ing a spectral library in the near-­infrared. sible signal-to-noise ratio.
Given that many of the world’s newest tel- removal, normalisation, and barycentric
escopes have their prime capabilities in Our analysis revealed an undocumented correction; and (iii) co-added, flux-­
this part of the electromagnetic spectrum, recurring ghost artefact present in the raw calibrated, and rectified spectra spanning
it is important that we extend our UV+ data. We further introduced an enhanced the full optical range, combining all availa-
optical analysis tools into this regime. flat-fielding strategy to minimise artefacts ble XShootU exposures. For the majority
when scientific targets and flux standard of targets, the final signal-to-noise ratio
stars were observed on different nights. per resolution element exceeds 200 in
The XShootU advanced data products The improved flux standard models and a both UVB and VIS co-added spectra.
new set of reference points allowed us to
Providing advanced data products to the significantly reduce artefacts in the correc- Reduced data and the most important
community is one of the main goals of the tion of response curves, especially in the advanced data products will be made
XShootU collaboration. The optical wings of the Balmer lines, where discrep- accessible to the scientific community via
(UVB+VIS) data have already been ancies decreased from a few percent of the the ESO Science Archive Facility in line
reduced and an example of the UVB data continuum level to less than 0.5 percent. with ESO’s policy for Large Programmes.
is shown in Figure 3. A comprehensive Together with the HST UV ULLYSES data
account of these higher-level data prod- Furthermore, we confirmed the existence available for MAST2, they enable a variety
ucts is presented in XShootU’s Data of a radial velocity shift of approximately of scientific investigations, ranging from
Release 1 (Sana et al., 2024, XShootU II), 3.5 km s –1 between the UVB and VIS detailed studies of stellar atmospheres
with the data reduction processes for the arms of X-shooter and demonstrated the and stellar winds to the creation of empiri-
near-infrared spectra following later. absence of short-term variations affecting cal libraries for population synthesis.
radial velocity measurements. We
The raw data first underwent data reduc- achieved a radial velocity precision of less
tion using the ESO X-shooter pipeline, than 1 km s –1 on sharp telluric lines and The XShootU project
with a focus on determining response between 2 and 3 km s –1 on data with the
curves. This involved ensuring equal highest signal-to-noise ratios. XShootU is a community-focused project,
flat-fielding for the scientific targets and where collaboration is organised through
flux standard stars, improving the flux This post-processing provided three data 14 working groups that are open for par-
standard models. We then processed the products for each target: (i) 2D spectra ticipation to any scientist. We already
pipeline products using our own proce- for each exposure before and after instru- held a number of online and in-person
dures, generating a range of advanced ment response correction; (ii) 1D spectra meetings to facilitate discussions and
data products. These included correc- as initially generated by the X-shooter ­collaboration among researchers
tions for slit losses, absolute flux pipeline, followed by response correction engaged in the spectroscopic analysis of
calibration, (semi-)automatic rectification and various processing steps, including the XShootU data-sets. The topics range
to the continuum, and removal of telluric absolute flux calibration, telluric line from determining the stellar and wind

18 The Messenger 192 | 2024

properties of the sample on a broader Early spectral synthesis results tively, Brands et al. (in preparation) and
scale to addressing specialised issues Backs et al. (in preparation) using a
such as the impact of rotational mixing Some of the key science goals from genetic algorithm method and the fast-
through abundance studies. The primary XShootU concern the role of metallicity wind code. The results indicate that the
spectroscopic analysis tools employed in setting the mass-loss rate from mas- mass loss versus luminosity relation
are non-LTE codes that include a stellar sive stars and how metallicity may affect becomes steeper in lower metallicity
outflow in spherical geometry, including internal mixing. In order to achieve these environments than at higher metallicity.
CMFGEN (Hillier & Miller, 1998), FASTWIND objectives we require the determination
(Puls et al., 2020), and PoWR (Gräfener et of mass-loss rates as well as abundances These early results are based on the
al., 2002), or the plane parallel non-LTE in both the UV and the optical. analysis of relatively modest subsets of
code TLUSTY (Hubeny & Lanz, 1995) for the XShootU data. More definitive
stars lacking strong winds. An early study into interior mixing was per- answers will be obtained over the next
formed by Martins et al. (submitted to few years as analyses of the full sample
Research has demonstrated that the A&A) using the CMFGEN code. Figure 4 are completed. We expect that even
characteristics of structured winds signifi- shows nitrogen (N) abundances versus the basic stellar parameters such as stellar
cantly influence empirical calculations of surface gravity (g) of O6.5–O9 dwarfs in mass may need to be re-evaluated in
mass-loss rates, thereby shaping our the different environments of the SMC, the comparison to the pre-ULLYSES era. For
comprehension of stellar evolution. Nev- LMC, and the Milky Way. Surface gravity instance, Pauli et al. (2022) studied the
ertheless, the extent to which mass loss serves as a proxy for evolutionary time, earliest type eclipsing binary in the SMC,
is influenced by wind clumping remains while the surface N enhancement on the leading to a significant revision of its
an open question. Within XShootU, we y-axis takes on the role of rotational mixing component masses.
investigate the impact of clumping on efficiency. The Figure shows that N
spectral and luminosity classes at various enhancement occurs earlier in the main
metallicities. The spectral modelling lever- sequence evolution (i.e., at higher log g) in Spectral libraries and the more distant
ages advanced model atmosphere the SMC than at higher metallicity. These Universe
codes, capable of addressing clumping early results appear to support rotational
properties with varying degrees of com- mixing which is theoretically expected to Stellar spectral libraries play a fundamen-
plexity (Sander et al., in preparation). be more efficient at lower metallicity. tal role in stellar population synthesis
models, which are essential tools for
Regarding wind properties, Figure 5 studying the fundamental properties of
shows the mass-loss rate of LMC and unresolved stellar systems. Multiple
Figure 3. VLT/Xshooter UVB spectroscopy of the late
O supergiant Sk –68° 135 in the LMC.
SMC supergiants studied by, respec- empirical stellar spectral libraries, each

SK--68-135 UVB 2021-0l-22T03:40:12.654

He l 4143 / He ll 4200 He l 4471 / He ll 4542 N V 4604, 4619 He ll 5412

170 154
160 152 102
150 100
140 150 98
130 96
148 .!j
120 94
Flux (10 –15 erg s –1 cm –2 Å –1)

146 I I 92
Hξ 414 416 418 420 446 448 450 452 454 456 460 461 462 463 540 541 542 543
240 N III-complext / He ll 4686
200 160

180 150
160 140
396 397 398 399
Hδ Hγ Hβ
170 464 466 468 470 472
220 160
200 150
160 140
160 150 130
140 140 120

409 410 411 412 433 434 435 436 485 486 487 488

350 400 450 500 550

Wavelength (nanometres)

The Messenger 192 | 2024 19

Astronomical Science Vink, J. S. et al., X-Shooting ULLYSES: Massive Stars at Low Metallicity

Figure 4. Logarithm of N/H minus the baseline value

as a function of surface gravity for SMC/LMC/MW
stars in blue/magenta/green. The light green colour
is for upper or lower limits in the Galaxy, pink is for
2 the LMC. Note that N-enrichment appears earlier in
the main sequence (at higher log g) for the lower-Z
environment of the SMC than in the LMC/MW. From
Martins et al. (submitted to A&A).

1.5 tracks are theoretical, but the individual

stellar spectra are observed, and fully
theoretical models where both compo-
nents are calculated. XShootU will lead to
enhancements in semi-empirical models
Δlog (N/H)

1 by providing the most comprehensive

spectral library of massive stars to date.
Furthermore, XShootU will guide the
development of new generations of
atmosphere and evolution models, con-
0.5 tributing to the refinement of fully theoreti-
cal population synthesis models.

XShootU will also provide an upgrade to

the current Starburst99 (Leitherer et al.,
0 1999) LMC + SMC library, significantly
enhancing the realism of population syn-
thesis predictions. Once this library is
incorporated into Starburst99 and other
population synthesis models, corre-
sponding Cloudy photoionisation models
4 3.5 3 (Ferland et al., 2017) will be computed to
Surface gravity log g consider the contributions of ionised gas
and dust to the integrated light of young
OB star populations. These models will
gathered with distinct objectives, are of massive OB stars at any metallicity. be made publicly available.
publicly accessible. One significant limita- XShootU excellently complements the
tion of the existing empirical libraries missing parameter space of the XSL
today is their coverage of hot and young library. In tandem, these two libraries Future outlook
stars at low metallicities. enable self-consistent population synthe-
sis models for systems containing both In summary, it is anticipated that the
In terms of spectral resolving power, only young and old stars. Population synthesis XShootU project will furnish a wealth of
the X-shooter Spectral Library (XSL; Verro models fall into two categories: semi-em- data, models, and novel insights into mas-
et al., 2022) and ELODIE archive pirical models where the stellar evolution sive stars in low-metallicity environments.
(Moultaka et al., 2004) complement the It is crucial to emphasise that the overar-
X-Shooting ULLYSES dataset. XShootU ching objective of XShootU is to establish
represents the most comprehensive, –5.5 a high-quality, consistent optical database
highest-signal-to-noise ratio, and high- that complements HST ULLYSES.
est-resolution library of hot, massive –6.0 The resulting legacy datasets hold signifi-
Mass loss log10(Ṁ [Mც yr –1])

stars, encompassing the broadest spec- cant importance in ensuring the accurate
tral range. Although numerous libraries –6.5 interpretation of unresolved observations
cater to low-mass stars, they exhibit gaps obtained with the JWST (Curti et al., 2023;
in coverage for high-mass stars. –7.0 Carnall et al., 2023). The project’s subse-
quent aim is to deliver consistently deter-
As an illustration, we compare the –7.5 mined stellar and wind parameters
XShootU target sample with the XSL
library (Verro et al., 2022), which was –8.0
specifically designed for stellar population SMC Figure 5. The empirical mass-loss luminosity rela-
LMC tion for XShootU stars in the LMC (Brands et al., in
synthesis. In Figure 6, we display the –8.5
preparation) and the SMC (Backs et al., in prepara-
Hertzsprung–Russell diagram coverage 5.0 5.2 5.4 5.6 5.8 6.0
tion). Note the steeper mass-loss/luminosity
of the XSL library, revealing the absence Stellar luminosity log10(L/Lც) dependence in the SMC.

20 The Messenger 192 | 2024

Figure 6. Comparison between temperatures and
gravities of metal-poor and metal-rich stars in the
XSL [Fe/H] > –0.5
XSL spectral library (Verro et al., 2022) and ULLYSES
XSL [Fe/H] < –0.5
targets in the LMC (blue) and SMC (green).
1 ULLYSES – SMC stars
3 Myr

10 Myr Brott, I. et al. 2011, A&A, 530, A115

Carnall, A. C. et al. 2023, MNRAS, 518, L45
Surface gravity log g

Curti, M. et al. 2023, MNRAS, 518, 425

Ferland, G. J. et al. 2017, Rev Mex A&A, 53, 385
32 Myr Fowler, W. A. & Hoyle, F. 1964, ApJS, 9, 201
1 Gyr Fullerton, A. W. et al. 2006, ApJ, 637, 1025
Gräfener, G. et al. 2002, A&A, 387, 244
3 10 Gyr Hillier, D. J. & Miller, D. L. 1998, ApJ, 496, 407
100 Myr Hawcroft, C. et. al. 2023, accepted for publication in
A&A, arXiv: 2303.12165
Hubeny, I. & Lanz, T. 1995, ApJ, 439, 875
Köhler, K. et al. 2015, A&A, 573, A71
4 Lamers, H. J. G. L. M. & Leitherer, C. 1993, ApJ,
412, 771
Langer, N. 2009, Nature, 462, 579
Leitherer, C. et al. 1999, ApJS, 123, 3
Moultaka, J. et al. 2004, PASP, 116, 693
5 Oskinova, L. M., Hamann, W.-R. & Feldmeier, A.
2007, A&A, 476, 1331
4.8 4.6 4.8 4.2 4.0 3.8 3.6 Pauli, D. et al. 2022, A&A, 659, A9
Effective temperature log10(Teff [K]) Prinja, R. K., Barlow, M. J. & Howarth, I. D. 1990,
ApJ, 361, 607
Puls, J., Vink, J. S. & Najarro, F. 2008, A&A Rev,
through the integration of UV and optical high-quality XShootU data will have 16, 209
Puls, J. et al. 2020, A&A, 642, A172
datasets. This phase of the of the project long-term value for a wide range of
Sana, H. et al., 2024, accepted for publication in
will not only incorporate state-of-the art research projects, including many which A&A, arXiv:2402.16987
non-LTE physics, but will also rigorously may not even have been envisioned yet. Verro, K. et al. 2022, A&A, 660, A34
assess the various spectral synthesis Vink, J. S. et al. 2023, A&A, 675, A154
Yusof, N. et al. 2013, MNRAS, 433, 1114
codes and analytical methods.
Some of the analysis is already in pro- We warmly thank the data reduction team (WG2) Links
gress. However, there is plenty of room lead by Hugues Sana and Frank Tramper from KU
for new participants to become part of Leuven for post-processing the spectra to enable 1 
XShootU webpage:
this project. Additionally, the X-shooter quicker analysis. We also acknowledge Andrea xshootu/
­M ehner from ESO for her help in the preparation of 2 
Ullyses data website:
data are accessible to the community, the OBs, and Sarah Brands and Frank Backs from ullyses-download.html
and we also intend to make the high- the University of Amsterdam for sharing early results
er-level data products available to the presented in Figure 5 on mass-loss rates versus
broader scientific community. The luminosity.
ESO/Juan Carlos Muñoz Mateos

The four Auxiliary Telescopes at ESO’s Paranal

Observatory can be seen gazing up at the night sky in
this picture. With dark and pristine skies, Paranal is
one of the best places on Earth to study the Universe
from. As seen in this spectacular image, the view is
really full to the brim of exciting things to look at.

The Messenger 192 | 2024 21

Telescopes and Instrumentation

ESO/A. Ghizzi Panizza (

This image shows the stunning night sky over the

Swedish–ESO Submillimetre Telescope (SEST)
telescope at ESO’s La Silla Observatory in Chile.
Until its retirement in 2003, SEST used its
15-metre main dish to observe the cold gas clouds
where stars form. Now the telescope, perched at
2375 metres altitude, watches silently over the
landscape of the Atacama Desert.

22 The Messenger 192 | 2024

Telescopes and Instrumentation DOI: 10.18727/0722-6691/5351

Paranal Instrumentation Plan Lessons Learned 2023

Matthew Colless 1 (VLTI). Instruments still under construc- ESO-Paranal operations teams) together
Michele Cirasuolo 2 tion will be covered in a future exercise. with the subsequent discussions.
Anja C. Andersen 3 The goal of the exercise was to explore
Rebecca Bernstein 4 the lessons learned to identify good prac-
Sebastian Egner 2 tice and improvements for the future. Previous lessons learned
Vanessa Hill 5 Specifically, the panel was tasked with:
John Monnier 6 – examining the overall cost, schedule, The timeframe covered by the projects in
Antoine Mérand 2 and performance of each project this review is important, given that a goal
against its targets; of this Lessons Learned exercise is to
– reviewing and commenting on the “review and comment on the response by
Australian National University, Australia response by ESO to the last exercise; ESO to the last exercise”. All these pro-
ESO and jects started prior to the previous review
University of Copenhagen, Denmark – examining the lessons learned in inter- (see Figure 1), and so only benefitted
Giant Magellan Telescope, USA acting and partner institutes in Europe. from any changes that ESO implemented
Côte d’Azur Observatory, France in response during the latter stages of
University of Michigan, USA In this article we present the overall find- each project. This makes it difficult to
ings of the 2023 Lessons Learned review judge the effectiveness of ESO’s response
and the key recommendations made to to the previous exercise based on these
The 2023 Paranal Instrumentation ESO, including some suggestions for particular instruments and facilities.
Programme Lessons Learned exercise potential actions. The review panel con-
assessed the recent major projects sisted of Matthew Colless (Chair), Michele It is therefore not surprising that many
delivered to Paranal. The goal was to Cirasuolo (Vice-chair), Anja C. Andersen issues noted in the previous exercise
identify good practices and improve- (La Silla Paranal Committee), Vanessa were also apparent in these projects.
ments for the future by examining cost, Hill (Scientific Technical Committee), On the other hand, some positive
schedule, and performance against tar- Rebecca Bernstein and John Monnier changes were seen, most notably in
gets. The review also considered ESO’s (external members), Sebastian Egner improved relations between the
response to the previous exercise and (internal member) and Antoine Mérand ESO-Paranal operations teams and the
lessons learned from interactions with (secretary). consortia and ESO-Garching follow-up
partner institutes in Europe. This article teams during the very intense commis-
summarises the overall findings and key sioning phases of these instruments and
recommendations for ESO. Overall lessons learned facilities, which generally occurred after
the previous Lessons Learned exercise.
The lessons learned summarised below
Introduction are the consensus conclusions drawn by
the panel from information provided in Infrastructure implications
The 2023 Paranal Instrumentation the course of the review (the documenta-
Programme (PIP) Lessons Learned exer- tion and presentations provided by the One of the notable features of the instru-
cise was scoped by ESO as a review of representatives of the consortia, the ments/facilities covered by this Lessons
the lessons learned for the future from ESO-Garching follow-up teams, and the Learned review is that they mostly involve
the major projects delivered recently to
Paranal, namely the GRAVITY instrument,
the Multi-AperTure mid-Infrared Spectro-
Scopic Experiment (MATISSE), the start PDR FDR PAE PAC End of period
Echelle SPectrograph for Rocky covered by previous
AOF lessons learned
Exoplanet and Stable Spectroscopic
Observations (ESPRESSO), the upgraded
CRyogenic high-resolution InfraRed
Echelle Spectrograph (CRIRES+), the start PDR FDR PAE PAC
Adaptive Optics Facility (AOF) and the MATISSE
Very Large Telescope Interferometer start PDR PAE PAC


Figure 1. Timelines of instrument/facility projects
covered by this review, showing key milestones for
each project and the previous Lessons Learned start PAC
exercise (red dashed line). ‘Start’ means the begin- NAOMI
ning of the project at ESO (i.e., after phase A); AT station VLTI FP
PDR = Preliminary Design Review; FDR = Final
Design Review; PAE = Preliminary Acceptance 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 2024
Europe; and PAC = Preliminary Acceptance Chile. Calendar year

The Messenger 192 | 2024 23

Telescopes and Instrumentation Colless, M. et al., Paranal Instrumentation Plan Lessons Learned 2023

substantial coordination with (or major Integration of project teams capacity to supply effort to support
upgrades to) the infrastructure of the instrument projects prior to commission-
VLT/I facility and its operations. This con- The consortia, ESO-Garching and ing because existing resources were
trasts with most instruments covered in ESO-Paranal teams for almost all the pro- wholly consumed by the demands of
previous reviews, which tended to have jects reviewed here reported benefits operations. The review panel could clearly
(relatively) simpler interfaces to the tele- from better project integration as a result see this tension and the strains imposed
scopes and their infrastructure. It was of members of each of these teams on operations staff by such ‘additional’
clear that the degree of coordination with embedding/visiting/interacting more with workload. Nonetheless, the panel consid-
existing infrastructure was underappreci- the other teams on the same project. ered there to be a plausible case that extra
ated in the initial stages of these projects Specific examples from the ESPRESSO time spent by ESO-­Paranal staff on instru-
and consequently projects were inade- and AOF projects were given, where ment development (if intelligently directed)
quately scoped and costed; this was these benefits were clearly realised and could potentially reduce the amount of
broadly true for both ESO-led projects positively recognised by all parties. But time spent on instrument commissioning,
and consortia-led projects. these actions were taken in response to ‘Paranalisation’, maintenance and repairs,
crises, while it seems likely that increased leading to a reduced overall load on con-
interactivity would help to avert not only sortia, on ESO-Garching follow-up teams,
Overview of cost and schedule crises but also some of the misunder- and on ESO-Paranal operations staff
standings and errors in instrument design themselves. To make the handover
Depending on the project, the hardware or implementation that appeared in most and operation of the instrument to LPO
cost was provided by some combination of these projects during commissioning smoother, a more systematic transfer
of ESO and consortia, and the latter were or in operation. Benefits were felt to be of the knowledge gained about the
compensated with nights of guaranteed greatest when interactions occurred ear- behaviour of the instrument during
time observations (GTO). While for lier and over longer timescales; leaving MAIT could be useful. This would include
GRAVITY and MATISSE the consortia interactions until a formal review was as engineering data such as logbooks,
contributed most of the hardware cost, likely to cause problems as to solve them. solutions to encountered problems,
for ESPRESSO and CRIRES+ the contri- All the externally led projects indicated and sensor readings.
butions were more balanced between they would have appreciated better inte-
ESO and the consortia. The costs of the gration with ESO and a more continuous Similarly, it was noted that the best out-
VLTI and AOF facilities were covered contribution of ESO technical experts so comes for ESO and the user community
almost entirely by ESO. as to bring in experience and to commu- were obtained when the teams were con-
nicate and ensure the implementation of structively engaged well after Preliminary
In terms of effort (FTE = person-years) ESO standards (rather than just checking Acceptance Chile (PAC), and there were
used for the projects, there is no tracea- their compliance at the reviews). positive examples of that amongst the
bility nor visibility of the FTEs spent by instruments/facilities reviewed here.
the consortia, but only those spent by There was a call on all sides for more Effective management and good relations
ESO for the follow-up team and the spe- engagement by the ESO-Paranal opera- with the consortia during the instrument
cific work packages delivered by ESO, tions team in earlier phases of instrument support phase after delivery and the GTO
such as detectors. For the VLTI and the development, as expressed by the con- period, together with continuing access
AOF the FTEs also account for all the sortia, by the ESO-Garching follow-up to the ESO follow-up team, are the critical
work done in-house at ESO, to upgrade teams, and by the ESO-Paranal opera- ingredients. It was particularly mentioned
infrastructure and to deliver the project. tions team. This engagement should be that it is necessary to update the data-re-
Comparing the planned FTEs at kick-off over the life of the project and not just at duction software based on commission-
to the actual FTEs spent, the ESO effort reviews, although there is real value in ing results and the feedback by users
over-run ranged from a factor of 1.3 to having active Paranal involvement in after early open observations with the
2.9, with a mean of 1.9. reviews if this can provide some assur- instrument, and to include revised and
ance to the consortia and ESO-Garching improved algorithms. To further optimise
For estimating the delays to schedule teams that design decisions are in some the outcome, a more flexible scheme for
(planned versus actual), the time from sense approved by Paranal. Engagement GTO, perhaps allocating half-nights
kick-off to Preliminary Acceptance needs to be through interaction of per- where appropriate and providing com-
Europe (PAE) is considered the fairest sonnel as well as through formal proce- pensating time for bad weather, might be
and most reliable measure of project dures and documentation. Several beneficial.
duration. The schedule over-run in reach- groups mentioned problems and delays
ing PAE is similar for the various projects, with the change control process at
ranging from a factor of 1.3 to 2.5, with a Paranal. Reviews and documentation
mean of 1.8. For all projects, most of the
delays happen in the manufacturing, On the other hand, increased engage- As expected, reviews were a recurring
assembly and integration (MAIT) phase, ment was a real concern for Paranal theme. The Lessons Learned panel heard
between Final Design Review and PAE. operations team members and manage- sufficient concerns from all parties to jus-
ment, who did not feel they had sufficient tify the planned ESO ‘review of reviews’.

24 The Messenger 192 | 2024

While the panel will leave specific recom- Communication collaborative partnership. These unavoid-
mendations to that process, we can able issues are exacerbated when ESO,
report the key concerns expressed by As is almost always the case in large, as internal contractor as well as client,
those involved in the projects reviewed complicated organisations and projects, does not live up to the standards it
here. These included: excessive docu- a common complaint was a failure to demands of external contractors; there
mentation that was not in fact much used communicate information in a clear and were sufficient examples of this amongst
or much use; reviews of instruments timely fashion to all relevant parties within these projects to make this a real griev-
being used to drive wider political agen- a project. In most cases, this could be ance for some of the consortia.
das within ESO; related to that, insuffi- put down to a failure (on all sides) to fol-
cient independence of the review panels low the policies and procedures already
from ESO, especially where ESO was in place. However, there was also an VLTI strategy
itself a significant element of the project; apparent lack of communication about
and insufficient expertise on the review broader, context-setting information (for The VLTI was a focus for three of the six
panels, so they degenerate into tick-the- example, that GRAVITY was prioritised instruments reviewed here (GRAVITY,
box checks of low-level requirements, over other projects, or that the Paranal MATISSE and the VLTI facility itself). ESO’s
rather than incisive investigations into operations team would have more con- goals of recovering from the slow start of
whether instruments meet top-level sci- strained resources). Such information, if the VLTI and fully exploiting a capability
ence requirements effectively and effi- appropriately shared, can be used by all that will remain world-leading even in the
ciently, and their long term operability. parties to make more realistic plans and Extremely Large Telescope (ELT) era were
The consortium representatives for one can also reduce misunderstanding based clearly on display. The enormous scientific
project suggested that the top-level on differing assumptions or knowledge. impact of GRAVITY and the more modest
requirements should be the sole focus of More generally still, the panel recognised but still successful applications of MATISSE
reviews at all review stages. The panel that future instrument Principal Investiga- demonstrate that ESO is turning the
was not convinced by that suggestion, tors, Project Managers and others in key ­corner with the VLTI, making it more sci-
believing that reviews need to work down roles (both external and internal to ESO) entifically productive and more interesting
the chain of requirements as the project could potentially benefit greatly from and usable by a wider (though still spe-
advances. However, reviews must always exposure to the information and accumu- cialist) community. Set against this, how-
keep a close eye on the top-level require- lated knowledge on display in this review ever, the ESO people most involved still
ments (particularly the top-level science that is held by past PIs/PMs and the perceive the VLTI to be substantially
requirements) and not get hung up on highly experienced ESO staff at both under-­appreciated internally, despite the
lower-level technical requirements if they Garching and Paranal. high priority given to GRAVITY (and now
do not have significant implications for GRAVITY+). There appear to be a few
the top-level requirements. The opinion of reasons for this perception, including a
most of the consortia (and even of some Contractual relations long-standing bias against the VLTI (con-
ESO staff involved in the projects) is that sidered an unwished-for encumbrance
the pendulum may have swung towards Another broad issue, raised in various by earlier generations of ESO staff), the
micro-management and even ‘micro-­ forms by most of the projects, is that of failure and cancellation of the Phase-­
design’, the imposition by ESO of specific contractual relations between ESO and Referenced Imaging and Microarcsecond
design solutions based on taste rather external consortia and the non-contrac- Astrometry (PRIMA) project, and — more
than clear benefits to the top-level tual relations between different parts of currently — issues with the way that ESO
requirements, operability, or maintainabil- ESO itself. There was a repeatedly is (or appears to be) outsourcing the VLTI
ity. This seems to be due in part to the expressed desire for the relationship increasingly to some institutes. Some of
complexity of the projects (particularly between ESO and the consortia to be the ESO staff working on the VLTI feel
projects with a complicated infrastructure more collaborative and less contractual. disenfranchised by the degree of control
interface), which makes it harder to have The consortia reported an increased for- exercised by the Max Planck Institute for
a top-level view, and in part to increasing malisation of the client-contractor rela- Extraterrestrial Physics (MPE) first in
formalisation of the contractual relation- tionship by ESO, with a tendency for this GRAVITY and now in GRAVITY+, which
ship (see below). to lead to more adversarial interactions. does appear greater than that found in
Obviously, there is a tension between the other VLT/I (or ELT) projects. While it was
Several consortia, ESO-Garching fol- desire of all parties to have a more effec- clearly appreciated that without MPE
low-up teams and ESO-Paranal staff rec- tive collaborative partnership and the ­neither GRAVITY nor GRAVITY+ could be
ognised the importance of adequate test- need for ESO (and sometimes the con- realised, there was nonetheless a desire
ing in Europe prior to PAE and shipping sortia!) to have a more formal and explicit for ESO to maintain some control and
to Chile, since fixing problems at Paranal statement of responsibilities. This is fur- engagement, at least at the same level as
is generally (though not invariably) much ther complicated when (as in most of the for other instrument projects. There is the
more complex and expensive. projects reviewed here) ESO is delivering distinct possibility that ESO will lose its
significant components of the instrument most capable people in this field if it does
or facility, and so is simultaneously in a not invest more and exercise more con-
client-contractor relationship and a trol over VLTI development.

The Messenger 192 | 2024 25

Telescopes and Instrumentation Colless, M. et al., Paranal Instrumentation Plan Lessons Learned 2023

Technology standards ESO will only have a pool of such staff if it fits to ESO if it can access skilled techni-
keeps developing at least one instrument cal staff on a short-term, temporary basis
There are clear benefits to having stand- (or equivalent) in-house at any time. This when needed. The panel understands
ards in instrumentation technology, soft- might also be partially addressed by that legal restrictions, and perhaps inter-
ware architecture and so on, and these embedding some ESO staff in external nal concerns, have made such short-term
benefits accrue both to ESO and to the instrument consortia, but that does not hirings difficult or impossible, removing
consortia in a variety of ways. The two necessarily foster deep expertise in lead- an important and effective lever from
main challenges are: (i) balancing stand- ing instrument projects or critical skills/ ESO’s toolbox for managing the demands
ardisation with quick uptake of powerful technologies. Another partial solution of its instrumentation programme.
new technologies (when is standardisa- may be to delegate some areas of exper-
tion appropriate in rapidly evolving tise to ESO’s closest industry partners.
areas?); and (ii) not imposing standards While a lack of in-house expertise has not Fragmentation and churn
on projects so late in their development unequivocally led to issues in the set of
that this has a substantial impact on pro- instruments and facilities reviewed here, Two other staffing issues raised in multi-
ject cost and schedule (what should the both consortia and ESO participants ple contexts were the impact of fragmen-
policy be in this regard?). With software flagged this as a serious problem that is tation (the slicing of effort into smaller and
standards in particular, there seems to be likely to grow as key experts retire. More- smaller units) and churn (the rapid turno-
an opportunity for ESO to provide con- over, ESO’s VLTI experts indicated that ver of staff). Fragmentation is common in
siderable efficiency savings to consortia key competencies in that area could be matrix-managed organisations. In theory
by supplying its in-house expertise (see lost unless ESO is able to take a greater it appears to be the efficient use of
below). There was a widespread view and more leading role in future VLTI pro- resources, but in practice it is highly inef-
that ESO should also invest more in jects. The significant number of retire- ficient because it atomises attention and
developing innovative technologies (either ments of senior managers and technical imposes overheads, leading to staff
in-house or via external contracts) that staff from the ‘VLT generation’ over the stress and low morale. The VLTI facility
could be useful or transformative for mul- next few years is an added challenge that supplied the clearest example of the cost
tiple instruments (for example, gratings, should be taken as an opportunity for to ESO of an overly fragmented technical
real-time computing, detector controllers, renewal. ESO will need to find ways to workforce, but other projects also raised
curved detectors, etc.). attract junior staff and graduate students the issue. Churn can have various origins
who are willing and able to be involved in but is often a sign of lack of job satisfac-
instrumentation projects (both on the sci- tion or precarity of employment. It too is
In-house capabilities ence and engineering sides). highly inefficient, for similar reasons to
fragmentation — personnel changes
ESO’s instrumentation programmes have waste accumulated knowledge and
benefitted from considerable in-house Conflict management impose overheads in the form of retrain-
capabilities and expertise. In earlier times ing requirements and re-establishing rela-
this was generated naturally, because Both ESO staff and consortia raised the tionships. The seven project scientists
ESO was playing a leading role in a range issue of improving ESO’s conflict man- involved in the CRIRES+ project supply
of instrument projects. Now, however, the agement skills and procedures in light of the prime example of churn in this review,
instrumentation programme is larger and the perceived increase in friction between but there were other examples.
broader, while in-house capabilities are ESO and consortia. Suggestions
focussed on the challenge of building the included: closer, earlier, and more inti- Finally, there were concerns that ESO
ELT and are constrained by tighter finan- mate integration of ESO staff with con- staffing requirements were being under-
cial circumstances. This means ESO is sortia (as discussed above) to make them estimated because people were (either
finding it more difficult to maintain the collaborators and to avoid ESO’s just of their own accord or by direction) only
breadth of expertise needed to be a being seen as the ‘review police’; better requesting roughly the number of FTEs
well-informed client/manager of the training for ESO staff in managing con- available, rather than the number of FTEs
instrument programme while simultane- flicts; and more rapid escalation of prob- they really needed. For ESO to under-
ously nurturing the deep expertise in key lems to appropriate management levels stand its true resourcing situation, it is
fields that has been crucial to solving before they cause damage. essential that the real FTEs needed for
major problems that have arisen within each project are accurately estimated
instrument projects. The external consor- and recorded, reflecting the actual pro-
tia emphasised that successful instru- Short-term hirings ject needs and not just what it is reason-
ments required motivated, competent, able to request given the constraints of
and experienced ESO staff with strong The benefits and difficulties of short-term available resources. The panel recog-
technical skills and field experience, who hirings were raised by some of the project nised that a modest level of over-requests
were essential to a productive relation- teams. Given the unpredictable demand (for example, 10–20%) above the availa-
ship between the consortia and ESO for staff resulting from the uncertainties ble FTEs should be considered normal
based on mutual respect. associated with multiple simultaneous and appropriate for a large, matrix-­
projects, there are clearly potential bene- managed organisation like ESO, but

26 The Messenger 192 | 2024

higher levels indicate over-commitment concerns), we believe that improved resources available to deliver them.
and signal workload stress. It was also remote access capabilities (including – While ground-based astronomy instru-
noted that the requests for key experts solutions for logistics issues and respon- mentation is easier in several respects
must be managed carefully to avoid over- sibilities) will allow ESO to provide more than space-based instrumentation, in
loading specific individuals. flexible services to observers and instru- terms of timescale, cost and complex-
ment teams, and to save money on oper- ity there is increasing convergence.
ations and maintenance, while reducing Consequently, there may be lessons
Software pipelines climate impact due to air travel. ESO can usefully learn from the com-
petitive approaches used by ESA and
The consortia provide data reduction NASA for managing their programmes.
pipeline software for their instruments, Future projects – The AOF and VLTI facility projects pro-
which ESO then maintains over the vide lessons on the advantages and
instrument lifetime. In some cases this The panel believes there are lessons to challenges of structuring groups of
pipeline software is sufficient for the be learned from the experiences of the related smaller projects into over-­
needs of most users; in others, particu- projects reviewed here in relation to arching larger projects. The main les-
larly where the full reduction and analysis selecting, timing, and managing future son is that applying such structure
are complex and delicate, the pipeline is projects. None of these lessons is new or early can be extremely valuable, par-
suitable for basic reduction of the data, surprising, and ESO is well aware of all ticularly for infrastructure-related pro-
but not adequate for full scientific analy- these issues — nonetheless, they are jects with complex dependencies that
sis. Some of these issues are considered worth emphasising: may be able to run in parallel or may
to be due to a lack of integration of the – All projects must have clearly specified require careful staging.
pipeline development group with the rest science drivers, even those primarily
of the project team. In some cases, providing technology or infrastructure.
instrument teams have developed their Project leaders need to regularly PIP resourcing
own alternative pipeline software (or valu- re-evaluate their plans in light of the
able add-ons) that are not supported by scientific returns, which can be posi- ESO has many instrumentation pro-
ESO or available to other users. The tively or negatively affected by changes grammes, with separate management
panel believes there may be opportunities in technology, schedule, and external and budget lines. At present, the PIP is
for ESO to negotiate access to such valu- circumstances. independent of the programmes for ELT
able resources for its user community – There is a necessary and healthy ten- first-generation instruments, subsequent
without owning, paying for, or guarantee- sion between the desire to start new ELT instruments, and Technology Devel-
ing the software. projects and the need to finish existing opment. Given that ESO’s strategic plan
projects to free resources. With both a requires the VLT/I to be maintained as a
Several consortia mentioned that ESO’s burgeoning ELT programme and an cutting-edge facility into the ELT era, it is
standard programming language (CPL) is increasingly constrained financial envi- essential that the PIP is sufficiently well
not appropriate anymore, and that it also ronment, ESO needs to manage com- resourced to achieve that goal. At pres-
impedes software development because munity expectations and new project ent the nominal cap on the PIP is
it is hard to find programmers for it and it starts even more carefully: a new pro- 26.5 FTE and ~ 3.8 million euros (2023)
excludes the use of software developed ject should only start when ESO is rea- per year capital, which (based on ESO’s
in the community (mostly Python-based). sonably assured it has the necessary experience and estimates of the required
resources to support the project over resources) is intended to allow one new
its lifetime. instrument project to be started (or come
Remote access – ESO also needs to be willing to make online) every 1–1.5 years. As there are
hard decisions to cut projects that are 13 VLT foci plus the VLTI (16 instruments
The Garching Remote Access Facility failing, that are overtaken by competi- in all) this would imply that the PIP can
(G-RAF) has already proved its value by tors, or that for any other reason are no replace the full Paranal instrument suite
allowing instruments to be commissioned longer able to deliver value for money every 16–24 years, which is consistent
and operated remotely and should be to the ESO community. Such hard with the effective scientific lifetimes of
integrated into future instrumentation pro- decisions need to be made as quickly 15 to 30+ years for VLT instruments.
ject plans (although clearly some things as possible, to minimise pain and max- However, the increasing costs, staff
can be efficiently accomplished remotely imise gain. effort, and development times for new
while others really require hands-on – Given the lengthening timescales and instruments are concerns. The delays
access). More broadly, however, ESO greater resources demanded by inno- and extra effort evidenced in the analysis
appears to lag behind other leading vative instrumentation projects, ESO of the recent VLT/I instrument projects
observatories in providing remote access needs to find ways to encourage the strongly suggest that the actual (as
and observing capabilities. Although the community to initiate visionary con- opposed to budgeted) ESO staff effort
panel understands some of the reasons cepts while ensuring that only the best, required to support delivery of a new
for this (large and complex facilities with most valuable, projects are accepted instrument every 1–1.5 years is already at,
a wide user base, plus cyber-security for adoption by ESO when it has the or beyond, the limit set by the currently

The Messenger 192 | 2024 27

Telescopes and Instrumentation Colless, M. et al., Paranal Instrumentation Plan Lessons Learned 2023

available ESO staff effort for the PIP. One regarding future VLT/I instruments, but stage of their development, where pos-
way of seeing this is to note that the four the panel strongly believes that adequate sible with the direct involvement of the
consortia-led projects (i.e., setting aside investment in the PIP is crucial to ESO’s ESO-Paranal operations team. The cost
the much more effort-intensive ESO-led long-term scientific impact. and effort associated with infrastructure
projects) required a total ESO staff effort or operations changes should be care-
corresponding to six years of the nominal fully estimated at each project stage and
PIP budget. Moreover, the average time Recommendations and Suggestions assessed at each stage review.
to reach PAE for these projects was
6.7 years, with PAC and a science-ready The following key recommendations from
instrument taking significantly longer. The the review panel to ESO are goals for fol- Integration of project teams
key lesson learned is that, to achieve its low-up actions that the panel believes
stated goal of maintaining a full and com- would help realise benefits from the les- 2. ESO should consider how projects can
petitive instrumentation suite on the VLT/I, sons learned in this review and previous best integrate the consortium,
ESO will need to become significantly exercises. In some cases, we also offer ESO-Garching, and ESO-Paranal
more efficient in the support it provides suggestions (distinguished by being in teams over the project lifetime to
for future VLT/I instruments and signifi- italics) for potential ways of implementing ensure transparent communications
cantly increase the staff effort committed these recommendations. Related recom- between these teams and a compre-
to the PIP, or (more likely) some combina- mendations are grouped by topic, but the hensive flow of knowledge and exper-
tion of both. order is not significant. tise throughout the project. Various
ways of integrating the teams are worth
Given the challenges of completing the exploring, and might be employed in
ELT and its first-generation instruments, Infrastructure implications different circumstances, including
compounded by the tightening of the embedding members of one team in
wider financial environment, it seems 1. ESO should ensure tnat instrument and another, sending staff on regular visits
likely that the PIP will come under even facility projects explicitly consider the between teams, frequent face-to-face
greater pressure in future. ESO will clearly associated requirements for changes to interactions (in person or by video link),
have some difficult decisions to make infrastructure and operations at every and regular email updates. ESO might
ESO/VPHAS+ team. Acknowledgement: Cambridge Astronomical Survey Unit

Sometimes dramatic events are needed to create

something stunning. This beautiful structure of fila-
ments and clouds in the southern constellation Vela
is all that remains of a massive star that died in a
powerful explosion known as supernova. This is a
small section of a larger image taken using the wide-
field camera OmegaCAM at the VLT Survey Tele-
scope (VST). Hosted at ESO’s Paranal Observatory
in the Chilean desert, the VST is one of the best tele-
scopes in the world to take large images of the sky in
visible light.

28 The Messenger 192 | 2024

consider ways to bring younger staff material for new project teams. VLTI strategy
(both scientists and engineers) into 8. ESO should ensure that key personnel
instrumentation projects this way. in the consortia, ESO-Garching, 12. ESO should more clearly define and
3. ESO should examine whether there are and ESO-Paranal teams are made socialise its development strategy for
long-term benefits to be had from ear- aware of significant context-setting the VLTI, particularly regarding its own
lier and stronger engagement by the information (such budgetary or role and capacity to advance the VLTI
ESO-Paranal operations team in PIP resourcing forecasts, or the relative relative to that of external consortia. If
projects. If so, ESO should consider prioritisation of projects) to allow ESO is to continue to play a leading
how to facilitate such engagement informed project planning. role in developing the VLTI, then it will
without placing additional burdens on 9. ESO may consider providing a short likely need to strengthen its in-house
the operations team, either in the long training course for key personnel (both capabilities for both VLTI science and
term or during any transition phase internal and external) involved in pro- technology.
before benefits are realised. It may be posing or initiating projects. The course
appropriate to trial such an approach might introduce the basic functioning of
on one or more PIP projects. ESO and the PIP programme, and Technology standards
4. ESO should also consider how to share a distillation of accumulated ‘pro-
engage the ESO-Paranal operations ject lore’ from earlier projects (both the 13. ESO should continue to develop
team more effectively in reviews, both internal view from ESO and the external appropriate technology standards
so that operational requirements and view from previous Consortia). ESO and require their use in instrument/
implications are fully examined and so might also consider integrating this facility projects, balancing the bene-
that reviews provide assurance to the course with a wider effort to update fits of standardisation against the
consortium and ESO-Garching fol- and improve the processes and docu- advantages of new technologies.
low-up team that commissioning and mentation for all projects, capturing 14. E
 SO should consider when in a pro-
operations plans are viable. ‘lessons learned’ as a continuing exer- ject’s lifecycle it is appropriate to
5. ESO should consider how to encour- cise within ESO. impose standards, and how to fairly
age constructive engagement and mitigate cost and schedule delays
ongoing support for instruments and due to late imposition. ESO may find it
facilities well after PAC by both consor- Contractual relations helpful to develop guidelines (or even
tia and ESO-Garching. policy) on this point.
10. E SO should explore a variety of 15. ESO should explore the opportunities
approaches to fostering better collab- for efficiency savings by making
Reviews and documentation orative partnerships with consortia for in-house expertise on ESO software
instrument projects and avoiding standards more available to
6. ESO should carry out a ‘review of adversarial contractual relationships. consortia.
reviews’ for all its instrumentation pro- The panel recognises that this is a 16. E SO should continue to develop tech-
grammes, as is currently planned. This fundamentally difficult problem that nical solutions in strategic areas that
should consider, amongst other issues, requires careful hands-on manage- are required by, or could be trans-
the mixed experiences of the projects ment in every single instance. How- formative for, several instruments.
covered by this Lessons Learned exer- ever, keeping contracts as simple and
cise and the various concerns they clear as possible and constructively
have raised. managing the relationship are essen- In-house capabilities
tial ingredients, along with a greater
degree of interaction and better com- 17. ESO should develop a strategy for its
Communication munication, as per recommendations in-house technical capabilities that
above. Reforming or streamlining the meets the needs of its longer-term
7. ESO should provide and share Change Control Board (CCB) process instrumentation plans, retaining key
best-practice guidelines for ensuring at Paranal to make it more collabora- expertise by continuing to develop
effective and transparent communica- tive and efficient also has the poten- instruments in-house. ESO should
tion between consortia, ESO-Garching tial to improve relations. consider in which areas it needs to
and ESO-Paranal. Amongst other 11. ESO should be an exemplary partner retain deep expertise in-house and
things, these guidelines might cover in projects where it is providing signifi- which it can delegate to the astron-
the proper use of formal and informal cant components of the instrument omy community or close industry
communication channels, codes of or facility, delivering products and partners.
conduct for professional communica- documentation that are at least of the 18. E SO should develop a succession
tions, and appropriate processes for standard demanded of consortia. This plan, in line with this strategy, for the
resolving conflicts. They might usefully requires ESO to appropriately resource significant number of senior instru-
draw on the experiences from previous ESO-Garching staff delivering the mentation managers and expert tech-
projects of both ESO staff and external components, ESO follow-up teams, nical staff retiring in the next few years.
consortia, and be part of the reference and ESO-­Paranal operations teams.

The Messenger 192 | 2024 29

Telescopes and Instrumentation Colless, M. et al., Paranal Instrumentation Plan Lessons Learned 2023

Short-term hirings Remote access PIP resourcing

19. E
 SO should explore ways and means 23. E
 SO should develop and extend the 27. ESO should seek to increase effi-
to provide additional flexibility in tech- remote access capabilities for its ciency in the staff effort it provides for
nical staffing to allow its instrumenta- facilities and make such capabilities VLT/I instruments and/or increase the
tion programme to respond more more widely available to observers amount of staff effort committed to
effectively to short-term demands. and instrument developers. ESO may the PIP in order to achieve its stated
need to assist with solutions to logis- goal of maintaining a full, front-rank
tics issues experienced by users of its instrumentation suite
Fragmentation and churn remote access facilities. on the VLT/I.
28. E  SO should ensure strong and com-
20. E
 SO should consider measures to petitive instrumentation for the VLT/I
reduce the degree of fragmentation Future projects despite pressure from the ELT and its
in technical staff effort and the churn instruments. ESO might consider
of staff through projects. ESO might 24. ESO should ensure all instrumentation merging the VLT/I and ELT instrument
explore the potential benefits and and facility projects have clearly defined programmes to improve efficiency
costs of imposing a minimum level of science drivers, and that these sci- and coordination; however, any
commitment of staff to projects, a ence drivers are re-assessed when- merged programme must guarantee
maximum number of projects for ever a project descopes or changes a state-of-the art instrument suite for
each staff member, and a minimum are required for technical or financial the VLT/I as well as for the ELT.
duration for commitments to projects. reasons, or when external develop-
21. E
 SO should encourage project man- ments alter the scientific landscape.
agers to request the FTEs they really 25. ESO should explore ways to combine Acknowledgements
require, not just what is reasonable a disciplined approach to starting The 2023 Lessons Learned review panel wishes to
within extant constraints, to ensure new projects with positive support for thank all the ESO staff and members of the various
ESO has a clear and accurate picture the development of new instrument/ instrument consortia who participated in this pro-
of its programme resourcing needs. facility concepts in the community. cess, giving so generously of their time and sharing
their hard-won experience in order to help ESO
This may require a more competitive improve its already outstanding performance in pro-
procedure for project selection at an viding world-class instruments and facilities to the
Software pipelines early stage. ESO user community.
26. ESO might consider being more
22. E
 SO should explore the benefits and intentional about bundling small
costs of enabling its user community projects into larger projects and, con-
to have access to software pipelines versely, splitting large projects into
developed by consortia or specialised smaller projects (or stages)—particu-
user communities, without ESO com- larly for internal infrastructure pro-
mitting support or guaranteeing jects, but perhaps also for
outcomes. consortia-led projects.
S. Bloemen (Radboud University)/ESO

The BlackGEM array, consisting of three new tele-

scopes located at ESO’s La Silla Observatory, has
begun operations. This photograph shows the three
open domes of the BlackGEM telescopes under a
stunning night sky a La Silla. Other telescopes at the
observatory are visible in the background.

30 The Messenger 192 | 2024

Telescopes and Instrumentation DOI: 10.18727/0722-6691/5352

Infrastructure Upgrade of UT1, UT2 and UT3 for the

Implementation of Laser Guide Stars for the GRAVITY+
Jose Antonio Abad 1 Izzy Tamblay 2 the Multi Application Curvature Adaptive
Bernardo Aguilera 2 Richard Tamblay 1 Optics modules (Arsenault et al., 2003) in
Patricio Alarcon 1 Esteban Unmanzor 2 operation since 2005 on each Unit Tele-
Ivan Alvarez 2 Herman Vega 2 scope (UT) of the Very Large Telescope
Luis Alvial 2 Francisco Villanueva 2 Interferometer (VLTI). This module is
Eduardo Atton 2 Ricardo Whilem 2 implemented in the coudé path of the
Alexis Beltran 2 Julien Woillez 1 UTs with the deformable mirror at the
Israel Barraza 2 Luis Zúñiga 2 position of the M8 mirror and the wave-
Pablo Barriga 1 Juan Zúñiga 2 front sensor in the coudé room which
Helen Bedigan 1 also contains the Star Separator and the
Christopher Benimelli 2 On behalf of the GRAVITY+ Coudé Infrared Adaptive Optics Module.
Michael Tucker Booth 1 Collaboration The LGSs are being developed in synergy
Oscar Briones 2 with the Extremely Large Telescope pro-
Rodrigo Candia 2 gramme. The design is based on those
Luis Caniguante 1 1
ESO developed for the Adaptive Optics Facility
Robin Capocci 1 2
LINKES, Santiago, Chile (AOF; Arsenault et al., 2006, 2010, 2016)
Cesar Cardenas 1 3
Grenoble Institute of Planetology and implemented on UT4. The laser itself is
Danissa Cardenas 2 Astrophysics (IPAG), France being developed by the German com-
Abdon Chala 2 pany TOPTICA and the Laser Projection
Reinaldo Contreras 2 Sub-unit (LPS) by the Dutch organisation
Ralf Conzelmann 1 The GRAVITY+ project encompasses TNO. The implementation of such a laser
Alain Delboulbé 3 the upgrade of the Very Large Telescope on the centrepiece of a UT necessitates a
Francoise Delplancke 1 Interferometer infrastructure and of the full upgrade of its infrastructure, which
Juan Diaz 2 GRAVITY instrument to improve sky impacts the telescope from the top ring
Alejandro Doberti 1 coverage, high-contrast capabilities, to the basement. Only UT4 is not affected
Max Engelhardt 1 and faint science. The sky coverage is by this upgrade requirement, given that it
Jorge Fernandez 2 obtained by the use of one laser guide is already equipped with four lasers for
Eloy Fuenteseca 1 star on each Unit Telescope, but it first the AOF. We require only one LGS per UT
Fernando Garcia 2 required an upgrade of the infrastruc- for GRAVITY+ so we decided to imple-
Christian Garrido 2 ture of the telescopes, carried out over ment it on the side opposite (Nasmyth B)
Paul Garrido 2 the last 18 months. the optical coudé path used for the inter-
Frédéric Gonté 1 ferometer (Nasmyth A), so as to limit any
Ivan Guidolin 1 potential vibration contamination coming
Pablo Gutierrez 1 Introduction from the cooling system and the electron-
Ronald Guzman 1 ics cabinets needed for the LGS.
Wolfgang Hackenberg 1 The GRAVITY+ project (GRAVITY+
Yerko Juica 2 ­Collaboration, 2022) was launched in
Demostenes Kirkmann 2 January 2022 after a year of conceptual Overview
Jean-Paul Kirchbauer 1 study (phase A). It includes the develop-
Peter Krempl 1 ment and implementation of one new A LGS is a complex system made up of
Juan Lorenzo 2 laser guide star (LGS) single-conjugate several components implemented on
Alfredo Mella 2 adaptive optics (SCAO) system to replace several areas of the telescope (Figure 1).
Yorvis Meza 2
Felipe Miranda 2
Michael Tucker Booth/ESO

Sebastian Nunes 2
Vittorio Nurzia 1
Sylvain Oberti 1
Francisco Olivares 1
Mario Opazo 2
Miguel Riquelme 1
Fernando Salgado 1
Malte Scherbarth 1
Sylvain Rochat 3
Edson Rojas 2
Nicolas Schuhler 1

Figure 1. Left: components implemented on the UT.

Right: 3D view of the components on the UT.

The Messenger 192 | 2024 31

Telescopes and Instrumentation Abad, J. A. et al., Infrastructure Upgrade of UT1, UT2 and UT3

Figure 2. Some of the team at the end of the UT2

centrepiece intervention in April 2023.

On the side of the telescope under

the Nasmyth B platform, a new heat
exchanger produced by the Italian com-
pany Tecoelettra and laser electronics
Nasmyth cabinet are located on a newly
implemented platform. Finally, in the
basement the pumps to provide the cool-
ing for the electronics cabinets and the
laser are housed.

None of the UTs was developed —

30 years ago — with the infrastructure
needed to carry such a system. The
upgrade included a full adaptation of the
centrepiece, an upgrade of the altitude
cable wrap on side B, the implementation
of a platform under the Nasmyth B (to
carry the heat exchanger and one elec-
tronics cabinet) and the implementation
of a cooling circuit from the basement to
the sub-Nasmyth platform via the azi-
muth cable wrap.

These activities required two missions

per telescope, corresponding to
30 nights out of operation per telescope.
The adaptation of the centrepiece also
required the removal of the primary (M1)
mirror cell. We therefore coordinated our
activities to benefit from the regular (every
18 months to 2 years) recoating of the M1
mirrors so as to minimise the number of
nights out of operation. We also took the
opportunity afforded by the recoating of
the M1 of UT4 in May 2022 to make a
thorough inspection and ensure that we
had all the information needed to start
work on UT3 in August 2022.

This work package had a highly con-

strained schedule, defined on the one
hand by the recoating schedule of the
M1 of the UTs (on average two UTs are
recoated per year) and on the other hand
by the need to deliver the work package
before the Assembly, Integration, and
From top to bottom, we start with the precisely defines the position of the laser Verification (AIV) of the GRAVITY+ adap-
Aircraft Avoidance Camera which is on the sky, is also implemented on the tive optics modules planned in 2024. We
implemented on the top ring of the tele- top ring. The Laser Projector Sub-unit, a decided not to follow a classical project
scope and developed by the Italian com- large optical tube 40 cm in diameter that development approach (design, then pro-
pany Astrel Instruments. It detects the is used to project the laser on the sky, is curement, then manufacturing, etc.) but
approach of an aircraft and automatically implemented on the centrepiece. Beside instead to do all of these activities in par-
closes the laser shutter if the aircraft gets the optical tube lie the laser cabinet itself allel, based on the knowledge gained from
too close to the laser beam. The Laser and the electronics cabinets for the LPS. the AOF project 10 years ago. It required
Pointing Camera (also from Astrel), which us to work with a lot of unknowns that

32 The Messenger 192 | 2024

could only be addressed progressively Scaffolding Centrepiece
and we were able to correct errors thanks
to the fact that we required two missions We had two different versions of the scaf- The centrepiece is the backbone of the
per telescope; we planned each set of folding, depending on the type of activity. telescope; it supports on its lower side
two missions with enough time between The larger one was dedicated to the the primary mirror cell and on its upper
them to prepare the needed corrections. upgrade of the centrepiece and the side the Serrurier truss which in turn sup-
smaller one was for the work on the alti- ports the top ring, the spider, and the
Finally, we also used the synergy with the tude cable wrap B. The implementation secondary mirror. The centrepiece
upgrade of the Visible and Infrared Survey of the scaffolding was contracted to the rotates around the altitude axis, so the
Telescope for Astronomy (VISTA) needed Chilian company AKSIOM, which allowed power, cooling, and data transmission
for the 4-metre Multi-Object Spectro- it to be fully designed, tested, and certi- needed to control the secondary mirror
graph Telescope (4MOST; De Jong et al., fied. The larger one, which weighed 9 and the primary mirror cell are transferred
2019) to employ a dedicated team from tonnes, required a day to implement by via the altitude cable wraps and the cen-
Paranal contractor LINKES to work on 10 persons. trepiece. Upgrading the centrepiece
both projects. Around 60 people (Figure 2)
participated in at least one of the seven
missions that covered this global upgrade. Figure 3. Scaffold
erected on UT3
It corresponds to 7.5 staff years of work
during the upgrade
and 36 missions from Europe to Chile. of the centrepiece in
August 2022.


This upgrade necessitated working at

height, crawling inside the centrepiece,
manipulating heavy loads, drilling, grind-
ing etc. Safety was therefore one of the
most fundamental aspects of the project.
A scaffold (Figure 3) was necessary to
safely access all the parts of the telescope,
and the staff working on the top of the
centrepiece were equipped with harnesses
fixed on safety lines. Each manipulation
of a heavy load was made by certified
persons. Some specific tasks, such as
the reconnection of the motors of the M1
cover (which protects the primary mirror),
also required the use of an aerial lift.

All the activities were coordinated with

the Paranal Safety Office and every
morning the work started with a reminder
of the safety rules applicable to that day.
We succeeded in avoiding any injuries,
but we did have few near-miss incidents,
all linked to dropping small objects such Figure 4. UT2 centre-
as screws. The largest object dropped piece at the end of the
intervention in April
was a one-litre plastic bottle, from the 2023.
dome roof during cleaning.
Juan Beltran/ESO

We also implemented a safety barrier all

around the centerpiece to allow better
protection than afforded by the former
safety line (Figure 4).

The Messenger 192 | 2024 33

Telescopes and Instrumentation Abad, J. A. et al., Infrastructure Upgrade of UT1, UT2 and UT3

Figure 5. Inside the centrepiece of UT1 in

August 2023.

and weighing a bit more than one tonne.

They were manufactured in Europe and
transported by ship. They were the larg-
est elements of this upgrade. It took six
people over four days to implement the
two platform structures (Figure 8). The
structure of the telescope had to be
ground, drilled, and tapped to allow a
good surface contact at the bolted con-
nection between the platform and the
structure. This platform is linked to the
Nasmyth platform by four pillars. It will
carry three cabinets for a total load of
around one tonne.

required the transfer of all the cables, side B. These cable wraps have been in The implementation of each platform sec-
hoses, and pipes from on top to inside operation for 25 years (first light of UT1 tion was basically made in two steps: first
the centrepiece (Figure 5), the drilling and was in May 1998; see Giacconi, 1998). the dome crane was used to bring the
tapping for the later implementation of They carry the marks of age and of good platform close to its final position then
the LGS, the implementation of cable service. We used the opportunity of the several chain hoists were used to allow
trays, cables and hoses dedicated to the upgrade to replace all the roller bearings the precise positioning before being
LGS and the integration of a safety barrier and plates, in hopeful expectation of bolted. The grating and the handrails
to ensure that no one could fall when 25 more years of good service. could then be fixed on to the platform.
working on the LGS. This upgrade
required around 1200 holes per UT to be The extraction of the altitude cable wrap,
drilled and more than 500 threaded, sev- which weighs around 400 kilograms,
eral areas to be cut and ground (Figure 6) is a complex intervention which requires
to allow a better interface contact, 100 10 people and the use of the dome crane
metres of cable trays to be added inside and several chain hoists (Figure 7). It is
and on the side of the centrepiece, and lowered centimetre by centimetre onto
120 metres of hoses and a kilometre of the azimuth platform. The replacement
cables to be fixed onto the cable trays. was even more complex than the extrac-
tion as we had to take care to not damage
Amusingly, inside each centrepiece, in any cables or fibres inside the cable wrap.
the same area on the side of Nasmyth B,
we found the remains of one cigarette The cable wrap, when installed, is con-
butt left by workers during the manufac- nected on its two sides to so-called junc-
turing of the centrepiece 30 years ago, as tion boxes. They contain hundreds of
if it was a kind of signature. electrical and optical connections. These
two cabinets also had to be removed and
replaced with bigger ones to allow the
Altitude Cable Wrap needed connections for the LGS and the
implementation of the controllers for the
The altitude cable wrap routes all the Aircraft Avoidance Camera and the Laser
cables and hoses needed for the centre- Pointing Camera, which are both installed
piece, the primary mirror cell, and the on the top ring of the UT. This reconnec-
secondary mirror. Each UT has two alti- tion takes on average four days by five to
tude cable wraps, one on each Nasmyth six persons.
side. The LGS, that projects a laser of
20 W, requires a lot of electrical power
and consequently a lot of cooling power. Sub-Nasmyth B Platform
A high-speed data transmission line is
also needed to allow its control. All these The sub-Nasmyth B platform is located
hoses, cables and fibres must go via 3 metres directly under the Nasmyth plat-
the altitude cable wrap. We only needed form. It is made of two structural sections, Figure 6. Grinding the surface of the telescope
to upgrade the altitude cable wrap on the largest one being 8.5 metres wide structure to ensure a smooth interface.

34 The Messenger 192 | 2024

Figure 8. Transfer of the largest part of the sub-
Nasmyth platform B on UT2 in June 2023.

The LGSs themselves will be imple-

mented in late 2025. They are being
installed to increase the capabilities of the
VLTI; the use of the LGSs for GRAVITY
and the VLTI will increase the sky cover-
age by an order of magnitude compared
to the current capability.

But it will also be possible to use them for

future instruments or if existing instru-
ments are upgraded with the LGS SCAO
system. This UT upgrade has also been
done in such a way that it is already pos-
Figure 7. Implementing the upgraded cable wrap at heat exchanger on the sub-Nasmyth sible to implement several additional
Nasmyth B on UT2 in June 2023.
platform. The second circuit follows the LGSs per telescope without a major inter-
standard implementation on Paranal, and vention necessitating the dismounting of
Cooling from basement to centrepiece its temperature is controlled compared to the M1 or of the cable wrap.
the dew point. Finalising the implementa-
The pumps for the cooling are in the tion of the cooling is the last step of the
basement of the telescope. It means that upgrade and it is planned to be com- References
the two cooling circuits needed for the pleted in the first semester of 2024. GRAVITY+ Collaboration 2022, The Messenger,
LGS must be routed via the azimuth wrap, 189, 17
the altitude wrap, and through the centre- Arsenault, R. et al. 2003, The Messenger, 112, 7
piece, to finally reach the electronics cab- Conclusion Arsenault, R. et al. 2006, The Messenger, 123, 6
Arsenault, R. et al. 2016, The Messenger, 164, 2
inets attached to it. One circuit requires Arsenault, R. et al. 2010, The Messenger, 142, 12
very precise temperature control for the The upgrade of the UTs was the first step de Jong R. S. et al. 2019, The Messenger 175, 3
laser itself and then it is connected to the in implementing the LGSs on the UTs. Giacconi, R. 1998, The Messenger, 92, 2

The Messenger 192 | 2024 35

Telescopes and Instrumentation DOI: 10.18727/0722-6691/5353

Goodbye SOFI and Thanks for 25 Years of Data!

Emanuela Pompei 1
Valentin D. Ivanov 1
Chris Lidman 2
Ivo Saviane 1
Leonardo Vanzi 3

Siding Spring Observatory, Research
School of Astronomy and Astrophysics,
Australian National University, Australia
Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile,
Santiago, Chile

15 August 2023 was the last night of

observation with Son OF Isaac (SOFI)
at the New Technology Telescope (NTT)
in La Silla. The following day, the instru-
ment was warmed up and removed
from the NTT’s Nasmyth A focus, in
preparation for Son Of X-­Shooter
(SOXS) to be installed in its place.

A little bit of (glorious) history

Son OF Isaac (SOFI; Moorwood, Cuby

& Lidman, 1998) was a near-infrared
(0.9–2.5 µm) spectro-imager and polarim-
eter installed at the Nasmyth A focus of
the New Technology Telescope (NTT) in
1997; it saw first light on 6 December
19971 and entered into operation during
1998. The development of SOFI was performance than the InfraRed Array Figure 1. This is a J-band (1.25 micron) image of
the galaxy cluster Abell 370 (z = 0.375), obtained in
exceptionally fast for a new instrument, Camera 2 (IRAC2) at the MPG/ESO 2.2-
‘jitter’ mode, showing the famous gravitational arc
taking less than two years, since many metre telescope and the previous Infra- just below the centre. The observations consisted of
technical solutions already tested for the Red SPECtrometer (IRSPEC) on the NTT, 24 exposures of two minutes each, made on ran-
Infrared Spectrometer And Array Camera which SOFI replaced. domly generated telescope positions within a sky
region of 30 × 30 arcseconds. The individual expo-
(ISAAC)2 were adopted, i.e. identical
sures have been sky-subtracted using a running
detector acquisition system and control The new instrument paved the way for average determined from the same data and then
software. testing and using the Very Large re-centred and combined. The scale is 0.29 arcsec
Telescope (VLT) software on the NTT pixel –1; the field is about 5 × 5 arcminutes with north
at the top and east to the left.
SOFI was conceived as a near-infrared and allowed the regular use of Observing
equivalent of the ESO Faint Object Blocks (OBs); the new Phase 2 tool could
Spectrograph and Camera 2 (EFOSC2), then be verified, standardising day and
a workhorse instrument, and it was dedi- night operations, and leading to greater Technical challenges
cated to the exploration of the near-infra- observing efficiency.
red Universe. SOFI was capable of taking A cryogenic instrument needs to be
images in several narrow- and broad- The other novelty with SOFI was to offer warmed up for any technical intervention
band filters at different spatial resolutions, the community a new software capable on the cold components and SOFI was
and spectra with three slits (0.6, 1 and of processing the various observing no exception. The warming/cooling cycle
2 arcseconds wide), delivering spectral modes, such as jittered 3 observations, needs time to avoid thermal shocks on
resolutions ranging from R = 1000 to which greatly helped in dealing with the the components and the same compo-
R = 2200 (with the 0.6-arcsecond slit). large amounts of data near-infrared nents need to be built using special
instruments can generate. More impor- materials which will work correctly both at
A polarimetric capability was also com- tantly, it paved the way for the publicly room temperature for testing, and at cry-
missioned and offered to users, making available instrument pipelines that we see ogenic temperatures. SOFI had several of
SOFI a versatile instrument with better today. these interventions, both to improve its

36 The Messenger 192 | 2024

performance and to fix broken parts; spe- ‘deep fields’ in the southern hemisphere, Many astronomers — Jean-Gabriel Cuby,
cial care was taken during the thermal the Chandra deep field (Hatziminaoglou Malvina Billeres, and the authors of this
cycles to ensure the integrity of the instru- et al., 2002; Moy et al., 2003) and the paper — have served as instrument sci-
ment and a dedicated clean space was Hubble deep field (Vanzella et al., 2002). entists for SOFI. Some were already
set up in the Nasmyth A room to work on Closer to home, SOFI played an impor- familiar with near-infrared instruments,
the maintenance of the components. tant role in the Araucaria project4, aimed but for others, SOFI was their first taste of
at improving the calibration of the cosmic observations in the near-infrared. SOFI,
The other interesting challenge was data distance scale in the local Universe, on top of its many achievements, was a
reduction, in particular to flat-field the which led to many seminal papers, and in patient teacher.
data; the shading effect on the detector observations of newborn stars. Even
was found to depend on the flux, which closer to home, SOFI was used to
led to the development of special tem- observe sources in the Solar System and Acknowledgements
plates for the dome flat-fields, where a set even supported space missions (mostly We wish to thank all the telescope operators who
of images were taken with the detector lunar observations). have helped with running SOFI, and all the colleagues
only partially illuminated to allow for an from Chile and Garching who have contributed with
estimate of the shading when the lamp Beside the vast scientific production, their work to the smooth operation of the instrument.
was on with respect to the dark frames. SOFI yielded beautiful images too, which
On the data reduction side, Nicolas Devil- were also featured in NASA’s Astronomy References
lard played a fundamental role in writing Picture of the Day5.
the data reduction algorithm 3 but help Cimatti, A. et al. 2002, A&A, 381, L68
Hatziminaoglou, E. et al. 2002, A&A, 384, 81
was needed from astronomer colleagues Iwamoto, K. et al. 1998, Nature, 395, 672
to explain the ins and outs of astronomi- Concluding remarks Moorwood, A., Cuby, J.-G. & Lidman, C. 1998,
cal data reduction and the structure of a The Messenger, 91, 9
FITS header. As with any other workhorse instrument, Moy, E. et al. 2003, A&A, 403, 493
Vanzella, E. et al. 2002, A&A, 396, 847
SOFI has served a large fraction of the
astronomical community with a variety of
Scientific achievements scientific programmes, something funda- Links
mental for the large number of users ESO 1 
SOFI first light:
Being a workhorse instrument, SOFI had has. The intense demand for workhorse eso9805/
a large and varied community of users. instruments continues to the present day, 2
ISAAC overview:
Among many scientific highlights were: as is evidenced by the large pressure fac- paranal/decommissioned/isaac.html
the combined observations with other tors on the Ultraviolet and Visual 3
Jitter description:
instruments of SN1998bw, the first hyper- Spectrograph (UVES), the FOcal Reducer software/eclipse/faq/faq-jitter.html
Araucaria project:
nova ever associated with a long-duration and low dispersion Spectrographs 1 and 5
gamma-ray burst (Iwamoto et al., 1998); 2 (FORS1, FORS2), X-shooter and the ap000919.html
the first large extragalactic surveys in the Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer
near-infrared (the K20 survey; Cimatti et (MUSE), some of which are only a few
al., 2002); and imaging of the famous years younger than SOFI.
ESO/A. Ghizzi Panizza (

Standing majestically at the top of a

hill at ESO’s La Silla Observatory, sur-
veying the watercolour scenery of
another sunset in Chile’s Atacama
Desert, is the New Technology Tele-
scope (NTT). It has been ticking along,
making discovery after discovery, ever
since it was inaugurated in 1989. Its
home at La Silla sits at an altitude of
2400 metres and is far from sources of
light pollution, giving the NTT uninter-
rupted views of the Universe.

The Messenger 192 | 2024 37

Telescopes and Instrumentation DOI: 10.18727/0722-6691/5354

HARPS at 20: Evolving Through Continuous Improvements

Gaspare Lo Curto 1 the help of transit measurements intervention, accompanied by an optimi-

Francesco Pepe 2 (Armstrong et al., 2023), and even their sation of the image quality (refocusing),
Michel Fleury 2 atmospheres (Prinoth et al., 2022). caused, however, a RV discontinuity of
Ian Hughes 2 Today, HARPS remains one of the most the order of 10 m s –1, depending slightly
Robin Schnell 2 requested instruments at ESO. on stellar temperature and rotational
Veronika Wimmer 1 velocity; users must take this into
Pablo Alberto Fuerte Rodriguez 1 One of the main performance indicators account when combining RV datasets
Armin Silber 1 for Extremely Precise Radial-Velocity from before and after this intervention,
Ivo Saviane 1 (EPRV) spectrographs like HARPS is which was in May 2015.
Christophe Lovis 2 measurement repeatability over a long
Danuta Sosnowska 2 period of time. To achieve this the instru- The hardware is not the only component
Xavier Dumusque 2 ment is optimised for mechanical stability, that underwent various improvements
Gerd Jakob 1 operated in a vacuum, thermally stabilised over the years; the software, in particular
Matteo Accardo 1 and closely monitored. These features put the reduction pipeline, was in continuous
HARPS at the top of its class of instru- evolution, as the instrument enabled us to
ments. Furthermore, and for all these explore uncharted territories.
ESO years, HARPS’s performance has been
Geneva Observatory, Switzerland continuously improved whenever the con- A new upgrade, aimed at refurbishing the
ditions and the technology made it possi- vacuum gauges and a faulty temperature
ble. In 2010, for instance, a new guiding sensor in the cold plate of the liquid-­
The High Accuracy Radial velocity system was integrated at the 3.6-metre nitrogen-cooled detector cryostat was
Planet Searcher (HARPS), operational telescope, enabling faster and more accu- executed between 14 and 28 November
since October 2003, has been pioneer- rate corrections (Ihle et al., 2010). HARPS 2023. Although this intervention had been
ing exoplanetary research, with over was the first high-resolution spectrograph planned and prepared for more than a
1300 publications and more than to routinely use a Fabry-Pérot source for year, just three weeks before the start of
200 exoplanet detections, and is still in drift monitoring (Wildi et al., 2011) and a the mission a leak developed in the cry-
high demand. Its continued success laser frequency comb (LFC) for wave- ostat which caused operational troubles;
has been achieved thanks to its extraor- length calibration (Wilken et al., 2012; the intervention did not come a minute
dinary stability, the continuous improve- Lo Curto et al., 2012), a strategy today too early.
ment of its data reduction pipeline and employed by most EPRV spectrographs.
the integration of innovative technolo- During the technical mission, the vacuum
gies whenever they became available. In 2015 the HARPS vacuum vessel was line was upgraded with new gauges
Here we report on the recent mainte- opened for the first time after 11 years and three-way valves for ease of future
nance mission to enhance the detec- of continuous operation to replace (fol- gauge maintenance; additionally, a com-
tor’s cryostat reliability and thermal lowing the successful example of its prehensive rewiring of the detector unit
stability. Additionally we tested a novel northern twin HARPS-N), the old fibre Continuous Flow Cryostat (CFC) was
cryogenic concept on HARPS, and the link with new octagonal fibres for better undertaken to prevent electrical short-­
positive outcome of the test opens up light scrambling and thus improved RV circuits. More importantly, the faulty sen-
new possibilities. precision (Lo Curto et al., 2015). This sor regulating the cold plate temperature

The High Accuracy Radial velocity Planet CCD primary

Searcher (HARPS) started science opera-
tions at ESO’s 3.6-metre telescope in Cryostat problem
CCD Temperature Standard deviation (K)

+ Cryostat intervention
La Silla on 1 October 2003 (Mayor et al., 0.025
2003; Pepe et al., 2003). The twenty
years that have passed since then have
seen more than 1300 HARPS publica-
tions. The 1 m s –1 radial velocity (RV) pre-
cision barrier has been largely surpassed, 0.015
and we have learned much about
extra-solar planets thanks to the more
0.010 Figure 1. One-night
than 200 detections made with this peak-to-valley (PtV) tem-
instrument (see, for example, the NASA perature variation of the
Exoplanet Archive1). We have understood 0.005 HARPS CCD with time.
how common and how diverse extra-­ The increase in thermal
stability after the inter-
solar planetary systems are, and we vention is clearly visible
are now characterising some of these 0.000
200 225 250 275 300 325 350 375 375 on the plot (rightwards
planets, determining their density with Day since 01 Jan 2023 from the grey band).

38 The Messenger 192 | 2024

Measured RMS: 30 cm s –1
2 (thermal dilatation of CCD) 2
Measured RMS: 12 cm s –1 Fibre A (LFC)
Photon noise: 3 cm s –1 Fibre B (LFC)
1.5 1.5 Fibre A - Fibre B
Measured RV drift (m s –1)

1 1
Fibre A
Fibre B
0.5 Fibre A - Fibre B 0.5
(simultaneous ThAr reference)

0 0
Measured RMS: 10.8 cm s –1 Measured RMS: 5 cm s –1
Photon noise: 10.6 cm s –1 Photon noise (A-B): 5 cm s –1
–0.5 –0.5
14 14.5 15 15.5 16 16.5 17 17.5 18 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Time (hours) Time (hours)

and the cold plate itself were exchanged. cross-dispersion direction. More impor- Figure 2. Instrument stability measured with the
ThAr hollow-cathode lamp in 2003 (left), and with the
The purpose of this operation was to tantly, no RV offset was measured within
LFC in 2023 (right). Plots are on the same scale; the
improve operational reliability and possi- the measurement scatter (photon noise improved instrumental stability is clearly visible. The
bly increase the thermal stability of the around 30 cm s –1) on a set of three plot on the left is from Mayor et al. (2003).
detector. As illustrated in Figure 1, this standard stars of different spectral types
latter goal was fully achieved and the acquired before and after the mission
results are impressive: while before the (Figure 3). GT AVC generation II, and possibly an
upgrade the CCD temperature could vary improved, 4k × 4k monolithic detector, in
by up to a few times 0.1 K, after the The access to the current CFC during place of the current mosaic of two 2k × 4k
upgrade the system is capable of main- this latest maintenance mission, and the chips. While this upgrade might improve
taining temperature stability at the level of timing alongside other ongoing upgrade the instrument performance even further
the resolution of the Lakeshore tempera- projects at ESO, made it possible to also (in terms of stability and spectral cover-
ture controller, i.e., to better than 0.01 K. test on HARPS a novel cryogenic cooling age), it would certainly address the issue
The improved thermal stability of the concept, with the goal of replacing both of the technological obsolescence of the
detector is reflected directly in improved the ESO standard liquid nitrogen CFC control electronics, now 25 years old,
repeatability of the RV measurements. and the bath cryostat with a very com- and also possible failures of the current
Indeed, the standard deviation of the drift pact commercial off-the-shelf Stirling cry- and quite aged CFC on an instrument
measurement on each of the two HARPS ocooler2. The extreme metrological preci- that is still one of the best of its kind
fibres over a short-duration sequence of sion of HARPS was the main motivation worldwide. Furthermore, it could be used
LFC spectra has decreased by almost a for performing the test, because even tiny as the perfect test bench in view of the
factor of two, (from approximately 22 cm displacements of the spectral lines — deployment of new controllers and cryo-
s –1 to about 12 cm s –1; Figure 2) after the due to vibrations — of a calibration coolers on various other instruments,
mission, very close to the photon noise. source could have been detected. The such as the Echelle SPectrograph for
This induces, in turn, an overall decrease result is extremely promising, showing no Rocky Exoplanet and Stable Spectro-
in instrumental noise in the wavelength effect on the positions of the spectral scopic Observations (ESPRESSO) on the
calibration and in the consequent RV lines induced by the residual vibrations of Very Large Telescope and the future
measurements. the CryoTel GT Stirling cooler. The uncer- ArmazoNes high Dispersion Echelle
tainty of the measurement was of the Spectrograph (ANDES) on ESO’s
The intervention on the cryostat required order of 30 cm s –1 in RV, corresponding Extremely Large Telescope.
opening the vacuum vessel, a very deli- to a global displacement of the spectral
cate operation with a possible impact on lines on the detector of about 5 nm, only The future of HARPS therefore remains
the spectral format of the instrument; about 10 times larger than the silicon lat- bright as regards its own capabilities and
utmost care was needed to prevent any tice constant. scientific mission, its combination with
modification of the spectral format and the Near InfraRed Planet Searcher
the line profiles. The (physical) movement The success of this test opens the win- (NIRPS), its infrared twin on the 3.6-metre
of the spectrum on the detector has been dow to considering the possibility of an telescope, and the connection of both
quantified at 0.7 pixels along the main upgrade of the HARPS detector system instruments to the HARPS Experiment for
dispersion direction and 1 pixel in the with a new cryostat cooled with a CryoTel Light Integrated Over the Sun (HELIOS)

The Messenger 192 | 2024 39

Telescopes and Instrumentation Lo Curto, G. et al., HARPS at 20: Evolving Through Continuous Improvements

15 Maintenance mission solar telescope. HARPS and La Silla are

HD20794 furthermore the ideal platform on which
HD10700 to implement and test cutting edge
10 HD1581 technology.
Measured RV (m s –1)


Armstrong, D. J. et al. 2023, MNRAS, 524, 5804

0 Ihle, G. et al. 2010, Proc. SPIE, 7739, 77393R
Lo Curto, G. et al. 2012, The Messenger, 149, 2
Lo Curto, G. et al. 2015, The Messenger, 162, 9
–5 Pre-intervention Post-intervention Mayor, M. et al. 2003, The Messenger, 114, 20
Mean: 0.8 m s–1 Mean: 0.2 m s–1 Pepe, F. et al. 2003, Proc. SPIE, 4841,1045
STD: 2.0 m s–1 STD: 1.8 m s–1 Prinoth, B. et al. 2022, Nat. Astron.,6, 449
–10 Wildi F. et al. 2011, Proc. SPIE, 8151, 81511F
Wilken, T. et al. 2012, Nature, 485, 611
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Time (days)
Figure 3. Radial velocity variation of a sample of 1
NASA Exoplanet Archive:
quiet stars used for instrument stability monitoring.
Within the scatter of the measurements no disconti- 2
Stirling cryo-cooler used in this test:
nuity is visible in the radial velocities after the com-
pletion of the mission.

This is an image of the spiral galaxy NGC 4303, also

known as Messier 61, which is one of the largest
galactic members of the Virgo Cluster. Being a
so-called starburst galaxy, it has an unusually high
number of stars being born, and has been used by
astronomers as a laboratory to better understand
the fascinating phenomena of star formation.

The golden glow is a result of combining observations

taken at different wavelengths of light with the Multi-­
Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE) instrument on
ESO’s Very Large Telescope (VLT) in Chile. Here gas
clouds of ionised oxygen, hydrogen and sulphur are
shown in blue, green and red, respectively. The
observations were made as part of the Physics at
High Angular resolution in Nearby GalaxieS (PHANGS)
project, aiming to study nearby galaxies across all
wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum.

40 The Messenger 192 | 2024

P. Horálek/ESO

ESO’s observatories are based in northern Chile in the

vast, arid expanse of the Atacama Desert. If one were
to drive northward towards San Pedro de Atacama,
one would see this view — a mountainous landscape
stretching out as far as the eye can see, with strikingly
clear skies overhead. This image was taken some 50
kilometres from the Chajnantor plateau, home of the
ALMA observatory. The mound directly ahead is the
Miñiques volcano complex, which is topped by
clouds, seemingly pointing to the cosmos.

The Messenger 192 | 2024 41

Astronomical News

P. Horálek/ESO

This little planet panorama concentrates in one

image the scientific, technical and administrative
centre of ESO, in Garching, near Munich. ESO’s
Headquarters are framed by a crane that is work-
ing on the construction of the ESO Supernova
Planetarium & Visitor Centre.

42 The Messenger 192 | 2024

Astronomical News DOI: 10.18727/0722-6691/5355

Report on the ESO workshop

Peer Review Under Review

held at ESO Headquarters, Garching, Germany and online, 6–10 February 2023

Tereza Jerabkova 1 Inclusion; and Concrete Examples.

Francesca Primas 1 Ample time was included for exchanges
Ferdinando Patat 1 of ideas. This unique blend of participants
Annalisa De Cia 1 allowed us to examine PR from various
Wolfgang Kerzendorf 2,3 perspectives, learning from the experi-
Lou Strolger 4 ences and methods of other fields, and
Markus Kissler-Patig 5 hearing from researchers who study the
John Carpenter 6 PR process itself.
Andrea Bolamperti 1
Luca Cacciapuoti 1 In the following sections we provide a
Giulia Ceci Faress 1 short summary and highlights of the indi-
Marta De Simone 1 vidual workshop sessions.
Elisabeth Hoppe 1
Dominika Itrich 1
Alzbeta Oplistilova 1 Peer Review at Large
Amanda C. Rubio 1
Denisa Tako 1 The workshop session Peer Review at
Claudia Toci 1 Figure 1. The workshop logo. Large hosted an array of speakers who
discussed the evolving landscape of PR
in scientific research. The presentations
ESO Introduction to peer review highlighted the importance of adapting
Department of Physics and Astronomy, traditional systems to meet the chal-
Michigan State University, USA Peer review (PR) is a cornerstone of aca- lenges and demands of modern-day
Department of Computational demic knowledge production and dis- research. Several core themes emerged
Mathematics, Science, and Engineer- semination, maintaining scientific rigour throughout the session, including the
ing, Michigan State University, USA and quality by scrutinising research importance of diversity, transparency,
Space Telescope Science Institute, before publication. Despite its critical role, fairness, efficiency, and evolution in the
Baltimore, USA the PR process in its current form has PR process.
European Space Agency (ESA), been under scrutiny. The system, primar-
European Space Astronomy Centre ily established in the 18th and 19th centu- The efficiency and evolution of the PR
(ESAC), Madrid, Spain ries, is perceived by many to have lagged process were prominent aspects of this
Joint ALMA Observatory, Santiago, behind the rapid expansion and speciali- section. Tracey Weissgerber introduced
Chile sation of the scientific community. With a an innovative project, ScreenIT, which
15% increase in the number of research- employs automated screening tools for
ers between 2014 and 2018 and a two- the initial evaluation of scientific papers,
The workshop Peer Review Under fold increase in publications in the field of promoting efficiency and accuracy.
Review, held at ESO Headquarters in astronomy every 14 years, the strain on Meanwhile, Mario Malički discussed
Garching, Germany from 6 to 10 Febru- PR is evident. developments in PR, including plagiarism
ary 2023, marked a significant mile- checking, language software and
stone, being the first conference focus- There is an increasing call to adapt and semi-automated/AI checks, which all indi-
ing on peer review within the innovate the PR process in sync with cate a significant trend towards digitisa-
astronomical community. This unique technological advancements and the tion and automation.
gathering not only convened represent- surge in publication dissemination, as the
atives from many of the major astro- current system is susceptible to stagna- Ludo Waltman addressed the mounting
nomical organisations but also drew tion and bias. Against this backdrop, ESO strain on the traditional PR system,
experts from such diverse fields as hosted a workshop entitled Peer Review suggesting alternatives such as preprint-
computer science, social sciences, sta- Under Review, aiming to create a forum in ing and open PR, aimed at fostering genu-
tistics, meta-­research, and other rele- which to review the current implementa- ine scientific conversations. Johanna
vant domains. This unique group of tions of PR and to discuss its future in a Schnier, Christina Raasch, and Ferdinando
experts critically examined the current digital and interconnected science com- Patat proposed re-evaluating resource
state of peer review in the scientific munity. The workshop was attended by allocation strategies, suggesting a two-
community. This report summarises the representatives of a wide range of organi- step review procedure and dedicated
presentations and discussions, and sations, including ESO, ESA, the Joint funding schemes for resource-intensive
the conclusions that emerged during ALMA Observatory, STScI, NASA, SKAO, proposals to avoid biases against
the workshop. and NOIRLab, and a significant group of such programmes.
non-astronomer experts in PR. The dis-
cussions were divided into four main ses- This emphasis on diversity and inclusivity
sions, focusing on: Peer Review at Large; was echoed by Vicente Amado Olivo and
Methodologies; Diversity, Equity and Wolfgang Kerzendorf, who proposed a

The Messenger 192 | 2024 43

Astronomical News Jerabkova, T. et al., Report on the ESO workshop “Peer Review Under Review”

global registry for peer reviewers in astro- PR practices to ensure they remain fit for be observed between two human panels
physics. Their goal is to broaden the the purpose in the modern research land- reviewing the same proposals. This
scope of reviewers and counteract issues scape. They pointed towards a future in aspect remains a crucial consideration
of author name ambiguity through inno- which PR is more inclusive, diversified, for interpreting the results, as pointed out
vative use of algorithms and ORCiD fair, efficient and transparent, leveraging earlier by Ferdinando Patat.
identifiers. This initiative resonates with advancements in technology to improve
Cornelia Schendzielorz’s and Martin its efficiency and effectiveness. Returning to the spotlight, Nihar Shah
Reinhart’s idea of democratising the PR shared insights on the burgeoning field of
process by enlarging and diversifying Distributed Peer Review (DPR) in com-
reviewer pools and ensuring more quali- Methodologies puter science, notably its profound
tative deliberation in the assessments. impact in the machine learning sector.
In a riveting discussion on managing the He delineated the clear merits of DPR but
Bias in PR was another central theme. surge in submissions, Nihar Shah show- didn’t shy away from mentioning chal-
Valentina Tartari, Hans Christian Kongsted, cased an automated reviewer assignment lenges like ‘commensuration bias’ and
and Maryann Feldman highlighted biases system. The system crafts a reviewer ‘miscalibration’. Nihar’s analysis, high-
in the allocation of scientific research pool, gauges similarity scores for each lighting potential fraud risks in DPR, also
funding. They suggested a more nuanced proposal-reviewer pair, and then allocates applies to classical panels, emphasising
approach that takes into account factors papers based on these metrics. Nihar the universal importance of implementing
such as career implications, visibility, and took the participants through the compu- preventive measures to ensure the integ-
scientists’ past performance. Ferdinando tation intricacies, from topic intersections rity, soundness and quality assurance
Patat also tackled bias, presenting a sta- to text matching and even bidding, culmi- of each review process.
tistical analysis of the proposal ranking nating with the introduction of the Peer-
process at ESO. He revealed the system- Review4All algorithm which boasts effec- Continuing this enlightening session,
atic effects that could be introduced in tiveness across varied evaluations. Fabio Sogni and Dario Dorigo described
panel meetings. These help to minimise the strides they had made towards
differences in reviewers’ opinions, leading Drawing attention to the potential pitfalls enhancing the proposal submission and
to greater agreement among them, of the PR process, Rachel Heyard review system at ESO. By the close of
although this doesn’t necessarily mean expressed concerns about the reliability 2021, ESO had seamlessly integrated the
the final evaluations are more accurate. of funding allocation through this method. ground-breaking p1Flow project, ushering
Furthermore, ESO data indicate that She underscored the biases and inherent in transformative components like pro-
agreement between reviewers is limited, uncertainties that often mar the process, posalDistributor and proposalManager.
suggesting the need for a broader statis- suggesting that attempts to train review- Their innovative algorithm, tailored for
tical foundation to achieve more depend- ers might fall short. Based on data from superior proposal-reviewer congruence
able evaluations. the Swiss National Science Foundation, based on scientific relevance, marked a
Rachel made a compelling case for the significant milestone in PR at ESO. Look-
Thierry Forveille provided a behind-the- adoption of lottery systems and continu- ing ahead, the successful deployment of
scenes look at the PR process at ous funding mechanisms, offering a fresh this algorithm in DPR sets a promising
Astronomy & Astrophysics, underlining perspective that acknowledges the sys- precedent for its future implementation in
the importance of selecting appropriate tem’s inherent unpredictability. Panel Reviews, aiming to enhance the
referees and ensuring swift responses. alignment and effectiveness across all
Similarly, Stefan Immler presented an On the topic of AI’s role in assessing jour- review processes.
inside perspective on NASA’s commit- nal articles, Mike Thelwall presented a
ment to diversity, inclusion and equity in deep dive, specifically examining the UK Lastly, to further underscore the ongoing
their PR processes, detailing the upcom- Research Excellence Framework (REF) advances in streamlining the PR process,
ing plans which include the introduction 2021 and a selection of physics articles. David Harvey presented a talk on Prophy.
of Inclusion Plans for proposals and bias Though AI displayed an accuracy range Prophy is a tool that aims to modernise
training for all peer reviewers. of 65–75% in its predictions based on a the scientific PR process. Moving beyond
myriad of metrics, it occasionally fell short the traditional reliance on keywords for
Finally, Elena Erosheva focused on when matched against human judgment. reviewer assignments, it utilises an
challenges associated with using numeric However, the silver lining was AI’s knack AI-driven database of scientific articles.
scores in PR settings. She proposed a for yielding unbiased results in certain This approach facilitates the identification
combined approach of scores and rank- spheres. While the experiment provided of appropriate reviewers by creating
ings to enhance the accuracy and fair- valuable insights, it’s important to note detailed profiles based on scientific con-
ness of evaluations, providing a more that it didn’t compare the deviation cepts. While Prophy seeks to improve the
comprehensive representation of between AI and human evaluations with fairness and efficiency of PR, it reflects an
quality estimation. that between different human panels. ongoing evolution in the field, with its
Hence, one cannot conclusively deter- effectiveness yet to be fully assessed in
In conclusion, the presentations high- mine whether the AI’s assessment devi- the broader scientific community.
lighted the need to re-evaluate and adapt ated more significantly than what might

44 The Messenger 192 | 2024

The Methodologies session was a deep Heger highlighted that a significant frac- helps, although it does not eliminate the
dive into the current challenges and inno- tion of funding decisions are influenced differences related to gender-dependent
vative solutions shaping the landscape of by the random choice of reviewers. This writing styles. AI-based tools can help
PR processes. With a tapestry of exper- brings into question the current PR sys- reduce these effects, also improving the
tise, attendees witnessed a rich exploration tem’s efficacy. Tracing the origins of PR, situation for non-native speakers coming
spanning automated systems, funding Christophe elaborated on its aims and from disadvantaged backgrounds.
biases, AI’s burgeoning role in evalua- inherent criticisms, primarily its potential
tions, and the layered world of DPR. Such biases. To address this, reforms such as This was followed by Lou Strolger’s dis-
revelations underscored the pressing introducing lotteries or blinded reviews course on “Reducing systemic biases
need to refine and reshape review meth- were debated. While these methods through anonymized time-allocation peer
odologies to better cater to the scientific promised a reduction in costs and biases, review”, and by Verne Smith’s report on
community’s evolving demands. a survey revealed a notable resistance Planning and Deploying the NSF’s NOIR-
from the scientific community, with a sig- Lab Dual Anonymous Review Process.
nificant majority opposing the integration The experience of dual-anonymous PR in
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion of lotteries into grant decisions. proposal evaluation shows that proposals
from women and early-career scientists
The workshop session on Diversity, The finale of the randomness discussion are evaluated more positively when their
Equity and Inclusion provided critical was the Volkswagen Foundation’s identity is not known.
insights into the PR process and the Experiment! Initiative presented by Ulrike
imperative need for more inclusive Bischler. Between 2017 and 2021, this In conclusion, this workshop session
research evaluations. Cassidy Sugimoto initiative experimented with a partial ran- underscored the paramount importance
highlighted the importance of such inclu- domisation method for grant selection. of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the
sive evaluations, drawing attention to the In this implementation, randomisation scientific PR process. The discussions
urgent need to address biases and sys- was applied to applications which were provided a holistic view of the challenges
temic challenges present in the current peer-reviewed in the classical way and present and the possible avenues for
PR process. She pointed out that bias in ranked in the central, grey area, where future reform. As the scientific community
respect of who gets to become a scien- the evaluation confusion generated by grapples with these issues, the overarch-
tist and their scientific publications and the subjectivity of the process is inher- ing sentiment remains: a call for a more
activities starts early and accumulates at ently large. inclusive, unbiased, and innovative sys-
each career step, hence disfavouring sci- tem that truly fosters talent and
entific excellence. In particular, when Inspired by historical precedents, such as ground-breaking research.
gender is known, women are penalised. Athenian democracy’s allocation meth-
Therefore, anonymisation is essential to ods, the initiative aimed to challenge the
both minimise discrimination and pro- prevailing PR system’s limitations, includ- Concrete Examples
mote excellence. ing biases and conservatism. As a result
of this experimental approach, there was The workshop session on Concrete
Andrea Rapisarda emphasised the often a marked increase in representation on Examples offered participants an
underestimated role of serendipity in sci- the part of women, early career research- in-depth exploration of diverse observa-
entific discoveries. Using historical exam- ers, and underrepresented disciplines. tory systems and the challenges and
ples like the discovery of penicillin and Surveys further echoed the sentiment transitions they have faced in their
the finding of the cosmic microwave that the grantees found the lottery system PR processes.
background radiation, Andrea showcased more equitable and diverse. The compar-
how many scientific advances owe their ison between traditional review and this ALMA, represented by Andrea Corvillón
genesis to chance events. Despite this, randomised method revealed no discerni- and John Carpenter, transitioned from a
the present science funding landscape ble difference in project outputs, reinforc- panel-based system to a DPR system in
may sideline the role of randomness, ing the potential benefits of such an inno- Cycle 8, as a result of an escalating num-
leaning instead towards a naïve meritoc- vative approach. ber of submissions. This marked a signifi-
racy. This structure, according to cant development in astronomy PR, with
Andrea’s agent-based model, tends to As the discussions progressed, Virginia the engagement of over 1000 individual
favour the moderately talented yet lucky Valian dwelt on Evaluating Merit. One of reviewers evaluating around 1500 propos-
individuals. To nurture genuine talent and the key points she brought forward als. Feedback suggested concerns over
foster true innovation, Andrea champi- relates to the fact that a significant por- proposal assignment and reviewer exper-
oned funding strategies that provide tion of the scientists are still convinced tise, but it was noteworthy that junior
expansive opportunities, moving away that they are objective in their evaluations, researchers, including students and post-
from just rewarding past successes. while they are in fact just unaware of docs, provided reviews that were as con-
The theme of randomness in the realm of biases. Going one step further, for exam- structive as those of senior counterparts.
scientific evaluation and funding was con- ple, believing that there is no gender bias ALMA envisions enhancing this system
tinued by Christophe Heger. Citing the actually leads to a more pronounced dis- with advanced algorithms and machine
study by Cole, Cole & Simon (1981), crimination. Dual anonymisation definitely learning for better proposal assignments.

The Messenger 192 | 2024 45

Astronomical News Jerabkova, T. et al., Report on the ESO workshop “Peer Review Under Review”

André-Nicolas Chené from NOIRLab, the publishing garners increased significance using structured proposal documents with
US focal point for nighttime astronomy, in research evaluations, predatory pub- templates to standardise and streamline
showcased its PR system that handles lishers exploiting the ‘publish or perish’ proposal writing, minimising prose and
over 1000 proposals annually for its culture have emerged. Instances like the highlighting ideas. As another way to miti-
semi-independent observatories. Notable acceptance of a fake paper by most jour- gate this bias, visualisations were recog-
in the presentation was the introduction of nals on a known predatory list and the nised as a valuable tool that transcends
the Dual Anonymous Review Process and dubious activities of some publishers language barriers. Visualisations, being
the Research Inclusion Initiative. The latter were highlighted. Ethical publishing prac- inherently language agnostic, offer a
emphasises a democratic approach to tices were advocated as a solution to universally understandable means of con-
scientific contributions, aiming to broaden countering these deceitful strategies. veying complex ideas, promoting better
accessibility to research opportunities. comprehension, and facilitating the
In essence, this workshop session pro- assessment of proposals by reviewers
The Australia Telescope National Facility vided a holistic view of the various PR from diverse linguistic backgrounds.
(ATNF), a branch of Australia’s CSIRO systems in place across diverse observa- Another key issue addressed was the
represented by Elizabeth Mahony and tories, underscoring the continuous evo- regional and cultural variations in argu-
Philip Edwards, has seen its Time Assign- lution, challenges and best practices in ment construction, particularly relevant in
ment Committee (TAC) process evolve the field. more isolated astronomy communities
over three decades. Today, the ATNF where common proposal writing practices
TAC, which includes both national and may not be universally taught, especially
international members, reviews submis- Remarks on the discussion session to postdocs and graduate students.
sions from nearly 700 astronomers glob-
ally. A commitment to countering uncon- In the discussion focusing on its funda- The session also explored strategies for
scious bias led to a transition from mental principles we considered the mul- instigating change within the PR process,
semi-anonymisation to complete anony- tiple crucial purposes that PR serves in debating whether it’s more effective to
misation in 2022. the scientific community. Firstly, it estab- encourage proposers to drive change
lishes trust between scientists and the from within the system or to push for sys-
Norbert Schartel discussed the general public, who fund scientific temic changes externally. The consensus
XMM-Newton mission and presented its research, by ensuring that rigorous scru- leaned towards the necessity for both
unique PR system, stressing minimal tiny is applied to research findings. This approaches to ensure a fair and effective
interactions between mission staff and trust is essential for maintaining public PR system.
reviewers. With panels of experts from support and credibility. Secondly, PR
various countries, the system encourages acts as a self-governance tool, upholding Participants exchanged views on the
diversity and inclusion while aiming for the quality and integrity of scientific work. effect of the panel discussions in PR.
robust scientific advancements. This It promotes transparency, accountability, Evaluation agreement among different
method serves as a bridge between the and adherence to ethical standards. Fur- people generally increases after panel
mission and the scientific community, thermore, PR enhances the exchange of discussions, but not necessarily towards
integrating them more closely. ideas and knowledge within the scientific accuracy. On the one hand, panel discus-
community. It allows experts to critique sions allow reviewers to share expertise
Rodolfo Montez illuminated the workings and suggest improvements, ultimately and correct potential misunderstandings.
of the Chandra PR process. Chandra, elevating the quality of research. PR also Being exposed to the evaluations of other
a space-based X-ray observatory under facilitates the injection of fresh perspec- reviewers can also be beneficial in improv-
NASA, has been operational since 1999. tives and novel ideas from diverse back- ing the way reviews evaluate. On the other
Montez highlighted that Chandra’s PR grounds, fostering innovation and inter- hand, people change their minds during
shows consistent success rates as disciplinarity. It aids in the allocation of panel discussions, feeling a need to con-
between male and female PIs over limited resources like funding and tele- form, or when being challenged, or in con-
the years. scope time, ensuring fair distribution. frontations with prestigious names. Biases
Despite its many shortcomings, the par- and psychological aspects of panel dis-
Andrea Mejías spotlighted the Chilean ticipants agreed that PR needs an evolu- cussions are hard to quantify.
Telescope Allocation Committee (CNTAC), tion not a revolution.
responsible for allocating telescope time Another topic discussed was the effect
within Chile to a community of around Discussion of bias in PR not only covered of dual-anonymous PR and its perception
500 astronomers. The systematic struc- the common topics of gender and racial in the community. One strong advantage
ture of CNTAC ensures the optimal alloca- diversity but also focused on the many of dual anonymisation is that it reduces
tion of resources for these researchers. unseen hurdles of the PR process. One the biases in the evaluation, for example
major discussion point was that there against less established researchers
Concluding the session, Vincent Lariviere remains a traditional bias in PR towards and those from underrepresented minori-
gave a presentation on deceptive pub- native English speakers, potentially disad- ties. Biases are not completely removed
lishers and underscored the dark side vantaging non-native speaker research- though. Dual anonymisation allows
of the academic publishing world. As ers. One proposed solution included reviewers to focus purely on science,

46 The Messenger 192 | 2024

rather than on personal information. On assessment of PR systems within the The workshop1 with all its contributions
the other hand, it is sometimes hard to astronomical community. The assembly (available online via Zenodo 2) was a clar-
reach full anonymity, especially in small of diverse experts cast a critical eye over ion call for the evolution of PR, ensuring
communities. Anonymisation is at odds current practices, noting challenges in the quality, efficiency and fairness of
with the concept of open science, where managing the burgeoning volume of future scientific research.
both reviewers and applicants are openly research, inherent biases, and the adapt-
known. A two-step approach, where sci- ability of systems in today’s digital age. It is now the task of all those directly
ence only is evaluated in the first place Throughout the sessions, there was a involved in PR to continue the discus-
and information on the applicants is dis- clear call for innovation, increased effi- sions and to rise to the challenges that
closed later, could be feasible and benefi- ciency and inclusivity. Discussions were identified, all this for more equitable,
cial in different fields. ranged from the utilisation of AI and fair and effective review systems in the
machine learning in paper evaluations, near future.
the role of chance in scientific discovery
Workshop demographics and funding, to case studies of various
observatories and their unique PR sys- Acknowledgements
The workshop saw an impressive turnout, tems. A particular emphasis was placed We extend our heartfelt gratitude to ESO for their
with a total of 173 registered attendees. on the importance of diversity, equity, generous financial support and essential assistance,
Among them, 46 were present in person, and inclusion in the PR process. Moreo- which were pivotal in the successful execution of this
while 127 opted for remote participation. ver, the emergence of predatory publish- workshop. Additionally, we would like to acknowl-
edge the invaluable support provided by ESO’s IT
However, from the online group, on aver- ing underscored the need for ethical department, whose expertise and dedication played
age 30 participants were consistently practices. a crucial role in facilitating the smooth operation of
active throughout the workshop sessions. the event. Finally, we are grateful for the valuable
The gender distribution was relatively bal- Other points concerning possible future assistance offered by OpenAI’s language model,
anced, with 73 females, 88 males, and improvements in the PR process were
12 who preferred not to specify. Breaking discussed. These included: reviewer
it down by career level, there were training, motivation and awards; a more References
111 staff members, 24 postdocs, 17 stu- structured PR to minimise subjectivity;
Cole, S., Cole, J. R. & Simon, G. A. 1981, Science,
dents, and 21 in the Other category. the possibility of making the reviews 214, 881
The workshop featured 34 presentations. available to the readers, particularly in the
These statistics showcase a broad spec- context of open science; a more open
trum of attendees, underscoring the and collaborative approach to PR (for Links
widespread interest in the workshop’s example starting from preprints). Finally, 1
Workshop webpage:
theme and content. the challenge posed by the rapidly grow- meetings/2023/PRUR.html
ing scientific production was considered, 2
Workshop contributions:
in the context of PR sustainability and communities/peerreview23
Concluding remarks costs for society. AI tools may help to
cope with this important problem, possi-
The Peer Review Under Review work- bly providing a viable way of running a
shop was a landmark event in the pre-screening.
P. Horálek/ESO

All of ESO’s observatories are based in Chile, but the

organisation’s headquarters, and the newest excit-
ing addition, sits in Garching, a small city near
Munich in Germany. This image shows a striking and
unusual view of this new member of the ESO family
— the ESO Supernova Planetarium & Visitor Centre.

The Messenger 192 | 2024 47

Astronomical News DOI: 10.18727/0722-6691/5356

Report on the ESO workshop

Coordinated Surveys of the Southern Sky

held at ESO Headquarters, Garching, Germany and online, 27 February – 3 March 2023

Martin Zwaan 1 Southern Sky symposium, jointly organ- SKA Mid, in South Africa, with frequency
Anna Bonaldi 2 ised by ESO and the Square Kilometre bands in the 350 MHz to 15.4 GHz range.
Array Observatory (SKAO). The aim of the The SKAO is scheduled to begin science
symposium was to plan how to get the operations after the end of construction in
ESO most from surveys conducted by both 2028. The science programme for the
SKA Observatory, Jodrell Bank, organisations’ facilities. To achieve this, SKAO will be determined through compet-
Macclesfield, UK the symposium had sessions focusing on itive calls for time allocation proposals
planned surveys and current and upcom- from the scientific community. It is fore-
ing survey facilities, including SKA path- seen that the majority of the telescope
How can two major organisations dedi- finder and precursor instruments as well time will go towards Key Science Projects:
cated to ground-based astronomy work as the SKA, and ESO’s optical, near-in- large observational programs, running for
together to maximise the science frared and millimetre facilities. In addition, several years. In addition to the SKA itself,
impact of their astronomical surveys? ample time was reserved for more several currently operational SKA precur-
This was the topic for the Coordinated focused discussion sessions to create sors and pathfinder facilities (MeerKAT,
Surveys of the Southern Sky sympo- opportunities to discuss in more detail the ASKAP, LOFAR, and MWA) were covered
sium, jointly organised by ESO and the ideas of synergies, make plans and create in detail at the symposium.
Square Kilometre Array Observatory connections between the communities.
between 27 February and 3 March On the ESO side, comprehensive over-
2023. The aims of the symposium were The SKA project originated from the views of ESO’s current facilities were pre-
to raise awareness across the respec- desire the study neutral hydrogen emis- sented at the symposium. Emphasis was
tive communities of survey capabilities sion from the earliest galaxies, requiring a put on upcoming instrumentation that is
and to build liaisons in preparation for collecting area of unprecedented size. of particular interest for synergetic survey
synergetic surveys, as well as for multi-­ Since then, the design of the SKA has observations. The new Multi-Object
wavelength follow-up programmes. evolved, and it will be able to also explore Optical and Near-infrared Spectrograph
new frontiers in galaxy evolution and cos- (MOONS) currently under construction for
mology, cosmic magnetism, the laws of the Very Large Telescope (VLT) will pro-
Introduction gravity, time-domain astrophysics, extra- vide exquisite spectroscopic capabilities
terrestrial life — and the unknown1. The across the 0.64–1.8 μm wavelength range
More than 200 participants gathered, SKAO, currently under construction, will using 1000 fibres with individual robotic
in person at ESO’s headquarters and consist of two instruments: the SKA Low, positioners. The 4-metre Multi-Object
online, between 27 February and 3 March in Western Australia, observing in the Spectroscopic Telescope is a wide-field
2023, for the Coordinated Surveys of the 50–350 MHz frequency range, and the spectroscopic survey facility that is under

Figure 1. Workshop participants attending in person at ESO’s headquarters.

48 The Messenger 192 | 2024

Female Male Female Male
36% 60% 44% 56%

Invited Contributed
Participants speakers

Female Male
50% 50%
Other/rather not say
4% Postdoc


Career stage Region/time zone

all participants all participants

North or Europe/Africa
South America 63%
Other Student
3% 21%

development for the Visible and Infrared axy and our own Solar System; 2) tran- Figure 2. Demographics of workshop participants.
Survey Telescope for Astronomy (VISTA) sients and time-domain science; 3) gal-
and which will be able to simultaneously axy evolution; and 4) the epoch of
obtain spectra of around 2400 objects reionisation, cosmology and the high-­ for example, ALMA and the VLT(Interfer-
distributed over a hexagonal field of view redshift Universe. Following the main ometer), and future observations with
of 4.2 square degrees. Finally, MOSAIC symposium, two half-days were reserved these facilities in concert with the SKA
will be a cutting-edge multi-­object spec- for more focused workshops, organised will provide a wealth of information on
trograph that will use the widest possible by science theme. The purpose of these its structure, the formation history, star
field of view provided by ESO’s Extremely workshops was to synergise the ideas formation etc. Other potential opportuni-
Large Telescope (ELT). Another important presented at the symposium, forge syn- ties for synergetic science in the Galaxy
facility for possible SKA synergies is the ergies between different teams and include grain growth in protoplanetary
Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter develop plans for collaborative surveys discs or the physics of young stellar
Array (ALMA), which, despite its limited and cross-facility follow-up programmes. objects, where joint wide-field observa-
field of view, provides a unique view of tions with MOONS and the SKA could
gas and dust across the Universe, fitting target hundreds of objects, which then
quite naturally alongside deep radio Synergies per science area could be combined with pointed ALMA
observations. observations. Unidentified radio sources
The Galaxy were underscored as another example,
Throughout the symposium, contributed where wide-field optical follow-up
presentations showcased examples of The Galactic centre provides an excellent with, for example, 4MOST, would assist
the scientific synergetic use of the above- example of where multiwavelength obser- identification.
mentioned facilities. These presentations, vations are essential to capitalise on the
in addition to invited talks, addressed four power of the current and next generation
intertwined themes spread over four of telescopes. The Galactic centre has
days: 1) science within the Milky Way gal- already been targeted extensively with,

The Messenger 192 | 2024 49

Astronomical News Zwaan, M., Bonaldi, A., Report on the ESO workshop CSSS

Transients and time-domain cross-correlated with low-frequency SKA attended in person, others participated
surveys, give a unique insight into galax- online and numbers varied depending on
The SKA and its pathfinders are opening ies at the time of cosmic reionisation. the geographical location of the partici-
up new avenues into real-time discovery Similar synergies would enable intensity pants. The organisers ensured a bal-
of transient events, as well as the poten- mapping used for measuring the three-di- anced distribution of gender, seniority
tial to access previously inaccessible mensional structure of the early Universe. and geographical origin of the SOC
timescales. The SKA could serve as a For cosmological surveys, obvious syner- members, the invited speakers, and the
transient discovery machine for, for gies exist between the 4MOST and SKA workshop leads (see Figure 2).
instance, Fast Radio Bursts, providing wide-field surveys.
targets for follow-up with ESO facilities.
Multi-wavelength follow-up is critical for Acknowledgements
the characterisation of astrophysical tran- Concluding remarks Many thanks to the Local Organising Committee,
sients and should cover a range of times- which consisted of Alžběta Oplištilová, Ellen
cales. Immediate response times are Participants were deeply engaged in sug- Leitinger, Ivanna Langan, Martin Zwaan, Nelma Silva,
important for reverse shocks in gamma-ray gesting and discussing synergetic sci- and Simon Weng. In addition, we thank the SOC,
and especially also the discussion leads of the vari-
bursts, and longer timescales are needed ence over the course of the symposium. ous workshops: Mario Santo, Anna Bonaldi, Shari
to study source evolution with light curves, The examples given above are merely the Breen, Rainer Schoedel, Matthew Colless, Isabella
as well as for redshift measurements of beginning of what science and which Prandoni, Ben Stappers, and Patrick Woudt.
extragalactic transient sources. The instru- coordinated observations will be possi-
ments needed for this work encompass ble. Those ideas will be consolidated over Links
most of ESO’s facilities, providing wide-field the next months into a publication that
deep imaging, spectroscopy, and high will be a point of reference for collabora- 1
SKA Science Book:
angular resolution, as well as similar capa- tions going forward. fi/t5fuudtu1zqr6flswcbgn/SKA-Astophysics-Vol1.
bilities on SKA’s facilities including the
high-time-resolution mode. To prepare optimally for future joint sur-
veys between SKAO and ESO facilities,
several points related to policy and
Galaxies and galaxy evolution organisation were touched upon which
will require further discussion. For exam-
The discussions around this theme high- ple, participants addressed the possibility
lighted the importance of running optical of exploring coordinated time allocation
spectroscopy surveys ahead of SKA sur- processes to optimise the efficiency of
veys. This would avoid the need for long telescope scheduling and as a means to
spectroscopic follow-up campaigns, and forge collaborations early on. In addition,
the availability of spectroscopic data coordinated archival capabilities were
would allow, for example, HI 21-cm highlighted as an area where much com-
stacking of the radio data. In particular, mon effort would be beneficial. Existing
the importance of 4MOST surveys sup- Virtual Observatory infrastructure efforts
porting SKA redshift survey campaigns and precursor datasets should be used
was emphasised, as well as integral field to train and prepare for SKA datasets.
unit and ALMA deep fields, which in tan- Note that existing survey teams are doing
dem with SKA deep observations, will a lot of preparatory work that should be
provide a full census of molecular, atomic built on for future infrastructure.
and ionised gas at kiloparsec-scale spa-
tial resolution. Joint galaxy evolution The workshop took place at ESO’s
studies would benefit from a tiered Headquarters in Garching, and allowed
approach to the identification of survey virtual as well as in-person participation.
fields, ranging from a few to several thou- The Scientific Organising Committee
sand square degrees. (SOC) was composed of Anna Bonaldi
(SKAO, co-chair), Martin Zwaan (ESO,
co-chair), Barbara Catinella (ICRAR/
Epoch of reionisation, cosmology and UWA), Michele Cirasuolo (ESO), Pratika
high redshift Dayal (Groningen), Miroslava Dessauges
(Geneva), Jan Forbrich (Hertfordshire),
Similar arguments hold for this science Jochen Liske (Hamburg), Celine Peroux
area. In particular, near-infrared spectros- (ESO), Elaine Sadler (Sydney) and Patrick
copy over large fields offered by MOONS Woudt (Cape Town). In total 276 partici-
and MOSAIC will provide large samples pants registered for the symposium, at
of galaxies at high redshift, which, any time approximately 90 people

50 The Messenger 192 | 2024

Astronomical News DOI: 10.18727/0722-6691/5357

Report on the EAS Special Session

The Millimeter Transient Sky: Present Opportunities

and Perspectives
Special Session held at the EAS Annual Meeting 2023 in Krakow, Poland, 10–14 July 2023

María Díaz Trigo 1 surveys and sensitive time-domain follow speed to be determined. Variability of the
Thomas Maccarone 2 -­up facilities have been produced. It was magnetic field strength and geometry via
Alex Tetarenko 3 identified as a key science area in the US evolution of the degree of polarisation
Astro2020 Decadal Survey1 and is one of (Hughes et al., 2023; Myserlis et al., 2018)
the active support areas of ASTRONET2. and of the jet frequency break from opti-
ESO At millimetre and submillimetre wave- cally thick to thin emission (observed in
Texas Tech University lengths, however, the field is still in its XRBs in real time during accretion out-
University of Lethbridge infancy. Narrow fields of view of millimetre bursts; Russell et al., 2014) are crucial to
instruments have precluded serendipi- further investigate how jets are launched
tous discovery of millimetre-band tran- and quenched. Finally, exciting science
Time-domain astronomy was identified sients, and operational challenges in opportunities in this field are linked to the
as a key science area in the US obtaining fast triggers have hampered availability of Very Long Baseline Interfer-
Astro2020 Decadal Survey and is one of studies of transient events discovered at ometry (VLBI) capabilities, which have
the active support areas of ASTRONET. other wavelengths. With higher angular already revealed, for example, a rapidly
Consistent with these priorities, dedi- resolution, more sensitive CMB surveys, changing (minutes to hours) jet orienta-
cated facilities are being constructed millimetre-band selection of transients tion in a stellar-mass black hole at lower
for studying the variable sky. However, has started (Guns et al., 2021) and should frequencies (Miller-Jones et al., 2019).
at millimeter wavelengths, only recently accelerate with projects like CMB-S43.
have such studies lifted off thanks to Similarly, response times for millimetre Outflows in general are one of the prod-
the advent of the Atacama Large follow-up have improved considerably, ucts of explosions, stellar collapse or
Millimeter/­submillimeter Array (ALMA), and could continue to improve. gravitational wave mergers. Studies of the
with unprecedented sensitivity, and of millimetre emission including polarisation
upgrades of other existing millimetre Special session SS40 at the European of well-known transients like GRBs or
observatories. The advances in this Astronomical Society 2023 Annual recently discovered ones like Fast Blue
field and how to overcome the associ- Meeting showcased recent advances in Optical Transients shortly after the event
ated challenges were the subject of a our understanding of the millimetre varia- are crucial to disentangling the different
special session at the 2023 European ble sky and allowed discussions with components of emission, such as reverse
Astronomical Society Annual Meeting. staff from millimetre observatories on and forward shocks in GRBs (Laskar et
strategies to enable time-sensitive obser- al., 2018). Spectral line observations pro-
vations via new processes and policies. vide the opportunity to identify the host
Motivation The discussions clearly established that galaxies of these events, thanks to the
the science enabled by such rapid-­ presence of molecular and cooling lines
The millimetre bandpass is often thought response science is compelling. from the interstellar medium at all red-
of as being predominantly for studying shifts in the millimetre band (for example,
cool, thermal emitters, like molecular de Ugarte Postigo et al., 2020).
clouds, protoplanetary discs, dust, and Science opportunities
the cosmic microwave background Finally, accretion processes are also at
(CMB). Such objects must be physically The session included invited and contrib- the core of variability around young stars,
large in order to reach the brightness uted talks on magnetars, Fast Radio one of the object classes mostly studied
temperature limits of most millimetre-­ Bursts (FRBs), gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), at (sub-)millimetre wavelengths given the
band facilities, and hence only weakly X-ray binaries (XRBs), pulsars, superno- presence of thermal dust (from the outer
variable on sub-week timescales. vae, young stars and active galactic disc and the envelope), free-free emission
However, the millimetre band also probes nuclei (AGN). from the jet and possible gyro-synchro-
synchrotron emission and optically thin tron emission from magnetic reconnec-
free-free emission effectively. Sources Accretion processes and associated tion events which are bright in this wave-
emitting via these processes often vary events like launching of relativistic jets in length regime (Wielgus et al., 2022).
quickly and dramatically. The millimetre XRBs, accreting millisecond pulsars, AGN Time-resolved observations on time-
band tends to rise earlier and vary more or tidal disruption events are undoubtedly scales from minutes to years (for exam-
sharply than the radio band (Figure 1), one of the main time-domain topics in the ple, Fischer et al., 2023) are needed to
while being less susceptible to interstellar millimetre. Precise timing of multi-wave- explore circumstellar geometry and phys-
absorption and contamination from length variability including flares allows ical structure following heating from
blackbody emission than the infrared the relative position of emitting regions accretion (Lee et al., 2020) or changes in
band. The millimetre emission is also along the jet to be established, leading to disc chemistry following X-ray flares
often quite short-lived, requiring either a better understanding of jet propagation (Cleeves et al., 2017), while longer-ca-
highly responsive Target of Opportunity and the role of shocks by constraining dence monitoring is needed to under-
(ToO) observations, or, for brighter regions of energisation (for example, stand binary interactions between mag-
events, very wide field coverage. Abdo et al., 2010; Tetarenko et al., 2021) netospheres or winds from young stars
Time-domain astronomy has grown and ultimately allowing important jet (for example, Salter et al., 2010).
immensely in the past years as wide-field properties like collimation angle and

The Messenger 192 | 2024 51

Astronomical News Diaz Trigo, M. et al., Report on the EAS Symposium “The Millimeter Transient Sky”

Challenges under ‘time-domain’ and being evaluated scope) and have the coordination done
by reviewers with expertise in a wide by the observatories to reduce over-
The discussion panel at the special ses- range of classes of objects, and perhaps heads. Given the prevalence of high-­
sion was composed of Liz Humphreys even competing against each other in energy emission among millimetre tran-
(chair, ALMA), Adam Hincks (Atacama distributed review processes, making it sients, some consideration should be
Cosmology Telescope), Garret Keating more challenging to obtain observing given to including joint calls with X-ray
(Submillimeter Array [SMA]) and Venka- time. This was recognised as a severe observatories.
tessh Ramakrishnan (new generation problem for highly oversubscribed obser- – Memoranda of Understanding can help
Event Horizon Telescope). vatories like ALMA. Soliciting observa- boost specific nascent fields, for exam-
tions of rare events under Director’s Dis- ple correlating with AGN/neutrino
A series of challenges for millimetre time-­ cretionary Time is instead positively events, gravitational waves or pulsar
domain studies were identified, with regarded by medium-size telescopes like timing arrays.
some being common to all wavelengths the SMA in the context of expanding their – Provide observatory support for pre-
(Middleton et al., 2017) and a few particu- scientific areas to novel topics. paring proposals and setting up the
lar to millimetre observatories. In what fol- observations.
lows we discuss the latter together with Potential mitigations include:
potential mitigations. – Ensure that experts evaluate the pro- Understanding of constraints and
posals by defining the keywords in a scheduling by the observatories.
Obtaining observing time. The rarity of more flexible way and widening the Besides fast reaction times for ToOs,
some of the transient phenomena and range of keywords. some time-domain science cases require
the need to obtain multi-wavelength – When possible, submit first proposals monitoring over timescales longer than
observations imply that resources of the to medium-size observatories as pilots. the usual yearly cycle of proposals. Oth-
scientific teams are typically spread over – Perform observations that show the ers require multi-observatory coordina-
many observatories, resulting in only few capabilities of new modes to catch the tion with rapid response times. These
proposals per wavelength range and attention of the community. constraints add to other constraints
class of objects, often without a millime- – Use the possibilities offered by some inherent in the millimetre wavelength
tre expert on their teams. For example, observatories to request observing time regime (for example, the need for superb
while GRBs are a popular astronomical in two or more observatories via Joint weather for high-frequency submillimetre
topic, only a handful of proposals are Proposals (for example ALMA–James observations) or observational technique
received at ALMA per cycle. This often Webb Space Telescope, ALMA–Very (for example, the need for a specific array
results in diverse science being classified Large Array or ALMA–Very Large Tele- configuration for interferometric observa-
tions). While time-domain users are often
sensitive to the need to relax some con-
8 000 straints when the time constraint is ful-
filled, this is not always allowed by obser-
JCMT450um vatory policies (for example, changing
7 000 JCMT850um the observing frequency if the weather is
SMA230GHz not good enough for the originally
SMA220GHz requested frequency).
6 000
Flux density (mJy)

5 000 VLA7GHz
VLA5GHz Figure 1. Simultaneous radio through submillimetre
lightcurves of the black hole XRB V404 Cygni during
4 000 the most active phase of its June 2015 outburst.
These lightcurves sample the brightest flares at
these frequencies over the entire outburst. All light-
3 000 curves are sampled at the finest time resolution pos-
sible, limited only by the correlator dump time (and
the sensitivity for James Clerk Maxwell Telescope
[JCMT] data). The Very Large Array lightcurves have
2 000 two-second time bins, the SMA lightcurves have
30-second time bins, the JCMT Submillimetre
Common-User Bolometer Array 2 (SCUBA-2) 350-
1000 GHz (850-μm) lightcurve has five-second time bins,
and the JCMT SCUBA-2 666-GHz (450-μm) light-
curve has 60-second time bins. The millimetre/
submillimetre regime samples a much more extreme
view of the flaring activity than the radio regime, with
detailed substructure detected only in the millimetre/









submillimetre lightcurves. (From Tetarenko et al.,








Time on 2015/06/22 (HH:MM) 2017, reproduced with the permission of the author).

52 The Messenger 192 | 2024

Potential mitigations include: Real-time light curves. Especially for Acknowledgements
– E xplore the possibility of carrying over wide-field and all-sky survey millimetre
We are indebted to the Scientific Organising
proposals with a low triggering proba- telescopes like the upcoming Simons Committee (SOC), the invited and contributed
bility over two or more cycles. Observatory 4, making hourly to daily light speakers and the discussion panel for sharing their
– O ffer the possibility to relax constraints curves accessible to the community insights and vision for opening the millimetre window
to the variable sky.
other than the time-related one at the could be a game-changer for the discov-
moment of triggering to enhance ery of millimetre transients. Such light SOC: María Díaz Trigo (ESO, Germany), Thomas
observability. curves must be accompanied by algo- Maccarone (Texas Tech University, USA), Alex
– Automate procedures as far as possi- rithms matching variable sources to mul- Tetarenko (University of Lethbridge, Canada), Rob
Fender (Oxford University, UK), Doug Johnstone
ble and have a contact person at the ti-wavelength catalogues and notifica-
(NRC-Herzberg, Canada), Venkatessh Ramakrishnan
observatory to iterate with the user on tions to the community, ideally in a (University of Turku, Finland), Pablo Torne (IRAM,
scheduling possibilities or array availa- standard format agreed by the commu- Spain), Susanna Vergani (Paris Observatory, France)
bility upon triggering to enable fast nity and readable by automatic text pro-
Invited speakers: Agnes Kospal (Konkoly
reactions. cessing tools.
Observatory, Hungary), Tom Russell (INAF, Palermo,
– O ffer multi-cycle proposals for long Italy), Ioannis Myserlis (IRAM, Spain) and Antonio de
timescales monitoring programmes. Real-time data delivery. Monitoring Ugarte Postigo (Côte d’Azur Observatory, France)
– O ffer ToO capabilities for phased-array observations of transients (for example of
and VLBI modes. a GRB afterglow) over the days and
weeks following the first trigger depend
Observing cadence and scheduling pri- on the brightness and evolution of the Abdo, A. A. et al. 2010, Nature, 463, 919
ority. Given the increase in time-domain event, both often difficult to predict. In Cleeves, L. I. et al. 2017, ApJL, 843, L3
De Ugarte Postigo, A. et al. 2020, A&A, 633, A68
observations, establishing adequate this context, ‘real time’ data processing
Fischer, W. et al. 2023, ASP Conference Series,
observing priorities is crucial, especially for quick look data, including for 534, 355
for events requiring high-cadence monitor- phased-array and VLBI modes, and com- Guns S. et al. 2021, ApJ, 916, 98
ing for a few days or weeks after the trigger. munication to PIs are crucial to avoid Hughes, A. K. et al. 2023, MNRAS, 521, 185
Laskar, T. et al. 2018, ApJ, 862, 94
wasting observatory time.
Lee, Y.-H. et al. 2020, ApJ, 903, 5
Potential mitigations include: Middleton, M. J. et al. 2017, New Astron. Rev., 79, 26
– Request estimates of triggering proba- Technical issues. For long-timescale Miller-Jones, J. C. A. et al. 2019, Nature, 569, 374
bility from the users so that the obser- monitoring, flux calibration uncertainties Myserlis, I. et al. 2018, A&A, 619, A88
Russell, T. D. et al. 2014, MNRAS, 439, 2, 1390
vatory can establish priorities relative to must be well known and as small as pos-
Salter D. M. et al. 2010, A&A, 521, A32
other observations based on the rarity sible (for example, less than a percent for Tetarenko, A. J. et al. 2017, MNRAS, 469, 3141
of events. stellar occultations). Moreover, interfero- Tetarenko, A. J. et al. 2021, MNRAS, 504, 3862
– E xplore the use of small arrays (like the metric monitoring spanning months or Torne, P. et al. 2021, A&A, 650, A95
Wielgus, M. et al. 2022, A&A, 665, L6
Atacama Compact Array in ALMA) for years could be impacted by changes in
localisation and high-cadence monitor- array configuration leading to missing flux
ing of bright transients. in extended configurations. Finally, the Links
calibration accuracy needed for polarime-
US Astro2020 Decadal Survey: https://science.
Time sampling. A few of the phenomena try, a powerful tool for studies of millime-
can only be studied with sub-second tre variable objects, is often not sufficient survey/2020-decadal-survey/
(nanosecond to millisecond) time sam- for the low (less than a percent in some 2
ASTRONET webpage:
pling. While fast time sampling is not cases) levels of polarisation. 3
CMB-S4 webpage:
offered by many millimetre observatories, 4
Simons Observatory webpage:
it is often technically possible and can be 5
AtLAST webpage:
enabled with minor operational changes. Outlook
This is key, for example, for studies of
pulsars, such as that of Torne et al. The enormous potential of time-domain
(2021), who performed the first survey studies in the millimetre has only recently
unaffected by scattering and therefore been unveiled. However, the characteris-
unbiased in population coverage at the tics inherent in such studies make it nec-
Galactic centre at 2 and 3 millimetres via essary to implement some changes in the
time series with 100-microsecond operation of millimetre telescopes to fully
resolution. exploit this potential. These changes are
pressing in light of upcoming facilities like
Multi-frequency sub-arraying capability Vera C. Rubin Observatory, expected to
raises the possibility of using time-corre- discover millions of transients every night,
lation techniques for phenomena with but also of planned sensitive, wide-angle,
second and subsecond variability, includ- facilities at millimetre wavelengths like
ing the Sun. AtLAST 5 or CMB-S4, which will open up
the millimetre transient discovery space.

The Messenger 192 | 2024 53

Astronomical News DOI: 10.18727/0722-6691/5358

Report on the Australia–ESO conference

Galaxy Transformation Across Space and Time

— the Third Australia–ESO meeting
held at the Australian Academy of Science, Canbera, Australia, 4–8 September 2023

Emily Wisnioski 1,2 strove to provide an inclusive environ- power to discern complex assembly
Trevor Mendel 1,2 ment. It was a pleasure to share science histories over the last 7 Gyrs. Simulations
again in person since the last joint suggest that most of the morphological
Australia–ESO conference in February and kinematic evolution is expected to
Research School of Astronomy and 2020. While there was some flexibility have occurred over the same epoch, but
Astrophysics, Australian National for inclusion purposes, the meeting pri- the exact timing and nature of the trans-
University oritised in-person attendance with only formations are debated.
Australian Research Council Centre five remote talks.
of Excellence for All Sky Astrophysics A key player in the redistribution of gas
in 3 Dimensions and stars likely comes from galaxy-­
Motivation galaxy interactions, typically in the group
environment. Upcoming surveys obtain-
We report on the third joint Australia– With new capabilities enabling highly-­ ing millions of galaxy spectra at high
ESO conference since the commence- resolved multi-wavelength investigations densities (for example, using ESO’s
ment of the strategic partnership of gas and stars in local galaxies (for 4-metre Multi-Object Spectrograph and
between Australia and ESO. The example, the Physics at High Angular Telescope [4MOST] and Multi-Object
conference was supported by ESO, the resolution in Nearby GalaxieS [PHANGS], Optical and Near-infrared Spectrograph
Australian Research Council Centre of Generalising Edge-on galaxies and their [MOONS], NOIRLab’s Dark Energy
Excellence for All Sky Astrophysics in Chemical bimodalities, Kinematics and Spectroscopic Instrument [DESI], and
3 Dimensions (ASTRO 3D), the Australian Outflows out to Solar environments the Subaru Telescope’s Prime Focus
National University, and the International [GECKOS], MUSE and ALMA Unveiling Spectrograph [PFS]) combined with deep
Centre for Radio Astronomy Research. the Virgo Environment [MAUVE], and photometry (from, for example, Rubin
The meeting focused on new results Fornax 3D surveys), it is now possible to Observatory and the Euclid and Nancy
from ongoing surveys and simulations disentangle detailed star formation and Grace Roman space missions) over large
of galaxies and their evolution. The assembly histories for a wider variety of areas of sky will allow the environmental
motivations for upcoming facilities such galaxy types. Simultaneously, surveys metrics necessary to make these con-
as the Multi-conjugate adaptive pushing resolved observations to earlier nections to be measured consistently
optics-Assisted Visible Imager and times are providing important constraints out to z ~ 1. Tying stellar tracers with
Spectrograph (MAVIS), the Square on the evolution and transformation of gas tracers from the Australian SKA
Kilometre Array (SKA), Vera C. Rubin dynamics and chemical distributions Pathfinder [ASKAP], MeerKAT and the
Observatory, and the Wide-field (for example, the Middle Ages Galaxy SKA will be essential to disentangling the
Spectroscopic Telescope and the new Properties with Integral Field Spectros- role of different processes in the group
science opportunities and collabora- copy [MAGPI], MUSE gAlaxy Groups In and cluster environments. The meeting
tions that they will enable were dis- Cosmos [MAGIC], and Large Early Galaxy provided a forum to explore the synergies
cussed. The meeting achieved a Astrophysics Census [LEGA-C] surveys). between the different theoretical and
gender-­balanced participant list and Together these approaches have the observational datasets relating to the role

Figure 1. Participants engaging in science discus-

sions during teatime at the Australian Academy
of Science.

54 The Messenger 192 | 2024

of environment on quenching, star She/Her Student Faculty
formation histories, and angular momen- 55% 45% 22%
tum. The meeting was designed around
science questions rather than techniques
in order to promote a more integrated
discussion of simulations and multiwave-
length (including radio) results.
The conference1 was divided into five
major themes used to focus the topics
presented each day:
– What is the environmental impact on
redistributing angular momentum? He/Him Dr.
– How do we connect galaxy populations 44% 33%
across epochs?
– How will new facilities address the
questions surrounding how galaxies Figure 2. Distributions of gender (left) and seniorty Gender statistics were inferred from participant pro-
transform? (right) of participatants including invited and contrib- vided pronouns. The seniority label ‘Dr.’ includes post-
uted talks, poster presentations, and attendees. docs as well as staff not in a typical University setting.
– How does the environment shape the
star-formation history of galaxies?
– How do stellar and AGN feedback regu- Results testing Tidal Torque Theory in the South
late the gas-star formation cycle at z ~ 0? local Universe highlight that more work is North America
America 9%
needed to find correlations between 1%
Key scientific results discussed during the angular momentum and the ancient cos-
meeting included recent breakthroughs mic web. Future facilities densely map- Europe + UK
combining deep optical spectroscopy ping out large-scale structure to cosmic 8%
from the Multi-Unit Spectroscopic noon will add constraints on the times-
Explorer (MUSE) and the William Herschel cale of galaxy spin decoupling from the
Telescope Enhanced Area Velocity cosmic web and the processes responsi-
Explorer (WEAVE) with data from ASKAP, ble. During the conference the MAGPI
MeerKAT, the Atacama Large Millimeter/ team showcased the first year of major 11%
submillimeter Array (ALMA) and the results including that most of the Australia
Low-Frequency Array (LOFAR) to study dynamical evolution between z ~ 0.8 61%
gas flows from parsec to megaparsec and z ~ 0 must happen before z ~ 0.35.
scales. Along these lines, the GECKOS Figure 3. Distribution by country of current study/
and MAUVE surveys in particular showed Connecting galaxies across epochs employment of the 90 participants.
beautiful images revealing the complexity becomes an important exercise to track
of these gas flows around nearby galax- the changes of galaxy spin, morphology,
ies. Such detailed multiwavelength stud- and star formation. Limitations in the dif- The varying role of star formation and
ies help us better understand the rela- ferent approaches were highlighted, active galactic nucleus (AGN) feedback in
tionship between star-forming regions, along with possible ways forward includ- regulating the gas available to galaxies
the galaxies that host them, and the ing using joint observation inference as was central to numerous discussions
large-scale environments that they live in. well as improvements in simulations. throughout the meeting. Data from the
Several talks also emphasised the key Recent simulation results show that con- GECKOS and the Deep near-UV observa-
role that the James Webb Space Tele- necting galaxy environment across time tions of Entrained gas in Turbulent galax-
scope (JWST) has to play across a broad may be more complex than assumed. ies (DUVET) surveys in particular were
range of redshifts, both extending the While the largest overdensities at z ~ 4 used to highlight the complex, spatially-­
study of local galaxies into the mid-infra- are often theorised to be the progenitors extended nature of outflowing material in
red and enabling deep continuum obser- of massive Coma-like clusters, simula- local galaxies, which in some cases
vations of galaxies in the distant tions show that a large fraction of locally could be directly imaged out to several
Universe. overdense regions in the early Universe tens of kiloparsecs. These results for
may quickly consume their gas and nearby galaxies were complemented by
Environment is an inherently broad term become quiescent early owing to being JWST data showing that large reservoirs
in galaxy evolution. Participants pre- underdense on larger scales. This was of outflowing neutral gas, likely driven by
sented results on the role of environment supported by some preliminary observa- AGN, may play a key role in quenching
from galaxy pairs on kiloparsec scale to tional results presented from the One- galaxies at early epochs.
the megaparsec scale of voids and fila- hundred-square-degree DECam Imaging
ments. We heard about results indicating in Narrowbands (ODIN) survey in the A recurring topic across the five themes
that the cosmic web and its complex Cosmic Evolution Survey (COSMOS) field. of the meeting was the importance of
interplay with galaxies are multi-scale. scale and the interplay of physics from

The Messenger 192 | 2024 55

Astronomical News Wisnioski, E., Mendel., T, Report on the Australia–ESO conference

the scale of the cosmic web (hundreds across gender, seniority, and country there have been three joint ESO–Australia
of megaparsecs) to the scale of star-­ (see Figures 2 and 3). This is the first workshops on galaxy evolution (Zafar,
formation (parsecs). There is no one scale meeting in this series that had more De Breuck & Arnaboldi, 2019; Lagos,
that captures how galaxies transform over female than male participants. Robotham & De Breuck, 2020), held in
cosmic time — processes such as feed- Australia in 2019, 2020, and 2023. It has
back are inherently multi-scale. It is clear However, the responsibility to hold an been a fruitful collaboration that we hope
that a more complete observational picture inclusive meeting does not stop at the to continue. We were happy to welcome
of galaxies will soon be available from new participation list. The Local Organising Australian government officials to the
surveys and facilities but it was noted that Committee took some additional meas- Wednesday session to share the benefits
new simulations were needed at all scales, ures to ensure participation from all of the partnership. Scientifically, from this
including even larger boxes to capture rare demographics. This included announcing meeting it is clear that multiple tracers of
overdensities as well as higher resolution to a Code of Conduct for the meeting during stellar and gas properties across diverse
include cloud-scale gas physics. the welcome talk and posting it on the phases and scales are required to under-
conference webpage where it could eas- stand the processes that transform galax-
ily be referenced. The main purpose of the ies. This necessitates a multi-wavelength,
Demographics and inclusivity Code of Conduct is to remind participants multi-facility approach. We look forward
to behave professionally and communicate to continued collaboration with ESO
One advantage of large multinational col- in a respectful manner to all. members and projects with a focus on
laborations like the ESO–Australia part- ESO-SKA connections.
nership and the international galaxy evo- The meeting was opened by Aunty Violet
lution community is the diversity of Sheridan, a local Ngunnawal Elder who
experience and backgrounds. As has led an Acknowledgement of Country — a Acknowledgements
been noted in previous articles about custom adopted throughout Australia to We thank the sponsors of our conference: ESO,
ESO meetings (Zafar, De Breuck & show our respect for the land and its ASTRO 3D, the Australian National University, and
Arnaboldi, 2019; Lagos, Robotham & ­traditional owners. A dedicated prayer the International Centre for Radio Astronomy
De Breuck, 2020), tackling unconscious room was made available to participants Research. They allowed us to keep the conference
fee relatively low by Australian standards and
bias when organising a science meeting throughout the meeting. To encourage par- allowed us to provide travel grants to some students
is important for achieving a diverse range ticipation by the younger cohort, all session and invited speakers.
of ideas and perspectives. We have fol- chairs were asked to take questions from
lowed the guidelines of previous meetings students and early career researchers first
and from supporting organisations to (1) before opening the floor to questions from
anonymise contributed abstracts, (2) ask the whole audience. This resulted in an Zafar, T., De Breuck, C. & Arnaboldi, M. 2019,
the SOC to declare conflicts of interest, engaging discussion between speaker and The Messenger, 176, 48
(3) anonymise SOC votes, and (4) have a audience after most of the talks. Lagos, C., Robotham, A. S. G. & De Breuck, C.
2020, The Messenger, 180, 50
multinational and gender-balanced set
of invited speakers. Opting for longer
talks, the conference had 10 invited talks, Future Links
55 contributed talks, and 10 poster pres- 1
Conference webpage:
entations. The adopted guidelines natu- Since the start of the 10-year ESO–­ au/~jtmendel/galtrans2023/
rally gave rise to a balanced meeting Australia strategic partnership (2017–2027)
ESO/F. Nogueras-Lara et al.

Hundreds of thousands
of stars are contained in
this infrared image of
Sagittarius C, a region
near the centre of the
Milky Way. This image
was taken with ESO’s
Very Large Telescope
(VLT) in the Chilean
Atacama Desert.

56 The Messenger 192 | 2024

Astronomical News DOI: 10.18727/0722-6691/5359

Report on the ESO workshop

Two in a Million — The Interplay Between Binaries and

Star Clusters
held at ESO Headquarters, Garching, Germany and online, 11–15 September 2023

Sebastian Kamann 1
Julia Bodensteiner 2

Liverpool John Moores University, UK

A substantial fraction of cosmic star for-

mation happens in star clusters, and the
binary populations therein are shaped
by interactions amongst themselves
and with other cluster stars. The intri-
cate interplay of star clusters and the
binary stars they host was the topic of
this workshop, which brought together
about 150 scientists working on four
cornerstones of modern astrophysics:
star formation, stellar evolution, cluster
dynamics, and gravitational waves. As interaction products, like blue stragglers, Figure 1. Conference photo in front of the ESO
well as invited reviews and contributed stripped stars, or classical Be stars. Dif- Supernova Planetarium & Visitor Centre.
talks, the scientific programme offered ferent formation mechanisms for these
breakout sessions focused on various objects make predictions that can best Large Telescope (ELT) with its ground-­
practical skills linked to the workshop be tested in clusters, such as the stel- breaking set of instruments, which will
theme. Informal poster-viewing ses- lar-merger or mass-transfer scenarios significantly boost our ability to study
sions concluded the session days and proposed for blue straggler formation. stellar populations in clusters.
offered the opportunity for extended
discussions about recent results as well Binary stars also have a crucial impact on
as future instruments. the evolution of clusters, and act as res- Programme
ervoirs that balance the energy budget of
their hosts, closely linking the lifetime of a The scientific talks during the week were
Rationale cluster to its binary population. Binaries structured according to the four scientific
reverse and moderate the core collapse pillars on which the workshop rested1.
Each binary in a star cluster will evolve of long-lived clusters, while few-body Following the typical evolutionary
through a multitude of interactions with interactions involving binaries efficiently sequence, the programme started on
other cluster members. These interac- eject cluster members from their hosts. Monday with sessions on star and cluster
tions strongly alter the primordial popula- Some of the open questions in our formation, while Tuesday was largely
tions via binary disruption, flyby and understanding of cluster evolution, like dedicated to the binary populations in
exchange interactions, or the Kozai-Lidov the origin of the bimodal spin distribu- young star clusters. After the sessions on
mechanism (Kozai, 1962; Lidov, 1962), tions found in young open clusters or the interacting binary stars on Tuesday after-
and result in systems that are endemic to multiple-populations phenomenon noon and Wednesday, Thursday was
clusters such as dynamically-formed observed in old globular clusters, have dedicated to ancient globular clusters
binary black holes or low-mass stars been linked to binary stars. and their binaries, before the workshop
orbiting degenerate companions. The concluded on Friday with a series of talks
detection and characterisation of the lat- The current Very Large Telescope (VLT) presenting new results on the possible
ter hold crucial information about the kick instrumentation, particularly the Fibre star–cluster links of binary black hole
velocities resulting from supernova explo- Large Array Multi Element Spectrograph mergers detected via gravitational waves,
sions, a major unknown limiting our capa- (FLAMES) and the Multi Unit Spectro- both from an observational and a theoret-
bilities to understand the growing number scopic Explorer (MUSE), has allowed sig- ical point of view. Additionally, each day
of gravitational wave detections. nificant advances in our understanding featured one talk about instrumentation,
of how binary evolution impacts star presenting either current instrumentation
Remarkably, star clusters also provide a ­clusters and vice versa. The workshop such as LIGO/VIRGO/KAGRA gravita-
unique window through which to study a offered an opportunity to review these tional wave detectors, introducing new
multitude of phenomena linked to binary successes and to plan ahead for new instruments such as VLT/MOONS, or
stars in a controlled environment, since and upcoming instruments, like the highlighting the capabilities of the ELT.
the ages, metallicities, and masses of Enhanced Resolution Imager and Spec-
cluster members are usually well known. trograph (ERIS) and the Multi-Object Recurring themes throughout the week
Given that, star clusters play a key role in Optical and Near-infrared Spectrograph included the strong dependency of multi-
improving our understanding of post-­ (MOONS) on the VLT, or ESO’s Extremely plicity properties on stellar mass, the

The Messenger 192 | 2024 57

Astronomical News Kamann, S., Bodensteiner, J., Report on the ESO Workshop “Two in a Million”


In person Italy
35 Germany

30 40 Other Spain

30 Israel
20 Australia Canada

15 20 Sweden
China India
5 Czech Republic UK
Belgium France
0 0
Student Postdoc Staff Other Male Female No info Chile US

importance of interaction products in Demographics Figure 2. Demographic distributions of the career

stage (left) and gender (middle) of the participants,
explaining the colour-magnitude dia-
split up into in-person (blue) and remote (pink) par-
grams of young star clusters, the power Overall, almost 150 scientists participated ticipants. Right: Overview of the home countries of
of the Gaia spacecraft in studying bina- in the conference, of whom roughly two all participants.
ries in nearby star clusters as well as run- thirds attended in person, the remainder
away stars, and the necessity of detailed joining online. In addition to bringing
comparisons between models and together scientists from different research communities and providing a platform for
observations to understand the binary fields, the Scientific Organising Committee the exchange of recent findings and new
populations inside star clusters. For fur- (SOC) and the Local Organising Committee ideas, in particular for the younger gener-
ther details, we refer the interested reader (LOC) sought fair representation from the ation. During the conference summary,
to the presentation slides, made available communities in all possible aspects. In which was prepared and presented by a
by the workshop participants on Zenodo2. particular, the conference targeted early-­ group of PhD students who volunteered
career scientists, who could for example for this task3, it was suggested that a
In addition to the invited and contributed apply for travel support. As shown in Fig- ‘Three in a million’ conference be hosted
talks, two slots for breakout sessions ure 2, the overall participation of early-ca- at ESO in 10 years from now — a promis-
were included in the programme and reer scientists was high, with almost 70% ing idea that will hopefully be seized on
took place on Tuesday and Thursday of all participants being either students or by one of our younger colleagues.
afternoon. Those were filled by the partic- postdocs. A majority of those attended
ipants themselves with interactive ses- the conference in person.
sions, more in-depth discussions, and Acknowledgements
hands-on tutorials covering many differ- While the ratio between male and female We would like to thank all participants, in person and
ent skills. Those included, for example, a participants was roughly 60/40, the ratio remote, for their active participation in the confer-
hands-on session about machine learn- between male and female speakers was ence, which was crucial in making it so interesting
ing and its application to star clusters, a approximately 50/50. When selecting the and diverse. We would further like to thank our SOC
and LOC members for their active and energetic
discussion session about potential new invited talks, the SOC strove to have a support. A special thanks goes to Denisa Tako for
instruments for the VLT, the status of ELT similar number of female and male her endless help and support with the organisational
instrumentation, and ideas for new tele- speakers, and to achieve fair distribution aspects of the conference.
scopes beyond the ELT, as well as a between senior and junior speakers.
career-planning session particularly tar-
geting junior scientists, in which more Overall, there were participants from
senior scientists offered tips, tricks and 22 different countries from five different Kozai, Y. 1962, AJ, 67, 591
experiences on how to navigate through continents. The fractions of participants Lidov, M. L. 1962, Planetary & Space Science, 9, 719
an academic career. coming from individual countries can be
seen in the right panel of Figure 2. Links
Two poster sessions were organised in
the evenings, with typical Bavarian 1
Workshop programme:
refreshments, which enabled participants Outlook meetings/2023/binaries/programme.html
Presentation slides on Zenodo:
to inspect and discuss the posters and to
interact in a more informal setting. All in all, the conference was a great binaries2023?q=&l=list&p=1&s=10&sort=newest
­success, fulfilling the goal of bringing 3
`C onference summary:
together scientists from many different records/10372015

58 The Messenger 192 | 2024

Astronomical News DOI: 10.18727/0722-6691/5360

Fellows at ESO

Jakub Klencki

“What would happen if gravity was sud-

denly switched off? I mean something
really substantial.” A classic question to
be asked in the middle of the night.
A couple of erratic attempts later (“we
would all start floating?” or “the Earth
would fly away from the Sun?”) the puzzle
master reveals the answer: “The Earth
would explode! As a result of pressure
that normally counteracts the forces of
gravity.” Aaaaahhhh… our jaws dropped.
We were awarded some small pity-points
for our failed guesses and told to keep
going. Further down deep into the forest,
under the moonlight, somewhere in cen-
tral Poland, on a scavenger hunt for...
well, 15 years later I don’t quite remem-
ber what we were after.

That educational exchange took place at

a summer camp organised by Astronomy
Club Almukantarat. They really knew disperses the low-density envelope away After a four-year period as a PhD student
how to make learning about science and into space, such that after a while the at Radboud University in the Netherlands,
astronomy cool: camping in tents, giant becomes fully unclothed, its inner I eventually found my way to ESO. In my
classes during the day, stargazing at dense core revealed. We call it unbinding current work, I run numerical simulations
night. Campfire guitar songs and surprise the envelope. Never observed directly in to model interactions between stars living
quest missions. A somewhat different real time owing to its rapid nature, in close pairs (binaries) as they transfer
style was that of the Polish Child’s Fund, common-­envelope inspiral is surely a gas between each other. I focus on mas-
a volunteer-driven organisation that would rather complex process. A fuel for the sive stars, at least ten times as massive
plant us science-hungry teenagers into imagination of any student of physics as the Sun. I try to understand how mas-
research labs and institutes for a week or who would immediately come up with sive star binaries may lead to the forma-
two so that we could see it first hand. Or several reasons (often very creative) tion of merging pairs of black holes or
maybe even run our own experiment, if explaining why they could not derive the neutron stars. Since 2015 we can detect
we were lucky. Nothing short of extremely outcome of a common-­envelope inspiral such mergers because they emit gravita-
lucky and fortunate in any case, to have on a piece of paper. Lo and behold, a tional-waves. About 100 merger events
all such opportunities. By the time univer- professor comes over to estimate the have been observed so far, but with the
sity came, attempting to do research for outcome with a few lines of concise increasing sensitivity of detectors this
life and living felt like the only natural equations and a plethora of simplifying sample will soon skyrocket into millions of
choice. In comparison, the world outside assumptions. Isn’t that beautiful? Astron- mergers detected per year (or one every
academia seemed like a vast and some- omy is often not terribly precise. After all, few seconds). Our numerical work on
what terrifying unknown. Before I knew it, we are observing stars and galaxies mil- massive star binaries will be needed to
I became absorbed into the Borg. lions of light-years away rather than run- interpret this wealth of data and the ESO
ning a well-controled lab experiment. telescopes such as the VLT and ELT in
When studying astronomy, one gets Some of my fellow students did not like it, the near future will be instrumental in cali-
introduced to truly fascinating concepts, preferring the more exact and strict brating the models. The code I use solves
some of which may seem close to the line regime of mathematics or theoretical the same hydrostatic equilibrium equation
between science and fiction. Take ‘com- physics. But I was all in for back-of-the- balancing gravity and pressure in Earth
mon envelope’ stars as an example. One envelope simple calculations or numerical that was needed to solve that midnight
star flies into another, much larger, giant simulations. My master’s thesis boiled puzzle at an Almukantarat summer camp.
star, such that it becomes engulfed by down to estimating how often in our gal- And I still approximate common-envelope
the extended envelope of the giant. Mov- axy a star would fly into its companion evolution with a few simple equations and
ing through the gaseous medium, the star (that it was orbiting in a binary) as a a set of crude assumptions. For now, the
star experiences drag, slows down, and result of a dynamical perturbation quest continues.
spirals in towards the centre of the giant. induced by a third object flying closely by.
It plunges through the fluffy envelope like The result: well, not too often, as it turns
a gloved hand through a cover of fresh out. But astronomy is a safe space for
snow; the star’s movement scatters and funky ideas.

The Messenger 192 | 2024 59

Astronomical News Klencki, J., Nielsen, L. D., Fellows at ESO

Louise Dyregaard Nielsen

I love telescopes. I love them to such a

degree that I have let my life go wherever
the observing conditions are good. I love
how humankind built these vast, compli-
cated structures with the sole purpose of
understanding the Universe we live in. I
love that we can learn so much from such
limited information delivered by photons
(and in the age of multimessenger astron-
omy, by electrons and gravitational waves).

Growing up in the Danish countryside, the

night sky was dark and easily available. As
a young child, I was obsessed with stars,
and I probably read through every single
astronomy book available at my local
library. In 1997 the comet Hale-Bopp was
incredibly bright in the northern hemi- classes were almost entirely astronomy-­ recently NIRPS at the ESO 3.6-metre,
sphere and was visible night after night. based, which was great! I also took on a operating in the near-infrared. Today, with
I remember going out to spot it with my part-time job as a research assistant in a more than 5000 exoplanets known, we
older brothers as it got brighter and lab at NBI that builds cameras for astron- are starting to get an idea of the general
brighter in its orbit around the Sun. omy use. It was this job, combined with a populations of exoplanets, though our
visit to the Nordic Optical Telescope detection sensitivities do not yet allow us
Despite my early fascination with the night (NOT) in La Palma, that made me realise to detect true equivalents to the planets in
sky, I did not know if astronomy was a real I probably enjoyed the methods of obser- our Solar System.
career and I had no idea what a scientist vational astronomy more than anything
was or what they would do for work. There else. In the last year of my master’s Like many others, I finished my PhD in the
were no academics in my surroundings, degree, I got a job as a student astrono- depths of COVID-19. During this time I
and generally I doubted the wisdom of mer at the NOT, and I worked there while moved to Munich where my partner had
pursuing a career based on a childlike fas- finishing my master’s thesis. got a job. We were determined to defeat
cination. So after high school, I took a gap the two-body problem experienced by
year to consider options. I worked in elder From La Palma, I moved to Hawai‘i for many couples in academia. I started a
care and travelled around Central America a few months where I worked at Gemini short postdoc in Oxford but worked
where I picked up some Spanish. I spent North Observatory before going back remotely as the university was fully work-
that year talking to people about what they to Europe to take up an internship at ing from home, before taking up duty at
liked about their lives and jobs, and I found the European Space Agency (ESA). ESO as a fellow.
myself always circling back to the idea of It was there I began my first project on
becoming an astronomer. I started study- exoplanets, simulating spectroscopic Working at ESO is very different from a
ing physics at the Niels Bohr Institute (NBI) observations of atmospheres with JWST/ university, but not unlike my experience at
in Copenhagen, where I met a fantastic NIRSpec. This position became my step- ESA. On a day-to-day level, I enjoy talking
group of new friends (all of them so smart) ping stone to starting a PhD in Geneva, to colleagues with different backgrounds
while getting introduced to the world of Switzerland on measuring the masses of and expertise, and truly connecting with
academia and science. I enjoyed physics, transiting planets. what it means to run a world-leading
but it was not until I had my first astron- observatory. At ESO, I find that there is
omy course during my undergrad that I This was a fantastic time to join the field of more of a ‘helicopter perspective’ on
truly felt motivated to learn. (transiting) exoplanets. Harvesting the fruit astronomy as a whole, with a focus on
of years of ground-based surveys such as how we can be of service to a large,
To be honest, I was not a very good uni- WASP and Kepler/K2 in space, while diverse community. As one of the few
versity student and I struggled with time anticipating new space missions, TESS people at ESO working on exoplanets, I
management and balancing studying with and subsequently PLATO, that would give try to voice the needs and future concerns
work and social events. But I scraped by us thousands of transiting planets around of my sub-field whenever I can. With
in my bachelor’s degree and started a stars bright enough to follow up with ESO’s Extremely Large Telescope just
master’s in physics and astronomy feeling detailed studies. Simultaneously, the field around the corner, and in particular the
somewhat burned out. I decided to study of radial velocity follow-up was reaching high-­resolution spectrograph ANDES, the
half-time, while working as a high school new goals as more instruments came next steps for exoplanet science have
teacher, teaching maths to 16–18 year online, namely VLT/ESPRESSO, providing already been taken, and we do not seem
olds. At the same time, my university unprecedented precision, and more to be slowing down any time soon.

60 The Messenger 192 | 2024

ESO/G. Vecchia

This drone image, taken in late September 2023,

captures an aerial view of ESO’s Extremely Large
Telescope (ELT) dome at night. It already had the recog-
nisable spherical shape of a telescope enclosure.

The Messenger 192 | 2024 61

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