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4TH Quarter Science 7

science (Golden Gate Colleges)

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DIRECTION: Read and understand the given questions. Underline the letter of your answer.
1. To look for the exact places on the Earth, one must look on the globe at
A. The lines of latitude only. C. A neighboring area to describe the location
B. The lines of longitude only. D. The intersecting lines of longitude and latitude.
2. When measuring the lines of latitude, always begin with it which represents 0 degrees.
A. Prime meridian B. Equator C. longitude D. North pole

For items 3-6 refer to figure above

3. Which longitude can you find the Philippines?
A. 60° E B. 60° W C. 120° E D. 120° W
4. Which latitude can you find the Philippines?
A. Between 0° and 30° N, C. Between 120° E and 180° E
B. Between 0° and 30° S, D. Between 120° W and 180° W
5. At what continent does the Philippines belong?
A. Africa B. Europe C. Asia D. Australia
0 0
6. Is it possible for a city to be located at 30 N, 150 W?
A. Yes, it is in North America. C. No, there is no landmass in that area.
B. No, it is in Atlantic Ocean D. No, it is in North Indian Ocean.
7. What Sea is found west of the Philippines?
A. Mediterranean Sea B. Celebes Sea C. South China Sea D. Mindanao Sea
8. Which of the following steps would you consider in creating a map?
A. Indicate the major directions on the map. C. Utilize latitude and longitude to plot places on it.
B. Use the coordinate system. D. All of the steps should be followed.
9. Natural resources are materials or elements from the environment that people
A. did not create. B. invented for them. C. use to meet their needs. D. observe using scientific equipment
10. What do you call a resource that people can use again and again but its supply can be replaced?
A. renewable B. recyclable C. reliable D. unlimited
11. What two factors have the greatest influence on soil formation?
A. temperature and rainfall C. kind of soil particles and temperature
B. slope of the land and rainfall D. reforestation and use of compost as fertilizer
12. Which of the following resources takes a very long time to replace?
A. Crops B. Oil C. Trees D. Water
13. What do you call the resources that require long years before they can be replenished?
A. Nonrenewable B. Recyclable C. Renewable D. Reusable
14. Which of the following is correctly matched?
A. Coal: Renewable C. Aluminum: Renewable
B. Cotton: Nonrenewable D. Minerals: Nonrenewable
15. In which layer of the atmosphere where nearly all-weather phenomena occur?

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A. Mesosphere B. Stratosphere C. Thermosphere D. Troposphere

16. Which layer protects us from harmful ultraviolet rays?
A. Mesosphere B. Stratosphere C. Troposphere D. Ozone layer
17. What are the most abundant gases in Earth’s atmosphere?
A. Nitrogen and Oxygen C. Carbon Dioxide and Oxygen
B. Nitrogen and Hydrogen D. Carbon Dioxide and Nitrogen
18. In which layer of the atmosphere do planes fly to get out from the weather disturbances?
A. Exosphere B. Mesosphere C. Stratosphere D. Thermosphere
19. What happens to the temperature as you go higher in the troposphere?
A. It increases. B. It decreases. C. It stays the same. D. It increases then
20. In which layer of the earth’s atmosphere does meteoroids burn up?
A. Mesosphere B. Stratosphere C. Thermosphere D. Troposphere
21. Why is the presence of ozone important for the survival of living things on Earth?
A. It warms Earth’s surface. C. It makes jets flying more comfortable.
B. It helps in cloud formation. D. It offers protection from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays.
22. Why does warm air rise in the atmosphere?
A. It is denser than cold air C. It weighs more than cold air
B. It is less dense than cold air D. It has higher pressure than cold air
23. Which of the following will cause wind or movement of air in our atmosphere?
A. Differences in altitude C. Differences in temperature and altitude
B. Differences in pressure D. Differences in temperature and pressure
24. When does air rise in the atmosphere?
A. If air particles are cold C. When air is denser than other air particles
B. When air is warm and less dense D. If the air pressure around the place is higher
25. What causes the differences of air pressure in the atmosphere?
A. Waves of ocean’s water C. Rising and falling of water tides
B. Rotation of earth on its axis D. Unequal heating of earth’s atmosphere
26. What will happen if there is a difference between air pressure and temperature in the atmosphere?
A. Formation of wind C. Increase in force of gravity
B. Creation of tides in ocean D. Continuation of earth’s rotation
27. The following materials are found in our surroundings. Which one of these is the best absorber of heat?
A. Oil B. Juice C. Rock D. Water
28. When air particles in the atmosphere are heated, then their temperature increases. Does the increase in its
temperature causes the decrease in its density.
A. No, because only the temperature changed and not the density.
B. No, because the density of air particles is not related to its temperature.
C. Yes, because the density of air is inversely proportional to its temperature.
D. Yes, because the density and temperature of air are directly related to each other.
29. What will happen to the particles of air when it is heated?
A. Expand B. Explode C. Float D. Sink
30. Why do air particles rise if it is heated?
A. Because the temperature is low C. Because it is free to flow everywhere
B. Because its temperature increases D. Because it has very small particles and light weight
31. What happens to air particles when its temperature decreases?
A. Stays in place B. Expand, then rise C. Spread in all directions D. Moves toward a low pressure area
32. Which pair of resources is renewable?
A. cotton and leather B. aluminum and iron C. soil and minerals D. coal and solar energy
33. You see pieces of cardboard, empty soft drink cans, and a broken wooden chair dumped in a vacant lot.
Which of these ways would best utilize the wasted materials?
A. Donate the soft drink cans to an organization which recycles them into materials for wheelchairs.

B. Burn the cardboards.

C. Use the chair as firewood
D. Put them on the compost pit
34. Why are coal, petroleum and natural gas considered nonrenewable resources if they were produced
from plant and animal remains?
A. It takes a very long time to produce them

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B. Using them results in environmental problems.

C. They are difficult to locate and explore from Earth.
D. The Philippine is dependent on supply form other countries.
35. We depend on energy for many of our daily activities. Which of the following statements shows
conservation of energy?
I. Switch off lights when not in use.
II. Recycle materials like paper and glass container.
III. Turn off electrical appliances when they are not in use.
IV. At low tide, water is allowed to run through the dam to turn electrical generators.
A. I only B. I, II C. I, II, III D. I, II, III, IV
36. Which of the following DOES NOT describe a wise conservation of energy?
A. Constructing dams near waterfalls C. Making windmills in areas with strong seasonal winds
B. Using solar power cells to run electricity D. Dumping of agricultural waste into the rivers
37. If you plan to save power to lessen the electricity bill, what would you do?
A. Use generators during brownouts. C. Utilize solar energy for home and office use.
B. Create rechargeable appliances. D. Create a device to monitor power use.
38. What is the most abundant element in the Earth’s atmosphere?
A. Argon B. Carbon dioxide C. Nitrogen D. Oxygen
39. Which layer of the atmosphere contains the ozone layer?
A. Mesosphere B. Stratosphere C. Thermosphere D. Troposphere
40. In which layer is the most water vapor found?
A. Mesosphere B. Stratosphere C. Thermosphere D. Troposphere
41. Why is the presence of ozone above the troposphere important to the survival of living things on Earth?
A. It warms the Earth’s surface. C. It makes jet flying more comfortable.
B. It helps in cloud formation. D. It offers protection from the Sun’s harmful rays.
42. The greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon. Without natural greenhouse effect, the temperature of the Earth would
be about -180 C instead of 140 C at present. Why are scientist concerned about the greenhouse effect?
A. There is no technology that will keep the temperature of Earth constant.
B. Planting trees in wider areas is not possible; Earth has many desert areas.
C. Human activities like burning of fossil fuels and deforestation enhance the greenhouse effect
D. The human population is increasing rapidly, more carbon dioxide will be released in the atmosphere.
43. Why do hikers put on thicker clothes when climbing a high mountain?
A. for protection against insect bites
B. the air temperature decreases with altitude.
C. so they can easily be located when they get lost.
D. to add more weight so they will not be pushed by the wind.
44. The following are ways by which we can prevent global warming from getting worse EXCEPT:
I. Planting trees
II. Rice fields are turned into residential or commercial centers.
III. Reducing use of gasoline and gasoline-related products (burning of these in car engines release CO2).
A. I and II only B. II and III only C. II only D. I, II and III
45. What do you call the upward and downward currents of air which result from the uneven heating of air?
A. radiation currents B. conduction currents C. winds D. convection currents
46. Jennie and her friends went to Boracay last summer. They went swimming all day till dawn. They observed
that as the sun goes down, the temperature of the sea water becomes colder. What atmospheric phenomenon
makes the sea water colder?
A. Sea Breeze B. Land Breeze C. Monsoon D. Intertropical Convergence Zone
47. What is the direction of the wind during daytime?
A. From sea to land B. From land to sea C. From east to west D. From north to south
48. How does air in the atmosphere moves with respect to temperature?
A. Warm air goes up causing the cold air to rise also
B. Warm air goes down causing the cold air to rise
C. Warm air goes up causing the cold air to move out to replace the rising warm air
D. Warm air goes down causing the cold air to move up to replace the rising warm air
49. What is the effect of Amihan (North-East monsoon) to the climate in the eastern part of the Philippines?
A. It brings warm air because in came from the north

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B. It brings rain because it passes over some bodies of water

C. It causes large and destructive typhoons
D. It has nothing to do with the Philippine climate
50. If Habagat brings warm air from high-pressure area in Australia to the Philippines, what does Amihan
A. Cold air from low-pressure area in Australia
B. Cold air from high-pressure area in Asian continent
C. Warm air from high-pressure area in Asian continent
D. Typhoon and ITCZ from low-pressure area in Australia
51. Jericho asks his father who is a farmer about his views about monsoon. His father said that monsoon is very
useful. How does monsoon can be useful to farmers like Jericho’s father?
A. Because monsoon can be used to predict possible agricultural diseases
B. Because monsoon can drive a wind that might destroy crops
C. Because monsoon can drive away pest from crops
D. Because monsoon can bring rain that is much needed for irrigation
52. In what month does the North Pole starts to be pointing away from the Sun?
A. December B. September C. June D. March
53. In what region of the earth receives direct contact from sunlight during the month of June?
A. North Pole B. South Pole C. Southern Hemisphere D. Northern Hemisphere
54. As the North Pole tilted away from the sun, nighttime will then be ________ than daytime in the ________.
A. Longer: Southern Hemisphere C. Shorter: Northern Hemisphere
B. Longer: Northern Hemisphere D. Shorter: Southern Hemisphere
For items 55-56, refer to the illustration below:

55. At which position will the Southern Hemisphere receives direct contact from sunlight?
56. Equinox is the day in a year where there are 12 hours both daytime and nighttime. In what position of the
earth will that occur?
A. A and C B. B and C C. B and D D. A and C

57. Given the two rays below generate the angle that will be formed when the sun hits “OBLIQUELY” into the
surface of the earth.

A. B. C. D.

58. The Philippines is located in the equatorial region, it means that;

A. Warm air rises in this region C. It is much warmer in this region than any place on earth
B. It has generally wet and dry season D. All of the above

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For items 59-60, refer to the illustration below:

59. The Philippines is located near the equator, which of the following statement is TRUE?
A. It receives direct ray of the sun all throughout the year
B. It doesn’t have winter in its season
C. It has cold climate during the months of September-December
D. None of the above
60. In which month is the North Pole tilted towards the Sun?
A. June B. March C. September D. December
61. The Philippines is located near the equator, which of the following statement is TRUE?
A. It receives direct ray of the sun all throughout the year
B. It doesn’t have winter in its season
C. It has cold climate during the months of September-December
D. None of the above
62. What is the phase of the moon when it is between Earth and the Sun?
A. New Moon B. Last Quarter C. First Quarter D. Full Moon
63. How long does it take for the moon to circle the Earth?
A. 27.3 days B. 29.5 days C. 30 days D. 31 days
64. During solar eclipse, the moon is in between the earth and the sun. The sun seems to be eaten away by the
moon. What causes such phenomenon?
A. The shadow of the moon falls on earth C. The shadow of the earth is casted on the moon
B. The sun is blocked by the earth D. The shadow of the moon is casted upon the sun
65. The sun is very much bigger in size than the moon yet it appears to have the same angular size in the sky.
This is because ___________.
A. The moon is closer to the Earth than the sun
B. The sun is brighter than the moon
C. The moon revolves around the Earth in a shorter period of time
D. The Earth revolves around the sun and the moon revolves around the earth therefore moon appears bigger.
66. Why does eclipse rarely occurred?
A. Because the Sun is far from the earth than the moon
B. Because the Sun is brighter than the moon
C. Because the moon’s orbit around the Earth is tilted with respect to its orbit around the sun.
D. Because the moon revolves around the Earth in a shorter period of time
67. Which among the following is a belief on the cause of solar eclipse?
A. The Oro Fish moves below the earth
B. The Sun turned off its light because of power disruption
C. The shadow of the moon blocked the sun ray
D. The mighty Bakunawa eat away the sun
68. What eclipses during the night?
A. Solar Eclipse B. Lunar Eclipse C. New Moon Eclipse D. Total Solar Eclipse
69. Which of the following you must do during eclipse?
A. Stay inside the house especially when you are pregnant
B. Look directly at the sun or moon
C. Use eyepieces that are safe for solar viewing
D. Turn off your cellphones or TV because eclipse releases radioactive energy that might disrupt
electromagnetic signal
70. The complete lunar phase, that is, from full moon to full moon takes __________.
A. 27.3 days B. 29.5 days C. 30 days D. 31 days Prepared by:

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Ritchel Jane T.


1. D 25. D 49. B
2. B 26. A 50. B
3. C 27. D 51. D
4. A 28. C 52. A
5. C 29. A 53. D
6. C 30. B 54. B
7. C 31. C 55. C
8. D 32. A 56. C
9. C 33. A 57. A
10. A 34. A 58. D
11. A 35. C 59. B
12. C 36. D 60. A
13. A 37. C 61. B
14. B 38. C 62. A
15. D 39. B 63. A
16. B 40. D 64. A
17. A 41. D 65. A
18. C 42. D 66. C
19. B 43. B 67. D
20. A 44. C 68. B
21. D 45. D 69. C
22. B 46. B 70. B
23. D 47. A
24. B 48. C

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