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First madP. {·n)tr, ~oil. r~;.;ttc· ' Uls f.J l'\ hnuf f~l • 'lt •i.d t.,hau:, .

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ago, u :l,ot•.r tirl rngrrit.')nt i ~1,. 1 Vi p!aved ar, ·:,\por1 ,pt nii r ,n 1iurt1(; i vr:
psv~·-0tof£,\ ~ok:uJ?"'Y nav~i syn,b-t:ili~•~d ,: 1 • J ! P.rtt , r,,Ht pt~ !C a,h r·,.,;nt , ..
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fJ'-' e ,'ch 01' th a-

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Draw and design for client: 202~

Thome : " A Journey t h ro ugh t h e w orld 1o u lours"

who are designing for ?

First mad e from soil, mi nerals, an i mal fats and charcoal in africa as m uch as ao oao \ 'ears
ago , colour t d pigments have played an Important role in human symbolisms and
p sy cology. Col ou rs have symbolised different concepts to different people acro ss tim~
and count ry- we woul d love t o see your use of colour in t he creation of beautif ul set o i
jewellery { Neckpiece, ri ng and a pair of earrings).

Use col ours and mate r ials t hat will WOW the judges (t rainers )
Let you r creative juices flow ... ... ...... ....

Design C3' agories:

D esign to l;e eye catching
Hand macie Jewellery
use of visible colours
Different ~hapes
sh a dings

00 a research on that particular person you are design ir,

A snort oa ragraph on t he inspiration tor t h e design within tne rne

please let it b~ ::;omeo ne w ho is w ell knov: n.

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