Revision III Metals&Current

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Academic Session: 2023-2024

Final Examination
Chapter Metal and Non-metals
Chapter Chemical Effects of Electric Current

I. Multiple choice questions:

1. Negatively charged ions are called.
a. cathode
b. anode
c. cations
d. anions
2. Most liquids that conduct electricity are solutions of
a. acids
b. bases
c. salts
d. all of the above
3. An electric current brings about chemical changes in most conducting
a. liquids
b. gases
c. solids
d. none of the above
4. Specific gravities of metals are generally
a. low
b. high
c. same as non-metals
d. same as gases
5. The best electrical conductor is:
a. Gold
b. Silver
c. Copper
d. Aluminium

II. Define the following

6. Noble metals
Noble metals are those metals which are found in their free state in nature and do not easily
in presence of air and moisture. For Example, gold, platinum, silver etc.

7. Electromotive force

Electromotive force is the driving force or the electric potential produced by an electrochemical
cell or by changing the magnetic to help in continuous flow of current in a circuit.

III. Give reason for the following:

8. Noble metals are used to make jewelry because they are very reactive. Do you agree?
No, I do not agree. Noble metals like gold, platinum, and silver are used to make jewelry, not
because they are very reactive but because they are inert(Less reactive) in nature and highly
resistant to corrosion.
9. When a liquid conducts electricity, a process called conduction only takes place. Do you
agree. Give reason
No, I do not agree. Because when an electric current is passed through a liquid, it breaks
chemically into dissolved ions, these ions conduct electricity within a liquid. The process of
breaking up of a liquid chemically into ions upon passing electricity is known as electrolysis and
the liquid is known as the electrolyte.
10. A doctor diagnosed a patient with iron deficiency and gave him tablets containing iron.
But the tablets were not hard and did not look like iron at all. What do you think the
tablets contained?
Tablets prescribed by doctor for iron deficiency does not look like the metal iron because:
The tablets contain iron but in the form of salts or compounds of different types.
Only iron in the form of salts can be utilized by the body to prevent and cure the deficiency.
IV. Complete the following reaction.
(i) Cu + ZnSO4 No reaction

(ii) Fe +CuSo4 FeSo4+ Cu

(iii) Mg + CuSO4 MgSo4+ Cu

(iv) Fe+ PbSO4 FeSO4 +Pb

V. Observe the diagram and answer the following questions:

Based on the above two pictures identify what is Solution A and Solution B.
Solution A can be solution of either salt ,acids or bases that’s why it conducts electricity as a
result the bulb glows while solution B may be a sugar solution or distilled water thus does not
conduct electricity as that’s why the bulb doesn’t glow.
VI. Answer the following questions:
11. Differentiate between
a) electrons and protons.
Proton Electron

It carries a positive charge. It carries negative charge.

2. It is present inside nucleus of an atom 2. It revolves around an atom in the nucleus

3. It does not move freely 3. It moves freely thus helps in conducting electricity.

b) conductors and insulators

Conductor Insulator

Materials that permit electricity or heat to pass Materials that do not permit heat and electricity to pass
through it. through it.

A few examples of a conductor are silver, A few examples of an insulator are paper, wood, and
aluminium, and iron. rubber.

c) cathode and anode

Anode Cathode

The anode is the electrode where electricity The cathode is the electrode where electricity is given
moves into. out or flows out.

The anode is usually the positive side. A cathode is a negative side.

d) Physical state of metals and non-metals at room temperature

The metals are generally present in the solid form at room temperature except mercury which is
liquid at room temperature. Whereas non-metals may be solid, liquid and gaseous at room

e) malleability and ductility

Malleability- The property by virtue of which metals can be beaten into thin sheets is called
malleability. For example- Gold. Ductility- The property by virtue of which metals can be drawn
into thin wires. For example- Copper wire.

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