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Essay!! Explain the following saying (200-300 words); “The Population increases as the
value of life decreases”
“The Population Increases as the Value of Life Decreases”

The human population does not only affects human but also our environment and
wildlife. The increased population had also led to increased pollution and industrialization. This
had adversely affected our natural environment, decreasing the value of life.

As the population keeps growing, more and more countries are running out of food
supplies and other resources caused by various disasters. Population has becoming one of the
biggest issues we are facing today. As the saying “The Population increases as the value of life
decreases” implies on the situation that when population requires more resources, deforestation
is happening at a faster rate which takes away the homes of various animals. Simultaneously,
their habitat is being destroyed owning to human activities, which means that when a
population grows more, the value of life in animals, the environment and eventually us will also
decreased. In fact, instead of controlling the environment for the benefit of the population,
perhaps it’s time for us to control the population to allow the survival of the environment.

Women’s should be educated and empowered in providing family planning information

that would enable people to choose size of their families. And choosing to have fewer children is
one of the most important choices we could make.

Answer the following questions:
1. State the reason/s why OFW decided to leave the country?
- Higher salary
- To be successful
- They needed money
- More job opportunity
2. What are the problems encountered in the country they went to?
- Human trafficking
- Employer abuse
- Sexual harassment
- Homesickness
3. What are the benefits they obtained in the country they went to?
- They get higher salary and easier success.
4. If they are given a choice, would they still leave the country? Why and Why not?
- It depends in the person, there are some who would still choose to go abroad due
to some of his/her reason such as he/she wishes for good opportunity to have
higher salary which would help her/him to achieved success easier or he/she has
personal problems into his/her family or relative or rather the country. Some
people would also choose to stay especially he/she couldn’t take a risk of leaving
his/her family or he/she is afraid to go abroad.

Essay!! (200-500 words), Write a reflection regarding DEVELOPMENT and
SUSTAINABILITY highlighting the need of taking care our surroundings.
Sustainable development is important as it saves national budgets, fulfilling the needs of
people, conserves natural resources. It helps in the coordination between the natural resources
and people conserves natural resources for future generations.

Doing more things that could help conserve usage of natural resources while using less
things that could endanger the environment would likely increased the possibility of having a
healthy community and environment, it’s would most likely at doing more and better with less.
Sustainability and development is also important through economic growth by conserving
environment while development is taking place, resources must be used in a way that something
is also conserved for future generation which means people should not be greedy on the
consumption of the resources, and the standard of living all people must be raised providing that
we must fight poverty also. Thus, sustainability and development basically means using them
with conservation with a thought of saving some for the future generations, just like a kid saving
his money for tomorrow.

In order to have healthy communities and environment, we need clean air, natural
resources, and a nontoxic environment. Sustainable development enables the communities to
care for their own environment, in order to have healthy communities and environment.

Essay!! (200-500 words), Is there a direct link between poverty and food security? Why?

Food security exists when all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to
sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preference for an active
and healthy life.

There is a direct link between poverty and food security: Availability of sufficient food is
clearly a necessary condition for food security, and much policy thinking focuses solely on the
questions of availability. But, availability of enough food in the aggregate is not sufficient for food
security. Policies and government only focuses on the availability of food, rather than securing
the food, which creates risks for access to food. There are many reasons why people may not
have access to food such as the existence of poverty on people. The quality of food that people
can access is also important, particularly for the poorest people, and also for people with limited
information about the food nutrition. When a food price is high, poor people would likely switch
to lower priced food that fails to adequately meet their nutritional needs. Ensuring that every
food we take is healthy and safe.

Reducing poverty is a key element in a policy for food security, because poor people most
likely to have lesser security on the food they take every day as they couldn’t afford high-priced
foods that could meet their nutrients. Thus, poverty and food security has direct link with each

Essay!! Write a 200-500 words:
 Write a reflection regarding the definition of Global Citizenship.
 Write about a present global issue and propose a solution to it as a global citizen.

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