E-Portfolio For GEE5

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by Ethan James Escaño

What is AI
AI is an algorithm that is modelled from the natural thought process of humans.

It is advantageous to use AI for automated response, inspiration for ideas,

security, and a lot more
Disadvantages of using AI

-fake creative output

-can be used for cybercrime

Topic 5
Issues with AI
Some crimes that are done with the use of AI
Online Sextortion


Cyber grooming


Identity theft

Topic 6
Privacy and Information Security
Privacy and Information Security
Before exploring the internet, we must know what we're getting into. As we enter it,
we should always assume we are not protected. Everything we agree on, we must
read. Having knowledge about the dangers of the internet will make us be more
vigilant with our actions digitally.
Though I oppose AI because of ethical reasons, it is no doubt one of the best tools
for many things today. It's true that the morality behind AI is still in the hands of the
user, but I don't trust the morality of majority of people. People, when observed by
other people, act justly, but when no one's watching, he thinks of the craziest
ideas. I always find Plato’s ring analogy to be true. What would you do if you found
a ring that when worn, makes you invisible? I always ask this to my nicest to
naughtiest friends, and despite the morality they show to the public, their answer
would always be something chaotic for the society. To make it short, people are
naturally evil. AI is something you could use alone, no one would know what
prompt you used, or in the point of view of a tech genius, what type of AI did you
code? Anyways, let's just use it to our advantage for now.

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