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Problem Reduction in Artificial Intelligence

Problem Reduction in AI
In artificial intelligence, problem reduction is the process of decomposing
large, difficult problems into smaller, easier-to-manage subproblems to
arrive at a solution. By breaking complex issues up into smaller, more
manageable challenges, this method enables AI systems to take on bigger,
more challenging tasks.

Problem Reduction Techniques in AI

A successful technique for simplifying difficult problems and making them
simpler to address is problem reduction. It can also be applied to lessen the
algorithms' complexity in terms of time and space.

An AND/OR graph can be used to depict the various ways a problem to


AND-OR graphs

When a problem can be solved by breaking it down into smaller problems

that must all be solved, an AND-OR graph, also known as a tree, can be
used to illustrate the solution.

We refer to the arcs produced by this breakdown or reduction as AND arcs.

There can be an unlimited number of successor nodes pointed to by one
AND arc. which after that needs to be resolved for the arc-to-point

A method similar to best-first search that can suitably handle the AND arcs
is required to identify a solution in an AND-OR network.


Let’s understand the technique with the help of the following problem:

To express a solution to a problem that can be solved by breaking it down

into smaller problems that must all be solved, the problem-reduction

technique is helpful.

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