Mozambique Position Paper

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Position Paper for


Great Bend High School

Advisor: Kim Heath

Created by Jordan Sander, Sheridan Johnson, Thomas Henrikson, Keaton Kruckenberg

Country: Mozambique

Committee: Plenary Committee

Delegation: Great Bend High School

Mozambique believes that the work of the Committee is necessary to address the issue of Arms

Race in Space and Protection of Migrants

Topic 1: Prevention of an arms race in outer space

Mozambique gained independence from Portugal in 1975. In 1992, they established

United Nations Operations in Mozambique (ONUMOZ). While our country has neither signed

nor ratified the UN treaty preventing weapons in Outer Space we strongly are against the

proliferation of all weapons.

In 2016, Mozambique voted in favor of the UN General Assembly resolution that

established the formal mandate to work towards “a legally binding instrument to prohibit nuclear

weapons, leading towards their total elimination”.

In addition, Mozambique’s wishes to prevent the illegal arms trade and restrict use of all

small weapons. We were the 100th country to join the Arms Trade Treaty and believe that small

arms falling into the hands of terrorists is a far larger problem in our world than any weaponizing

of space being explored.

Mozambique is willing to continue conferences and major discussions on preventing an

arms race and anti-satellite weaponry in space. But with 45% of the Mozambique population

under 15 years old, and many Mozambicans moving out of the country to look for jobs, we are

just more interested in removing the millions of mines left scattered across our nations and

rebuilding and renovating our schools, hospitals, and roads.

I. Topic 2: Protection of Migrants

Mozambique supports a coordinated, global approach to managing migration in order to

ensure the well-being of migrants, and uphold their rights.

Mozambique has signed and ratified several international treaties that promote and

protect the rights of refugees and asylum-seekers, such as the 1951 Convention Relating to the

Status of Refugees, the 1967 Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees, and the 1969

Convention Governing the Specific Aspects of Refugee Problems in Africa.

The government of Mozambique appreciates the support of the UNHCR. Their help is

assisting authorities in efforts to address the refugee situation and work on ways to help asylum-

seekers and refugees to voluntarily repatriate to their countries of origin in safety and dignity.

Mozambique calls on the UN to continue to provide financial support for those countries

sheltering refugees from war torn areas and caring for international displaced persons. It is only

through the support of the UN that Mozambique will be able to provide refugees, asylum-

seekers, and displaced people with improved access to services and assistance to meet their basic


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