Afghanistan Position Paper

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Position Paper for


Great Bend High School

Advisor: Kim Heath

Created by Quinton Heath, Chanler Riley,

Country: Afghanistan

Committee: Plenary Committee

Delegation: Great Bend High School

Afghanistan believes that the work of the Committee is critical to address the issue of Arms Race

in Space and Protection of Migrants.

Topic 1: Prevention of an arms race in outer space

Although Afghanistan was an original signer of the Outer Space Treaty to limit nuclear

weapons in space, our country\ is currently facing one of the worst humanitarian crises in the

world. Under the oppressive rule of the Taliban its citizens are not able to speak or move freely.

Until we fix the enormous problems that Afghanistan is facing at home, more global issues like

the outer space arms race are not our top concern. Afghanistan is a country that has very little

experience in space travel and exploration. Only one Afghan man has ever gone into space.

That being said, Afghanistan still believes military satellites in space should be

prohibited. These satellites, if used, would have devastating effects on the human race. With war

raging all over the earth, Afghanistan supports efforts to limit the addition of more methods of

war in space. This should be prevented at all costs. The Afghan people have considerable

interest in and support for the limit of weapons in space.

Afghanistan calls on the Security Council to create and enforce laws and restrictions in

regards to the limitation of military satellites. It is the duty of the United Nations to limit the use

and launch of military satellites in order to potentially eliminate the suffering of individuals

Topic 2: Protection of Migrants

Because of Afghanistan's history of conflict and displacement, we are very aware of the

challenges faced by migrants, including refugees and internally displaced persons. We support

the UN’s efforts through various agencies such as the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) and the

International Organization for Migration (IOM) in coordinating international efforts to assist and

protect migrants. War and unrest in Syria, Iraq, Central African Republic and South Sudan have

displaced millions of people. Currently, there are over 2.5 million refugees originating from

Afghanistan in search for a safer home. As a land-locked country situated in the realm of on-

going violence, it is imperative that our outgoing refugees have safe and proper channels to

escape their dangerous areas.

Afghanistan supports the 2007 UNHCR Ten Point Plan of Action, which takes a

comprehensive approach to assist refugees. As is well known, one of the five pillars of Islam is

to give compulsory charity (zakat). In addition to the poor and destitute, among the beneficiaries

of this charity are those who are in need and are suffering. Migration and being a refugee are

both dire human conditions in need for help. The word refugee is not mentioned in the Qur'an

per se, but it has been described as "the travelers passing a city who have nothing which helps

them on continuing their journey. . ." (Ibn Kathir vol. 4, 169).

Afghanistan proposes the implementation of open borders or humanitarian visas in times

of severe crises. Afghanistan is willing to cooperate with other members of the international

community that are interested in keeping people who are in need from taking risks of dangerous

travel or becoming victims of smuggling. We call on the international community to accept

displaced people from more countries into its borders. Afghanistan believes additional action by

the international community is still greatly needed.

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