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The Effects

Of Climate Change
Are Becoming More
Evident Everyday.
Our Founding Story And Reason For Existence,
Our History And Values Are Integral Parts Of
Our Brand Positioning Strategy.

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CHI Philosophy
CHI Philosophy
3 CHI Philosophy 13 Climate Hub’s Carbon Markets VISION
Building a shared future all life
Vision Green Carbon Projects 14
on the planet. (PPPs) to achieve a sustainable future.
Mission Blue Carbon Projects 15
Core Values Renewabl Energy Projects 15
Biodiversity Projects and Credits 15
4 Goals GHG Emission Tracking and Calculation 15
We front the reduction of harmful intense
Goal 1 ESG Specialization 15 Our aim is to bring together previously
drought, storms, heat waves, rising sea independent research programs to
16 How Does Climate Hub’s Carbon Credits Platform Work?
Goal 2 levels. We own measurements taken to accelerate their independent research
Goal 3 reduce the harmful effects of hazards that programs to accelerate their delivery of
remain in potential, or to manage harmful
5 Reduction of GHG Methods 17 Go Green Campaign in school,Community & Diocese
cutting-edge tools focused on climate
incidents that have already occurred. change adaptation.

6 Cross-cutting Priority Areas 18 Solving The Carbon Crisis Core Innovation. Sustainability. Honest.
Carbon Literacy Training & Certification 6
Forest Ecosystem Restoration 7 19 Integrating Sustainability @ Chi Values

technology diffusion
Lead in changing our energy,
transportation and other
systems so that they don’t
We believe in always telling
the truth. Not hiding the
truth about something, being
Develop biogas markets in Uganda 8
360 Waste Management
Promoting Eco-Friendly Product
20 Maximizing the Impact of Partnership contribute to warming our
sincere. Being able to share
honestly how we feel.

Cook Briques
Improve life at home
22 Together we can prevent climate change A Ugandan Owned organization coming out of the conservation or environmental movements
How to prevent climate change and Global warming 23
Solar Home Systems 9 that seeks to protect, analyze or monitor the environment against misuse or degradation
from human forces. We are ready to facilitate innovation, communication with a purpose to
Solar Pumps 10 have a clean atmosphere and connection.
Street Lights 12
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Reduction of GHG Methods
CHI interventions is guided by three distinctive goals, which are further underpinned by the
Organisation statement. We have developed a strategy that will mobilize appropriate and adequate,
technology transfer, capacity building, major climate investments for African countries to ensure a
just transition for the most vulnerable communities.

Goal 1 Goal 2 Goal 3

Provide factual educational Fight carbon off setting: Support initiatives for waste
information to the public (reduction of our recycle, re-use and remake
about environmental owemissions by finding in the public private and
awareness other ways to remove an social sectors.

Achieving these strategic goals will deliver on the global climate agenda and translate climate
commitments into implementation while recognizing every country’s responsibility to act and rise
to the occasion to deliver on previous commitments from the convention to the Paris Agreement.

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Cross-cutting Priority Areas Forest Ecosystem Restoration
Key learning outcomes:
•B ecome carbon literate to formally certify as Carbon Literate A Crucial Piece of the New Global Biodiversity Framework.
with the Carbon Literacy Trust Restoring forest ecosystems involves returning trees to
• Understandt he sustainable marketingl andscape–a ligning former forest land and improving the condition of degraded
applicationo ft echnical marketing and communications kills, forests.
providing a more responsible lens and operating framework

Learningf romo thers via practical,r elatable,r elevant examples
and bestp racticea round innovation, collaboration, partnerships
andp roblem solving–u singt heir skills as af orce for good Access

Literacy resources, ideas and cases tudies to drivec arbon Literacy

landscape, aligning commercial performance andt argets to support
growth andd evelopment within the marketinga nd communications
profession. We have created platforms for corporate and charitable
sectors to practice tree planting, as it has become a safe
CHI executing the Go-Green Campaign in Kyanja Community
and unobtrusive strategy for the philanthropic arm of
standard for good reason: unlikeo ther many large businesses. What started as PR fodder has
The Knowladge we need for our Future now now become an essential component of many companies’
Effectivec limate change learning for sustainability plans.
tranformst he course from an educationalt ool everyone
Become carbon literate to formally certify • We lead in tree-planting drives in Schools, Dioceses
ar obust understanding of thec limate as Carbon Literate with theC arbon Literacy and Communities.
contex of each learner’s dayt od ay life,a nd a Trust
commitment to recognize ways to adjust our • Reforestation needs to be part of the solution if we’re
behaviort or educe our carbon footprint, as going to succeed, but we need to understand that
trees everywhere isn’t always a good thing,” CHI helps
An awareness of thec arbon costs and impacts of everyday activities to identify what good seedlings and which location.
change and supports a culturals hift away from andt he ability and motivationt or educe emissions,o na ni ndividual,
fossil fuels. community and organisational basis.’ CHI Partners with Ministry of Defence in the poverty war

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9 Save The Future Now 2023
Develop biogas markets 360 Waste Management
Promoting Eco-Friendly Product
in Uganda Recycling and non-hazardous solid environmentally responsible
waste disposal. solutions to meet current and
Cook Briques. Solar Home Systems Improving lively hood
A set of a small biogas digester, biogas
backpacks and biogas stoves can replace future market recycling and
Working with Kampala City Council solid waste needs. We promote briquettes produced from Promoting affordable Solar Home Reduction of black carbon emissions
firewood and charcoal for cooking. Not only Authority (KCCA), transfer stations, carbonized, crushed and compressed 620+, Including Accessories like, is marked as a potential way to reduce
the technology, but rather the approach of (B) recycling centers and landfills, we Waste Collection is part of the organic waste material used as a cooking Light, Power & Radio for your global warming, and since kerosene
energy proves that a smart business model focus on providing effective and process of waste management. fuel. Briquettes replace the usage of home. lamps are such a major sources of
implemented by local entrepreneurs is much reliable environmental services and We support transferring of solid conventional types of fuel such as wood black carbon, limiting their use could
more effective, we’ve established a relationship, solutions to make proper recycling waste from the point of use and charcoal and firewood, which helps to The Sokar Home 620 + Can be be beneficial to the environment.
situation, or marketplace between biogas and waste disposal effortless for disposal to the point of treatment expanded by connecting to the
conserve trees.
digester and the end-user. Kampala and its neighborhood. or landfill. This includes the BioLite TV system, the Solar
curbside collection of recyclable Home 5000, to power even Larger
We are committed to the preservation collection of materials that appliances.
of a Green Planet a cleaner, safer and technically are not waste, as part
healthier world where people thrive of a municipal landfill diversion
not just for today, but for generations program.
to come. CHI is experienced in
meeting sustainability requirements
and committed to providing

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Solar Pumps

Driving Partnerships in the development of ‘mini-grids’ We have a working relationship with Solarborn as one of
(smaller-scale grid systems) that link isolated demand, the dedicated organisation established with perfect PV
such as a mining operation, a village or an irrigation ecological industrial chain and providing design, development,
scheme, with a local source of electricity production (e.g. installation, technical service and other one-stop services for
solar, small hydro), often with a backup generator that can grid.
step in if needed.

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even in challenging weather conditions. The
weatherproof design guarantees long-lasting
functionality and protection against harsh ALL IN ONE SOLAR STREET LIGHT
Our solar street lights offer several advantages
that make them stand out from traditional
All Weather

lighting solutions. The inbuilt battery ensures Condition Water Protection RESSL A101 9W 6Ah 40W
continuous operation, even during cloudy

Solar Street days or power outages. With a longer LED life, RESSL A102 12W/15W 12Ah 50W
maintenance requirements are minimized, RESSL A103 18W/20W 18Ah 80W

resulting in cost savings. The motion sensor
technology adds an extra layer of security and RESSL A104 24W 24Ah 80W
helps conserve energy by activating the lights Motion Heavy duty
Sensor LiFePo4 Battery Pack RESSL A105 30W 30Ah 110W
A breakthrough in sustainable lighting only when motion is detected. Additionally, the
technology. Designed to provide reliable automatic dusk-to-dawn operation enables RESSL A106 36W/40W/50W 36Ah 165W
illumination for streets, pathways, and outdoor hassle-free lighting control, ensuring that your
areas, our solar street lights offer a cost- surroundings are illuminated when needed. 120

effective and environmentally friendly solution.

Longer Wider
With two options to choose from, we cater to
LED Life Beam Angle
diverse lighting requirements. The All in-One (W)
Solar Street Light combines the solar panel,
battery, and LED into a single integrated unit, RESSL A101 9W 6Ah 40W
eliminating the need for complex installations A RESSL A102 12W/15W 12Ah 40W
and external wiring. Meanwhile, our Semi-
Integrated Solar Street Light features an inbuilt Sturdy Dusk to Dawn RESSL A103 18W/20W 18Ah 50W
LED and battery, allowing for greater flexibility (Aluminium Automatic
in positioning the separate solar panel. alloyed structure)
Crafted with a focus on durability, our solar RESSL A105 30W/40W 30Ah 80W
street lights feature a sturdy alluminum alloy SOLAR STREET LIGHT RESSL A106 40W/50W/60W 36Ah 80W
structure that ensures exceptional performance

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2 Blue Carbon Projects: 4 Biodiversity Projects and 5 GHG Emission Tracking
Credits: and Calculation:
Climate Hub’s Carbon Markets CHI is proud to promote Blue Carbon We actively support biodiversity projects that Our digital platform incorporates
projects, which focus on the preservation protect critical habitats, conserve wildlife, cutting-edge technologies for accurate
and restoration of coastal and marine and promote sustainable land use practices. and transparent greenhouse gas (GHG)
ecosystems, such as mangroves, seagrasses, These projects generate biodiversity credits, emission tracking and calculation.
Climate Hub’s Carbon Markets Department stands ready to make a positive impact, we have joined the sector to drive and saltmarshes. These projects play a providing an additional layer of environmental Through real-time data and advanced
sustainable and combatting climate change. Through our high-tech digital platform, we unite Green carbon projects, Blue crucial role in sequestering vast amounts of analytics, our clients gain valuable
carbon while providing additional benefits impact beyond carbon offsetting.
Carbon projects, Renewable Energy projects, and Biodiversity projects with respective credits, offering comprehensive insights into their carbon footprints,
such as coastal protection and support for
solutions for carbon offsetting and sustainability. local communities. Our commitment to the
enabling informed decision-making
and strategic planning for emissions
Our platform empowers individuals, businesses, and organizations to take decisive action against climate change. UNFCCC Blue Carbon Framework ensures
the highest standards of project selection
Through a seamless and transparent process, we offer a diverse portfolio of projects, each meticulously selected to and carbon accounting.
ensure credibility, integrity and impact. Here’s a look at our projects;
1 Green Carbon Projects:
CHI promotes significant By integrating GHG emission tracking
emphasis on Green carbon and calculation and providing strategic
projects, which include decarbonization consultation, we
reforestation, afforestation, focus on innovation and environmental 3 Renewabl Energy Projects:
forest conservation, and stewardship, to empower individuals,
sustainable land management businesses, organizations and We drive the transition to a low-carbon
economy through promoting and supporting
initiatives. By investing in these governments to make a tangible of renewable energy projects. From ESG Specialization
projects, our clients support impact on the planet while ensuring a solar home systems energy installations
carbon sequestration, ecosystem seamless and transparent process. these initiatives enable the reduction of We have specialized team with strong analytical
restoration, and biodiversity greenhouse gas emissions while promoting skills and comprehensive understanding of how
conservation. Each project is clean and sustainable energy sources. ESG factors relate to risk and opportunities.
meticulously selected, adhering We work in analyst community, perhaps with
to reputable frameworks and institutional investors, we work with industries
standards, ensuring their at either private or public companies. We are
credibility and contribution to directly or indirectly supporting Organisation
climate change mitigation. in our efforts to reach net zero emissions and
carbon neutrality.
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How Does Climate Hub’s Carbon Go Green Campaign in school,Community & Diocese
Credits Platform Work?
Carbon Market Mechanism
Emission Reduction Projects: We collaborate with carefully selected projects worldwide that actively work towards reducing
When Uganda set’s it’s limit or gap on GHGs
carbon emissions. These projects range from renewable energy installations to reforestation initiatives and energy efficiency
emission ,it creates some thing of value ,that
some thing is the right to emit ,if Uganda or
Climate Hub that reduces emission below its
CHI’s Role in Implementing
set limit now ,we shall be able to sell ,that some
thing is used to right to emit ,we can measure
interims of CO2 equivalent. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Given the convergence of national and global goals in Focusing on the projects that make the biggest dent
the SDGs,CHI like any other Social Enterprise aims to to global warming alleviation and prosperity goals.
achieve these very objectives to tackle the climate These include promoting the following Ways to Stop
crisis,protecting mother earth and esnuring prosperity Global Warming.Respecting the call on countries to
for all.SDGs therefore set the directions for CHI strategy mainstream the 2030 Agenda into our national planning
demonstrates full commitment to drive programs that instruments,polices ,strategies and financial framworks.
Hon Ssenyonyi Joel
help country to achieve SDGs.
receives 300 Tree seedlings
for Kyanja Community
It is estimated that Africa only account some 2% of global own carbon foot print. Climate Hub International has set target of
Climate Hub International follows the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development states that the Sustainable Development carbon market, but analysts say their major potential for growth. Growing 15,000,000 trees by end FY 2023, we are not looking at
Goals (SDGs) are integrated and indivisible and balance the three dimensions of sustainable development (economic, social, At Climate Hub International takes a look at how carbon trade forest and forestation, we also look at the land skips to live our wild
and environmental). The interlinkages and integrated nature of the SDGs are of crucial importance in ensuring that the purpose initiatives in Uganda are mitigating effects of Climate Change. This life habitats, without fragmentation they attract carbon credits.
of the new Agenda is realized. how CHI removes a unit of Carbon from atmosphere as part of our It is not just about tree planting and growing. We have the ability
normal business activities, by generating carbon offset to enable to deliver 20,000,000 tons of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Emissions
other companies to purchase these carbons offset to reduce their reduction annually

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Solving Sustainability @ Chi
The Carbon
Climate Hub International’s green team worked together with Sheema
Development Foundationon 10th of November during the launch of Green
Campaign to make the local community more sustainable. We sponsored

Crisis 15,000 tree seedlings of different species as a way to implement solutions

to environmental and communal benefits especially the effects of flooding in
the western parts of Uganda.
The solution to the climate crisis is right
under our feet. Healthy soils and rich plant life
naturally capture the greenhouse gas carbon
dioxide through plant leaves, roots and with
in the soil. The average Tree Forest Garden
captures 144 metric tonnes of carbon dioxide
over 20years. Raising awareness of social
enterprise women and youth with different
audiences through communications, events
and campaigns (Through incubating ideas for
social enterprises with climate, environment
and resilient solutions. Building the evidence
base-research demonstrating how Climate
Hub International makes a difference . Helping Sustainable Development Impact
Organisation learn from each other, network Climate Hub International wants businesses
and share knowledge. Opening up markets establishing climate strategies, Define targets aligned
in the private, public and social sectors to with science, set requirements for suppliers, and align
social enterprise. Advocacy with government Hon Kateshumbwa Dickson and Clinton Mawanda Programs Director Climate Hub themselves with sustainable development impact.
at all levels to create a regulatory and policy International addressing the local community during the Go Green Campaign Taking climate action is good for the planet, society
environment that is supportive to Climate Hub launch in Sheema District western part of Uganda held on 9th of October 2022 and the corporate bottom-line. Plain and simple
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Dr Rebecca Isabella KiconcoBoard (L-R) Programs Director, Climate Hub Kings College Buddo and CHI agree to work Climate Hub International in partnership

Maximizing Member CHI signs MoU with Rotary

e-Jazz. During the signing both
International Clinton Mawanda signs a
Memorandum of Understanding with the
together to achieve a common purpose
or undertake a specific tasks to fight
with Airtel money Uganda in action to fight
climate change at their launch for green

the Impact of
CHI’s Programs Director Clinton emphasized the importance of enhanced Rotary e-Club of Ntinda with the President afforestation. growth campaign at St Charles Lwanga
Mawanda taking a close discussion global partnership for sustainable Ceaser.
Partnership with Brig Gen Felix Kulayigye, Defence
Spokesperson and Gen WM Mbadi Chief
of Defence Forces Encourage and
development, complemented by multi
stakeholder partnerships that mobilize
and share knowledge, expertise,
promoting effective, public private and Climate Hub in a Society
technology and financial resources,
Partnerships is recognized within the civil society partnerships while fighting Ideal Partners Strategic challenges:
to support the achievement of the
Sustainable Development Goals and the SDG 17: the poverty war in Uganda. Increase income and skills of Small
sustainable development goals in all
Strengthen the means of implementation and and Medium Enterprises (SME); ensure
revitalize the global partnership for sustainable longterm source of income through
development that acknowledges multi- sustainable activities. That’s a simple
stakeholder partnerships as major drivers of the statement with a complex history and
SDGs in two targets: background. But today there is a clear shift
in the demands of customers, employees,
Our fundamental core of good partnerships is governments, investors and more. We call
the ability to bring together diverse resources for Partnership and be climate leaders
in ways that can together achieve more: more with a good reason. Companies that don’t
impact. The Sustainable Development Agenda consider climate risks and act to mititgate
aims to transform the world, eradicate poverty Executive Director National Environment Go Green Campaign with Kings College them will find it difficult to adopt and thrive
and achieve sustainable development by 2030 Authority (NEMA) Dr Akankwasa Barirega Buddo To understand more about our objectives
world-wide, ensuring that no one is left behind. Shakes hands with Cl CHI’s programs and gain inspiration for your own ESG plan.
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CHI’s System that outlines how all activities are
directed in order to achieve our goals.
Climate Hub International constituted an effective organizational 2050. To be more effective and productive. CHI is achieving this
structure that allows us to control business processes, assign by broadening and strengthening the constitution of its board of
Together We Can accountability, enable rapid responses to opportunities and
threats, deliver on promises, empower employees to make
directors. This has been achieved by bringing together CHI and
it’s leaders with a shared interest in the work of boards; building

Prevent Climate decisions to support a detailed look at the economic and societal
impact towards the transition to net-zero carbon emissions by
capacity by training; and developing management and governance

Catastrophe, The
Power Is In Our Walk and Travel Green. Uses Pollution, More Benefits
Hands Conserve Water (Not using it?, Turn it Off!) Water is
very important to us be wise how you use it and always
We can walk instead or use bicycle instead of using
mototcycle or car when traveling short distances to
We have made good decisions and invested remember to conserve our mother nature. semi distance location beacuse we can lessen the air
in energy-efficient appliances and innovating polution that way.
solution to reduce on waste landfills, average
person generates 2.5 pounds of trash everyday. Reduce Reuse Recycle: Make it your Habit Plant Tress. Go plant Trees now because this is one of
Fortunately, not all the items we discard end Reduce, Reuse, Recycle - these three “R” words are an the big factor to prevent and change global warming and
up in landfills; we recylcle or compost more important part of sustainable living as they help to cut they also help when there is a flood or landslide.
than one -third of our trash and encouraging down on the amount of waste we have to throw away.
people to reduce, reuse, and recycle to reap the
environmental benifits of recyclable.
Save and Maximize Energy: Use Energy - Saving Factories. Factories are also a major contributing factor
Applainces: Use electronics in a proper way, always to water pollution across the globe. The illegal dumping
remeber to turn off the lights when it is not needed of contaminated water gases, Chemical heavy Matals
the same as water. We must conserve energy and or radioactive materials into major waterways causes
protect our natural resources damage to marine life and the enviromental as a whole

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+256 (0) 414695967
+256 (0) 750720720
TABGAH-AAA +256 (0) 778720720
Plot 3111 Bukoto
– Kisasi Road,

Ethiopia Representative Elizabeth Mwende Mwangi Sierre Leone

Climate Hub International: Ethiopia Airport Road -South Sudan 41 Collegiate School Road
Country Operating Lead: Nadia Ahmed Embakasi-Nairobi-Kenya Post Box 6049.SSDN Freetown, Sierre Leone
Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, Nifasilk Lafto. Post Box 7886-00200 Nairobi Plot : Malakia city mall Tell:+232 99667788 | +380 (63) 6912188
Sub city, wereda 6, house #773. Tell:+254741372991 Tell: +211 924 500 051 +447770429651
P.O.Box 276337, A.A, Ethiopia Email: elizabet
Tell: +251911451250

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