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Nama: Juan Patri Olivia Liamsi

Nim : F1C122008



1. Jelaskan kapan digunakan prensent feature tense

2. Apa perbedaan present feature yang menggunakan to be going to dan Will/sheel

3. Tuliskan pola masing2 to be

4. Berikan contoh masing2 10 kalimat (+ - ?)

5. Tambah 25 kata kerja yang beraturan dan tidak beraturan (dalam bentuk tabel)


1.Simple future tense merupakan tenses yang digunakan untuk mengekspresikan sesuatu
yang akan dilakukan di waktu yang akan datang atau masa depan.

2.untuk aktivitas yang sudah ada perencanaannya, gunakan”going to”. Kalau spontan,
barulah menggunakan “will”.

3.Is (untuk subjek he/she/it)

Am (untuk subjek I)

Are (untuk subjek you/we/they)

Was (untuk subjek I/he/she/it)

Were (untuk subjek you/we/they)

4. A.kalimat positif

1. Farah will read books for her little sister.

2. They will play basketball in that field until late at night.

3. My brother will go to the library tomorrow.

4. My mom and I will go shopping in that market this Monday.

5. We will watch a movie in cinema on next Friday.

6. I hope you will shop at my store tomorrow.

7. Serena will sing different kinds of songs for her performances

8. I will attend a program of my varsity on Friday.

9. My uncle will travel around the world after his wedding.

10. They will play together on Thursday.

B. Kalimat negatif

1. The poet won’t write a romantic poem for this program.

2. The lyricist won’t write a song anymore.

3. I will not attend the program because of my busy schedule.

4. Jaya won’t join us in the meeting.

5. I won’t help my brother do his homework because he is so naughty.

6. We won’t enjoy the holiday because our dad is sick.

7. Dosi won’t try to convince her father again in the future.

8. We won’t probably win the contest.

9. My little sister won’t go to sleep until my mom come back home.

10. We won’t play basketball this afternoon because it will be raining.

C. Kalimat interogatife

1. Will we arrive at Jogja tomorrow?

2. Is she going to the party tonight?

3. Are we going to Jogja tonight?

4. Is Dina going to repair her car next week?

5. Is Budi going to finish his homework tonight?

6. Is Beni going to come to the beach next week?

7. Am i going to have dinner with my parents tonight?

8. Are we going to help you tomorrow?

9. Am i going to visit you tomorrow?

10. Are we going to go to the party tonight?

5. Iregular & Regular

Iregular Regular
verb verb
Arise Add
Awake Adjust
Be Adopt
Beat Alter
Become Burn
Begin Buzz
Bend Calm
Bet Care
Bite Cash
Blow Count
Break Cry
Bring Date
Burst Dare
Buy Deny
Can Depart
Cast Expart
Cling Exist
Cost Fit
Cut Fix
Deal Flee
Dig Fold
Do Insert
Drow Limit
Dring Line
Eat Opt

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