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Overview of ecological architecture Ecological architecture, also known as green architecture,

sustainable architecture is understood as the architecture that in its life cycle from construction, use to
disposal, is progressed. operate according to ecological principles: -Symbiosis with the natural
environment; -Using cyclic, regenerative materials -Creating a healthy, pleasant internal environment -
Integrating with the humanistic environment of the area and history -Application of new energy-saving

In general, ecological architecture is architecture that aims to solve the relationship between people and
people, architecture and nature. must bear to protect the surrounding large environment.

Eco-architecture creates a small space environment, the microclimate environment shown in the use
stage is to create an architecture with temperature, humidity, fresh air, light and sound.. Suitable for
people, flexible space, ventilation, multi-use and long-lasting effect.

Eco-architecture protects the surrounding large environment, the macro-environment shown in the
entire process from construction, use until the work is removed, is to limit the exploitation of the natural
world, reduce the impact. negative effects on the environment, mainly the reduction and satisfactory
treatment of solid waste, dirty water, toxic gas, sound and light pollution.

Whether from the point of view of localism that takes the place of architecture and indigenous building
materials as the starting point or the high-tech school, using technology to solve ecological problems,
universalism values both With the use of locality while using new techniques, the ecological
architectural design must achieve the following contents:

a. Select a construction site, check existing conditions such as climate, soil, groundwater, air... placed in
ecological conditions.

b. The orientation of the building, taking advantage of environmental climate conditions and avoiding
the use of man-made methods, utilizing local materials, making use of non-polluting renewable
resources such as: solar energy , wind energy, geothermal energy.

c. Enables development during build and use

d. Cost savings. Using new technical materials, creating diverse architectural forms, building density
associated with the natural landscape. Based on domestic reality to choose appropriate technical

e. Not only studying the architecture itself, but also studying the surrounding environment organically
combining vegetation, rivers, mountains and architecture, making architecture a part of the wider
environment. great.

Thus, the highest purpose of ecological architecture is to reduce the load on the environment during the
whole process from construction, use to disposal in order to protect natural resources and not cause
pollution to the environment.

II. The development process of ecological architecture

Eco-architecture began in the early 20th century, formed from the industrial revolution after the second
world war and especially developed since the oil crisis in the early 70s.

1. Simple ecological ideas

In the early 20th century, many early conceptions of green architecture and ecological architecture were
formed, such as John Ruskin calling for a development model based on harmony with the laws found in
nature; Ebeneezer Howard strives to harmonize the development between urban and rural areas... and
in the works of master architects such as Frank Lloyd Wright, Le Corbusier, Buckminster Fuller, there are
hidden early ecological ideas. first.

a. Frank Lloyd Wright - Space associated with nature

Wright considers architecture to be an organic being with architectural life and the environment in
harmony and very early expressed the principle of ecological design in architecture, which is the
principle of organic architectural design. Upholding the natural, primitive, lyrical, and local nature, and
thinking that design is a process of transformation, architecture affects the surrounding environment
and users' activities, so According to him, no architect has completed the design. In his book Natural
Housing, he emphasized the importance of the holistic concept, saying that architecture must integrate
an organic body with the place in which it exists, with building materials and users' activities. , so
according to him, there is no completed architecture design. In his book Natural Housing, he emphasized
the importance of the holistic concept, saying that architecture must integrate an organic body with the
place in which it exists, with building materials and people's activities. use.

b. Le Corbusier - Five principles in housing design

In the five residential design principles of Le Corbusier, there are two principles that express his
ecological thought: the ground floor is left empty and the flower garden on the roof is meant to make
the ground open to increase trees and create convenience. for contact, close to nature. His first
theoretical project

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