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- You'll be given a topic to speak about with no additional reading
or listening passages.
- You'll have 15 seconds to prepare your response and 45 seconds
to speak your answer.
- You'll be presented with two situations or opinions. You'll be
asked which you prefer and you need to explain your choice.

Example: Some people think it is more fun to spend time with friends in
restaurants or cafes. Others think it is more fun to spend time with friends
at home. Which do you think is better? Explain why.

1. Use the preparation time to organize your thoughts and maybe
jot down some notes.
2. Don't try to write a full response because you won't have time,
and the raters scoring your response want to hear you speaking,
not reading, and they can tell the difference.
3. Don't memorize responses before the test, especially ones that
you get from the Internet. It's very easy for ETS raters to identify
memorized responses because they sound different and the
content is different from responses that are more natural and
4. It's not necessary to organize your response into an introduction,
a middle and a conclusion like you would with a written essay.
Just speak naturally and use common connecting words. Some of
those are: because, so, after that, on the other hand, I want to
mention, and what this means is.
1. Delivery: Your speech needs to be clear and fluid with good
pronunciation. The pace or speed of your speech should be
natural, and you should have good sounding intonation
2. Language Use: This is mainly how you use grammar and
vocabulary to express your ideas.
3. Topic Development: This is mainly how fully you answer the
question, how clearly you express your ideas, and how you can
connect one idea to the next in a way that is easy to follow.

Example of the speaking response that received the highest score

of four out of four: “I actually only spend time with my friends in
restaurants and cafés, almost never at home because my apartment is very
small and there is just almost nothing to do. On the outside and café and
restaurants, it's much more — there are more people. The atmosphere is
usually good. Maybe there's some music playing. Usually, we meet to
discuss things and meet other people and meet people we do not know,
possibly. There's always a chance to get to know someone and it's always
exciting. For me, it's much more exciting than just staying at home in the
environment that I know, and I am familiar with. I think that's boring.”


1. Delivery: His flow of speech is good and he's easy to understand,
and he's able to sustain his speech for the full 45 seconds without
repeating himself: “My apartment is very small, and there is just
almost nothing to do.”
2. Language Use: His language is simple and direct, and he chooses
his words accurately. He doesn't need to use overly complex
vocabulary: “There are more people. The atmosphere is usually
good, and maybe there's some music playing.”
3. Topic development: It is also strong. He starts by stating his
preference for cafés and also says why he doesn't meet his
friends at his home (because his apartment is too small and there
is almost nothing to do there), and he gives several reasons why
cafés are better for him. There's a better atmosphere, often there
is music, and he can meet new people: “There is always a chance
to get to know someone. It is always exciting.”

EXERCISES - You need to practice speaking continuously for 45 seconds

or more. So, it's a good idea to have a stopwatch or other timer to use
while practicing.)

A. Collect pictures from magazines, newspapers or the Internet.

Look at each picture and describe it in 45 seconds. Try describing
the same picture more than once using different adjectives and
adding details.
B. Think for 15 seconds about what you did yesterday. Then, talk
about it for 45 seconds. Remember to use your connecting
words, and use verbs in the past tense. You can do the same
thing to talk about what you will do tomorrow using verbs in the
future tense.
C. Practice making a recommendation. Find a topic that you're
interested in and explain why your idea is the best way to

1. Travel Destinations: Share your recommendations for must-

visit places, attractions, and travel tips in various cities or

2. Books: Recommend books from different genres that you've

enjoyed and believe others might find interesting.

3. Movies and TV Shows: Provide recommendations for movies, TV

series, or documentaries that you've found entertaining or

4. Restaurants: Suggest great dining spots, including your favorite

dishes, in your city or while traveling.

5. Health and Fitness: Offer tips on exercise routines, diet plans,

or wellness practices that have worked well for you.

6. Technology and Gadgets: Recommend useful apps, software, or

tech gadgets that can improve productivity or daily life.

7. Hobbies: Share your expertise on various hobbies, such as

gardening, photography, painting, or cooking, and give tips or
resources for beginners.

8. Career and Professional Development: Provide advice on job

search strategies, resume building, interview preparation, or
career advancement.

9. Home Improvement: Share DIY projects, home decor ideas, or

home organization tips.

10. Education: Offer advice on study techniques, learning resources,

or test preparation for students.

11. Parenting: Provide parenting tips, advice on child-rearing,

or recommendations for child-friendly activities.
12. Financial Management: Share budgeting tips, investment
advice, or money-saving strategies.

13. Travel Planning: Offer travel planning advice, from

booking flights and accommodation to creating itineraries.

14. Self-Care and Mental Health: Give recommendations for

relaxation techniques, stress management, or mental health

15. Environmental Conservation: Share eco-friendly

practices and ways to reduce your carbon footprint.

16. Fashion and Style: Provide fashion tips, clothing brands,

or advice on creating stylish outfits.

17. Cuisine and Cooking: Share recipes, cooking techniques,

or recommendations for kitchen tools and equipment.

18. Pet Care: Offer advice on pet grooming, training, or

recommendations for pet products and services.

19. Music and Entertainment: Suggest music playlists,

concert recommendations, or upcoming events.

20. Volunteering and Social Causes: Encourage involvement

in volunteer work and provide information about charitable

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