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Imagine we are in my lounge. Nobody else is in the house.

We have a bottle of red wine open. We�ve already drunk one glass each. There�s some soft jazz
music in the background the
lights are dim. Tell me what you are wearing?

Your dress will be coming off quite quickly, so start with that
So we�ve had some wine. We�re very slightly drunk
We are laughing. We feel like the only two people in the world. A song I like begins so suddenly I
take your hands, pull
you to your feet, and we dance a simple, amateurish dance We are dancing, but really we are not
thinking about dancing.
You have one arm on my shoulder. The other is holding your wine glass behind my back Our whole
bodies are touching. Your
breasts against my chest, your stomach and hips touching mine, your lips very close to mine. not
quite touching

So the music has stopped. But we haven�t stopped our slow dance We don�t really notice the
silence. I look into your eyes,
then take a sip of wine. I take the glass out of your hand and put both glasses onto the table. Then I
walk back to you.
I slowly push your shoulders, pushing you gently backwards against the side of the sofa. You are
biting your lip,
anticipating. You are waiting for me to kiss you. I lean closer, almost touching. You can feel my
breath against your
skin. Your legs are trembling. I ignore your lips. I kiss your cheek, then your neck, then your

So, you are getting very hot. I can feel your heart against me, beating faster (getting another
coffee). Every time my
mouth gets close to yours, you reach towards me, trying to steal a kiss, I deny it for now�..

I surprise you, I put my hand between your legs. Underneath your dress. I just hold my hand there.
Steady. You gasp .
It makes you feel safe. I put my other hand behind your head and grab a fistful of your hair. Not
painful. Then I kiss
you, You are frozen still. Just trying to absorb the energy of the moment. Then you break, and grab
me passionately,
kissing hard rubbing yourself against my hand

So we are kissing passionately. You are feeling hotter and hotter. You are starting to lose control as
the fire burns
inside you. It�s an intense pleasure I start rubbing you, through your underwear. Slowly and firmly I
tease you a little
with kisses. Sometimes on your lips, sometimes your neck I nibble your ear and you can feel my
breath in your ear. But
mostly you just feel hotter and hotter. More and more sexual. Like the pressure in a damn building
up. I turn you around
and push you forwards. You are leaning over the sofa. I spend a little while admiring your figure I
like to enjoy the
visual image of you, with your long legs, firm butt, and the curve in your lower back I run my hand
down your legs,
from the hip to your ankles then back up again I�m thinking �I want this lady�

So, you are bent over my sofa. Still wearing your dress, I slap your butt, playfully then squeeze it in
my hand

I put my hands on your hips, feeling your hip bone. I like this, I run my hand across your stomach.
You pull it in tight,
tense, like I�m about to tickle you. You feel like I am admiring your shape. Like you are a statue in
a museum. Like a
artist admiring a work of art. You desperately want me inside you now You start reaching your hand
behind yourself,
trying to grab my cock. I pull down your panties I let you grab my cock for a short time. Immediately
you are rubbing it,
up and down. Imagining how it will feel inside you. Impatient finally, I lift up your dress and standing
behind you, I
slide inside of you, you feel my hard cock gradually pushing into you, invading you. you gasp. your
legs tremble a little
and your knees buckle briefly. I push all the way in until you can feel my hips pushing against your
butt, pushing you
forwards against the side of the sofa. you feel completely full then I just wait. Letting you relax.
Letting you enjoy the
feeling of me inside you.

So, after a while I start fucking you, Slowly at first, in and out. Letting you feel the sensation of me
pushing into you,
over and over again. Feeling the hardness inside you. Then I move faster, and harder. Rough, but
not painful. I grab your
hair and pull your head back. My other hand is holding your hip, holding you firmly against the sofa
so you can�t move.
It�s quite fast now. You are moaning alot. Biting your lip. Trying to turn your head around to look at
me. You want to see
your own body. See yourself, how you look when you�re being fucked. You want to know what I
see It makes you feel closer
to me. But also, it makes you feel more sexy I grab both of your arms. Fold them behind your back
and push your face into
the cushions Now I�m fucking you really fast and hard. You can�t think of anything You are
totally lost on the sea of
pleasure You are screaming my name now, and don�t even know you are doing it. I slap you butt
harder now, and each time
you grunt You are moving your hips and butt, trying to match my motion trying to get me deeper
inside you I reach my hand
around to hold your face, and you start biting and sucking on my finger you feel like you are being
invaded. When I push in
hard, you feel like my cock is going all through your body and out your mouth enjoying?

Suddenly I pull out of you Abruptly you feel empty all you can think about is �I want more� I grab
your hair and pull you
towards me, turning you around, and forcing you to your knees Again, it�s rough, violent, forcefull.
But not painful You
know what to do. You don�t even think You wrap your fingers around my cock, with a big smile of
anticipation then you
take me into your mouth. At the beginning you are too impatient. You want it all, immediately. So
you are sucking hard,
aggressively, up and down I put my hand on top of your head, which you like. It makes you feel
protected and you slow down. \
Now you are relaxing. Enjoying the feeling of my cock inside your mouth. Experimenting with the
sensation. You try kissing
the tip. Then licking up and down the length You look up at me, to check I like it. I do :D You take
great care and
pride in your work. Showing me how much you like me. I appreciate that You don�t need to think
about what you are doing.
It�s all coming naturally I like this. But it�s not enough. I have to be inside you again. So I pull
your head up, give
you a kiss, and lie you down on the sofa You are lying there, in total surrender I decide I want to see
more of you. I
tell you to stand up. You do I tell you to take off your dress. You do. You are standing there, in front
of me. Just your
lingerie. Your bra and stockings. I don�t move. I just look at you. You can feel my eyes on your
body, like a hot ray of
sunshine. You feel very self-conscious, but it�s a pleasant feeling. It�s pleasant to be desired by
me. To feel my desire
to have you I tell you to spin around slowly, so I can see all of you. You do. Then I push you down
again so you are lying
on my sofa, almost naked. Waiting to see what I do next You feel overpowered by my masculine
presence. You feel powerless
to resist, but totally safe. Tell me something? What you feel or what you want�.

I sit next to you, and run my fingers along your stomach then your breasts, and your face I know you
want me inside you,
and it will happen soon, but I want to spend a little more time admiring your beauty I grab your
breasts. I�m very
thoughtful. I just enjoy being close to such beauty, and possessing it I can see you getting
impatient, so I let you grab
my cock again, and then I enter you again you are lying underneath me, feeling my weight. You
wrap your legs behind my
back, grab me behind my neck, and try to pull me tighter into you. I fuck you like this for a while.
You completely lose
track of time It is like an endless circle of feeling me pushing into you, then out again. Then you
realise I�m pushing
harder and faster I�m going to finish. I�m going to let you draw me into orgasm You start
pushing into me with every thrust
Biting my shoulder, scratching my back instinctively trying to make me cum. To feel the pleasure, to
feel the satisfaction
of my temporary loss of control a loss of control that only you can create (in reality, I�d cum inside
you, but this is
imagination so I�m gonna be a bit wilder, ok?)
imagination so I�m gonna be a bit wilder, ok?)

So, I�m fucking you really hard again I�m looking deep into your eyes more now. It�s not
enough to feel your physical
surrender. I want you to feel the force of my character too. At first you can�t hold my eye contact.
It�s too powerful But
then you gradually do. We lock eyes. Now all of your mind is focused on my eyes. You are looking
right into me You can feel
your body shaking and moving from my power as I fuck you, but it feels further away It�s like I�m
mentally fucking you too
now You bite your lip, moan I pull out of you again then I sit on your chest and push my cock into
your mouth you are
frantic, desperate to make me come, to make me happy you are sucking hard, pumping my cock
with your hand (I warned you
this is a bit wild)

I look down and I�m feeling very good. I feel like I completely possess your beauty. The visual
image of your face and my
cock�. it�s difficult to describe in words but seeing the beauty of your face seeing the girl of your
character and
emotional depth

So I have my cock in your mouth, and you are sucking it, trying to make me cum It�s at this
moment that I feel like I
completely possess you. It feels powerful, that I found a girl like you and took you so completely
that you are doing this
for me. then I feel all of the pressure building up, and I know I am about to come I pull out, holding
my cock near your
face You know what�s next. You want my come inside you. You open your mouth, try to bend your
head forwards to get my
cock inside you again underneath me I can feel your body squirming, trying to get something from
me then I come I splash
it over your face Some of it goes into your mouth, some on your cheek, a little bit on your forehead.
For you, it feels
hot and exciting. You feel owned, You can�t believe you�ve done it, and can�t believe how
exciting it felt. Mostly, you
feel satisfied. Satisfied as a woman that you could bring me to this final moment I feel free For
some precious
moments I feel completely liberated, the comfort of total emptiness in the world. Then slowly our
minds return to the
real world after a bit of� ahem�.. �personal organisation�� we go to my room and lie
together. Not talking, just
comfortable..... the end ;)

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