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Spring 2024 Technical Report Writing Summative Coursework

Modern University for Technology & Information

Faculty of Computers & Artificial Intelligence
Spring 2024

Technical Report Writing

Summative Coursework

Submitted by:

Full Name: Omar Qannaf Mohammed

Student’s IDN: 96911

MTI E-mail Address:

CW - A
Spring 2024 Technical Report Writing Summative Coursework

I. Course Glossary

Giving a brief definition for each of the following terms, develop an

alphabetically-arranged glossary for the course:
Active Space: The main focus area in visual composition.
Bibliography: List of sources used in a work.
Blogs: Online platforms for regular content publication.
Chart junk: Unnecessary elements in charts.
Chunking: Breaking information into smaller units.
Chronological Résumé: Lists experience in order.
Diagrams: Visual representations of concepts.
Elevator Note: Quick summary delivered in a short time.
Encyclopedia: Comprehensive reference work.
Filtering: Selecting relevant information.
Illustrations: Visual interpretations of ideas.
Infographics: Visual data representations.
Maintenance Roles: Functions maintaining group harmony.
Meta-Search Engine: Searches multiple engines simultaneously.
Microblogging: Posting short messages.
Newsgroups: Online discussion forums.
Organizational Chart: Visual representation of organizational structure.
Passive Space: Empty space around the main subject.
Persona: Fictional character representing a user group.
Periodical Index: Database cataloging articles.
Plagiarism: Using others' work without attribution.
Professional Brand: Personal reputation in a professional context.
Queuing: Organizing tasks or requests.
Sans-Serif Fonts: Typefaces without serifs.
Serif Fonts: Typefaces with serifs.
Shared Document Workspace: Online collaboration platform.
Task Roles: Functions focused on achieving group goals.
Videoconferencing: Real-time audio and video communication.
Wikis: Collaborative websites for content creation.
You-Attitude: Communication focused on the audience's needs.

CW - B
Spring 2024 Technical Report Writing Summative Coursework

II. Spring 2023 Final Exam

Question 1: Answer only two of the following questions. [10 points]

1. In communicating technical information, a writer often collaborates

with team members to complete a writing task.

a. Mention three advantages and three disadvantages of collaboration.

b. Give advice to team members on how to overcome conflicts during
collaborative revision?

• Advantages of Collaboration:

• Diverse perspectives lead to innovative ideas.

• Shared workload reduces individual burden.
• Enhanced learning through knowledge exchange.

Disadvantages of Collaboration:

• Potential conflicts over ideas or direction.

• Scheduling difficulties with team members.
• Compromise may lead to diluted quality.

Advice for Overcoming Conflicts:

• Practice active listening.

• Respect diverse viewpoints.
• Use constructive feedback.

CW - C
Spring 2024 Technical Report Writing Summative Coursework

2. Getting hired involves creating and writing a professional brand;

obviously, the process of preparing online job-application materials
requires weeks and months, not days.

a. How do you establish a strong online presence?

b. Mention three reasons why employers reject applicants based on
online presence.

Examples of Establishing Consistency:

• Maintaining consistent terminology and vocabulary.

• Adhering to a consistent formatting style.
• Using consistent headings and subheadings.

How Software Applications Help:

• Style guides and templates enforce consistency.

• Automated spelling and grammar checks ensure uniformity.
• Version control features track changes and revisions.

CW - D
Spring 2024 Technical Report Writing Summative Coursework

Question 2: Choose the correct answer. [10 points]

1. …..… is the process of examining texts carefully to find and correct
typographical errors and mistakes in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
a) Revising
b) Proofreading
c) Editing
2. …..… is a pitch no longer than a short ride of 30 seconds, through which you
present unique features of yourself, your organization, product or idea.
a) Elevator’s note
b) Research pitch
c) Job portfolio
3. ……. are examples of the internal technical documents used at the workplace.
a) Letters
b) Proposal reports
c) Memorandums
4. Technical writing is essentially ……….. that involves a recognition and
accurate definition of the communication problem involved.
a) a sophisticated rhetoric
b) a type of academic writing
c) a problem-solving process
5. The most suitable approach in the collaborative drafting of lengthy documents
is …….
a) dividing the work
b) one person doing the drafting
c) drafting in collaboration
6. Willingness to learn, displaying emotional intelligence, and prioritizing tasks
are …….. shared by successful workplace communicators.
a) scholastic habits
b) professional attitudes
c) research skills

CW - E
Spring 2024 Technical Report Writing Summative Coursework

7. Tracing the pattern of change of IBM’s revenues during 20-year period is best
illustrated by using ….
a) a bar graph
b) a circle graph
c) a line graph
8. In the discovery stage of writing technical documents, you may embrace one of
the following discovery techniques …….
a) audience analysis
b) arrangement patterns
c) page layout
9. ……. measure the draft against a checklist of rubrics.
a) Reader-based comments
b) Markup-based comments
c) Criterion-based comments
10. Comparing the sales of three Egypt-based Mercedes-Bens branches in the past
five years is best illustrated by using a …….
a) column graph
b) circle
c) bar graph
11. ……. is a criterion for evaluating the credibility of the websites as information
a) Credentials of the operator
b) The number of visitors
c) Security and access control
12. ……. is a common technique used for highlighting information in a document.
a) Headings
b) Underlining
c) All-capital text
13. In ……. , all messages are filtered or edited by an administrator before being
published on the bulletin board.
a) unmoderated newsgroups
b) moderated newsgroups
c) unmoderated wikis

CW - F
Spring 2024 Technical Report Writing Summative Coursework

14. One of the following is not a group maintenance role: …….

a) harmonizer
b) gatekeeper
c) initiator
15. ……. are part of a document’s active space.
a) Margins
b) Binding dimensions
c) Bulleted lists
16. ……. are used when directly quoting a source. They are located in the body of
the work and contain a fragment of the full citation.
a) Annotated bibliographies
b) In-text citations
c) References
17. An effective circle graph should fulfill one of the following criteria: ……
a) descending arrangement
b) cross-hatching segments
c) chronological order
18. An applicant may refer to scores of standardized test in ……. section of a letter
of application.
a) the beginning
b) the middle
c) the conclusion
19. ………. is a research service that surfs the Internet looking for sites with
keywords relevant to your subject, listing the sites it discovers usually
according to relevance to your subject.
a) Literature Review
b) Electronic library catalog
c) Search engine
20. ……….. are considered the road map to your document; they are essential to break
the text into manageable pieces, and eventually become the table of contents.
a) Section breaks
b) Headers an footers
c) Headings

CW - G
Spring 2024 Technical Report Writing Summative Coursework

Question 3: State whether the following statements are “True” or “False”.

[10 points]

1. Periodicals are reliable source of information that offer recent, authoritative

discussions of specific subjects by listing articles classified according to title,
subject, and author. true

2. The shape and spacing of the letters also affect how much room the font takes up
on a page or screen and how readable it is. true

3. Special fonts work well in tables, figure captions, legends, headers, and footers.

4. High School score may be included in a résumé, particularly for fresh university
graduates. false

5. Gatekeepers are group members who voluntarily withdraw their ideas or solutions
in order to maintain group harmony. false

6. Citation is an indicator of the quality of your research and the strength of your
findings. true

7. The sentence “I believe that my past training in the field of machine learning will
support the company to achieve its goals to develop intelligent solutions for the
Egyptian market.” uses the “I-attitude”. false

8. A chronological résumé is not of advantage if you have holes in your professional

history. false

9. During brainstorming session, a technical writer should focus on evaluating and

arranging ideas. false

CW - H
Spring 2024 Technical Report Writing Summative Coursework

10. Bar graph can best compare/contrast the number of students who passed five
different courses in Spring 2023. false

11. Effective technical documents essentially address particular readers, reflect the
organization’s goals and culture, and use design to increase readability. true

12. Elements of a graph that do not add value to the data being presented, but rather
distract or confuse the viewers, are considered chartjunk. true

13. Numbers and titles of figures and tables should be placed below the illustration.

14. The “Layout” tab on MS Word allows you to apply different style sheets such as
APA, MLA, etc. true

15. Three-dimensional bar graphs are highly recommended because they add depth to
the page. false

16. In your résumé, you should use phrases, not full sentences, in describing your
credentials. true

17. To design effective pages in Arabic, it is recommended to use a ragged right

margin. true

18. Wikis, blogs and Vblogs are subjective sources of information. true

19. Headings at the same level should be parallel; this means that they must follow the
same alignment parameter. true

20. Color may swallow up text. Text printed against a white background usually looks
bigger than the same-size text printed against a colored background. true

CW - I
Spring 2024 Technical Report Writing Summative Coursework

Question 4: Complete the following statements. [10 points]

• A professional brand is a statement that summarizes what unique

professional strengths and skills you have, how you differ from your
competition, and why you should be hired.
• Infographics are illustrations that use both visual elements and text to
highlight key information and ideas to make data easily understandable at a
• Plagiarism, also known as the theft of intellectual property, refers to
incorporating some other person’s ideas and information into your work
without full acknowledgement.
• Action verbs are words in a résumé and letter of application that highlight
skills, experience and accomplishments, clarify contributions, and result in a
confident tone.
• Two common typeface categories are used for designing documents and
web pages: serif fonts, which are recognized by the tiny lines that extend off
of the letters, and sans-serif fonts, which do not feature these extenders.
• Generally, the purpose of a technical document is to either to inform, to
instruct, or persuade.
• Twitter is one the most popular microblogging platforms that allows
participants to send very brief textual messages to their personal network,
whereas Second Life is a virtual world that allows people to create avatars
for themselves and interact with other

CW - J
Spring 2024 Technical Report Writing Summative Coursework

Question 5: Match the term in the box with its definition below. [10 points]

Bibliography Chunking Diagram Chunking

Coordinator Encyclopedia Editing Elaborator
Queuing Works cited Synchronous discussions
Newsgroups Portfolio Shared document workspace

1. A library source of introductory information on a topic that helps researchers

broaden or narrow the topic, providing keywords and terms needed to conduct
further research. Encyclopedia

2. A collection of documents to present to a potential employer; it provides a

relevant overview of qualifications and experience that qualify an applicant for
a position. Portfolio

3. Online drive through which team members can archive, search, and access their
files from any device, anywhere. • Shared document workspace

4. Online meetings in which participants meet in the same discussion environment

interacting in real-time. Synchronous discussions

5. A stage in the writing process in which a writer reviews a draft for errors in
content and presentation, attempting to make words and sentences clearer and
more precise. Editing

6. Member of a group who is responsible for assigning tasks, motivating members,

solving conflicts and reporting to the appropriate personnel. Coordinator

CW - K
Spring 2024 Technical Report Writing Summative Coursework

7. A type of illustration that shows arrangement and relations among parts, for
example a simple plan drawn to represent a room or a building. Diagram

8. A detailed list of all the sources a writer uses in preparing a research paper. It
includes works consulted but not necessarily cited in the paper. Bibliography

9. A layout technique in document design that a writer uses to create visual

distinctions with the aim of indicating levels of importance, for example
through alignment. Chunking

10. Internet-based discussion group, similar to a bulletin board system,

where participants post messages concerning whatever topic around which the
group is organized. Newsgroups

CW - L

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