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Present simple passive, past simple

passive, past participle. Vocabulary/
Phrasal verbs of Health.

Passive voice

The use of the passive voice

When we don’t want to say who does the action in a sentence.
When it is obvious who does the action in a sentence.
When we don’t know who does the action in a sentence.
When it is not important who does the action in sentence.
To emphasize the action in a sentence rather the actor.
Avoid naming the subject or when is unknown.
Focus on the object rather than the subject.

Passive voice tense

Passive voice present simple tense

Passive voice present simple structure

Examples passive voice present simple
Active Voice: “They deliver the packages.”
Passive Voice: “The packages are delivered by them.”

Active Voice: “He doesn’t repair the car.”
Passive Voice: “The car is not repaired.”

Active Voice: “Do you clean the house?”
Passive Voice: “Is the house cleaned?”
Examples passive voice present simple

Shake it off is sung by Taylor Swif.

Let’s practice passive voice present simple
1. Mr Jones watches films.___________________________________.
2. The people speak English.__________________________________.
3. He reads comics.__________________________________________.
4. We play volleyball.__________________________________________.
5. They sing the song.__________________________________________.
6. I take photos._______________________________________________.
7. She does the housework.______________________________________.
8. The policemen help the children._______________________________.
9. He writes poems.____________________________________________.
10. Mother waters the flowers._____________________________________. 08
Passive voice past simple structure

Examples passive voice past simple

The house wasn’t cleaned today

Examples passive voice past simple

The desserts weren’t made. The desserts were made.

Examples passive voice past simple

My wallet was stolen.

Examples passive voice past simple

Brooklyn bridge was made by John Augustus Roebling 13

Let’s practice passive voice past simple
1. The Statue of Liberty ________________(GIVE) to New York as a present by the
2. The radio _________________ (INVENT) by Marconi.
3. "Romeo and Juliet" and "Hamlet" _______________ (WRITE) by Shakespeare.
4. The Great Pyramid of Giza __________________ (BUILD) by the Egyptians in 2570
5. "Las Meninas" ________(PAINT) by Velázquez.
6. Radium and polonium _______________ (DISCOVER) by Pierre and Marie Curie.
7. A lot of fingerprints_______________ (LEAVE) by the criminals.
8. Tutankhamun's tomb ________________(FIND) by Howard Carter in 1922. 14
Vocabulary/ Phrasal verbs of Health

Phrasal verbs of Health / Throw up

How was the boat ride? Terrible. That sounds awful, Yeah. I had to run to the side of the
boat and throw up. (to vomit)

I threw up on the rocky boat ride.

Phrasal verbs of Health / Swell up

Her ankle swelled up after the fall.

To become larger, usually due to

injury or inflammation.
My face swelled up after an allergic reaction.

Phrasal verbs of Health / fight off

He managed to fight off the cold before it got worse.

- To resist an illness or infection.

- She's been taking vitamins to fight off the flu.

- Exercise and a balanced diet can help you fight off illnesses.

- He's been trying to fight off that cough for weeks.

Phrasal verbs of Health / shake off

She went for a walk to shake off her headache.

To eliminate an unwanted feeling or condition.

After a quick nap, he managed to shake off his tiredness.

She tried to shake off the bad mood with some music.

Phrasal verbs of Health / get rid of

She finally got rid of her migraines with some new medication.

- To eliminate.

- He wants to get rid of that rash that's been bothering him.

You should drink more water to get rid of those toxins.

- The doctor gave her antibiotics to get rid of the infection.

Phrasal verbs of Health / come down with

Jack came down with a cold.

To start showing symptoms of a sickness.

Many students have come down with the flu this season.

Avoid close contact if you've come down with something


He came down with a nasty cough and fever.

Phrasal verbs of Health / Pass out

If you're active and don't hydrate, you might pass out.

To lose consciousness.

She passed out after standing for hours in the sun.

Make sure you eat before giving blood, or you might pass

He felt dizzy and then passed out.

Phrasal verbs of Health / care for

She had surgery, so her son is caring for her.

To make sure someone is okay, especially during illness or


Nurses care for patients day and night.

When he was sick, his neighbors came to care for his pets.

Parents care for their children when they are unwell.

Phrasal verbs of Health / pull through

Despite the severity of the illness, she pulled through.

To recover from a serious illness or situation.

With the right care and treatment, many patients pull through.

The community helped the family pull through the crisis.

Phrasal verbs of Health / pass away

Her grandmother passed away peacefully in her sleep.

To die.

Many great artists pass away, but their works live on.

He passed away after a long battle with sickness.

Let’s practice phrsal verbs of health
After a long run in the sun, she needed to sit down.
a. Get rid of
b. Pass away
c. Pass out
d. Twrow up

The persistent headache fianlly faded after taking the medicine.

a. Get rid of
b. Pass away
c. Care of
d. Pull through 26
Let’s practice phrsal verbs of health
After a prolonged illness, he rested peacefully.
a. Come down with
b. Pass away
c. Shake off
d. Pull through

the immune system worked overtime during flu season.

a. Get rid of
b. Swell up
c. Care of
d. Pull through
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