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DOI: 10.1039/C7NR02449E


Power-dependent upconversion quantum yield of NaYF4:Yb3+,Er3+

nano- and micrometer-sized particles – Measurements and
Published on 13 June 2017. Downloaded by University of California - San Diego on 13/06/2017 16:11:38.

Received 00th January 20xx,

Accepted 00th January 20xx
a a a b b
Martin Kaiser, Christian Würth, Marco Kraft, Iko Hyppänen, Tero Soukka, and Ute Resch-

Nanoscale Accepted Manuscript

DOI: 10.1039/x0xx00000x

Photophysical studies of nonlinear lanthanide-doped photon upconverting nanoparticles (UCNP) increasingly used in
biophotonics and photovoltaics require absolute measurements of excitation power density (P)-dependent upconversion
luminescence (UCL) and luminescence quantum yields (UC) for quantifying material performance, UCL deactivation
pathways, and possible enhancement factors. We present here the P-dependence of UCL spectra, UC , and slope factors
of the different emission bands of representative 25 nm-sized oleate-capped -NaYF4:Yb3+: 17 %, Er3+: 3% UCNP dispersed
in toluene and as powder as well as UC of 3 µm-sized upconversion particles (UCP), all measured with a newly designed
integrating sphere setup, enabling controlled variation of P over four orders of magnitude. This includes quantifying the
influence of the beam shape on measured UC and comparison of experimental UC with simulations utilizing the balancing
power density model of the Andersson-Engels group and simulated UC of UCP from the Berry group, underpinned by
closely matching decay kinetics of our UC material. We obtained a maximum UC of 10.5 % for UCµP and UC of 0.6 % and
2.1 % for dispersed and solid UCNPs, respectively. Our results suggest an overestimation of the contribution of the purple
and an underestimation of that of the red emission of -NaYF4:Yb3+, Er3+: microparticles by the simulations of the Berry
group. Moreover, our measurements can be used as guideline to absolute determinations of UCL and UC.

(Nem) to absorbed photons (Nabs), see eq. 1. For
Introduction upconversion (UC) materials, UC is defined as ratio of the
number of emitted photons Nem with a wavelength em < abs,
Lanthanide-doped photon upconversion nanoparticles (UCNPs)
obtained from integral emission intensities of all UC emission
are an emerging class of multiphotonic reporters for
bands (except for sensitizer luminescence), and Nabs, see eq.
fluorescence assays and bioimaging studies as well as
For arbitrary P, UC(P) can be simulated with a
19, 20, 23-25
functional materials for sub-bandgap energy harvesting in
simplified rate equation model of a two level-emitter system
photovoltaics, and security printing which reveal a multitude 26
(eq. 4 developed by the Andersson-Engels group), using a)
of sharp luminescence bands in the ultraviolet (UV), visible
(vis), and near-infrared (NIR) upon sequential absorption of
UC,sat, obtained from converging of UC(P) at high P and b) the
1-13 balancing power density Pbalance, where UC(Pbalance) equals
two or more NIR photons. Although UCNP can be
meanwhile tuned in crystal size, phase, and emission color
UC,sat/2. This approach is strictly only valid for a purely
14 biphotonic emission like the green or the 800 nm
through refined synthetic procedures, full exploitation of 3+/ 3+ 3+ 3+
luminescence in Yb Er and Yb /Tm systems, respectively,
their potential is hampered by the need to improve their
and monodisperse and uniform particles (eq. 3). Also other UC
brightness. This requires strategies to brighter UCNP utilizing
luminescence (UCL) features like the photonic nature or slope
sophisticated core-shell architectures, plasmonic structures,
15-18 factor n (eq. 4), which provides the number of photons
and dye sensitization and tools to reliably characterize and 27
required to populate a certain emissive electronic state, are
quantify the excitation power density (P) dependent
P-dependent. This results in a decrease of n with increasing P,
luminescence of UCNPs, especially their photoluminescence
for P exceeding a certain material-, size-, and matrix-
quantum yields (), i.e., the ratio of the number of emitted 26, 27
dependent level. This must be considered for mechanistic
Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM), Division Biophotonics 𝜙 = 𝑁em /𝑁abs (eq. 1)
(1.10), Richard-Willstaetter-Str. 11, D-12489 Berlin, Germany
University of Turku, Department of Biotechnology, Tykistökatu 6A, Turku, FI-
𝜙UC (𝑃) = 𝑁em /𝑁abs, for em < abs (eq. 2)
20520, Finland.
Electronic Supplementary Information (ESI) available: [details of any 𝑃balance
supplementary information available should be included here]. See 𝜙UC (𝑃) = 𝜙UC,sat /( + 1), (eq. 3)
DOI: 10.1039/x0xx00000x

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for a biphotonic process with our setup (see Supporting Information (SI),View Fig. S1 Online
Article and
𝑛 S2), as well as an ideal Top Hat (TH,ideal)DOI:
BP. 10.1039/C7NR02449E
𝐼UC ~𝑃 , for low P (eq. 4)
∞ 𝜙UC,sat
∭−∞ 𝑃BP (𝑥,𝑦,𝑧) d𝑥d𝑦d𝑧
Nevertheless, often only single UC values for a certain, often 𝑃balance
𝑃BP (𝑥,𝑦,𝑧)+1
unknown P are reported to emphasize the performance of a ϕUC (𝑃BP ) = ∞ (eq. 5)
∭−∞ 𝑃BP (𝑥,𝑦,𝑧) d𝑥d𝑦d𝑧
new UC material and data comparability is hampered by
different excitation sources (different excitation wavelengths), Subsequently, UC(PBP) was calculated for UC,sat = 50 % and
excitation geometries, beam profiles (BPs), and P. The Pbalance = 1 Wcm as detailed in the SI (see Fig. S3 and eq. S1
reliability of often performed relative UC determinations or and S2). Beam deformation due to absorption in the sample
determinations of enhancement factors with a volume was not considered as this is negligible for an
or an integrating sphere, using an absorption < 10 %. The results are highlighted in Fig. 1 (panel
Published on 13 June 2017. Downloaded by University of California - San Diego on 13/06/2017 16:11:38.

organic dye like IR26 or another UC material as reference
30 a)). Panel b) of Fig. 1 illustrates the quotients resulting for the
has not yet been confirmed. The recently recognized need for different UC(PBP), i.e., UC(PGauss,exp)/UC(PTH,ideal),
quantitative UCL measurements has turned the determination UC(PGauss,exp)/UC(PTH,exp), and UC(PTH,exp)/UC(PTH,ideal)). The
of UC and saturated UC (UC,sat) one of the ultimate relatively close match between UC(PTH,exp) and UC(PTH,ideal)

Nanoscale Accepted Manuscript

cornerstones of UC nanotechnology to identify optimum with deviations of maximally 13 % suggests a rather
strategies to brighter UCNP. This has meanwhile triggered an homogeneous P distribution for TH,exp and highlights the
increasing number of reports on absolute UC suitability of our setup design for the quantitative
with the highest UC values of Yb ,Er - characterization of UC materials. A Gaussian BP leads to an
31-41 3+ 3+
based systems obtained so far being 7.8 % for a µm-sized overestimation of UC, yielding values that exceed the
3+ 3+ -2 38
NaYF4:Yb ,Er powder at P of 22 Wcm , and 5 % for 40 nm- corresponding UC(PTH,ideal) and UC(PTH,exp) data by about 50 %
3+ 3+
sized core-shell LiLuF4:Yb ,Er particles dispersed in hexane at and 30 %, respectively. These deviations are most pronounced
-2 39
P of 127 Wcm , respectively, but detailed descriptions of in the unsaturated P-regime.
instrument design and actual performance of UC n(𝑃BP ) = 𝑑 log(𝐼UC (𝑃BP ))/𝑑 log(𝑃), (eq. 6)
measurements are commonly missing. Furthermore, P is
commonly at best varied over up to two orders of magnitude, The P-dependent slope factors n(P) of the different UCL bands
which is often not sufficient for UC saturation. were determined with eq. 6. As follows from panel c) of Fig. 1,
To close this gap, we assess here different strategies for the n(P) can be divided into an unsaturated and a saturated P
absolute determination of P-dependent UCL with a custom regime with constant slope values of 2 and 1, and a semi-
designed integrating sphere setup representatively for high saturated regime reflected by a steady reduction of n from 2
quality monodisperse 25 nm-sized oleate-capped -NaYF4:Er : approaching 1 for saturation. BP-dependent effects are
3%, Yb :17 % particles dispersed in toluene and as powder as observed only in the semi-saturated P-regime. (see Fig. 1,
3+ 3+
well as commercial 3 µm-sized -NaYF4:Er : 2.2 %, Yb :21.4 % panel c)) Moreover, Fig. 1 demonstrates that n(Pbalance)
particles (UCµP). The latter, used as representative bulk obtained for TH,ideal. equals 1.5 whereas for an
material, were chosen to closely match particles inhomogeneous BP like Gauss,exp, n(Pbalance) deviates
characterized by van Veggel in his pioneering work on UC
obviously from 1.5. These findings clearly underline the
measurements of dispersed UCNP and UCµP studied by the considerable impact of the homogeneity of the P distribution
on resulting UC(P) and n(P).
Berry group. Our experimental results are compared with
simulations utilizing the balancing power density/saturation
model and simulated UC of UCµP from the Berry group.
26 23

Additionally, P-dependent intensity contributions of the green

2 4 4 4 4
(520, 540 nm, H11/2, S3/2 → I15/2), red (655 nm, F9/2 → I15/2),
2 4 3+
and purple (410 nm, H9/2 → I15/2) emission of Er to overall
UCL are discussed as well as n values and decay kinetics.

Results and Discussion

Simulation of the influence of the excitation beam profile (BP) on
UC(P) and n(P).
As a first step to quantitative UCL measurements at broadly
varied P, we assessed the influence of BP on UC(P) with the
aid of simulations. To consider BP-dependent effects, eq. 3
was modified to yield UC as function of the local distribution
of the excitation power PBP(x,y,z), see eq. 5. As representative
BPs for the simulation a Top Hat (TH,exp) and Gaussian
(Gauss,exp) BP were used, which were experimentally realized

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Figure 1. a) Simulation of UC(PTH,ideal) (black line), UC(PTH,exp) (blue line), and UC(PGauss,exp) (red line) with UC,sat = 50 % and Pbalance = 1 Wcm-2 for a path length of 10 mm assuming a
biphotonic optical transition. b) Quotients of UC(PTH,exp)) and UC(PTH,ideal) (cyan line) and UC(PGauss,exp) and UC(PTH,ideal) (orange line), respectively. For comparison with our actual
measurements shown in Fig. 2, we also included the quotient of UC(PGauss,exp)) and UC(PTH,exp) (violet line). c) Corresponding n(P) for a biphotonic optical transition like the green
emission obtained for the three BPs with eq. 6.

Influence of beam profile on UC, n, and UCL intensity ratios of the different UCL bands IUC(em), given in percentage of the
for dispersed UCNP. overall integral UCL intensity UC(all); see Fig. 2, panel c),
We subsequently assessed the P-dependence of UC, n, and shows almost identical trends (deviation < 10 %) for TH,exp
the corresponding intensities IUC(em,P) of the green (520, 540 and Gauss,exp BPs despite the different photonic orders of the
23, 45
2 4 4 4 4
nm, H11/2, S3/2 → I15/2), red (655 nm, F9/2 → I15/2), and purple green and red emission. Contrary, the intensity of the
2 4 3+
(410 nm, H9/2→ I15/2) UCL of Er (given as spectral photon triphotonic purple emission reveals a more pronounced
-1 -3
fluxes (s m )) for the TH,exp and Gauss,exp BPs. As follows increase for Gauss,exp compared to TH,exp BP. This is ascribed
from Fig. 2 (panels a) and b)), with deviations in the order of to the higher P near the focal point for the former BP. For our
20-30%, UC(PTH,exp) and UC(PGauss,exp) agree reasonably well UCNP, the green emission is most pronounced at low P values
with the results of our simulations (see Fig. 1, panel b)). It has up to 20 Wcm in the unsaturated P regime, accounting for
to be taken into account here that this comparison is only about 42 % of the overall UCL. Upon onset of UC saturation in
qualitative, since our determination of the UC values of the the high P regime, the contribution of the green emission
UCNP also includes the intensity of triphotonic emission bands. decreases to 27 % whereas the red emission becomes more
Fitting of UC(P) of the purely biphotonic green emission yields pronounced, rising from initially 30 % at low P to 55 % in the
UC,sat,green of 1 % with Pbalance of 550 Wcm-2, see SI (Fig. S4 and saturated P regime of about P > 2000 Wcm . This underlines
Table S2; deviation of maximum 10 %). A possible explanation the potential of varying P for color tuning. The change in the
for the increasing deviation of measured and simulated UC(P) red-to-green intensity ratio (Ig/r) (see Fig. S6) in the P regime of
data for P > 1000 Wcm (see SI, Fig. S4, left panel) can be the 10-2000 Wcm is ascribed to back energy transfer (BET) from
3+ 3+ 4 4
more pronounced contribution of triphotonic processes for the Er to Yb , with the red emission band ( F9/2 - I15/2 transition)
4 45
Gauss,exp BP. Also particle-to-particle variations in size, being efficiently populated from the G11/2-level. Our
dopant ion concentration, and number of lattice and surface observation that the intensity of the red emission converges at
defects can lead to a distribution of particles with different about 1000 Wcm while the purple emission still increases
4 4
UC and Pbalance especially for small UCNP with a high surface- steadily suggests prevention of BET between the G11/2→ F9/2
3+ 2 2 3+
to-volume ratio as discussed e.g., for semiconductor quantum transition of Er and the F5/2 → F7/2 transition of Yb for
43, 44 saturation.
3+ 3+
In the case of NaYF4: Yb , Er UCNPs, main contributions to
UC(P) in the order of at least 70% arise from the green and
red emission. A closer look at the integral emission intensities

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Figure 2. a) UC(P) of NaYF4:Er3+Yb3+ UCNP dispersed in toluene measured with TH,exp (open squares) and Gauss,exp BPs (open triangles) using an optical path length of 10 mm
and integrating over all UC emission bands between 370 and 890 nm). b) Quotient of UC(P) obtained with Gauss,exp and TH,exp BPs; c) P-dependent integral intensities of the
purple (410 nm; purple square symbols, green (sum of both green emission bands at 520 nm and 540 nm: light green circles), and red emission bands (655 nm; red triangles) of
Er3+ given in percentage of the total UCL for our UCNP measured with TH,exp (full symbols) and Gauss,exp BP (open symbols); d) and e) corresponding slope factors n(PTH,exp) (full
symbols) and n(PGauss,exp) (open symbols) for the different emission bands of Er 3+ (violet: 410 nm, dark cyan: 520 nm, dark green: 540 nm, and red: 655 nm). The P-dependent slope
factors of the 520 nm and 540 nm emission band overlap.

Panels d) and e) of Fig. 2 summarize the n(P) values obtained P-dependence of luminescence spectra, UC, and slope
with TH,exp and Gauss,exp BPs (calculation of n(P) from factors of nm and µm-sized UC powders.
experimental data as detailed in the SI (see Fig. S7 and eq. S4). Subsequently, we studied the UCL of our UCNP in the solid
These panels highlight the small differences between both state and commercial µm-sized UC particles (UCµP) of
experimentally obtained data sets of maximally 10 % and the comparable degree of doping using the TH,exp BP to assess
decrease of n(P) of all emission bands with increasing P size effects without the contribution of potentially quenching
indicating saturation. For the unsaturated P-regime (P < 10 solvent molecules. This enables also a comparison with results
Wcm ), n amounts to 2 for the green and the red emission and from Boyer and van Veggel and theoretical data of UC(P)

to 3 for the purple emission, respectively. This points to similar reported for UCµP by the Berry group. UC(P), IUC, and n

population pathways of the green and the red luminescence at values resulting for the different UCL bands are summarized in
low P. At P = 50 Wcm , the red emission shows a maximum n Fig. 3.
value of 2.2 suggesting contributions from bi- and triphotonic
processes due to increased population of the G11/2 energy
level, which feeds also the triphotonic purple emission .
3+ 3+
Recycling of photons via BET to Yb is unlikely, since Yb
quenching is high particularly for unshelled and relatively small
UCNPs as studied here. Recently, Berry et al. demonstrated for
90 nm-sized particles that the red emission is mostly fed by a
triphotonic process even at low P. Our n values suggest,
however, that in the case of smaller UCNP like our 25 nm sized
UCNPs, a biphotonic population process of the red emission is
dominant at low P.

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Figure 3. P-dependence of a) UC of NaYF4:Er3+,Yb3+ UCNP powder and a commercial UCµP powder measured with TH,exp and an optical path length of 0.1 mm; the UC data of
UCµP were corrected for the beam deformation due to heated ND filters and the Yb3+ emission at the excitation wavelength41 (see SI, Fig.S5 and S8); b) Quotient of UC(P) of UCNP
and UCµP; c) P-dependent integral intensities of the purple (410 nm; purple squares) green (sum of both green emission bands at 520 nm and 540 nm: light green circles), and red
emission bands (655 nm; red triangles) given in percentage of total UCL for solid UCNP (open symbols) and UCµP (full symbols), respectively. d) and e) Corresponding slope factors
n(P) derived for solid UCNP (open symbols) and UCµP (full symbols) for the different emission bands of Er 3+ (violet: 410 nm, dark cyan: 520 nm, dark green: 540 nm, and red: 655
nm) with TH,exp BP. n(P) of the 520 nm and 540 nm emission bands overlap for solid UCNP; for UCµP, the corresponding n reveal a different P-dependence for P > 15 Wcm-2.

As follows from Fig. 3 (panel a)), UC(P) of the UCNP powder and Table S3). This shows, that the main contribution of the
increases steadily up to P values of 46 Wcm , where the UC reduction results from Yb3+ quenching revealed by Würth
40, 46 3+
material started to degrade, most likely due to decomposition et al. and Arppe et al., while the Er decays is much less
of the organic surface ligands. UC(P) of the UCµP powder affected. This is ascribed to quenching of UCL by (CH 2)n
increases with increasing P and levels off at P of about 30 stretching vibrational modes of the oleate ligands at 2800 to
Wcm . Fitting of UC(P) of the green emission yields
-2 -1 47
2950 cm , that overlap with the energy level differences of
UC,sat,green of 0.6 % with Pbalance of 100 Wcm-2, see SI (Fig. S3 several emission bands like the green and red luminescence
and Table S2; deviation < 5 %). The decrease in UC(P) of the
-1 -
which are in the order of 3000 cm to 3200 cm
. .Comparison of UC(P) of the UCNP powder and the
1 47
UCµP powder at higher P exceeding the saturation power is
not to be expected from the balancing power model, yet can corresponding UCNP dispersion (see SI, Fig. S10) highlights the
be simulated with actual rate equation models currently reduction in UC(P) by factors of about 4 for low P (P of about
-2 -2
developed. This observation is attributed to the larger 1 Wcm ) and 3 at higher P (P of about 30 Wcm ) for dispersed
proportion of absorbed photons used for triphotonic UC UCNP; this reflects additional surface quenching by solvent
processes at high P. Although UC(P) of the UCNP and UCµP
45 3+
molecules. This is supported by the lifetime data of the Yb
2 2
powders differ by more than two orders of magnitude at low ( F5/2→ F7/2) transition (see SI Fig. S9 panel d)), which also
P, these deviations strongly decrease with increasing P (see underlines the difficulties of finding suitable rate constants for
also Fig. 3, panel b)). This strong diminution of UC(P) with the modelling with rate equations, since the beginning of the
particle size is reflected by the decay kinetics of the Yb decay curve of UCNP powder is strongly multiexponential.
2 2 3+
emission at 976 nm ( F5/2→ F7/2) and the green emission of Er
4 4
(540 nm, S3/2 → I15/2) and NIR (1520), yielding reductions in
lifetime by factors of 17,6 and 3, respectively (see Fig. 4, Fig. S9

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3+ 3+ 3+ 2 2
Figure 4 a) Energy scheme of the NIR emission of Yb at 976 nm and Er at 1520 nm, respectively;. b) Decay curves of the directly excited Yb emission ( F5/2→ F7/2) at 976 nm
(detected at exc = 940 nm) obtained for UCµP (blue) and UCNP (black) powders and UCNP dispersed in toluene (red); c) Rise and decay of the Er3+ emission at 1520 nm

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( I13/2→ I15/2) for exc = 976 nm measured with a short laser pulse (pulse width < 2 µs), same colour code as used for panel b).
4 4

As follows from Fig. 3 (panel a)) and Table S1, we obtained

UC,max of 10.5 % (integration over all emission bands) for the
UCµP powder at P = 30 Wcm , equaling a value of 9.3 % for
integration of only the visible (vis) luminescence, i.e., the
purple, green, and red emission. For solely the green emission
we measured 2.4 %, (P = 20 Wcm , see Table 1), which is
identical to the value from Page reported for bulk NaYF4: Er ,
Yb (it should be noted, that for direct comparison with our
measurements, the value provided by Page had to be
converted from power conversion efficiency to UC see SI,
Figure S11; the power conversion efficiency takes the photon
energy into account and can thus reach maximum 100 %
whereas UC defined in eq. 2 can reach maximally 50 % for a
purely biphotonic process and even lower values for higher
Figure 5 Comparison of experimentally determined UC of the visible emission (black
order photonic processes). Our UC value agrees also well with
symbols) derived from the sum of the purple (purple symbols), green (green symbols),
the UC value of 3.0 +/- 0.3% obtained by van Veggel for the and red UC (red symbols) with the results from the simulation of these quantities of
3+ 3+-
green emission of pure -phase 20 % Yb , 2% Er doped the Berry group (corresponding lines).
NaYF4 UCµP with a size >> 100 nm at identical P. Our overall
UC values agree also well with simulations of UC(P) of Fig. 3 (panel c)) shows a comparison of the relative integral
3+ 3+
commercial -phase NaYF4: 18 % Yb , 2 % Er UCµP of the intensities of the different UC emission bands of our UCµP and
Berry group obtained from coupled rate equations (Fig. 5) UCNP powders. This underlines the influence of particle size on
utilizing lifetime data and spectral data measured with pulsed the intensity ratios of the green and red emission (Ig/r), which
excitation (varied from 2 to 200 mJ/cm²). This yields UC,max of present the main contributions to UC(P) with >80 % and
7.6 % for the visible UCL derived from the sum of the purple, >75 %, respectively. For UCµP, Ig/r increases with decreasing P,
green, and red emission. Interestingly, contrary to this whereas for UCNP, which are more prone to nonradiative
generally good agreement, the UC values obtained for the depopulation processes, Ig/r converges to 1.25 for decreasing P
individual UC bands differ strongly from simulations of the (see SI, Fig. S6). This underlines the lower nonradiative rate
Berry group, although the rise and decay kinetics of the purple, from the green to the red band for UCµP. In the saturated
green and red emission, (see SI, Fig. S12) of our UCµP closely regime for both materials the Ig/r converges to 0.33 and 0.5 for
match with the lifetime data reported by the Berry group, UCµP and UCNP, respectively. Ig/r values < 1 for high P have
underpinning the comparability of both materials. been previously reported. In general, for high P, a Ig/r value of
0.3 to 0.4 value is often obtained for NaYF4–based systems
with doping concentrations of about 20 % of Yb and 2 % of
Er , which suggests that this Ig/r value may be specific for UCL
31, 48, 49
saturation. This was also recently found by us for 23 nm-
sized NaYF4 UCNPs with these doping concentrations.
Additionally it was demonstrated that for the same UCNP
material in different environments the population dynamics
are comparable for high P despite different quenching rates.
In case of the triphotonic purple emission also the population
for the UCµP is more effective as reflected by a higher

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percentage of its contribution to the overall UCL (see Fig. 3, red emission in the unsaturated P regime and n of 2.5
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3+ DOI: 10.1039/C7NR02449E
panel c)); this is ascribed to the longer lifetimes of the Er purple emission, respectively. The latter falls below the n value
intermediate energy levels of the UCµP powder (see also SI, of 3 obtained in UCNP dispersion. In the case of the UCµP
section on luminescence dynamics). powder, n(P) of all emission bands decrease with increasing P
n(P) of the green, red, and purple emission bands of the UCNP as to be expected for saturation. Comparison of the n(P) values
and UCµP powders are highlighted in panels d) and e) of Fig. 3.
For the UCNP powder, we obtained n of two for the green and

Table 1 Overall UC (integration UCL- spectra from 370 nm to 890 nm) and UC,emission band of the purple (410 nm), green (520 nm,540 nm), red (655 nm), IR1 (810 nm) and IR2 (850
nm) emission bands, respectively. TheseUC values are listed for P of 20 Wcm-2 (at this P, the green UC of UCµP has its maximum (see Figure 5)) and for the highest P value
achieved for each sample, respectively. All UC values given were measured with the experimentally realized Top Hat beam profile (see SI, Figure S1).
Published on 13 June 2017. Downloaded by University of California - San Diego on 13/06/2017 16:11:38.

Sample/(P) UC,purple(%) UC,,green(%) UC,,red(%) UC,,IR1(%) UC,,IR2(%) UC,(%)

520,540 nm
410 nm 2 4 655 nm 810 nm 850 nm
2 4 H11/2, S3/2 4 4 4 4 4 4
H9/2→ I15/2 F9/2→ I15/2 I9/2→ I15/2 S3/2→ I15/2

Nanoscale Accepted Manuscript

→ I15/2
UCµP powder/
-2 0.17 2.4 6.4 0.13 0.92 10.3
(20 Wcm )
UCµP powder/
-2 a 0.19 1.8 5.5 0.11 0.52 8.3
(130 Wcm )
UCNP powder/
-2 0.0028 0.11 0.14 0.015 0.039 0.32
(20 Wcm )
UCNP powder/
-2 a 0.0079 0.20 0.32 0.023 0.066 0.63
(46 Wcm )
UCNP dispersion/
-2 3.7E-4 0.040 0.033 0.0068 0.015 0.098
(20 Wcm )
UCNP dispersion/
-2 0.037 0.43 0.75 0.040 0.14 1.44
(410 Wcm )
powder sample started to degradate for higher P.

derived for all UC emission bands of the UCµP powder in the emission, our results suggest an overestimation of the purple
saturation regime reveals that solely the 520 nm emission and an underestimation of the red emission of -NaYF4:Yb ,
2 4 3+
( H11/2→ I15/2) converges to 1, whereas n(P) of the other Er : microparticles by the simulations of the Berry group.
emission bands reach a value of about 0.5 for P of 100 Wcm . Our P-dependent UCL measurements with different beam
Although the H11/2 state can be thermally populated from the profiles underline that the main factors rendering the
comparability of reported UC values presently critical are the
4 50
S3/2 state according to the Boltzmann population, this
cannot account for the trend of n(P) of the 520 nm emission, strong influence of the size, shape, and homogeneity of the
since additionally performed longterm illumination studies spatial P distribution on UCL and UC together with the
show a minimal influence on UC intensity < 5 % for high P (see challenge to reliably measure P. This makes also relative
measurements of UC suggested in some publications very
SI, Fig. S13).
error prone. The considerably different UC values of
dispersed and solid UCNP in the low P regime underpin the
Conclusions importance of measurements of UC(P) for comparison of UC
In summary, we presented strategies for the quantitative efficiencies of UC materials. This renders maximal UC (UC,max)
determination of excitation power density (P)-dependent values better suited for straightforward material performance
upconversion (UC) luminescence (UCL) spectra and intensity assessment.
ratios and UC quantum yields UC(P) of nanoparticle
dispersions and solid samples and other spectroscopic
parameters like slope factors (n) relevant for mechanistic
Materials and methods
3+ 3+
insights in UC processes. Moreover, ligand and solvent Materials. 25 nm-sized -NaYF4:Yb : 17 %, Er : 3% UCNPs
quenching were quantified and the potential of P for tuning UC (crystallite size 23x26-30 nm) were prepared through co-
efficiency and color underlined. Although the UC value found precipitation in a binary solvent mixture of oleic acid and 1-
by us for UC microparticles differs from the value reported by octadecene and characterized by TEM and XRD (see Fig. S14).
van Veggel for a similar material of yet unknown dopant Luminescence measurements were performed with these
concentration, the good agreement of our UC(P) with UC(P) oleate-stabilized UCNP dispersed in toluene and as dried
45 3+ 3+
simulated by the Berry group validates our measurements. powder. 3 µm-sized -NaYF4: Yb , Er particles doped with ca.
Despite the generally good match for the combined visible

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