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SSS One Objective Exam Questions in Computer Studies

1. The computing devices invented by Charles Babbage are

A. Abacus and difference engine

B. Abacus and slide rule
C. Analytical and difference engine
D. Slide rule and analytical engine

2. Census machine was invented by

A. Blaise Pascal
B. Gottfried Leibnitz
C. Herman Hollerith

D. Joseph Jaquard
3. Each set of Napier’s bones consisted of ______ rods.
A. 5
B. 9
C. 11

D. 13
4. Once you load the suitable program and provide required data, computer does not need
human intervention. This feature is known as
A. Accuracy
Report Abuse
B. Reliability
C. Versatility

D. Automation
5. Who is credited with the idea of using punch cards to control patterns in a weaving
A. Pascal
B. Hollerith
C. Babbage
D. Jacquard
6. Which of the following is not the function of the mouse?

A. Clicking
B. Pointing
C. Pumping
D. Dragging
7. Abacus was an invention of the
A. Chinese
B. Indians
C. Charles Babbage group

D. Babylonians
8. Which of the following printer can produce the best quality graphics production?
A. Dot Matrix printer
B. Ink jet printer
C. Laser printer
D. Compact printer
9. The collection of unorganized facts and figures is called
A. data

B. file
C. Information

D. Variable
10. What is the name of the main computer hardware that accommodates other


B. Monitor

C. System unit
D. Motherboard

11. Which of this device can serve as an input and out device?
A. Touchpad

B. Stylus
C. Touch screen

D. Printer

12. The follow are activities that can be performed in processing of data into information

A. classification or sorting
B. calculations

C. storing
D. Translating

13. Which of the following is not an output device

A. stylus
B. Projector

C. Printer
D. Speaker

14. A computer can solve more than one kind of problems. This is related to which of the
following characteristics?

A. Accuracy
B. Reliability

C. Versatility

D. Automation
15. Which of the following machine was not invented by Charles Babbage?

A. Tabulating Machine
B. Analytical Engine

C. Difference Engine
D. All of the above

16. An input device that is connected to a computer that allows anyone connected to the

Internet to view either still pictures or motion video of a user or other objects is called
A. digital camera

B. webcam

D. monitor
17. Short Cut key for Print Preview in Ms word is:

A. Ctrl + F2
B. Ctrl + F3

C. Ctrl + F1

D. Ctrl + P
18. One computer that is not considered portable is

A. Palmtop
B. Laptop computer

C. Notebook computer
D. Desktop

19. A paper printout of a document is known as

A. Softcopy output
B. Hardcopy output

C. Permanent Output
D. All of above

20. ENIAC represents data and instructions in what number system

A. Decimal Numbering System

B. Octal Numbering System

C. Binary Numbering System

D. Hexadecimal Numbering System

21. Where would you find the word QWERTY

A. Printer
B. Mouse

C. Keyboard

D. Light pen

22. One advantage of the trackball over the mouse is that

A. It does not require much space to use it.

B. It does not require much electricity to use it

C. It does not require much skills to use it

D. All of the above

23. The speed of a character printer is measured in

A. Character per inch

B. Line per inch

C. Character per second

D. Line per second

24. The world’s first commercial computer is




25. The shortcut “Shift + Insert” is used to

A. paste

B. Copy

C. High light

D. Undo
26. All the following are printers that print characters and graphics on a piece of paper

without striking the paper EXCEPT

A. Daisy wheel printer

B. Laser printer
C. Inkjet printer

D. thermal printer

27. An output device that can take the display of a computer screen and project a large

version of it onto a flat surface is called

A. Monitor
B. Projector

C. Printer

D. Speaker

28. Which of the following computer is not invented by J.P. Eckert and John Mauchly?




29. One of the following machines was used to process census information in the U.S.A in

A. Herman Hollerith Machine

B. Jacquard’s Loom

C. Pascaline
D. Gottfried Leibnitz

30. A hard copy would be prepared on a

A. monitor

B. printer

C. keyboard
D. joystick

31. Which of the following is not a programming language

B. Python



32. The operating system, translators and utility program are categories of

A. application software
B. customized software

C. network software

D. system software

33. A programming language that uses mnemonic codes is called:

A. Assembly program
B. BASIC program

C. COBOL program

D. FOTRAN program

Study the program below and answer questions 34 and 35

10 REM …………………………..

20 CLS

30 FOR I = 10 TO 20 STEP 3


60 END

34. The statement on line number 20 stands for

A. Clear screen
B. Calculate

C. Remark

D. None of the above

35. The output of the above program when executed is

A. 10 TO 20

B. 10, 13, 16, 19

C. 11, 14, 17, 20

D. 10, 20, 3

36. The only language a microprocessor understands is:

A. Computer language

B. Machine language

C. Assembly language

D. Translator
37. Word processing, spreadsheet, and graphic packages are examples of:

A. Operating system

B. System software

C. Application software

D. Utility software
38. Which of the following LET statement is correct

A. LET A$ = ‘faith’

B. LET A = “faith”

C. LET A$ = “faith”
D. LET A$ = faith

39. An operating system that allows many different users to take advantage of the

computer's resources simultaneously is called

A. Single user, single task OS

B. Distributed OS
C. Multi-user OS

D. Single-user, multi-tasking OS
40. Which statement is valid about computer program?

A. High level languages must be converted into machine language to execute

B. High level language programs are more efficient and faster to execute
C. It is more difficult to identify errors in high level language program than in low level

D. All of above

41. FORTRAN is a programming language. What does FORTRAN stand for?

A. File Translation
B. Format Translation

C. Formula Translation
D. Floppy Translation
42. Part of an operating system that allow users to click and drag objects with a mouse

instead of entering command lines. is called

A. Graphical User Interface

B. Command line
C. Mobile based OS
D. Embedded system

43. Computer software used to store, retrieve information and conduct transactions related
to air travel is called

A. Banking software
B. Payroll system
C. Reservation system

D. Human resources management

44. Which of the following is not a DBMS package

A. Oracle
B. Paradox
C. SQL Server

D. MS word
45. Multiple application bundled together are sometimes referred to as:

A. Application suite
B. User application programs
C. General purpose application software

D. Specific purpose application software

46. A software package used to display information, normally in the form of a slide is called
A. Presentation program

B. Spreadsheet application
C. Payroll

D. Statistical package
47. Antivirus, disk partitioner and file managers are examples of
A. Operating system

B. Translators
C. Utility program

D. Hardware
48. A computer program that converts high level language into machine language is called

A. Translator
B. Simulator

C. Copier
D. Commander
49. The command line prompt of MS-DOS operating system is represented as

A. C:\>
B. C:\
C. C. >

D. C:/
50. An operator used for various mathematical calculation is a/an:

A. Relational operator
B. Logical operator
C. Arithmetic operator

D. String operator
51. A BASIC statement that is used in a program to give data to a variable with user prompt

or a group of variable is:

A. INPUT statement
B. LET statement

C. READ statement
D. END statement

52. BASIC programming language was invented by

A. John Kemeny and Presper Eckert
B. Thomas Kurtz and John Mauchly

C. Preper Eckert and John Mauchly

D. John Kemeny and Thomas Kurtz

53. To “run” a program in BASIC means to …… a program.

A. pursue
B. execute

C. write
D. find
54. All the following are examples of GUI based operating system except

A. Windows
B. Android

C. iOS
55. The algebraic expression 𝑥2 + 𝑦2 in BASIC arithmetic expression is

A. (𝑥 + 𝑦)2
B. 2X + 2Y

C. X^2 + Y^2
D. All of the above
56. Evaluate the BASIC expression A + B*C/2*A if A = 1, B = 4 and C = 10

A. 21
B. 23

C. 25
D. 35
57. All the following are BASIC key statements EXCEPT


58. Programming language ideal for business environment is


D. C++
59. Programming language that allows for a program to be written in forms that are

readable to human beings is called

A. Assembly language
B. Machine language

C. High level language

D. all of the above

60. Utility programs are also known as

A. Service program

B. Operating system
C. Graphic program

D. Word processing software.

61. The acronym POST stands for
A. Power Off Self Test

B. Power On Self Test

C. Power Off Self Task
D. Power On Self Task

62. A communication strategy in ICT that happens in real-time and require all the parties
involved to present at the same times is called

A. Synchronous communication
B. Face-to-face communication
C. WhatsApp communication

D. Asynchronous communication
63. Programming language ideal for business environment is


D. C++
64. Programming language that allows for a program to be written in forms that are

readable to human beings is called

A. Assembly language
B. Machine language

C. High level language

D. all of the above
65. Utility programs are also known as

A. service routine
B. Operating system

C. Graphic program
D. Word Processing program
66. Which of the following is not a programming language

B. Python

67. The operating system, translators and utility program are examples of

A. application software
B. customized software

C. network software
D. system software
68. An example of programming language that uses mnemonic code is

A. Assembly program
B. BASIC program

C. COBOL program
D. FOTRAN program
69. Word processing, spreadsheet, and graphic packages are examples of:

A. Operating system
B. System software
C. Application software

D. Utility software
70. Which of the following LET statement is correct

A. LET A$ = ‘Theresa’
B. LET A = “Theresa”
C. LET A$ = “Theresa”

D. LET A$ = Theresa
71. Which statement is valid about computer program?

A. High level languages must be converted into machine language to execute

B. High level language programs are more efficient and faster to execute
C. It is more difficult to identify errors in high level language program than in low level

D. All of above

72. Operating system that allow users to click and drag objects with a mouse instead of
entering command line(s) are called
A. Graphical User Interface

B. Command line
C. Mobile based OS
D. Embedded system

73. Computer software used to store, retrieve information and conduct transactions related
to air travel is called

A. Banking software
B. Payroll system
C. Reservation system

D. Human resources management

74. Which of the following is not a DBMS package

A. Oracle
B. Paradox
C. SQL Server

D. MS Excel
75. The first program that runs every time the computer is turned on is;


D. Operating system
76. Pressing the Ctrl + Alt + Del keys simultaneously why the computer is running is

A. Cold Booting
B. Warm Booting
C. Hot Booting

D. Chill booting
77. Who is credited with the idea of using punch cards to control patterns in a waving

A. Pascal
B. Hollerith

C. Babbage
D. Jacquard
78. Which of the following is not the function of the mouse?

A. Clicking
B. Pointing

C. Pumping
D. Dragging
79. Abacus was an invention of the

A. Chinese
B. Indians

C. Charles Babbage group

D. Babylonians
80. Which of this is a quantitative data

A. (A) A,B,C,D
B. 12345

D. +)&^%
81. Hardware connected to the system unit are called

B. Monitor
C. Peripherals

D. Motherboard
82. Which of the following did not contributed to computer development?

A. Blaise Pascal
B. Joseph Jacquard
C. Isaac Newton

D. Gottfried Leibnitz
Study the figure above and answer questions 83 to 86

83. The part used for justifying is

A. I
B. V


84. The part labeled II is used for

A. Undoing text

B. Understanding text

C. Underlining text

D. Undermining text
85. What part is used for changing font face or style

A. I



86. The part labeled IV is used for

A. changing font size

B. changing font style or face

C. Justifying
D. centralizing

87. The following are application areas of ICT EXCEPT

A. Telecopying

B. Tele-computing
C. Teleconferencing

D. Messaging

E. Tele-presence
88. Which of this network is the largest




89. The following are elements of windows desktop EXCEPT?

A. System tray
B. Desktop

C. Icons

D. Toolbox
90. The following are examples of presentation software EXCEPT?

A. Corel Presentations

B. Impress
C. SlideSlider

D. MS Excel

Click Here for the Answers

Chinonso Charles 9 October 2020 at 09:45

Thank you so much for this

Okolo Joseph 9 October 2020 at 11:25

You're welcome


Gbenga Omofe 18 November 2020 at 08:23

This is awesome! God Bless Man.


Anonymous 7 December 2021 at 15:52

This is great. Really helpful. God bless you guy.


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