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Unit 5
Six slimy snails sailed silently.

v. to afford (to)_______________________

If you can afford something, you have enough money to buy a particular thing
without having money problems.
eg. I have £1000 in the bank so I can afford to spend £500 on my holiday.

Q. How much can you afford to spend on your next holiday?

Q. When you can’t afford to go out, what do you do
Q. If you could afford to go on holiday anywhere in the
world, where would you go?
Q. Do you think it is a good idea to spend a lot of money on
clothes if you can’t really afford it?
Q. What kind of accommodation would you stay in if you
couldn’t afford a hotel?

v. to pack/unpack _________________________________
n. luggage (uncountable) ________________________
n. label______________________________________________
n. backpack ________________________________________ Useful phrases for traveling
n. suitcase__________________________________________ Your passport and ticket, please
I’ve come to collect my tickets
Q. Give me some examples of luggage. I booked on the internet
Q. What kind of things do you always pack when Where are you flying to?
you go on holiday? Do you have any liquids or sharp
Q. Do you feel sad when you pack your bags at objects in your hand baggage?
the end of a holiday? How many bags are you checking
Q. Has your luggage ever been lost at the in?
airport? Could I see your hand luggage,
Q. Do you carry your luggage onto the plane please?
yourself? Do I need to check this in or can I
Q. Why is it important to fill in the label on your take it with me?
luggage? There’s an excess baggage charge
of £15
You can also find labels on clothes. Would you like a window or an
aisle seat?

Q. What kind of things do labels tell you about

your clothes?

v. to check______________________________________
n. customs ____________________________________
n. immigration________________________________

You should always check your oil, water, and tyres before taking your car on a long trip.
It took us ages to get through customs when we got back from Italy.

immigration policy
immigration officers
Q. Who checks your passport at the airport?
Q. Have you ever seen anyone arrested at customs?
Q. Has your luggage ever been checked at the airpor?
Q. Do you have to fill in a form at immigration?
Q. What kind of information do you have to give?
Q. Who checks your homework?

n. flight = a journey by air

phr v. to check in

To check in means to show your ticket, passport and luggage before the flight.

Q. How long is the flight from your country to the USA?

Q. What do you have to show when you check in for a flight?
Q. What was the last flight you took?

n. queue ____________________________________________
v. to queue – queuing____________________________
adj. patient / impatient____________________________

Are you in the queue for tickets?

You'd be hopeless taking care of children - you're far
too impatient!
Q. In what kind of places do you have to queue?
Q. Would you get impatient if you had to wait more than an hour in a queue?
Q. Do you think a good teacher needs to be patient?
Q. In what other jobs is it important to be patient?

n. flight attendant ______________________________________________

n. cabin____________________________________________________________
adj. tax-free ______________________________________________________
n. perfume _______________________________________________________
n. spirits = strong alcoholic drink_____________________________

Q. Do you ever buy tax-free perfume, spirits or cigarettes on the plane?

Q. Who looks after you when you fly?
Q. What is your favourite perfume?
Q. And your favourite spirit?

expr. to be likely to + inf_________________________________________
expr. to be unlikely to + inf______________________________________

If something is likely, it will probably happen.

If something is unlikely, it probably won’t happen.
eg. She is likely to leave her job soon because she hates it.
I am unlikely to pass this exam because I haven’t studied very hard.
Answer these questions using likely or unlikely.

Q. Do you think it’s likely to rain tonight?

Q. Are you likely to win the lottery?
Q. What is likely to happen if you keep breaking the law?

v. to allow__________________________

If you are allowed to do something, you can do it without breaking the rules or the law.

Do you think Dad will allow you to go to Jamie's party?

You're not allowed to talk during the exam.
Q. Are you allowed to travel to America without a visa?
Q. How many kilos of luggage are you allowed to take on a normal flight?
Q. Are children allowed to buy cigarettes in your country?

It’s hard to beat a person who never gives up.

Q. Were you allowed to stay up late when you were young?

Q. Would you allow a stranger to stay at your house?

n. bin _______________________________
n. rubbish (uncountable singular)________________________

The film was rubbish.

Why does everyone rubbish my ideas?
Q. Where do you put your rubbish?
Q. Is there a lot of rubbish in the streets of this city?
Q. How often is the rubbish collected in your city?

A load of rubbish, Exaggerated, foolish, or untruthful talk; nonsense or falsehoods.

Personally, I think the notion of "love at first sight" is a load of rubbish.

phr v. to throw something away_______________________________
threw away___________________________________________________
thrown away_________________________________________________

Q. What do people do with rubbish?

Q. Will you throw this book away when you finish it or will you keep it?
Q. Do you throw away your old clothes?
Q. What do people do with their old clothes instead of throwing them away?

v expr. to get rid of____________________________

If you get rid of something you throw it away or give it to someone

because you don't like it or need it any more.

The idea of the game is to get rid of all your cards as soon as you can.

Q. Do you get rid of things you don’t need any more?

Q. How do you get rid of clothes you don’t wear any more?
Q. What do you take to get rid of a cold?
Q. How would you get rid of an annoying person at a party?

expr. a waste of time/money

To waste means to use something badly.

eg. He wasted his money on drink and cigarettes.
I didn’t enjoy myself. That holiday was a waste of time and money.

Q. Do you think queuing is a waste of time?

Q. What kind of things do you think are a waste of time?

Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins


Q. What kind of things did you use to waste your money on when you were a child?
Q. Do you ever waste food by making too much and throwing some away?
Q. Do you think cigarettes are a waste of money?
Q. Do you agree that rich countries waste too much food?

v. to recycle _________________________________
n. wastepaper______________________________

The Japanese recycle more than half their waste paper.

Q. What can we do with wastepaper instead of throwing
it away?
Q. Do you always buy recycled paper?
Q. Do you try to recycle some of your rubbish?
Q. What else can we recycle apart from wastepaper?

n. nature (uncountable)
NB. We never use the definite article with the
adj. natural
word nature.

Q. Are cities, factories and cars part of nature?

Q. Is plastic a natural material?
Q. Give me some examples of natural materials.
Q. Have you ever taken natural medicine?
Q. Where do people go to enjoy nature?
Q. Do you like watching nature programmes?

n. the environment______________________________

The environment is the natural world we live in.

eg. The land*, rivers, seas and air are all part of the environment.

The environment is the natural world we live in.

eg. The land*, rivers, seas and air are all part of the environment.

Certain chemicals have been banned because of their damaging effect on the environment.
Q. What is the environment?
Q. Do you think governments care enough about the environment?
Q. Is there anything you can do to help the environment?

n. pollution (uncountable)
v. to pollute

The things we throw away often pollute the environment.

Smoke from factories, plastic bottles and oil on beaches are all examples of

Q. What kind of things pollute the environment?

Q. Are there any rivers in your country that are very polluted?
Q. Do you think pollution will get worse in the future?

v. to damage ____________________________________
n. damage (uncountable)_____________________

Many buildings were badly damaged during the war.( verb).

Recent discoveries about corruption have done serious damage to the company's
reputation.( noun).
Q. Do cars usually get damaged in an accident?
Q. What kind of things can damage your health?
Q. Can computers damage your eyes if you use them for too long?
Q. What kind of things are easily damaged if you are not careful?
Q. Do you ever spend your money on things you can’t really afford?
Q. Why do people at customs always ask: ‘Did you pack your luggage yourself’?
Q. When do you think we are likely to finish the book?
Q. Do you think that there should be a law to make people recycle their waste paper?
Q. Is a zoo a natural environment for animals?
Q. Do you think pollution from cars damages the environment?

Translate the sentences

Моя сестра любит сладости и тратит много денег на конфеты.
Машины серьезно загрязняют окружающую среду.
Использование пластиковых бутылок наносит вред природе.
Мы стояли в очереди час, пока они не позволили нам войти.

v. to regret + gerund

We regret doing something when we feel bad after we have done it.
eg. She regrets marrying him. He is lazy and selfish.
I regret not eating breakfast. I’m so hungry now!
Do you regret buying that car?

Q. What do you most regret?

Q. Do you regret coming to this school?
Q. Is there anything you did in the past that you regret doing now?
Q. Is there anything you regret not doing?
Q. Have you bought anything recently that you really regret buying?

phr v. to go out _____________________________________
v. to enjoy something______________________________

Q. What do you like doing when you go out?

Q. Do you like going out with a big group of friends?
Q. Do you enjoy:
a. spending time alone?
b. these lessons ?
Q. Which nights of the week do people usually go out?
Q. Do you think it’s important to enjoy your job?

v. to enjoy yourself______________________________

Time passes so quickly when you're enjoying yourself.

Q. How do people enjoy themselves?
Q. Do you think people always enjoy themselves when they go out?
Q. Are holidays a waste of money if you don’t enjoy yourself?
Q. What about lessons?

n. night life______________________________

Q. What do you think of the night life in this city?

Q. Do you ever go to night clubs?
Q. Do you usually dance, or do you prefer to sit and watch?
Q. Are night clubs good places to meet people?
Q. Would you be embarrassed to go to a night club with your parents?

v. to invite = to ask someone to go somewhere or do something with you.

n. guest ____________________________________
n. host______________________________________

Candidates who are successful in the written test will be

invited for an interview
Is he on the guest list?
Q. If you have a party at home, do you think it is a good idea
to invite your neighbours?
Q. When was the last time you were invited to a party?
Q. Do you prefer being a guest or a host at a party?
Q. If you came to my house for a party, who would be your

NB. In English the verb invite does not mean to pay.

In English you should say ‘Can I buy you ...’


phr v. to get on with (someone) = to have a good relationship with someone,

or to enjoy spending time with them.

I don't really get along with my sister's husband.

Q. Do you get on with everyone?

Q. How well do you get on with your neighbours?
Q. Do brothers and sisters always get on well with each other?
Q. Do you get on well with your teachers?

adj. young ____________________________

adj. middle-aged _____________________
adj. old________________________________

Q. Who is the oldest person you know?

Q. Is a 30-year-old middle-aged?
Q. What kind of music is popular with middle-aged people?
Q. Are you worried about getting old?
Q. Do teenagers generally get on with middle-aged people?

n. generation = the people who were born and grew up at about the same time

It's our duty to preserve the planet for future generations.

Q. Is life easier for you than for your parents’ generation?

Q. What kind of music do you think your grandparents’
Pull someone's leg
generation listened to?
To joke with someone
Q. Do you think your generation is more relaxed than
Don't worry about
your parents’ generation? what he said. He's just
pulling your leg.
n. tradition ____________________________________
adj. traditional________________________________

Eating turkey at Christmas is an English tradition.

It is traditional to have fireworks on 5th November in England.

Q. What kind of food is traditional at Christmas in your country?

Q. Does your generation listen to traditional music?
Q. Do you think the younger generation are forgetting your country’s traditions?

adj. modern ____________________________________
adj. old-fashioned______________________________

Q. Do you like modern art?

Q. If you bought a house, would you want it to be modern or old-fashioned?
Q. Would you describe yourself as modern or old fashioned?
Q. Are there any modern buildings in this city?
Q. Where?

v. to be able (+ inf) If you can do something, you are able to do it.

n. ability Your ability to do something is how well you can do it.
Can has no future, so we use will be able.

Q. Are you able to touch your toes when standing up?

Q. Will you be able to speak English well if you study hard?
Q. What kind of animals have the ability to:
a. carry heavy things?
b. run very fast?

modal verbs (2)

Here are some examples of modal verbs.

To express possibility.

To express ability.

To express obligation.
must have to

We use a modal verb before another verb to change the meaning of a


Compare :
1. I go shopping twice a week. - a habit
2. I must go shopping, there is no food in the house. - an obligation.
Remember: the modal verbs are followed by the infinitive without to.

Q. Do you think children should smoke cigarettes?

Q. How often do you have to ring your parents?
Q. Do you think you might become famous one day?
Q. Can you keep a promise?
n. event________________________

The Olympic Games has many different events, for example, the 100 metres, the
marathon and sports like football, boxing and weightlifting.

Susannah's party was the social event of the year.

Q. What is the most exciting Olympic event in your opinion?

Q. What is the most dangerous event in the Olympics?
Q. Which athletics events do you know?

An event can also be something important that happens.

Q. What are the happiest events in most people’s lives?

Q. Give me an example of an important event in your country’s history.
Q. In the newspapers, do you prefer reading gossip or reading about political events?

adj. regular ________________________________________

adv. regularly______________________________________
a regular customer/churchgoer/reader/user

Professional athletes make regular appearances on TV. ( adjective)

Experts say that the product, if eaten regularly, could be harmful.(adverb)
Q. Do you play any sports regularly?
Q. Is regular exercise good for you?
Q. Give me an example of a regular national event.
Q. Do you speak to your family regularly?
Q. How often?

v. to kick ________________________________________________
v. to throw • threw • thrown________________________

I kicked the ball as hard as I could.

The coat was thrown over the back of the chair.

Q. In what kind of sports do we kick the ball?

Q. In what kind of sports do we throw the ball?
Q. Are there any throwing events in the Olympics?
Q. Do you ever kick machines if they don’t work?

v. to hit • hit • hit) _____________________________
n. racket • racquet ___________________________
n. net______________________________________________

Q. What do we use to hit a tennis ball?

Q. Do you have to hit the ball over the net in tennis?
Q. Apart from tennis, in which other sports do we use a net?
Q. Are teachers allowed to hit school children in your country?
Q. Have you ever hit anyone when you were very angry?
Q. Have you ever hit another car when driving?

v. to catch • caught • caught__________________

Q. When did you learn to throw and catch?

Q. If I threw my pen to you, could you catch it?
Q. Is the ability to catch important in:
a. basketball?
b. golf?

The verb to catch has some other meanings.

1. to catch an illness

Q. If you catch a cold, how do you treat it?

Q. Are you more likely to catch a cold in winter?
2. to catch a bus/train

Q. Where can you catch a bus?

Q. Have you ever caught the wrong train?
3. to catch someone doing something wrong
eg. I caught them looking at the answers in the back of the book.
Q. Were you ever caught stealing when you were a child?
Q. By who?
Q. Did your parents ever catch you smoking?
4. to catch a fish

Q. What do fishermen use to catch fish?

Q. Have you ever been fishing?
Q. Did you catch anything?

n. an individual _____________________
eg. There are eleven players in a football
adj. individual _______________________
n. team_______________________________ Football and baseball are team sports.

Q. Did you like sport at school?

Q. Did you play for any school teams?
Q. Do you have a favourite football team?
Q. Who are they?
Q. Do you like team sports?
Q. Is tennis a team sport? Hold your horses
Q. Give me an example of a team sport. wait a minute; be
Q. Which do you prefer, team sports or individual sports? patient.
He still has to
When a group of people work together, we call shower before we
them a team.
can leave — hold
Q. Do you like working as part of a team? your horses.
Q. Do builders usually work in teams?
Q. What about teachers?

v. to improve = to get better at something

v. to practise = to do something many times in order to improve
n. practice

NB. We spell the verb to practise with an s.

We spell the noun practice with a c.

Q. Have you improved your English since you came to this school?
Q. Do you need more practice at English?
Q. How do you practise your English, apart from coming here?
Q. How do people improve their ability to:
a. speak a foreign language?
b. play a musical instrument?

n. musician _______________________________________
n. athlete __________________________________________
adj. professional__________________________________

Q. Why do professional athletes practise so much?

Q. Do you think professional musicians practise a lot?
Q. Are all pop stars good musicians?
Q. Do professional athletes have a lot of natural ability?
Q. Would you like to be a professional:


v. to cheat (at a game)_____________________

To cheat is to try to win a game (or pass an exam) by breaking the rules.

Anyone caught cheating will be immediately disqualified from the exam.

Q. Have you ever cheated at cards?
Q. Have you ever cheated during an examination?
Q. Do professional athletes ever cheat?
Q. Have you ever been caught cheating?

n. luck ____________________________________
adj. lucky / unlucky_____________________
Being Lucky
It was just luck that I asked for a job at the right time. 1.It's a good thing (that)
The lucky winner will be able to choose from three 2.It's just as well...
different holidays 3.Fortunately, / Luckily,
Q. Do you have a lucky number? 4.As luck would have it...
Q. What is it? 5.That was a stroke of
Q. Would you describe yourself as lucky or unlucky? luck.
Q. Do you think you need luck to succeed in business? 6. It’s lucky...
Q. Which games depend on luck more than ability? 7.It's very/most
Q. Is it unlucky if you break a mirror in your country? fortunate (that)...

v. to gamble _____________________________
n. gambling ______________________________
n. casino__________________________________

People gamble by playing games for money.

If they win they make more money.
If they lose the game they lose their money.

Q. Which city in America is famous for its casinos?

Q. Do you think gambling is dangerous?
Q. Have you ever been to a casino?
Q. Did you win or lose money?
Q. What are some popular games in casinos?
Q. Do you think that most gamblers lose money?
Q. Is gambling illegal?
Q. Do you think it ought to be?


v. to bet (bet bet ) (on something)

n. bet _________________________________

You can bet on many things; horses, cards or a game in a casino.

Each time you put money on something, you are betting.

Q. Have you ever bet on a horse?

Q. Did it win?
Q. Do you think betting makes sport more exciting?
Q. Have you ever made a bet with a friend?
Q. What did you bet on?

NB. I bet ...

We can use I bet ... when we think something is very likely to happen.
Look at those clouds ! I bet it’s going to rain.
I invited John to the party but I bet he won’t come.

modal verbs (3)

must and can

Must and can have no infinitive, no past and no future so:
we use to have to instead of MUST. We use to be able instead of CAN.
must can
to have to - infinitive to be able to - infinitive
had to - past was able to - past
will have to - future will be able to - future
would have to - conditional would be able to – conditional

Q. If you made a million pounds a year, would you have to pay a lot of tax?
Q. Did you have to fill in an application form before you started at this school?
Q. Would you be able to learn English if you didn’t go to a school?
Q. Was she able to speak English a year ago? - Ask.
Q. Can you swim?
Q. How long have you been able to swim?

Remember : COULD is also the past and conditional of CAN

eg. I could speak when I was five.
I was able to speak when I was five.

Q. Could you drive when you were 16?

Q. If you could live in another country, which would you choose?
Q. How long do you think you could live without eating?

adj. extra ________________________________________
adj. spare________________________________________
spare key/tyre__________________________________
spare sheets and blankets____________________

If you need any extra help, just call me.

Do you have a spare pen?

If something is extra, there is more of it than normal.

eg. The government is spending extra money on education this year.
If something is spare it is extra but we are not using it.
eg. I have a spare key for my house.

Q. How do students often make some extra money?

Q. Have you got a spare pen?
Q. Have you got a lot of spare time?
Q. If you had an exam next week, would you spend extra time studying?
Q. Is there a spare bedroom in your house?
Q. Do companies pay their workers extra money at Christmas in your country?

n. the attic / loft ________________________________________

n. the basement / cellar________________________________

Q. What do people keep in the basement of a house?

Q. Do you have an attic?
Q. Where do people keep spare furniture?

phr v. to find out____________________________

To find out is to get information, or get an answer to a question.

eg. We have found out who stole the milk.

Can you find out how many students are coming to the party, please?
They never found out that I was cheating.

Q. How can you find out what is on TV?

Q. How could you find out someone’s phone number?
Q. Find out how many students here:
a. have computers.
b. can drive.
c. are going out tonight.

to wish (1)
v. to wish + past simple

We use to wish when we want something very much but know that we probably
can’t have it.
When talking about the present we use the past tense after to wish.
eg. I wish I had a car. - I don’t have a car, but I would like one.
I wish I lived closer to the school.
I wish I could go to the party.

Q. Do you wish you had more:

a. money?
b. spare time?
Q. Do you wish you could:
a. speak English really well?
b. travel around the world?
Q. Make a sentence with the verb to wish.

NB. Like the second conditional, when we use the verb to be after ‘to wish’, we
often use were for all subjects.
eg. If I were rich, I would live in Hawaii. (Second Conditional)
I wish I were rich. (Wish + Past)

Q. Do you wish you were rich?

Q. Do you ever wish you were sitting on the beach instead of studying?
Q. When do people write ‘wish you were here’?

any of / none of/ a few of (countable nouns only)

some of / most of / all of

We use these words to say how much or how many of a particular group or thing
we are talking about.
eg. None of my friends can speak Italian, but a few of them can speak French.
I went to Greece on holiday. I spent most of the time on the beach, but some
of the time I went sight-seeing.
I said he could have some of my cake, but he has eaten all of it.

Q. Are all of your family from Ukraine?

Q. Can any of your family speak Welsh?
Q. Are any of the students at this school children?
Q. Do you know anyone who is in a bad mood most of the time?
Q. Are most of your friends men or women?
Q. Are any of them foreign/English?

Q. Who do you spend most of your time with?
Q. If you had a big bag of sweets, would you give some of them to your friends?
Q. Would you keep most of them for yourself?
Q. Are any of the taxi drivers in your country women?
Q. Are most of them men?
Q. Do all of the students have a book?

Tense review

You have learnt to use all these important tenses in English.

the present simple
the present continuous
the present perfect
the past simple
the past continuous
the future simple
to be going to
the conditional

Can you answer all these questions correctly?

Q. Do you speak English?

Q. Are you studying English?
Q. Have you ever studied another foreign language?
Q. When did you start studying at this school?
Q. Where were you living when you started studying English?
Q. What will you do when your lessons finish today?
Q. What book are you going to study next?
Q. Would you like to study book 1 again?
Q. How would you feel if I said that you had to study it

Date ______________________________
Homework 1 Name_____________________________

Read this dialogue between Pam, the manager, and her personal assistant, Becky.
Choose the best form for each space.
Becky: Hi, Pam.

Pam: Hello, Becky. Are we all ready for the big meeting tomorrow. It (is/is going to be) at

eleven in the morning, right?

Becky: Yes, in meeting room B.

Pam: (Are you working/do you work) on that today?

Becky: Yes, just a few things to finish off. Mr. Satasu rang to say he (isn't/won't be) there.

Pam: Oh, that's a shame. (I'll call/I'm going to call) Lyndsay in the sales department to see if

we (can/are going to) get a replacement for him.

Becky: There's one more problem, I'm afraid.

Pam: The caterers? Please don't tell me there (isn't/won't be) any food there.

Becky: No, that's fine. They (ring/are ringing) me at 5 today to confirm the order.

Pam: So what's the other problem.

Becky: I can't come!

Pam: Why not, Becky. I (need/am needing) you!

Becky: I told you my daughter (has/is having) her baby tomorrow.

Pam: Of course she is! I forgot completely!

Put these words into the correct order to make sentences with "used to". Don't
forget to include all punctuation!
1. neighborhood / changed / live / , / used / lot / this / a / . / in / to / but / I / it's


2. many / run / how / ? / were / you / when / you / kilometers / use / did / younger / to


3. used / through / be / to / there / . / the / town / came / a / train / that


4. so / at / university / exams / didn't / I / all / hard / failed / . / work / my / use / I / to


5. lot / car / used / ! / old / to / more / a / our / gas / use



6. with / afraid / sister / on / lights / . / the / because / used / sleep / my / to / was / she


7. do / ? / we / our / you / to / use / sure / shopping / are / here


8. make / computers / . / went / bankrupt / the / they / company / but / to / used



Homework 2 Date ______________________________


If you go shopping in any toy shop, you can see clearly the different games and toys
for boys and girls: there are a lot of pink princesses and dolls on one side of the shop for
girls; and dark-coloured cars, guns and soldiers for boys. Some bigger shops with toys may
even have a separate pink floor for girls and a blue floor for boys. In fact, it is difficult to
buy a toy for a girl that is not pink.
Some people think that a lot of pink is bad for girls. Also, Sue Palmer, author of
Toxic Childhood, admits that she is very worried about this. She believes that most girls
over the age of three are crazy about the colour. According to some psychologists, this
happens for two reasons. Firstly, because most companies offer too many products in pink.
But parents can be blamed too, as many think their little daughter looks cute in a pink
outfit. Sue Palmer says that girls at this age cannot make rational decisions, but the pink
can affect the choices and the decisions they will make in the future.
Some parents are concerned too – for example, Vanessa Holburn, thirty-two, who
has two girls under the age of four. Their bedrooms are a sea of pink and Vanessa is not
happy. ‘Pink says that you are soft and gentle. Blue says that you are strong and powerful. I
want my daughters to be strong and powerful. I’m worried that pink will not help them with
that,’ she says.
But not everyone thinks there’s something wrong with pink. Grayson Turner is a
father of three girls and he isn’t worried at all. ‘People forget that things change all the
time,’ he says. ‘My girls used to love pink when they were little, but as they get older, they
change.’ Turner explains that his twelve-year-old daughter never wears pink clothes
anymore. ‘This love of pink is just a fashion and all fashions change,’ he adds. ‘It’s only since
the 1940s that people have started dressing girls in pink – before that it was a colour for

According to the text, toys for boys

A are usually very similar to toys for girls.
B cost about the same as toys for girls.
C are as attractive as toys for girls.
D are usually very different from toys for girls.
2 Vanessa Holburn thinks that boys’ toys A should be soft and gentle.
B help boys become strong.
C aren’t good for three-year-olds.
D shouldn’t be blue.
3 According to Grayson Turner,
A parents should not worry so much about pink toys. B not all little girls love the colour
C pink has always been a popular colour.
D his girls now prefer the colour blue.

4 The writer wants to
A recommend a book by Sue Palmer.
B make girls stop playing with pink toys.
C present different opinions about the colour.
D explain why parents should worry about the color

Date ______________________________
Homework 3 Name_____________________________

Past Tense – Simple or progressive

1. It ______________________ (rain) when we __________________ (come) out of the shopping
2. It _______________________(happen) very quickly. The car ______________________ (come) out
of the side road and then the van __________________________ (drive) into the back of it.
3. I _________________________ (be) ill last week.
4. He ________________________ (break)his leg when he ________________________ (ski) .
5. I ______________________ (look)out of the window and saw that people __________________
(walk) in the park.
6. Emma ______________________ (pass) her exam a few weeks ago.
7. When we ______________________ (see) the spaceship we ___________________(stop) the car.
8. When ______________________ (you buy) the car? – I ______________________ (buy) it a few
years ago.
9. He ______________________ (sit) in the garden when a wasp ______________________(sting) him
in the nose.
10. Claire ______________________ (go) to Egypt last month.
11. She _____________________ (have) a beautiful dream when the alarm clock ________________
12. The car ______________________ (stop) at the lights.
13. We ______________________ (drive) home in the middle of the night when we ______________
(see) a flashing light.
14. Soft music ______________________ (play) when I ______________________ (go) into the room.
15. ______________________ (you buy) that bag while I ______________________ (look) after the
16. It ______________________ (be) peaceful and the birds ______________________ (sing).
17. Was __________________________________(Jimmy, already wait) for you when you
______________________ (get) there?
18. I ______________________ (ring) at about 3 o’clock yesterday, but you ______________________
(not pick) up the phone. – What ______________________ (you do) ? – I ______________________
(help) Dad in the garden so I probably ______________________ (not hear)it.
19. I ______________________ (lie) in the bath when the phone ______________________ (ring). It
______________________ (stop) after a few rings.
20. It ______________________ (be) cold when we ______________________ (leave) the house that

Choose the correct tense

Herbie loves trains ! He first __________________ (SEE) a train when he was five years old and
he __________________ (BE) absolutely fascinated. He __________________ (GO) to a different
train station every week and __________________ (WRITE) down the engine number of every
train he sees. He _____________________ (DO) this since he was seven. By the time he left
school he _____________________ (COLLECT) over 5000 different engine numbers from all over
the world.
At one time, while he ___________________ (STAND) at a station he ________________ (SEE)
something very strange. He __________________ (WAIT) for a train for an hour when he
suddenly __________________ (SEE) an old steam locomotive coming down the tracks. It
__________________ (NOT STOP) at the station and when it __________________ (PASS) Herbie
saw that all the passengers __________________ (WEAR) old-fashioned clothes.
He told the station manager about this, but the manager said that no steam locomotive
___________________ (PASS) through the station for years, and that the last one
__________________ (CRASH) , killing everyone on board.


Date ______________________________
Homework 4

Fill in the correct form of the PRESENT TENSE (simple and progressive)
Dear Editor!
I _____________________ (WRITE) this letter because it _____________________ (SEEM) to me that
far too many changes _____________________ (TAKE) place in my country these days, and, as a
result, we _____________________ (LOSE) our identity.
I _____________________ (LIVE) in a small town but even this town _____________________
(CHANGE) before my eyes. For example, town authorities _____________________ (BUILD) a
burger place where my favourite restaurant used to be. Our culture _____________________
(BELONG) to everybody, and I _____________________ (NOT UNDERSTAND) why the town
leaders _____________________ (NOT DO) to preserve it. They simply _____________________
In fact, I _____________________ (THINK) of starting an action group. I _____________________
(APPEAR) on a TV show on Friday evening to make people aware of how importance this
issue is. It’s time for us to start doing something before it _____________________ (GET) too

Past Tense – Simple or Progressive: Fill in the correct form

1. I _________________ Sue in town yesterday, but she _________________ me. She
_________________ the other way. (see, not see, look)
2. I _________________ Tom and Jane at the airport a few weeks ago. They _________________ to
Berlin and I _________________ to Madrid. We _______________a chat while we _________________
for our flights. (meet, go, go, have, wait)
3. I _________________ home yesterday when suddenly a man _________________ out into the
road in front of me. I _________________ quite fast but luckily I _________________ to stop in
time and_________________ him. (cycle, step, go, manage, not hit)
4. Jerry _________________ for me when I _________________ . (wait, arrive)
5. “What _________________ at this time yesterday”? – “I was asleep.” (you do)
6. “_________________ out last night?” – “No, I was too tired”. (you go)
7. “Was Carol at the party last night?” – “Yes she _________________ a really nice dress.” (wear)
8. How fast _________________ when the accident _________________ ? (you drive, happen)
9. John _________________ a photo of me while I ____________________ . (take, not look)
10. We _________________ in a very difficult position. We _________________ what to do. (be, not
11. I haven’t seen Alan for ages. When I last _________________ him, he _________________ to
find a job in Leeds (see, try)
12. I _________________ along the street when suddenly I _________________ footsteps behind
me. Somebody _________________ me. I was frightened and _________________ to run. (walk,
hear, follow, start)
13. When I _________________ young I _________________ to be a bus driver. (be, want)
14. While Mike _________________ TV Sheila _________________ a book. (watch, read)

15. She _________________ for the bus when I _________________ her yesterday. (wait, see)
16. On Sunday I _________________ for a walk and then I _________________ the museum. (go,
17. He _________________ lunch when the first guests _________________ . (prepare, arrive)
18. She _________________ when she suddenly _________________ a strange noise. (sleep, hear)
19. We _________________ on the lake when a terrible thunderstorm _________________ up.
(sail, come)
20. Some minutes later his friend _________________ to take him to the airport. (come)
21. While his friend _________________ the car, John _________________ about his holidays.
22. John _________________ a shower when the telephone _________________ . (have, ring)
23. When they _________________ at the airport, the plane ______________________ high above
their heads. (arrive, already fly)
24. They _________________ to the restaurant and _________________ a cup of coffee. (go, have)
25. While the football teams _________________ up, the fans _________________ their flags.
(warm, wave)


Date ______________________________

Homework 5 Name_____________________________

Write an essay
Topic - If I were president, I would...


v. to afford (to) WORD LIST
v. to pack/unpack phr v. to get on with
n. luggage (uncountable) adj. young
n. label adj. middle-aged
n. backpack adj. old
n. suitcase n. generation
v. to check n. tradition
n. customs adj. traditional
n. immigration adj. modern
n. flight = a journey by air adj. old-fashioned
phr v. to check in v. to be able (+ inf)
n. queue n. ability
v. to queue - queuing mod v. ought to = should
adj. patient / impatient n. event
n. flight attendant adj. regular
n. cabin adv. regularly
adj. tax-free v. to kick
n. perfume v. to throw (threw thrown)
n. spirits v. to hit (hit hit)
expr. to be likely to + inf n. racket (racquet)
expr. to be unlikely to + inf n. net
v. to allow v. to catch (caught caught)
n. bin n. an individual
n. rubbish (uncountable singular.) adj. individual
phr v. to throw something away n. team
v expr. to get rid of v. to practise
v. to waste n. practice
expr. a waste of time/money v. to improve
v. to recycle n. musician
n. wastepaper n. athlete
n. nature (uncountable) adj. professional
adj. natural v. to cheat (at a game)
n. the environment n. luck
n. pollution (uncountable) adj. lucky / unlucky
v. to pollute v. to gamble
v. to damage n. gambling
n. damage (uncountable) n. casino
v. to regret + gerund v. to bet (bet bet ) (on something)
phr v. to go out n. bet
v. to enjoy something adj. extra
v. to enjoy yourself adj. spare
n. night life n. the attic / loft
v. to invite n. the basement / cellar
n. guest phr v. to find out
n. host v. to wish + past simple

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